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How seriously do you take ponies?


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I see stories about people who say this show saved their life, cured their depression, and other things I've never heard about a cartoon before.


I personally just treat it like any other show that I enjoy. It didn't do anything to me, except it easier to find funny/cute stuff online. It's a good show, but I suppose it didn't affect me in the way it has others.


Another thing I've noticed is that people can't seem to lighten up when ponies are involved. Someone says they don't like it and won't watch it, and people freak out. I was going to bring this up anyway, but that Howard Stern discussion made it even more relevant. Is this show such an important part of your being that you can't laugh at jokes made about it or its fans?


People also get mad when a confessed brony does something they find embarrassing. I could understand the Fremdschämen thing, but it's not you who's on the pedestal. I mean, anyone who meets you in person will totally know you're one of those dirty "bronies" the second they see you, right? Unless you're wearing a shirt with Fluttershy on it, they won't even bring it up. If they do, why is it so hard to explain who you are and why you like it? Why does a group have to fight for their image when we all can do it so much better individually?


What about you? Did ponies change your life, or are they just another cartoon?

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Well they sort of changed my life. Like I said in other posts I made, MLP is one of the things that lightens up my life. But aside from that, I just treat it like a cartoon. Except with a lot more support. :3

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The show challenges a lot of the social barriers that our society has placed on media. I.e 'girls watch these things, boys watch these different things, and if one gender watches a show for the other, society will look at you weirdly'. MLP: FiM is created by Lauren Faust, who, in her cartoon animation, has always made gender-neutral cartoons that anyone can enjoy. However, MLP:FiM challenges them more than her previous works, because until FIM, My Little Pony has been viewed as one of those absolute, truly 'girly girl' things that little girls and little girls only should be apart of. When you add this power the show has on top of the fact it's a brilliantly done cartoon in numerous aspects, it becomes easy to see that it can have large impacts, on the right person.


To me, it's mostly a brilliantly done cartoon that I'm obsessed with for it's characters, etc. But I also have a tinge of that 'it's making an impact on my life, too'. And for me, that impact is being more proud of my sentimental, soft side. As a guy, I'm very emotionally in-tuned with my feelings, and I love cute things. MLP has given me that window of opportunity to not only engage in that part of me freely through tons of fan media and the show itself, but to also embrace it with others who also love the show, and might feel similarly. This here is why 'Best Cute Pony Pictures' is a favorite topic of mine on the board ;)

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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If I have to be completely honest, I am more interested in the forum then the show nowadays. So I honestly don't care.

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well i take it a seriously as i would anyother good show watch it, watch it again, then wait forever for the next season fffffoooooooorrrrrreeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrr.


then again i am on a mlp forum so maybe i take it a bit more serious then i think

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Most of the T.V I watch is just whatever my family has on when I'm in the room. MLP is the only thing I actually go out of my way to watch. I'm a really big fan of it, but I'm not to the point where I would get a tattoo of Rainbow Dash's mark or anything like that. I like it to the point where I can try to get others to watch it and will enjoy drawing fan-art, but I'm not going to be going around calling people in real life "everypony" or things like that.


Put simply, I really really really like it, but it hasn't absolutely changed how I compose myself, although it has made a large impact on preventing me from falling into depression. Not only because it is a very bright and cheery show, but because I'm starting to develop newer and more popular interests than things I have grown out of.

Edited by shotoku
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At first it was just a great cartoon for me. But then I found the brony community. Everything is so joyful and peaceful here. And after I opened myself up about some problems I have lots of bronies came to my side, supported me and gave me advice. It's only been a couple of days, but I haven't been depressed at all since then. It doesn't sound much, but before I couldn't go one day without being depressed about something.


It really feels magical and I still can't understand how just a simple community could do something like this, but it did. It truly changed and saved my life.


I don't know if I can say that MLP saved my life though, sure the episodes make me happy and puts a smile on my face but it wasn't that who changed my life. It was the brony community. But without MLP there wouldn't be a brony community, so I guess that you can say that MLP saved my life.

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Let's just say, ponies softened me. I always used to care only for myself, and not really feel for others. I was a jerk in a way, but I was a nice jerk. I didn't walk around criticizing people on everything they did, but I just didn't really think about others, so to speak. I guess you can call it the "Whatever" phase.


And suddenly... ponies.


In all honesty, and this may sound a little cheesy, but ponies "taught" me to care. Yea, I know what your thinking, but yes, I learned to care from ponies. I am now an all-around nice guy, who actually knows how to communicate like a normal person does.


The show really does help me. My brother is leaving for military training next year, and I guaran-frickin-tee you, that ponies will do the job to lift me up. They are so cheerful, it just rubs off on me. Ponies are what keep me in a good mood all day. That being said, I (mostly) never argue with anybody.


I guess that is all I can pull out of my mouth right now.


(No, that's NOT what she said...)

Edited by Raspberry32
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I do find myself more accepting then before the show, perhaps I'm just getting older and care less.

Edited by Jubilee van Neikos
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I was very bitter and hateful towards pretty much everyone, and everything. Basically in a bad mood on a daily basis. Then I started watching the show, and my attitude towards life completely flipped around. I found the show and the community around the same time.... so I don't know if it was the show that helped me, or the community really. The community is here because of the show so it's all the same I guess.


Anyway, my improved outlook on life helped me get a big raise at work, and the epic fan made music inspired me to make my own.

If I didn't give the show a chance when I did, I would probably be an even more hateful person than I already was....


So yes, I tend to take ponies pretty seriously

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It's just another good cartoon for me. Not life-changing. I like it about as much as I like Invader Zim. I'm not obsessed with either cartoon, but it's a pleasure for me to watch re-runs of episodes.


Personally, I found it horrifically embarrassing that Howard Stern's crony found three people who openly admitting to "clopping." (They admitted this to a member of the media? AAAAHHHH!!!!!) *Shudder* It almost made me not want to call myself a Brony/Pegasister any more. (I'm female.) I'm sure the Stern crony also found a lot of people who don't clop and think clopping is weird, but of course they aren't going to mention them in a radio broadcast because THOSE PEOPLE are not interesting.

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The influence of the show has made me a little bit nicer and I do use references and relate things to ponies but nothing life changing really. Just 'cause it's my favorite cartoon right now doesn't mean it becomes like half my life.



If I have to be completely honest, I am more interested in the forum then the show nowadays. So I honestly don't care.



(joking by the way :3 )

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I can say that in the short time I have started openly accepting the fascination I have with this show, and its fanbase, multiple aspects of my life have improved dramatically. But no, I don't take anything about it too seriously, actually had a good laugh at the Howard Stern video. Just another thing in my life that makes me happy really!

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Not that seriously. Of course I like them and stuff, but it's not that important. The show has changed me a little bit, but I still see it as a really good cartoon.

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