GrooveBroove 681 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 (edited) Hopes and Prayers to all Edited June 6, 2019 by GrooveBroove Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaShy 168 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 That guy better rot in jail/be executed. Me and my friends almost saw that sceening at that theater last night, and it scares me to my core to know this happened only 45 minutes from my apartment. I really hope none of my friends went to that screening still, and my condolences to those who lost a loved one in this tragedy. I went to a different screening lats night, the one in lakewood and i live about 5 miles from this theator. My freinds freind and his gf were at this show and somehow got out safely. I am sickened by what happened it could have been me. This guy shouldnt rot in jail. His life is currently a complete waste of money, food, water, and oxygen. I think something like this should earn you a bullet to the head. Suck a sick fuck. I dont know if you heard that he told the cops he is TheJoker. fucking disgusting bastard 1 come play some xbox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Somebody 570 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 ...I'm watching this on CNN as we speak. I don't know what to make of this..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Bojangles 52 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 (edited) This is such a horrible tragedy. Though I also feel bad about being so shocked by this when things this horrible happen in 3rd world countries everyday, we just dont hear about them (Not AT ALL trying to down play the horror of this situation, it's just got me thinking is all). Sadly, it also makes me wary about going to see the movie now, for fear that there could potentially be copy cats. I know it's a stupid irrational fear, but I think I'm not the only one who has it. Also in my opinion, this man needs to die. I think there are special cases where the death penalty is totally acceptable, most if not all are for people like this man. Call me brutal or whatever, but would you even want to THINK about the possibility of this man being on the streets again? Edited July 21, 2012 by Mr. Bojangles Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Matt 250 July 21, 2012 Author Share July 21, 2012 (edited) Everypony, please remember to keep on topic. The topic is: information about the incident, condolences, personal stories etc. This topic is not about gun control, the death penalty, arguments and debates. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is sad to hear about such events as this one, and I can not imagine the pain and suffering felt from the eye witnesses and families. But through all of this evil, there is still some hope to be found. Praise God that more were not killed, because given the situation, it could have been worse. Granted, it could have never happened in the first place. But what is important now is what we do with the time that is given to us in the present. The present is all we are guaranteed, and the future is what we make of it. I pray that those effected will find an inner strength that will help them through this difficult time. I know everyone is shocked by this, as we all were on such events like September 11th, 2001. But we cannot forget the unity we had afterwords, because of the amazing human ability to cope and find hope in a dark world. I wish these things didn't happen, but they do. So let us join together in harmony and unison for these families, and get those effected back up on their feet. It won't be easy and there will be scars, but we can all be there for one another. I challenge everyone to come up with something positive to say to someone tomorrow! A little bit of love and kindness will go a very long way, and this is one of those times where we all need to stand together. Edited July 21, 2012 by Steel Matt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaShy 168 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 This qoute sums up my feeling on the whole issue. Thank you kevin smith you are and always will be my hero. KevinSmith@ThatKevinSmith Fuck you, James Holmes. Fuck your ego. Fuck your malevolence. Fuck your guns & tear gas. Fuck you and everyone like you, you piece of shit Just recently found these images on the net. It may seem silly to you, but these kinda things mean alot to some people The last one is my favorite 1 come play some xbox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jammo 986 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 You know when he's not stoned or drunk that Kevin Smith guy gas some very blunt in-your face wisdom. This killer is scum. Biologically he may be human, but you sacrifice your humanity when you indescrimately kill innocents. He seems to hold no personal bias against anyone there. This isn't rage, hatred or passion. This just seems like senseless killing with no rhyme or reason. Which is even worse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightive 458 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 (edited) This is just a sad story, that guy had no reason to do it. I mean from his point of you, most people that kill have a reason to kill. But he just walked into the movies and started shooting. What i'm about to say maybe distressing and PG so it's in the spoiler.. They released the infromation about a phone call someones phone inside. It was from a young women trying to make the call. She got shot in the leg where she started screaming in pain, the man next to her trys to carry on the phone call. While trying to stop the bleeding in the womens leg. The man was panicking, more gun shots are heard in the phone call. He screams because he got shot in the lower body. Theres a long pause, of him saying nothing then 'Oh my god, she's been shot in the head.' Also when the asked the man why did he do it he told the police he was the joker and he told them he stuff in his flat and they go to his flat to find it full of boob-trap and the like ^^ this is a very good video to tell you what happens Edited July 21, 2012 by Midnightive Ivy, Sakura, Pixie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 (edited) I heard about this story, and honestly It made me fucking sick to my stomach. First fricken Columbine now this all happening in Colorado. It's amazing how there are people out there that could do something like this. I mean how can a Sick fuck actually buy a ticket, walk into a Theater, then walk out an Exit door in the Theater prop it open walk back into the theater with Guns, Smoke Bombs and all that other shit, and just stand there a few minutes before shooting people etc.etc.? People thought this guy was just a part of the movie and I heard he just walked out of the exit door in the theater then came back. I will tell you this, you wait....... It won't be too much longer till those doors have some kind of alarm installed where you can't open them without the Alarm sounding. Frankly I am kind of amazed they don't all ready. I mean what really are they used for aside from letting your friends sneak in without paying? Frankly, I am amazed those doors don't all ready have alarms. I'll tell you this, this could be the thing that makes all theaters equip alarms on those doors. Sad, that people had to fucking die in order for this to happen. My heart goes out to everyone in Colorado who was affected by this. Fuck You James, You are a Miserable piece of shit, and I hope you die a Miserable gruesome death. Edited July 21, 2012 by RainbowDashFan Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LunaShy 168 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 You know when he's not stoned or drunk that Kevin Smith guy gas some very blunt in-your face wisdom. This killer is scum. Biologically he may be human, but you sacrifice your humanity when you indescrimately kill innocents. He seems to hold no personal bias against anyone there. This isn't rage, hatred or passion. This just seems like senseless killing with no rhyme or reason. Which is even worse. kevin smith doesnt drink and actually is quite clever when high. come play some xbox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John 793 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') ..........................'...../ ..........''............. _.·´ ..........................( .............................. This is what I think about humanity... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainbow dash22 29 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 That's so sad! We need pay back |:| It's just terrible!! well I guess they will live in heaven. I'm pretty sure they will be happy there.. I don't like the post above me ... It just mean........................................................................... This is just a sad story, that guy had no reason to do it. I mean from his point of you, most people that kill have a reason to kill. But he just walked into the movies and started shooting. What i'm about to say maybe distressing and PG so it's in the spoiler.. They released the infromation about a phone call someones phone inside. It was from a young women trying to make the call. She got shot in the leg where she started screaming in pain, the man next to her trys to carry on the phone call. While trying to stop the bleeding in the womens leg. The man was panicking, more gun shots are heard in the phone call. He screams because he got shot in the lower body. Theres a long pause, of him saying nothing then 'Oh my god, she's been shot in the head.' Also when the asked the man why did he do it he told the police he was the joker and he told them he stuff in his flat and they go to his flat to find it full of boob-trap and the like ^^ this is a very good video to tell you what happens two things that's soooooo sad and is that the tartis in the back round?!? I should warn my friend! She's moving to Colorado.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 That's sad. Now you can't even go to the movie theaters without having to worry about this kind of thing happening! D: My cousin just moved to Colorado, and apparently this would have been the movie theater he would have gone to if he had decided to see the movie. I'm glad he didn't go. o.O Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
None42069 520 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 I just saw something on msn news. A girl got shielded by her boyfriend in a heroic sacrifice. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elric 42 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 It truly is a tragic story. 12 people dead just because they went to a movie at the wrong place at the wrong time. I actually live in the area that it happened, and if I hadn't decided not to go see the midnight premiere... I am not sure if I would be able to discuss this today. Also, I am going to address the jokes that have come out of this. I have seen jokes about this on other forums and even on Facebook I told people about this on another forum and one person said "Why didin't Batman save them?" I don't care in what context it is, or how funny someone might think it is but making a joke out of this kind of stuff is incredibly disrespectful to the people who died in that movie theater. Concerning the gunmen, he must have been planning this forever. Apparently he planted a bomb in his apartment as well. At least that is what he has told police. Also, he used tear gas in the movie theater. I assume you can only get tear gas illegally. The guy is crazy, and his motives are not discovered yet. This has brought up the discussion on if we should ban guns or not. I say no for a reason. That reason is that if at least one person had himself armed in that movie theater, he could have saved so many peoples lives. I do think there should be something that makes it more difficult to obtain a gun though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jammo 986 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 My biggest concern for American gun regulation is his AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle. Most sources I've seen say all his gear was bought legally. I get shotguns and handguns having legal methods, but an assault rifle? They are designed for killing as many things as possible. If people get them for hunting I think it's fire rate is too fast for hunting deer. Kind of excessive. There is a problem when people can buy weapons of that caliber with no strict regulation. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null1 606 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 My biggest concern for American gun regulation is his AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle. Most sources I've seen say all his gear was bought legally. I get shotguns and handguns having legal methods, but an assault rifle? They are designed for killing as many things as possible. If people get them for hunting I think it's fire rate is too fast for hunting deer. Kind of excessive. There is a problem when people can buy weapons of that caliber with no strict regulation. Someone can purchase a simple Mini-14 and do the exact same thing with the AR-15. Only difference is the Mini-14 doesn't have that more dangerous 'look' of the AR-15. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derpy Dash 233 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 This is so sad... Something that I saw on twitter that I completely agree with is that the guy who plays Batman should dress up as him and go to visit the injured kids in the hospital, to show that there are heroes in the world, not just villians Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null1 606 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 This is so sad... Something that I saw on twitter that I completely agree with is that the guy who plays Batman should dress up as him and go to visit the injured kids in the hospital, to show that there are heroes in the world, not just villians It's unlikely that will happen, unless a lot of people lean on him. But if Bale wants to keep a good public image, he'll visit them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Satsuki Kiryuin 1,155 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 I heard this yesterday and it just shattered my heart into hundreds of pieces. This was so sad to hear, I hope that these incidents don't happen in the future, I can't imagine anybody having to go through this. I hope the suspect gets what he deserves. ~Felicity~ @OtarineMusic | Otty's Facebook | Otty's Youtube | Otty's Soundcloud | Otty's Bandcamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 I was actually just about to post a status update. My heart goes out to every victim's family. This was a soulless and awful thing to do and I sincerely hope that the culprit is caught and given a just punishment for his sick actions. The world is a horrible place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3005 332 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 Fucking psychopath. >.> Then again, the fact that he identified himself as The Joker upon arrest and had had his hair dyed, I suppose movies are to blame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Brick 37 July 21, 2012 Share July 21, 2012 Oh my goodness...What a sad, horrifying story. Good thing the police have caught the criminal instantly. T w i l i g h t S p a r k l e i s B E S T P O N Y ! ! ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jammo 986 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 Fucking psychopath. >.> Then again, the fact that he identified himself as The Joker upon arrest and had had his hair dyed, I suppose movies are to blame. You being sarcastic? I'm actually glad people aren't blaming the movies on the news. An unstable man like this would find a reason to kill, Batman or no Batman I'm pretty sure you're joking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3005 332 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 You being sarcastic? I'm actually glad people aren't blaming the movies on the news. An unstable man like this would find a reason to kill, Batman or no Batman I'm pretty sure you're joking. Um... no. o.o That's who he identified himself as upon arrest, so I think it can easily be assumed that "The Dark Knight" is where he drew part of his inspiration for the shooting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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