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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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  • Humanity doesn't suck, and the future is bright.

Politicians are human beings, not cardboard cutouts of evvillll.

Symbolism is what you make of it. 

Fashion is NOT a shallow pursuit, and is just as valid of an art as painting or music.

Not all new stuff sucks and not all old stuff is better.

The newest generation is no worse than any of the others.

Season 1 was overall a rather lame season of MLP, with a few fantastic episodes.

Celestia is best princess.

Mainstream does not equal bad.

Animation is better than live action

Idealism is not stupid

Neither is optimism

ADD is real and is not fun to have, does not boost your creativity, and overall makes you just really pissed at yourself because you can't concentrate on things that are fun and that you want to concentrate on

Reading about actual battles is war is boring. Diplomacy is way more fun.

Loony tunes is only mildly amusing

  • Brohoof 6

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Magic Duel was not that great. It was gimmicky and poorly structured and it left me feeling numb, something no episode has done before (or since).


I have a problem with people who travel to another country and intend to spend the rest of their lives there, but don't even bother to learn the country's language. If I had to go live in Japan, you can be damn sure I would learn a lot more Japanese than "sake" and "sayonara."


It troubles me that some people hesitate to call themselves bronies because they're afraid others will identify them with something about the community they don't like. Does it really matter what they think? It shouldn't be about the fandom. In fact, it isn't about the fandom. All the word "brony" means is that you're a teenager or older who's a fan of My Little Pony.

  • Brohoof 4

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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The issue here is you would have to get everyone agree on, and overhaul pretty much the entire standard US pricing and sales tax system to phase out pennies. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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  • Humanity doesn't suck, and the future is bright.
  • Politicians are human beings, not cardboard cutouts of evvillll.
  • Symbolism is what you make of it. 
  • Fashion is NOT a shallow pursuit, and is just as valid of an art as painting or music.
  • Not all new stuff sucks and not all old stuff is better.
  • The newest generation is no worse than any of the others.
  • Season 1 was overall a rather lame season of MLP, with a few fantastic episodes.
  • Celestia is best princess.
  • Mainstream does not equal bad.
  • Animation is better than live action
  • Idealism is not stupid
  • Neither is optimism
  • ADD is real and is not fun to have, does not boost your creativity, and overall makes you just really pissed at yourself because you can't concentrate on things that are fun and that you want to concentrate on
  • Reading about actual battles is war is boring. Diplomacy is way more fun.
  • Loony tunes is only mildly amusing

Taking out:

1. Politicians are human beings, not cardboard cutouts of evvillll

2. Fashion is NOT a shallow pursuit, and is just as valid of an art as painting or music.

3. Celestia is best princess.


and I'm pretty much agreeing with everything


1. Yes they are. They are mostly blind to country and people needs and most of them live still in 19th and 20th centuries ( at least in my country) :(  It harms the society so badly. Even if they want to do good they won't...

2. I don't like it, because people who follow it don't consider if they like what they are wearing they just wearing it because they want to be fashionable. It's pointless. With art and music it's different, because they don't tell you what to watch and what to listen to and when.

3. I like Celestia and Luna equally ;)


And I like your optimistic and cheerful attitude :)

  • Brohoof 1



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

Hey, why won't you check out my YouTube channel Right Here?


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--The US Constitution needs to be drastically revised to incorporate everything that the Warren (and some of the Burger) Court did for individual rights clearly so conservatives can't complain anymore.   -_-

--The concept of federalism is largely outdated and those who argue otherwise lack imagination for what could be a more efficient and freer society.

--People, on the whole, complain too much.

--Season Three has, for the most part, lost the show's sense of humor and plot development.

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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In MTG I think Mill decks are Viable.


I find nearly all condiments on food nasty, (ketchup mustard etc)


I think weed does more good than bad. (When in its most natural state and not altered and f'ed with....and no i don't smoke it nor do i wanna)

  • Brohoof 1
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I hate Homestuck

I think Morrowind was better than Oblivion, and Oblivion was better than Skyrim.

World of Warcraft is boring as hell to me

Team Fortress 2 is a decent game, but I don't like it because it's broken and glitchy as hell, plus, valve feels the need to add hats and weapons with every update to keep the players interested.

The CoD games are fun, but the community is full of mentally deficient 12 year olds.

Minecraft is insanely addicting and there's a fairly large amount of possibilities with this game, but it's not worth buying for the price it has.

BFBC2 is better than BF3. (Improved graphics, physics, and mechanics =/= an improved overall game.)

Applejack and Rarity are amongst my 3 favorite ponies

I have a few more, but I'm too lazy to think of them.

  • Brohoof 2

"Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'"

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- I think Youtubers (Not the ones that post content, the ones that just comment on videos) are the scum of the internet. 


- I dislike people who use the word hate so loosely. Most of you in this thread have no idea how powerful hate is or just don't care. 


- I think rap music is a waste of time and requires no education to do. 


- Even though I'm a brony and always will be I think bronies are just as bad as trolls on the internet. Most bronies don't understand when they're taking the love they have for My Little Pony to an unhealthy extreme.  <_<


- People who don't know how or don't try to socialize with me when I try to start a conversation anger me. 


- Constant weakness angers me. Even though I like Fluttershy her cowardly personality can get ponies killed if MLP wasn't directed toward a young audience. It's one thing to be terrified but to do it constantly is weak and pathetic. Despite all that I have a soft spot for the weak and go out of my way to help them.


- I dislike people who post videos on youtube of themselves complaining for seven minutes. It's pathetic because usually what's being said in the video has no set goal and revolves around hate. 


- I dislike folks who butcher the English language. Words are beautiful and powerful so learn how to spell please. 


- I don't consider most Dubstep to be music. 


- I dislike anything mainstream and dislike mainstream people.


- I dislike people who are easily offended.

Every single one of those opinions are popular opinions.


I don't like it when this thread becomes a complaint place where people just say "I hate this this this".

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Every single one of those opinions are popular opinions.



No need to be a jerk. If you don't like what I posted because they are popular or unpopular just ignore it. 


Popular opinions or not I wrote what was on my mind. Your opinion of my opinions means nothing to me. 

Edited by Mighty E.
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Cats are cute, but so are dogs. Dogs and cats are both great, and the world should just accept that not everyone is the same as them. We should love and tolerate each other, instead of hating cat owners or dog owners.

  • Brohoof 3

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I'm one of those people who'll get into a fandom for a slash pairing.


I actually think Twilight has some good plot elements and a halfway decent storyline. All it needs to do is strip the the fairytale romance bullcrap and make it a little more gritty and real.


I love Harry Potter, but that woman rushed through the last few books.


Sometimes the movie is better than the book.

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In all honesty.... seeing that a lot of people here do not like Skylanders for some reason I am just going to say that I think it looks like an interesting game and I am really wanting to try it out one day


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I actually enjoyed Sonic Unleashed. The level design was good, the soundtrack was good, and it's the only new-gen sonic game that I've played and have actually completed.



"Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'"

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I find nothing entertaining about bubble wrap. I think cheese tastes disgusting.   I think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY underrated.

All of my that ^


Liking Pokemon, Kirby, Sonic, and Mario does not make you childish. 


Chinese food is disgusting.


Mushrooms and cheese make me puke.


Sometimes, cheating may be more fun, at least in my opinion.


Girl gamers are NOT worse than boy gamers. I have proof of this.

  • Brohoof 3
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Posted here before, just wanted to add to my previous list: 


-I don't mind love and tolerate

- Thought the Crystal Empire episodes were a bit disappointing

-Don't like rap

-Didn't want Obama to win this year's election

-I love all Pokemon generations (Pokemon Red is boss, too! :D )

-Personally, Pokemon Diamond is my favorite game (it was also my first game. Yeah, I know...)

-Don't like mushrooms, or spinach

-I love cats

-Mario is better than Sonic (sorry Sonic fans :(

Edited by Pixiesong
  • Brohoof 1
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-Mario is better than Sonic (sorry Sonic fans  :( )

For me, Mario is at the VERY bottom of the list.


I've always been a fan of fast paced. I wanted to try Tribes: Ascend and Quake 3, but naturally, my computer will run neither one of those.

"Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'"

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I don't like nostalgia. I prefer to live in the present and look at a brighter future.


John Lennon is my least favourite Beatle. (By the way: least favourite isn't equivalent to hatred)


New Year's is a sad time for me.


Song of the South has one of the most beautiful OSTs of all Disney films.

Edited by Dismajo
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-Halo 4 had a good story and I don't think it has any connections to the Metroid Prime series (which were by the way not the best games in the series)


Not sure if trolling, or just a bit confused...


Halo is completely independent of Metroid. The two games were made at different times by different companies, and have completely independent plot lines. While the characters Samus and John-117 have many similarities, their stories are in no way intertwined.


AAAAAAAND after reading more and more of these, I think this picture may be relevant for me.


Edited by WingedRatchet

Riley was here

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I wanted to try Tribes: Ascend and Quake 3, but naturally, my computer will run neither one of those.



No offense dude, but dang, your computer must be ancient to not be able to run Quake 3. Even my old netbook was powerful enough to run it. (For comparison, a piece of dog crap probably has better performance than that old netbook of mine.)

Edited by HylianTwilian

how even is otter and how can it be if

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well, ok i guess! lets see...


I think its pathetic and sad that Hasbro is going to make Twilight Sparkle an alicorn just to get more profits as it toys, plushies, etc.


I love dogs and the Autumn wind more than anything.


I love piano music, especially when its being played by one of my best friends, Josh.


I can't stand porn and crap like that.


Sometimes i wish that people would just be normal and not make all of that crap. I dont think they realize that they are just ruining other peoples days.


I love the smell of teak oil and lavenders.


I love singing!

Edited by pegasister101
  • Brohoof 1


Made by the awesome Doctor-Whooves! Want one yourself? Go here!

Awesome Sigs!

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