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Your darkest fears

Johny Farenheit

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"Hey, you remember privacy? That thing people of old used to have."

I know it sounds stupid, but I really fear that. It's not that I'm hiding some terrible secret, it's just that I like my privacy. I want to have some degree of privacy wherever I am, and when it comes to my home and computer (or any data storage device) I expect and want complete privacy.


"Let's watch this person, the evidence suggests he is doing this very wrong thing." seems to be replaced by "Let's watch everyone to see if they do something wrong!". Possibility for police to scan trough mails, data, even your HDD and stick a camera to your window and all without any suspicion or a court order? We're all so fucked, and it's not even their final form.

If you'll allow me, here's a qoute from Cory Doctorow's book, Little Brother.

"There's something really liberating about having some corner of your life that's yours, that no one gets to see. It's a little like nudity or taking a dump. Everyone gets naked every once in a while. Everyone has to squat on the toilet. There's nothing shameful, deviant or weird about either of them. But what if [...] every time you went evacuate some solid waste, you'd have to do it in a glass room perched in the middle of Times Square and you'd be buck naked?

Even if you've got nothing wrong or weird with your body-and how many of us can say that?- you'd have to be pretty strange to like that idea. Most of us would run screaming. Most of us would hold it in until we explode.

It's not about doing something shameful. It's about doing something private. It's about your life belonging to you."


After thinking this over. I think I'll replace my fear of homicidal midgets with a fear of losing my control of my own life. I'm much more scared of that as my reality than falling off a building or being hunted...

Edited by TheBreech
  • Brohoof 1

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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hmmm... i wont post why unless someone asks because two are boring and one is a bit shocking


1: carebears


2: going to the bathroom alone


3: restaraunts with fishtanks


Going to the bathroom alone...? Do I even want to know how old you are? O_o


I have this thing where I'm terrified I'll forget what I say or stumble over my words. Recently I had to call to find a doctor. Right before I called a number I rehearsed what I said over and over again. It was hell. @_@


I have to constantly rehearse what I need to say. Even if it's just asking for a ride home... XD

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If you'll allow me, here's a qoute from Cory Doctorow's book, Little Brother.

"There's something really liberating about having some corner of your life that's yours, that no one gets to see. It's a little like nudity or taking a dump. Everyone gets naked every once in a while. Everyone has to squat on the toilet. There's nothing shameful, deviant or weird about either of them. But what if [...] every time you went evacuate some solid waste, you'd have to do it in a glass room perched in the middle of Times Square and you'd be buck naked?

Even if you've got nothing wrong or weird with your body-and how many of us can say that?- you'd have to be pretty strange to like that idea. Most of us would run screaming. Most of us would hold it in until we explode.

It's not about doing something shameful. It's about doing something private. It's about your life belonging to you."


After thinking this over. I think I'll replace my fear of homicidal midgets with a fear of losing my control of my own life. I'm much more scared of that as my reality than falling off a building or being hunted...

Well, that's pretty weird and very accurate analogy. I'm really interested where the path many governments took will lead to, but then again, I'd be happier if I didn't have to know.

...Also midgets? You fear midgets?


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I. I have a very bad irrational fear of wasps and bees and the like. Like, really bad.

II.The dark :(

III. I kinda have a fear of ants, or bugs in general, but not really. Seeing a person covered in bugs in a movie would give me nightmares though.

  • Brohoof 1

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Going to the bathroom alone...? Do I even want to know how old you are? O_o

i'm 14. its a bit of a hard topic to talk about. if its my one at home or at a friends place i dont mind, but i just cant do public ones on my own. thats the reason thats shocking, so i'm gonna keep that to myself for now

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Well, that's pretty weird and very accurate analogy. I'm really interested where the path many governments took will lead to, but then again, I'd be happier if I didn't have to know.

...Also midgets? You fear midgets?

Yeah, there are a lot of interesting (and strange) quotes in that book. I'd recomend it to someone like you.

Ignorance is bliss. There isn't a whole lot we can do about it do freaking out wont help.


As for the midgets part, again, homicidal midgets. I once saw part of a movie on tv about I'm guessing some people who found a leprechaun's gold and were being hunted by him over it (the little maniac freaked the hell out of me so I didn't watch much of it). Kinda like how Gandalf said hoobits could hide very well, it just goes with my thing about being hunted, it's easy for me to over look small things...

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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i'm 14. its a bit of a hard topic to talk about. if its my one at home or at a friends place i dont mind, but i just cant do public ones on my own. thats the reason thats shocking, so i'm gonna keep that to myself for now


That's okay xD I just thought it was an odd fear. I've never heard of it before. I'm sure there's plenty of valid reasons... people who don't knock... spiders and such, noises and whatnot. x.x Sorry about that. Dx

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That's okay xD I just thought it was an odd fear. I've never heard of it before. I'm sure there's plenty of valid reasons... people who don't knock... spiders and such, noises and whatnot. x.x Sorry about that. Dx

hahaha no its ok, everyone i know thinks its weird, but its not any of those reasons. its due to... past trauma. long story that one

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My Top Three Fears are..


ReAL LiFe ZoMbIES :o

Heights -_-

and This is Strange but SWimming in the Ocean...I'm sorry I just don't feel safe :blush:

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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1. Bugs/spiders - Even flies make me at least uncomfortable. Even when I know it can't hurt me it still scares the shit out of me.


2. Going deaf - If I can't have music to listen to (along with all of the other life saving things I need to listen to) I might as well be dead.


3. Suffocating/Drowning - It's the most desperate feeling in the world.


I'm actually not really afraid of death because I believe that death is nothingness. The human mind at this point can not grasp the idea of nothingness so I don't think dying would be so bad. I'm assuming my consciousness and memories will go so I won't have any regrets. I'll just be dead. That's it. Kaput.

  • Brohoof 1

Like music? Of course you do! Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/user/concertoldham


Rarity is best pony because she is refined, poised, strong and genuine all wrapped up in a beautiful package.




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You guys aren't gonna believe this . . .




Having friends in high school was the worst thing that ever happened to me, so outside of my best friend I'm gonna try to never have another friend again for the rest of my life, for my sanity's sake and to keep me from being a jerk to others.  I guess that's why I like Twilight so much.  When a big social life thrust itself upon her, her life improved massively.


The other two?


I really hate feeling confused in general.  Anytime I don't know what to do I feel very upset.  Or when there's multiple things I'm supposed to or not supposed to do but they're in conflict, I can't stand that.


On a simpler note, I'm scared of wasps.

I love you.

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My top 3 fears with #1 being my most feared of all.


#3: Heights

A very common fear, but I can't hide it. Sure, I'll go on roller coasters. But don't expect me to walk tight ropes, or anything of that nature.



#2: Smoke.

I cannot count the instances to where I was trapped in a building with smoke inside. One time my house burned down when I was 7; I will never forget my past experiences. Now, I always think that the building is on fire when there is smoke, and I get frightened. I avoid all areas inhabited by smoke.

Not just fire-related smoke, but cigarette smoke, too. I am allergic to cigarette smoke, and 2nd Hand Smoking destroyed my body; it destroyed my family, too. Friggin' cigarettes.



#1: Death.

You are reading the post of a man going through a mid-life crisis. I'm afraid of dying in a way that is not peaceful, or dying earlier than I should. It doesn't help that both my parents, my brother, and my two sisters are dead from accidents ranging from cars to guns to Cancer. In fact, my sister died 3 days ago due to Lung Cancer. I try not to think about death, but it's hard based on the fact that this is what I fear most.




RIP: Robert McArthur

RIP: Dylan McArthur

RIP: Brittany McArthur

RIP: Nicole McArthur

Edited by Greasy Old-Fart
  • Brohoof 1



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My "list" would have to be...


1.  Filth -- not as in "dust/dirt," but as in "septic tank rupture."


2.  Death.  Full disclosure here -- I'm agnostic, but the concepts of both a vengeful dvinity and/or nothingness really unsettle me.


3.  Spiders.  Seriously, **** spiders.




1. Winged Spiders. (bad nightmare)



...OK, new list.  1.  Flying spiders.  2.  Filth.  3.  Death.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

my top three fears


1 : loosing everyone i care about because of my own doing.

2 : being alone

3 : failing to become a better person.



  • Brohoof 1

DO things with a passion, or not at all and where ever you go, go with all of your heart!


Be soo happy, that when others look at you, they become happy too!


20% Cooler! - Rainbow Dash smile.png

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In order...


3. Heights, especially if there's no railing (or a short one) to prevent me from falling over.

2. Getting poor grades in university

1. Being turned down by my crush whenever I have one.

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  • 1 month later...

Fibromyalgia. When I was younger I had a morbid conversation with my now ex girlfriend about what I'd rather have - a condition that will kill me but give me enough time to say my goodbyes, or a disability that will leave me unable to live a normal life. I chose death. I ended up with the disability. Talk about Irony. Not knowing if there's ever going to be an effective treatment in my lifetime, let alone a cure, scares the hell out of me.


Spiders. They scare the hell out of me to the point that I suffer from panic attacks. As I pretty much live in my bedroom 24/7 I don't see them very often. But when I try to give up smoking I can guarantee that a big one will crawl over me in the middle of the night, driving me back to smoking as it's my way of coping with stress. 


Crowds of people. I suffer from social anxiety disorder and I'm prone to panic attacks. Thankfully I don't have to deal with it very often due to the Fibro.


I have Fibromyalgia... it makes life so hard and painful.... I'm bit worried it make force me to lose my job seeing as I've had to call in several times b/c the fibro pain got so bad I couldn't move or breath right quite a few times in the past couple months.. They started me on Savella....  see how it works.   My rheumatoidologist, or whatever she's called said she's surprised to see it this bad in someone my age...


1,  Never being able to ride again...   Fibro has made it so my friend can hardly ride... I'm so scared I'll never be able to ride now.


2,  IT (bio mother) and Jeremy (rapist) getting a-hold of me again


3,  Dead things... (not really of death itself but dead bodies... I flip out)


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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Steep Drops- This is the reason why I don't like to ride roller coasters.


Tight Spaces where I can't get out- If I am in an area like this, I will start panicking.


Rubber Duck- They have that demonic facial expression that says:


I will eat your soul! 


Thats some scary stuff, man.

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Being scrutinized for the questionable things I do on the internet, and the contents of my hard drive

2. Losing my job(s).

3. Not being able to support myself.

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My three fears are actually sayings I've had to hear during my time in Highschool. Let us feel them together.


1. "Get into groups


2. "Anon, answer this question I know you have no idea how while we sit and stair awkwardly for a few minutes"


3. "Get into groups"


Come thunder or lightning or spiders in the night, I might be able to handle it.

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3. Hurting someone I care about: I really can't stand it when I do things that hurt my friends. It always leaves me with a horrible feeling. I don't go out of my way when it comes to upsetting them with minor things... I'm quite the troll when I want to be, but on a level of betrayal... I just couldn't stand myself, and I fear giving into some base instinct that results in me throwing them under the bus.


2. Losing someone I care about: This happened far too often in my life when I was younger, and I'd rather not go through those feels for quite some time. 


1. Dying with an unexpressed / unfinished idea: My imagination is a crazy, overactive asshat. It needs to get things out in one way or another, and the thought of dying before those ideas have been shared absolutely terrifies the crap out of me. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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1.) Being discriminated.

I hate the thought of being discriminated, as a women, as a brony or anything else I'm a part of. Being 'seperated' from the crowd is a terrible possibility. I hate it.


2.) Failure.

Whenever I lose, I feel almost dead inside. I'm not a poor sport though, whenever I lose, I try to hide any hatred I have. I can't stand coming last in any competition. Whether it be; the cross-country, spelling tests, assessments...whatever.


3.) Cockroaches.

I fucking hate them. They're disgusting, revolting, putrid insects that deserve to be extinct. They serve us nothing good. All they do is   infest our homes, and buildings.



So yeah, those are my three fears.




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1. Being out in public, surrounded by people I don't know. I start to feel pretty nauseous when I'm packed into a train or bus with lots of strangers, or when standing in lines to buy things.


2. Spiders. Fuck those little motherfuckers.


3. Dying without ever having known love or affection.

  • Brohoof 2

Eh? Nandatte?

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3. Bugs. I don't want to get anywhere near them. They're gross, disgusting, vile, evil little creatures. I once had an issue with bed bugs, and it was horrifying.


2. Losing my loved ones. Been there done that more than once, and it's always tragic. sad.png


1. The possibility of a one world, authoritarian government police state. New World Order, the Illuminati, and all that government corruption stuff. Yeah, I went there. Conspiracy paranoia, or truth in reality, it's still a haunting thought either way.

Edited by Sugar Cube
  • Brohoof 1
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3: Non-rigid heights. I can stand being in a tall building perfectly well, but if there's not a solid structure between me and the ground, it's not for me. Airplanes are exceptions to this rule.


2: Alzheimer's / brain disease. My family's got a bit of a history with old-age brain disease, Alzheimer's in particular. I've seen the effects on several family members, and I'd like to avoid that at all costs. I definitively say that if no real treatment/ cure gets developed, I'd prefer not to live past the age of 80.


1: Tornadoes. This one's... a bit strange. Tornadoes act as a scapegoat for the true underlying fear, that of losing everything I hold dear without the power to stop it. I tend to become attached to things, which gives me a bit of a fear of destruction. To me, tornadoes represent the ultimate in warningless destruction potential. They can completely destroy something in a matter of seconds, which is a concept that terrifies me. I've never experienced one (luckily), and for the sake of my cardiac health, I hope I never do.


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