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Lord Theoretical

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Well, looks like I'm kind of the target for complaining about using the overrated word, "overrated." Alright. For the rest of my life, I will call overrated things "over-popular."


I dislike accusing people even if they should be accused. Who knows if you might be wrong? In fact, I DO dislike most overrated stuff and for some, I can't see the reason behind it.


The word "hate" is really, really...overused, and it's much worse than it seems when you use it casually.


Vulgarity annoys me. F-word, B-word, whatever. It's stupid. The definition of the f-word is having sex, and if you're calling something "F****** stupid" then it's basically "having sex stupid." Like...what? People use it as casually as they use the word "hate."


EDIT: This is by no means an unpopular opinion, but I really, really dislike it when people trying to indirectly point out a thing. Like some of the posts above me, you guys are basically trying to tell me that you hate it when I call Derpy overrated, but without actually telling me directly.

Edited by Clarity
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Well, to start things off, I don't like Pinkie Pie. She's way too happy and energetic for me.


I also don't like the Beatles, like at all. They've never interested me, and I don't see why everyone seems to be infatuated with them. They're kind of boring.


I also can't stand Queen. Their take on rock was a bit too much for me.


I never liked Inception (the movie) either. It was way too confusing. Smart, but confusing.

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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Well, what I thought to be popular opinions seem to be pretty unpopular here so I guess I'll post them..

Don't hate me >_<

  • I don't see any problem with vulgarity. I curse all the time, whether it be to strengthen a point or just because I'm a teenager. Whatever. Cursing has never been such a bad thing to me at least. They're only "bad" because some perceive them that way.
  • I think that a multitude of things can be and are overrated.
  • Derpy is annoying and her annoying fanboys can really anger me, really quickly.
  • I think abortion and gay marriage are okay, and I back up those willing to openly fight for these (alot of people agree with these, it's more of a controversial view)
  • As Dash said, I don't think the Beatles are that good. They're songs are repetitive and boring, though I do respect them for being so influential.
Edited by Velvet Remdeyiscael
  • Brohoof 4



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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You, sir, get bonus points from me.


LOL I'm going to actually have to read back on the argument about her. I'm curious what the naysayers have to say about her. I thought she was well developed and interesting. That and her outfit was so friggin' cute! Specially with the little candies in her hair.


Ive considered building a city and just leaving all my models together like that for the longest time, but I never actually sat down and did it. Plus I still have a few models to finish, some pieces missing, and a TONNE of bricks to sort.


That yellow train is the one I have, and this is basically what I had in mind:



If you know where I can find the 1990's Roads and rails, please let me know!


My mom is from Germany, so seeing that train set is amazing! My dad would love to have that. He's really into model trains and is in fact building a garden train outside right now.



AND to stay on topic... another thing I don't like (going with the over-rated/popular ideas), it urks me when somebody likes something that's not popular (a tv show for example) and then will turn around and "hate it" once it becomes popular just because it became popular.

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Well, to start things off, I don't like Pinkie Pie. She's way too happy and energetic for me.


I also don't like the Beatles, like at all. They've never interested me, and I don't see why everyone seems to be infatuated with them. They're kind of boring.


I also can't stand Queen. Their take on rock was a bit too much for me.


I never liked Inception (the movie) either. It was way too confusing. Smart, but confusing.


Arrrgh, goddammit. Are you kidding me? Are you friggin' serious -_-? I just made a whole rant about why I hate that phrase so fucking much, and someone does it almost right afterwards http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. Edited by spas-ticShotty
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LOL I'm going to actually have to read back on the argument about her. I'm curious what the naysayers have to say about her. I thought she was well developed and interesting. That and her outfit was so friggin' cute! Specially with the little candies in her hair.




My mom is from Germany, so seeing that train set is amazing! My dad would love to have that. He's really into model trains and is in fact building a garden train outside right now.



AND to stay on topic... another thing I don't like (going with the over-rated/popular ideas), it urks me when somebody likes something that's not popular (a tv show for example) and then will turn around and "hate it" once it becomes popular just because it became popular.


Sorry about that XP Ill try and stay on topic now. Cool to meet another German descendant! My family is also from there.


One thing that bugs me a bit are stereotypes, Its kind of a love hate relationship for me, because I am german so I put up with the occasional Nazi joke. but at the same time, Stereotypes are only funny because they are true. If you think about it, a stereotype wouldn't be popular or funny if it was wrong. USW, if I said Asians were horrible at math and the worlds greatest drivers, it would get nowhere. I deal with stereotypes from time to time, and I think it is good and healthy to laugh at yourself once in a while, but sometimes they can get a bit out of hand. I dont understand people who say stereotypes are a bad thing is all, and thats where my unpopular opinion lies.


TL;DR: Stereotypes are funny, but they have to be true and you cant push them to much.

Edited by WingedRatchet
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Riley was here

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*Steeling self for the reactions*

I hate facial hair.

There I said it. It is unattractive and only ever works on dads and grandfathers.

If you can't grow decent facial hair SHAVE, (I am talking to you adolescent males)

And don't get me started on neckbeards.


It's nothing personal to anyone of you bearded-bronys, I just hate facial hair.

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Onto the unpopular gaming opinions!

  • Borderlands is (yes I'm saying it) overrated
  • Skyrim is super repetitive and shallow. Once you get over the oohs and ahs of the new engine and all, it's pretty bland.Oblivion was 10000x better.
  • Team Fortress 2 is a fun game, but definitely not the best.
  • Dead Space isn't scary. A few jump scares don't qualify as scary.
  • Same goes for Slender, it's not nor has it ever been scary at all (Now Amnesia? That's fucking scary).
  • Brink wasn't a bad game, it was just plagued by server issues and an awful storyline.
  • Saints Row is vastly superior to GTA
  • Most of the Final Fantasies are just decent to good games, not the "best games ever" that some make them out to be.
  • Fallout New Vegas wasn't THAT great, especially compared to Fallout 3
  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Onto the unpopular gaming opinions!

  • Borderlands is (yes I'm saying it) overrated
  • Skyrim is super repetitive and shallow. Once you get over the oohs and ahs of the new engine and all, it's pretty bland.Oblivion was 10000x better.
  • Team Fortress 2 is a fun game, but definitely not the best.
  • Dead Space isn't scary. A few jump scares don't qualify as scary.
  • Same goes for Slender, it's not nor has it ever been scary at all (Now Amnesia? That's fucking scary).
  • Brink wasn't a bad game, it was just plagued by server issues and an awful storyline.
  • Saints Row is vastly superior to GTA
  • Most of the Final Fantasies are just decent to good games, not the "best games ever" that some make them out to be.
  • Fallout New Vegas wasn't THAT great, especially compared to Fallout 3

Fuck man, you're really pushing mah buttons here. I'm serious, I'm getting super pissed off when people use that word now. I'm already scolding everyone in the world (Except for Raccoon, 'cause, he agrees with me) for using that stupid-ass word, and I don't want to have to dislike people for doing so (Which is incredibly stupid, yes, but you have no idea how much I despise the word "overrated").

Edited by spas-ticShotty



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New Lunar Republic is ridiculous. Ponies are not politics.


The character development is season 2 was downhill. Fluttershy became more of a doormat, Rainbow Dash got more cocky, Pinkie Pie was more obsessive, and Rarity was more greedy. I find season 2 episodes more entertaining, but I did not like the development in the mane characters.

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Fuck man, you're really pushing mah buttons here. I'm serious, I'm getting super pissed off when people use that word now. I'm already scolding everyone in the world (Except for Raccoon, 'cause, he agrees with me) for using that stupid-ass word, and I don't want to have to dislike people for doing so (Which is incredibly stupid, yes, but you have no idea how much I despise the word "overrated").

No offense, Spazzy, but we have the freedom of speech, and you're not respecting his or my opinion. Just like you can call things or people like "f*** man" above, we can also call things overrated. I promise not to overuse the word, but I CAN use it if I want. Edited by Clarity
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Sorry about that XP Ill try and stay on topic now. Cool to meet another German descendant! My family is also from there.


LOL I'm just trying to stay on topic since I'm new here and don't want to start out on a bad foot.


Onto the unpopular gaming opinions!

  • Skyrim is super repetitive and shallow. Once you get over the oohs and ahs of the new engine and all, it's pretty bland.Oblivion was 10000x better.

I didn't even think Oblivion was that great. It was fun, but I definitely thought some of the leveling mechanics were off. That and the world didn't seem as big as the original Morrowind.

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No offense, Spazzy, but we have the freedom of speech, and you're not respecting his or my opinion. Just like you can call things or people like "f*** man" above, we can also call things overrated. I promise not to overuse the word, but I CAN use it if I want.


*sigh*, I'm sorry. It's just, that word makes me cringe and boil in the inside more than any other word, which is strange, considering how I have no problem with the word "underrated".


You also know mah problem with people who say "I don't get why this is so popular" or whatnot. That phrase also makes me very mad sometimes.

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Alright, I'll post some more stuff, kind of to make up for past blunders.


1. Cuddling with a cat is more fun than cuddling with a dog

2. Basketball is a great, and fun sport. But watching it is boring to me.

3. Golf is really fun to watch

4. Playing video games online isn't my favorite. I'd prefer playing by myself.

5. Dimmu Borgir are a very good band.

  • Brohoof 1

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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You also know mah problem with people who say "I don't get why this is so popular" or whatnot. That phrase also makes me very mad sometimes.


What really makes me mad is when people say something "sucks" just because they are not a fan of it. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it sucks!!! Seriously!!! That crap makes me so angry >_<

Edited by RainbowDash92
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>Capitalism will fail.

>Fun is 42.


There is hope in the world after all! You, you I like. :P


I much prefer going out into the woods with my friends sitting around a fire with a few drinks and a guitar than going to a club where I get deafened.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I am a Conservative Republican

I am against Gay "Marriage"

I am against abortion (aside from circumstances such as rape or death of the mother)

I despise the gay shippings in the fandom for both philosophical reasoning and the "actual show" portrayal. I will tolerate though in the background of a good fanfic.

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I am a Conservative Republican

I am against Gay "Marriage"

I am against abortion (aside from circumstances such as rape or death of the mother)

I despise the gay shippings in the fandom for both philosophical reasoning and the "actual show" portrayal. I will tolerate though in the background of a good fanfic.


I'm pretty impressed to see this. My views tend to be more conservative and I've honestly felt like a minority on the internet because of it. So it's nice to see that there are others out there.

Edited by Sequinox
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LOL I'm just trying to stay on topic since I'm new here and don't want to start out on a bad foot.




I didn't even think Oblivion was that great. It was fun, but I definitely thought some of the leveling mechanics were off. That and the world didn't seem as big as the original Morrowind.


Just funny because you reminded an admin to stay on topic X)

I suddenly want to make a lego thread


Also unpopular: I like Batman, andI consider him a super hero. I think the argument that he is only a 'hero' because he is rich is a ridiculous one, because that would also mean that Iron Man is not a hero, and if anything Iron Man would be less of a hero than batman because he isnt even trained for anything, he is just a guy with a cool toy.


Dont get me wrong, I love Iron man. Im working on my own suit now :3

Riley was here

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Fuck man, you're really pushing mah buttons here. I'm serious, I'm getting super pissed off when people use that word now. I'm already scolding everyone in the world (Except for Raccoon, 'cause, he agrees with me) for using that stupid-ass word, and I don't want to have to dislike people for doing so (Which is incredibly stupid, yes, but you have no idea how much I despise the word "overrated").


I don't see what the problem is. I think that Borderlands is unoriginal, linear, and repetitive. There are others games that have gone down the exact same path before and after Borderlands, yet it still seems to be everybody's favorite. In my opinion, some other games like Fallout and Wasteland. Plus the combat to me is pretty boring. If there's one thing I have to give Borderlands though, it is it's humor.


Due to this, I believe that is is rated higher than it should be, thus the term overrated.


And for sounding like as much of a dick as I am right now, I'm sorry :/

Edited by Velvet Remdeyiscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I don't see what the problem is. I think that Borderlands is unoriginal, linear, and repetitive. There are others games that have gone down the exact same path before and after Borderlands, yet it still seems to be everybody's favorite. In my opinion, some other games like Fallout and Wasteland. Plus the combat to me is pretty boring. If there's one thing I have to give Borderlands though, it is it's humor.


It's not that you don't like Borderlands, it's because you used the word "overrated". Of course, I feel much better today, so I'll TRY not to nag people for using that...........stupid..........ass..........word.

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I dislike CoD.


I actually happen to really enjoy Sonic R.


Milk is disgusting IMO. Chocolate milk is fine, but plain milk just makes me gag.


I'm not a fan of Pinkie Pie.


And also I don't have that big a problem with Walmart.

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It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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Also, as much as I hate the word "overrated", ATLEAST you didn't put a phrase like "I don't get why this game is so popular" or "I don't see how everyone likes it so much". *inhales* I hate those kind of phrases me soooooo gal'darn much, it'd amaze you :angry:.


More opinions! Hmmmm........


- I highly dislike Dr. Pepper (Have I said this one before?). Way too sweet for me.

- I really don't feel like watching Back to the Future

- I prefer sci-fi action movies with poopy acting but with awesome explosions and neat technology over most well-developed movies

- I don't like football

- I'm NOT against the word "swag" or the acronym "YOLO". I don't even use them, too.

- People seem too bitter against today's generation of young people. The previous generation had it's fair share of assholes, also.

- I don't care if a game is being rehashed; if it adds just a couple of new weapons, maps, and whatever and manages to stay fairly balanced, I'm gonna have a good time with it (*ahem* CoD)

- I don't mind sluts. If anything, it'd be a gift for one to come up on me. Of course, that may be because I'm young and full of dirty thoughts.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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Skyrim is super repetitive and shallow. Once you get over the oohs and ahs of the new engine and all, it's pretty bland.Oblivion was 10000x better.

I... I don't even know how to respond to that... I... you make me sad. :(:P Skyrim is best Elder Scrolls. ;)


I prefer the Gears of War series way above CoD and Halo.


It seems that a very popular, unpopular opinion on here is the hate of swearing, therefore I'll post an unpopular opinion by saying that I don't see a problem with swearing. Just seems like another word to me. What's the difference between if you say sex and f***? Or poop and s***? (Respectfully censored for those people who don't like swearing. ;) )


I REALLY dislike Babs Seed.


@@Motion Spark this isn't really unpopular, but One Direction is pretty bad imo... ;)

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I prefer the Gears of War series way above CoD and Halo.


I REALLY dislike Babs Seed.





and then also...




I never really liked gears. there was little story and zero character development. it was just kind of a shallow RPG to me :/ Ive always liked Halo because the universe and the characters have depth, and it seems almost posible, especially considering it takes place in 2552.


And then Babs... eh, I dont care for her to much, but I wouldnt say I hate or dislike her. I at least enjoyed the episode (I assume you did too)

Riley was here

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