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Language exchange!


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I'm known around these parts as Zweiterversuch (For Germans a common username in many forums. For people from other countries a real challenge when it comes to pronunciation.)


I have been present in some sections of this forums: Octavia's hall, Sugarcube corner...etc.


I've started silly topics like the one in which you create your own MLP related yu-gi-oh cards or the one in which I was looking for people to publish a comic among others.


This time I've come here with something a little more serious in mind.


I'm a native Spanish speaker but I can talk German, a little bit of Japanese and a little bit of English.

To talk at least 6 or more different languages fluently has always been one of my goals in my life.

Unfortunately and as anyone who has learned another language, it is way hard to learn a language when all you do is repeat something from a book and you don't really have anyone there to correct you in case you make a mistake.


That's why I'm looking for someone who shares the same goal with me (or who for some reason must practice Spanish, German or Japanese) to do a language exchange. So that together we might improve our skills and be a step closer to our dreams.


I'm looking for people who are, Italian, English, Japanese or German native speakers. (I'm also trying to learn French and Portuguese but right now I can't even talk trash in those languages.)


For people who aren't familiar with Language exchanges, here a small description of how it goes:


1.)We agree to "meet" online once or twice a week using Skype (No video conversation, in case you want to keep your real identity unknown.)


1.1)In these "dates" we'd try to talk as much as possible or do an activity that requires us to talk with each other (What we talk about is not so important.)


These "dates" are commonly of 2 hours each. 1 hour for each language.

Or they are 1 "date" per language (In case we watch a movie or something).



To give you an example I'll tell you what I've done so far in these language exchanges so that you might have an idea of what we could do:


-Watch a movie online together.


-Watch anime online together.


-Draw something and give each other advice or talk about what happened in our lives.


- Play an online game together. (Yu-gi-oh or something else. No mmorpg's though. I've a serious addiction to gaming and I'm currently trying to overcome it. I mean it. It can ruin your life if you are not careful. I'm not trying to say that gaming is bad, but everything in excess is bad.)


- Check each other's homeworks (I kid you not. I've done this. I'm bad at math though. Not because I'm bad at it but because I don't know how to explain things in other languages.)


We could also send each other letters ( be mail buddies) so that we can also practice the written word of the language we'd be trying to learn. (Only two letters per week tops. It has happened to me before that I was overwhelmed by twelve letters a week from a previous partner I had.)


As a language exchange partner I could help you with your Spanish, be it its pronunciation or its grammar.

I could talk with you in German or even Japanese so that you might practice. (I can't help you in the pronunciation and grammar of these languages since I'm not a native speaker.)



Also I must be clear on some things:


I'm a 23 years old male.


My hobbies are drawing, cooking, watch anime and movies, video games (mostly of the play station 1, super nintendo, nintendo 64 and NES.), languages, mangas, animation and voice acting (my voice sucks though).


Interested people don't have to tell me anything about themselves. I'm not looking for people of a certain gender either.

I do prefer that the ones interested in the language exchange are older than 15.

It isn't like I discriminate children or anything, but as I said before this is serious business.

I really want to improve my skills.



Well, thank you for reading through all of this.




If you're really interested in knowing how good I am in each language, I guess I could put up some recording for you to hear.


This is also 1 of my hobbies:




No, it is not bobbing my head.

Edited by Zweiterversuch

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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when I read no MMOs I :( a little inside

I do like the idea that you're proposing though ;)

I just think that an MMO would be a good way to get chat going. Being that there is pretty much no way to not have something to talk about :)


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Do you have an interest in Hebrew? I always wanted to learn Spanish and I'm a native Hebrew speaker who can speak English fluently. It's okay if you don't want to, I'll contact someone else if you decline.

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Do you have an interest in Hebrew? I always wanted to learn Spanish and I'm a native Hebrew speaker who can speak English fluently. It's okay if you don't want to, I'll contact someone else if you decline.




Sorry, Hebrew sounds like a really interesting language and all, but I'd prefer to start with something a little easier for me. I do need someone I could practice my English pronunciation with so I'd be very happy if we could do a language exchange.


If you are A-OK with it, I'll send you a PM to agree on a time to meet.


when I read no MMOs I :( a little inside

I do like the idea that you're proposing though ;)

I just think that an MMO would be a good way to get chat going. Being that there is pretty much no way to not have something to talk about :)


Mmm....you do have a point. Back in the day when I was a Warcraft junkie, I talked a lot with the other people I was questing....

I guess we could play some MMOs, but please no Warcraft or Starcraft....preferably free online mmo's.


If you're A-OK with that, I'll send you a PM so that we can agree on a time to meet.

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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Sorry, Hebrew sounds like a really interesting language and all, but I'd prefer to start with something a little easier for me. I do need someone I could practice my English pronunciation with so I'd be very happy if we could do a language exchange.


If you are A-OK with it, I'll send you a PM to agree on a time to meet.


Well, I'd be happy to help, but I think you might want a native speaker... (I said I speak fluent English so you'd know we could communicate :P)
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I have that same goal... though I must admit that Ive really Slacked on it this last year. Though I am still dead set on learning Japanese and french. maybe meeting up with someone trying to learn japanese wouldn't be so bad, I could use the practice being that I lost my study notebook and the only thing I remember how to say is Watashi Nihon hanasu


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I have that same goal... though I must admit that Ive really Slacked on it this last year. Though I am still dead set on learning Japanese and french. maybe meeting up with someone trying to learn japanese wouldn't be so bad, I could use the practice being that I lost my study notebook and the only thing I remember how to say is Watashi Nihon hanasu



So....are you interested?

I'd help you practice Japanese and for that you'd help me with.....English?

  • Brohoof 1

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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So....are you interested?

I'd help you practice Japanese and for that you'd help me with.....English?


sure I think we could help eachother out.. we will have to set a time where we can talk, because now I am in a Role Play


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As much as I'd like to take part in it, I just can't. I don't have that much free time, that I'd be able to take a session.

And a session has to be somewhat long enough to learn something from it.


But, if you can't find anyone for german, I might help you out at problems you can't get past for any reason.


I'm known around these parts as Zweiterversuch (For Germans a common username in many forums. For people from other countries a real challenge when it comes to pronunciation.)


Propellerflugzeug. Or the overkill; Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid.


In wie weit bist du denn der deutschen Sprache mächtig?

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As much as I'd like to take part in it, I just can't. I don't have that much free time, that I'd be able to take a session.

And a session has to be somewhat long enough to learn something from it.


But, if you can't find anyone for german, I might help you out at problems you can't get past for any reason.




Propellerflugzeug. Or the overkill; Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid.


In wie weit bist du denn der deutschen Sprache mächtig?



Sehr weit mein Lieber (hoffentlich kann ich so zu dir sagen).

Ich habe in Deutschland sechs Jahre gewohnt and Ich habe dort studiert.

Leider musste ich zu meinem Heimatland zurückkehren, als ich fertig mit dem Studium war.


Ich will nicht auf diesem Niveau stehenbleiben, sondern besser werden und irgendwann mit einem Muttersprachler verwechselt werden.


Übrigens, ich konnte niemals diesen Zungenbrecher sagen.

Meine Zunge ist damals fast explodiert, als ich versucht habe.

Edited by Zweiterversuch

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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This sounds very interesting, exchanging languages seems a very interesting concept for me.


Unfortunately, I speak none of the languages you are looking for, although I could always teach you Finnish. :P But anyway, since my Swedish is, lacking to say the least learning it through a language exchange would be nice. :)

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I could probably start you on French. I'm learning Spanish right now and I plan on learning German too :)


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Ooooo this is exactly what ive been looking for! I'm a native english speaker, and ive been trying to do something like this, but never had to oprotunity to.


Nice. I'd love to have a more people to talk with. Which language are you interested in?

German? Spanish? Japanese? (I can only help you with grammar and proper pronunciation in Spanish though.)



I could probably start you on French. I'm learning Spanish right now and I plan on learning German too :)


Whenever you start to learn German, send me a PM. I'll help you practice. I'll keep you in mind when I start to learn french (French is way too hard, so I'm keeping it for the last.)


This sounds very interesting, exchanging languages seems a very interesting concept for me.


Unfortunately, I speak none of the languages you are looking for, although I could always teach you Finnish. :P But anyway, since my Swedish is, lacking to say the least learning it through a language exchange would be nice. :)


Why don't you also start a language exchange thread for yourself? I bet there are a lot of people interested in learning Finnish.

  • Brohoof 1

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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Well, it really is interesting. I like language in general. I was taught english, french and spanish back in my school days.

Too bad I discovered my fable for language many years after I had graduaded. At that time I already had forgotten how to speak french and spanish, since I didn't had to use them at all.


It really is fascinating to speak with someone about one's nativ language.


Sehr weit mein Lieber (hoffentlich kann ich so zu dir sagen).

Ich habe in Deutschland sechs Jahre gewohnt and Ich habe dort studiert.

Leider musste ich zu meinem Heimatland zurückkehren, als ich fertig mit dem Studium war.


Ich will nicht auf diesem Niveau stehenbleiben, sondern besser werden und irgendwann mit einem Muttersprachler verwechselt werden.


Übrigens, ich konnte niemals diesen Zungenbrecher sagen.

Meine Zunge ist damals fast explodiert, als ich versucht habe.


Ein paar kleine Fehler sind noch da, aber nicht so schlimm wie der Durchschnitt unserer und der jüngeren Generation. :>


Neben der Grammatik allgemein, wirst du wohl auch sehr viel Mühe mit der Rechtschreibung gehabt haben oder? Als du damals nach Deutschland gekommen bist, waren wir ja gerade wieder dabei unsere Rechtschreibreform auf den Kopf zu stellen.


So kamen wir von der alten Rechtschreibung nur Neuen und dann wieder zur alten neuen Rechtschreibung..


Und wie sieht es umgangssprachlichen Regionen wie dem Internet aus? "Kannste damit wat anfangen?"


Meine Zunge ist damals fast explodiert, als ich versucht habe.

als ich es versucht habe. ;)


Leider musste ich zu meinem Heimatland zurückkehren

Leider musste ich in mein Heimatland zurückkehren


Ich habe in Deutschland sechs Jahre gewohnt and Ich habe dort studiert.

... gewohnt und ich habe dort studiert.


Keine Sorge, ich erkenne sofort, dass es ein Wechselfehler ist, der durch das hin und her zwischen Deutsch und Englisch passiert ist. Kommt bei mir auch gern vor. :>


Sehr weit mein Lieber (hoffentlich kann ich so zu dir sagen).

Absolut. Sagen wir ja gern. :>


Kann aber auch teils als etwas gehässig empfunden werden. Meist, wenn man sich gegenseitig nicht ab kann.

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I am a native Spanish speaker too, and almost all the English i know is thanks to Pokemon, online gaming and I guess because it's easier than Spanish.


I don't know any other languages haha. And I would offer my Spanish to teach any of you guys that would like to learn, but god damn graphic design recuperation courses, I failed 2 classes and now I am busy as crap. (Never too busy for games though)

Signature goes here

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It's sad cause I'm a native spanish speaker, but I can't even type or write in spanish without making an error, I can speak it well though, and I even talk pretty fast xD


It only took me about a year to learn English though xD

...........and I would like to learn more languages xD




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i'm also a native spanish speaker, and my number 1 priority is to fully learn english, it's frustrating when I find myself using the same words over and over again since I don't speak english with anypony in RL, I also would like to learn japanese, portuguese, french and german as a plus. If anypony is interested in learning spanish, I can help ...we should do all a group session, that would be fun :lol:


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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This tread is getting very interesting. I didn't know so many people were interested in learning other languages. I think there should be a global tread about language exchanges. Since I want to be a translator later, I'd be happy to participate in this kind of activity :)

Edited by notdog1996


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  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
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  • You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%)
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Well, it really is interesting. I like language in general. I was taught english, french and spanish back in my school days.

Too bad I discovered my fable for language many years after I had graduaded. At that time I already had forgotten how to speak french and spanish, since I didn't had to use them at all.


It really is fascinating to speak with someone about one's nativ language.



Meine Güte....kammen da so viele Fehler vor?

Ich dachte, ich hätte alles korrigiert. Anscheinend habe ich alles vergessen und das....macht mir Sorgen.

Hoffentlich kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in der Zukunft zählen.

Spike and rarity?Deerpy hooves and dr whooves?Discord and Celestia? Fridge yeah!

Go here to read my fanfic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23346-windgale-last-subordinate-of-discord-i-changed-the-name/

If you want to see the art I made for it: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23426-art-for-my-fanfic/

Go here if you want to see my MLP related art: http://mlpforums.com/topic/23012-fan-artkindameh/

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Meine Güte....kammen da so viele Fehler vor?

Ich dachte, ich hätte alles korrigiert. Anscheinend habe ich alles vergessen und das....macht mir Sorgen.

Hoffentlich kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in der Zukunft zählen.


Natürlich helfe ich gern. Nur werde ich meist am Wochenende erst Zeit haben, da in zwei Wochen die Abendschule wieder los geht und ich unter der Woche absolut keine Zeit habe. Arbeit, Abendschule, ehrenamtliche Arbeit, Hobbies... und dann noch einige Projekte an denen ich nur am Wochenende arbeiten kann. <.<


Oh und es ist "kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in der Zukunft rechnen"


Kann ich mit dir rechnen.

Kann ich auf dich zählen.


Und wie es auch im Englischen ist, lässt man die Artikel teils weg.


"Hoffentlich kann ich mit deiner Hilfe in Zukunft rechnen."

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