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I don't find a problem with it.. but some people take it way too far. See, I like a character who doesn't exist.. and I'm fine.. but I guess it's really different for every individual. 


So I don't have a problem with it, but if you plan to get into a relationship with people who actually exist (which I'm sure mostly everyone does.) then I would not recommend it... but I suppose you really can't help it.

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i think i have developed another attraction, i know this sounds weird, but im bisexuals so bleh, anyway, ive developed an attraction to sombra of all ponies, and in all honestly i kinda like it. 


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 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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It's quite natural to be attracted to a fictional character, simply because they have the personality of actual human beings, which is attractive. Just don't take it too far is all, but to answer your question, yes, it is okay to be attracted to, in your case, Fluttershy.




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I don't know, are you happy with the amount you are dating in real life? These girls have great personalities but they aren't real. The thing I hate the most about "nice guys" is that they fall in love with the "idea" of the girl they like, without really loving the girl for who she is, thus, why they never get her in the end. It's wrong to expect a girl to behave the way you want all the time, but it's fine for fiction and fantasy. I say this because when you apply the feelings you have for a fictional character to real people, you are placing unfair expectations on them. I get this vibe from every guy who says he likes Fluttershy (maybe unfair because I never discussed it with them, but comparing it to guys who like similar girls IRL...it's just messed up because she is on a pedestal and can do no wrong...so what happens when she does mess up? she's only human. Their friendship becomes false because they only see something they want to see, not the real her.) I also have this beef with Manic Pixie Dreamgirls in television and movies, the newest and a subtle form of sexism.


I mean, yes I have had my share of cartoon and fictional crushes, but also grew out of them once I couldn't get past the staticness of their characters. But I do feel like I have found true love in real life. Now another problem is, is this just "ew, funny feelings for this cartoon character, I think I have a crush" or is it something you pursue so much that it hurts the relationship you already have with a real special someone? Like you are less attracted to someone you really had a connection to at some point because this fiction is so much better? 


Those are really some worse case scenarios. I really believe that mostly, it's normal, weird, but not wrong, because you really can't control your feelings. But yes it is weird, and know what, deja vu is weird too. So are dreams. A lot of normal things are weird  ^_^


So here we go!

1) Character from the show maybe have many less flaws than actual humans but also have better ability of self-improvement.

You're saying that we shouldn't expect from ourselves and other anything what is a complete bullshit, and it's that what is wrong with humans. " Leave me alone cause I'm the way I am and I'm to lazy to improve" - if people really don't want to improve you can't make them but it's the wrong approach from the beginning.

See? Character from the show have better personalities and less flaws at the start and yet they strive for self-improvement... they're better than humans at every step.

2) At first I wouldn't date person that has many flaws and don't want to change it. I would check if she/he has flaws that would bug me and if she/he can get rid of them. ( Basic reason why I'm not looking for relationship, or believe that I will have one)

3) If everybody would make the best they can in their self-improvement a lot of humanity's problems would disappear.



I don't find a problem with it.. but some people take it way too far. See, I like a character who doesn't exist.. and I'm fine.. but I guess it's really different for every individual. 


So I don't have a problem with it, but if you plan to get into a relationship with people who actually exist (which I'm sure mostly everyone does.) then I would not recommend it... but I suppose you really can't help it.


You really think so or was it a typo? You mean like don't get into relationship while having crush on imaginary persona, cause you could hurt the real person right?

Edited by ShadowSong



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Woah I'm not saying that, I'm saying you ignore their flaws and their REAL personality because you favor the one you subconsciously made up for them. Which means you ignore things that may not even be flaws but just things that don't fit with their idea of them. Like this one girl I have in mind, on the outside and in first impressions, she basically is Fluttershy, and guys just fall in love with her, but then they completely don't get why she doesn't just love them because they aren't giving her things she really wants. This girl in reality is cutthroat and very ambitious but they imagine her as just giving up her career to cuddle. Being cutthroat (in her manner) is not wrong, but it doesn't fit in with their idea of a sweet, quiet nice sweetheart. She can be both things, but they ignore half of what makes her, herself, preferring a fiction or the "idea" of her instead. Actually, a cracked.com article states it better if I'm allowed to link- http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-girls-dont-seem-to-understand-about-nice-guys/ Check out #3 about Nice GUys and putting girls on pedestals.


That being said, I believe If you love someone you acknowledge their flaws and you work together to improve upon them. 

So here we go!

1) Character from the show maybe have many less flaws than actual humans but also have better ability of self-improvement.

You're saying that we shouldn't expect from ourselves and other anything what is a complete bullshit, and it's that what is wrong with humans. " Leave me alone cause I'm the way I am and I'm to lazy to improve" -

Edited by bunnybuzki
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Woah I'm not saying that, I'm saying you ignore their flaws and their REAL personality because you favor the one you subconsciously made up for them. Which means you ignore things that may not even be flaws but just things that don't fit with their idea of them. Like this one girl I have in mind, on the outside and in first impressions, she basically is Fluttershy, and guys just fall in love with her, but then they completely don't get why she doesn't just love them because they aren't giving her things she really wants. This girl in reality is cutthroat and very ambitious but they imagine her as just giving up her career to cuddle. Being cutthroat (in her manner) is not wrong, but it doesn't fit in with their idea of a sweet, quiet nice sweetheart. She can be both things, but they ignore half of what makes her, herself, preferring a fiction or the "idea" of her instead. Actually, a cracked.com article states it better if I'm allowed to link- http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-girls-dont-seem-to-understand-about-nice-guys/ Check out #3 about Nice GUys and putting girls on pedestals.


That being said, I believe If you love someone you acknowledge their flaws and you work together to improve upon them. 


Yeah living in relationship with impression of the girl that isn't just her, is wrong, but it has really nothing to do with the issue of crushes in ponies, does it? I mean everyone can misinterpret their partner's true nature, and it has nothing to do with it. The truth will finally reveal itself and the cover of illusion will disappear.


There are people that will easily get over the flaws of their partners, but there are also perfectionists that will strive to get a almost perfect partner...


And also there is difference in interpretation what is a flaw and what isn't, but as for many cases, it's pretty settled.

Uhm and also... lets say that guy is in love with the part of woman that represents Fluttershy, and pretty much only that part, skipping in recognizing other parts. If woman won't get what she want from that guy, due to the fact that he's misled, she'll dump him and everything will be well again cause if guy wants Fluttershy then this woman wasn't really for him, was she?


Also your version is more intelligible than that article ;)



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

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and guys just fall in love with her

>implying girls don't fall in love with her ;)



ignoooooooooooooooooooooooore thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis messaaaaaaage!

Edited by Lolnus



Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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>implying girls don't fall in love with her ;)



ignoooooooooooooooooooooooore thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis messaaaaaaage!

Lol well as for the human i was only friends with six males who had hopeless crushes on her. I dont know how many other hearts she broke. ;-)


>implying girls don't fall in love with her ;)



ignoooooooooooooooooooooooore thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis messaaaaaaage!

Lol well as for the human i was only friends with six males who had hopeless crushes on her. I dont know how many other hearts she broke. ;-)


Yeah living in relationship with impression of the girl that isn't just her, is wrong, but it has really nothing to do with the issue of crushes in ponies, does it? I mean everyone can misinterpret their partner's true nature, and it has nothing to do with it. The truth will finally reveal itself and the cover of illusion will disappear.


Uhm and also... lets say that guy is in love with the part of woman that represents Fluttershy, and pretty much only that part, skipping in recognizing other parts. If woman won't get what she want from that guy, due to the fact that he's misled, she'll dump him and everything will be well again cause if guy wants Fluttershy then this woman wasn't really for him, was she?


Also your version is more intelligible than that article ;)

thanks! I see your point. I brought it up because even in real life we get crushes on fictional charactets. So is it wrong to get a crush on a cartoon pony? Only if it is a habit that does in fact hurt your real life relationship loke the one you described. Yes, the girl dumps him and is better off, but does the guy dumped understand what he did wrong? I once dated a guy who made this mistake many times before and after me.


Lol. Just about everyone had a consenting opinion in this thread so I wanted to throw a monkey wrench in it to spark some deeper thought or conversation. Mission accomplished, I appreciated your response.

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So here we go!

1) Character from the show maybe have many less flaws than actual humans but also have better ability of self-improvement.

You're saying that we shouldn't expect from ourselves and other anything what is a complete bullshit, and it's that what is wrong with humans. " Leave me alone cause I'm the way I am and I'm to lazy to improve" - if people really don't want to improve you can't make them but it's the wrong approach from the beginning.

See? Character from the show have better personalities and less flaws at the start and yet they strive for self-improvement... they're better than humans at every step.

2) At first I wouldn't date person that has many flaws and don't want to change it. I would check if she/he has flaws that would bug me and if she/he can get rid of them. ( Basic reason why I'm not looking for relationship, or believe that I will have one)

3) If everybody would make the best they can in their self-improvement a lot of humanity's problems would disappear.




You really think so or was it a typo? You mean like don't get into relationship while having crush on imaginary persona, cause you could hurt the real person right?

Oh, yeah typo 0n0 sorry about that.. Yup, I mean don't get into a relationship with someone who is real while having an imaginary persona. I know some people get really hearbroken when that happens.. :c (from what I understand you mean by typo)

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  • 3 months later...

I know it's an old post, but I just saw this. I totally understand how you feel. I am in love with Raven from the Teen Titans cartoon (incidentally voiced by Tara Strong, who voices Twilight). I am in love with her in a completely non sexual way. After watching MLP, I also have a crush on Rainbow Dash. I also love Rainbow's part of the Gala song. I love how her voice cracks a bit. I don't know what your love life is like, but I notice people giving you the advice to find a girl who is like RD. My advice is to not try to find a girl like RD. No human can ever live up to the expectations that you project onto her. It wouldn't be fair to her for you to expect her to be a certain way. Also, since RD is a fictional character, she is perfect in your eyes. What that means is, she can be exactly what you want her to be. You fill in the gaps. She has no flaws. Everybody wants a lover/companion/friend who has no flaws. Romantic desires of fictional characters provide this. Real women will only break your heart. Love is nothing more than a trick that nature plays on us to reproduce. But the love of a cartoon character is pure. I totally understand how you don't feel lust for RD. You want to talk to her, be with her, laugh with her. You want to run through a sunny meadow and roll in the grass. You want to hold her in your arms as you stare at the sky, pondering the mysteries of life. Am I on the right track?


I don't know if you have or had or can have a real life girlfriend. In my case, I've never had a gf and I've accepted that I never will, and that's fine (I get to spend all my money on myself.) You might be happier without one, as I am. Either way, you should make RD part of your life. Accept it. Being in love with a cartoon character is very logical. Why would anybody want a flawed human, with all the baggage? Put her picture on your desktop and phone, like I do with Raven. Write fan fiction about you and her together. Write it for yourself and don't show anyone, if you don't want to. Take her with you, in your mind, everywhere. Think about her. It is healthy to be in love with a cartoon. You need someone to care about, someone to fill a void in your life. Nothing would be more logical than a character that you can mold to fit your needs. You love Rainbow Dash, and she loves you.

  • Brohoof 1

This is my new signature.

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  • 2 months later...

I think I have a minor crush on Luna. I don't really know if it'd be considered a crush, but to me, she is the best pony, and she is  adorable. Does that sound like one to you? I have no clue. :P

Edited by lazyfireball7889
  • Brohoof 2


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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Lol. Yeah, I also feel kind of protective over her. lulz like if she was real, and someone was to hurt her, it'd be the last day for them. lulz


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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It's not weird. I have feelings towards some ponies, people are always relating to fantasy characters and such. If anyone tells you that is weird, they are inconsiderate and ignorant.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Well no it's not that weird, lots of people have crushes on the characters in the show as well as others. I've had crushes on cartoon characters before including a phase about Rainbow Dash, so if your Luna crush is weird then I'm weird too :)

Edited by Asherdangerdash
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That's not werid at all. In fact, sometimes I have dreams where I can be with the ponies in Equestria. Plus, I kind of have a crush on this woman here:


She reminds me of Fluttershy in some ways, plus a nice rack. XD

  • Brohoof 3



Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3

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That is not "wierd" at all. 

In fact, I've felt the same things. I have several crushes from video games, and as well sometimes do have some feelings towards some of the MLP ponies, for me Big Mac in particular.

  • Brohoof 1


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@Menatally I've had dreams like before too with Luna. Like we just hang out on the edge and talk to each other about each others problems and such.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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You're supposed to be attracted to the characters of TV shows.


They are rather human-like, because they have personalities of their own, so it'd be natural to find one in particular appealing to a degree.


Just don't turn it into, "I live solely to love Luna" or "Luna is my life" or something like that. Just be sure to know she's not real, and you can't treat her like she's real.

  • Brohoof 3


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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Its not really that strange frankly, theres lots of people who like the characters on the show, its just because they have such human like personalities and such, so they're easy to get attached to I suppose, its a side effect of good writing I suppose.


Your not the only one for sure though.


I don't get attached to them though, since I know that they're not technically real.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Well, a lot of people have crushes on fictional characters, no matter what type of media the character is from. Personally, I have crushes on Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, Octavia, Discord  and Shining Armor. So, you're not the only one with crushes on a fictional character from My Little Pony.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Kiniro, I do realize that. I don't know. I just find her kind of pretty in a sense. One thing I will say, is I've had a dream where she kissed me on the cheek, and after that I woke up. But I've never had a NSFW dream.


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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Lol. Yeah, I also feel kind of protective over her. lulz like if she was real, and someone was to hurt her, it'd be the last day for them. lulz


Yeah, if anyone ever messed with Dashie, I'd snap their bucking neck (lol not really xD)



 If anyone tells you that is weird, they are inconsiderate and ignorant.


My real life non-brony friends think it's weird and gross that I have a crush on Rainbow Dash and they call it bestiality, it's really annoying.

  • Brohoof 1



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Yeah, I've been in the fictional crush area too... Jane from Tarzan was one of my first fictional crushes. It's alright to let your dreams run wild, hell, I've shaped entire worlds in my sleep before, filled with individual people, ponies or anything I wanted. However, it's important to remember to distinguish fantasy from reality.


Things go... weird when you don't, such as when you get that super realistic dream that never happened. I've had a few dreams where I imagined an entire day and I was super confused when I woke up. It felt like a Wednesday when it was Tuesday and I had conflicting thoughts of what people said / didnt say.

Edited by Celtore
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