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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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Gearbox finally got to his room, and went through all his desks and toolboxes looking for his adjustable eyeglasses. "Not... anywhere!"

He trotted down the steps towards thickets room. "Maybe he'll know where they are."

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As soon as Thicket walked back to his desk he put the laptop on his desk and played some Asking Celestia (Asking Aexandria) "Does anypony Disagree with the song choice," he asked as he crumpled all the notes up and wiped off the board.

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"Thicket!" Gearbox raised his voice a bit. He poked his head in thickets room, them tiptoed over to thicket. "Do you know where my supplies went? i cant seem to find my eyeglass." He whispered, trying not to distrub the class anymore then he already was.

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"I'm pretty sure you left them on your desk," Thicket replied before he started handing out sweets. "I want everypony to get used to this," he said to his students.

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