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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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1) I'm a strong, devout Christian who doesn't feel shame in expressing his views, or ideals. 



2) I dislike the character limit.


3) I don't like TF2


4) I don't like dubsteb


5) I have no problem with Justin Beiber.

  • Brohoof 2

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I liked Altair more than Ezio

I like Gangnam style.

I like disturbing stuff like the cupcakes fanfiction.

I hate fifty shades of grey.

How's that unpopular? I mean, it has the most likes out of any video on the internet. A few hundread-thousand dislikes still pale in comparison to how many people like it :P.



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-People who derail old threads by by arguing about stuff they aren't even sure about are bloody awkward.

-People who care too much about what other should enjoy are fascist. Well, not quite, but they work hard to get there.




-Racism is a bad thing, but it's going over the top lately. Things like getting court order to rename century old sweets like "Black cake" will not get you sympathy but hate and ridicule.


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The word "faggot" should be officially redefined so that it refers to stupid, obnoxious people instead of gay people.  It's a great insult but you can't use it without creating all kinds of controversy.


This is impossible to accomplish, of course, but a man can dream.

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The word "faggot" should be officially redefined so that it refers to stupid, obnoxious people instead of gay people.  It's a great insult but you can't use it without creating all kinds of controversy.


This is impossible to accomplish, of course, but a man can dream.

So much wisdom from Twilight Sparkle , i do agree with you. Why cant they dictionary people just change it ,is a mystery for me


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- I like the concept of communism

- I hate people who don't learn about stuff before they talking about it or make a decision on it

- Customers Suck (I'm a cashier)

- This generation (the university crowd) is too selfish


- I like Sonic 2006

- Justin Bieber's music isn't really that bad (I actually enjoyed "Baby")


- Humans are really stupid and aliens should just seriously end us

  • Brohoof 2
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House chores are okay, now that I've experienced them.


Sonic '06, even though I've never played it before, sounds fun, and I watch the cutscenes for fun many times. 


Ponies are not the best things in the world.


It's okay to like one thing only out of all the things in a thing. I don't like how people berate me about watching the show and only liking one pony. Deal with it, it's my opinion. 


Last but not least, I want the world to end.

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House chores are okay, now that I've experienced them.


Sonic '06, even though I've never played it before, sounds fun, and I watch the cutscenes for fun many times. 


Ponies are not the best things in the world.


It's okay to like one thing only out of all the things in a thing. I don't like how people berate me about watching the show and only liking one pony. Deal with it, it's my opinion. 


Last but not least, I want the world to end.

Hey, but I don't :(. Why you so negative?


And before I start a trainwreck........


- I don't like most sports at all. If I wanna shoot some hoops, it ain't for basketball itself. It's only to pass the time and just to dick around.

  • Brohoof 1



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Some of these "opinions" are just getting ridiculous. There are many of them in this thread that I simply can't believe the person expressing them actually holds them and is not just throwing them out there expecting to get a reaction (Which all too often happens.) Some of these opinions actually do rustle my jimmies, and then I step back and think it over again, and conclude that attacking the person who expressed them is falling right into their trap. Anyway... allow me to put one foot into this particular trap...


Since this seems to be an unpopular opinion in itself: I like humanity. Yes, there are bad people out there, but I believe that at heart, most people wish to get along with each other and move forward into the future. We have a chance to be more than just a failed evolutionary lineage; one among the millions of species that have died out over time. We are the best hope for life from this tiny little rock getting out there into the universe, to make something that will last until the inevitable heat death that awaits the universe. I would love nothing better than to be able to truly believe that there is a being that loves us and a heaven that is waiting for us. However, I can't just accept it on faith. As far as I can tell, it's just us, guys, and to give up on humanity is the worst... possible... THING... for us to do.

  • Brohoof 5

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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Some of these "opinions" are just getting ridiculous. There are many of them in this thread that I simply can't believe the person expressing them actually holds them and is not just throwing them out there expecting to get a reaction (Which all too often happens.) Some of these opinions actually do rustle my jimmies, and then I step back and think it over again, and conclude that attacking the person who expressed them is falling right into their trap. Anyway... allow me to put one foot into this particular trap...


I have an uncomfortable feeling you're referring to me... 



House chores are okay, now that I've experienced them.


People complain that chores are annoying and they should get money for it. So it's an unpopular opinion.



Sonic '06, even though I've never played it before, sounds fun, and I watch the cutscenes for fun many times. 


Sonic '06 is by far the most hated Sonic game in the universe; thus, me saying that it sounds fun is an unpopular opinion.



Ponies are not the best things in the world.


That one speaks for itself.



It's okay to like one thing only out of all the things in a thing. I don't like how people berate me about watching the show and only liking one pony. Deal with it, it's my opinion. 


This one's a little harder to explain, but people do constantly say it's annoying how I only like Applejack and nopony else. I think most people expect everyone to like everything. But I don't. 



Last but not least, I want the world to end.


I didn't expect to get a "reaction" on this. But I do. I do really want to world to end. I admit that life is becoming uninteresting to me, and even at times, torturous. I would give anything to restart myself, so that I could actually have friends IRL, I wouldn't be a huge problem child, et cetera. Thus, it's perfectly fine to me. Many people like the way they're living now, but not me. 

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I have an uncomfortable feeling you're referring to me... 




People complain that chores are annoying and they should get money for it. So it's an unpopular opinion.




Sonic '06 is by far the most hated Sonic game in the universe; thus, me saying that it sounds fun is an unpopular opinion.




That one speaks for itself.




This one's a little harder to explain, but people do constantly say it's annoying how I only like Applejack and nopony else. I think most people expect everyone to like everything. But I don't. 




I didn't expect to get a "reaction" on this. But I do. I do really want to world to end. I admit that life is becoming uninteresting to me, and even at times, torturous. I would give anything to restart myself, so that I could actually have friends IRL, I wouldn't be a huge problem child, et cetera. Thus, it's perfectly fine to me. Many people like the way they're living now, but not me. 

As they say, if the horseshoe fits... ;) Actually, I wasn't referring to any one person, and it's by no means a feeling I only started having recently. I've thought that about a lot of posts since way back in this thread, so no, I didn't mean you specifically.  That being the case, you don't need to defend or justify any of your opinions to me.


As for your last opinion, though, if that's what you meant, wouldn't it have been better to refer to having a reset button on your own life? (Something I can quite agree with, actually.) Saying you want the world to end seemed rather different from what you've just explained. Apart from that, I obviously don't know you, your history or your current situation, so I can't comment further without sounding like a preachy ass. I do have sympathy for you in the general sense, though, as I would for anyone who has bad stuff happening in their lives.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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I didn't expect to get a "reaction" on this. But I do. I do really want to world to end. I admit that life is becoming uninteresting to me, and even at times, torturous. I would give anything to restart myself, so that I could actually have friends IRL, I wouldn't be a huge problem child, et cetera. Thus, it's perfectly fine to me. Many people like the way they're living now, but not me. 

If the age in your profile is in fact your age, then it's way too early to think like that. Such a depressive thinking is reserved strictly for people between 20 and 35. You still have a lot of time to "reset" if you'll try hard enough and you didn't get to the fun part of life just yet. So head up and march straight ahead. And yes, I sound like a terrible cliche machine.



OT: Getting socks for christmas isn't so terrible as people make it out to be. It could be worse.


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Honestly, pretty much the only opinions in this thread that frighten me are those political ones. I'm a bit afraid of radical views is this area... :(


I dislike most of the shows nowadays especially those involving love. They're getting in love, breaking up, getting in love, breaking up, getting in love breaking up. And still fighting arguing over and over and over. So childish it sickens me. It's called being grown up... <_<


Another thing is that what people call being grown up is just awful. I wish I would never grow up... mentally

  • Brohoof 1



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

Hey, why won't you check out my YouTube channel Right Here?


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  • I think everything is complex in its own way, and that people who hate it are too blind as to see why people enjoy it.

I think people liking otherwise "bad" music shows a psychological improvement in humanity.

(Are your bodies ready for my ultimate philosophical finding?) All opinions contradict equal to each other, no matter how the offense is put on. There is no bad or good because of this, but instead a merely observable endless debate as we are all imprinted with opinions. With this, we can never live in peace, especially with society branding new stereotypes upon the several types of people. 

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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I hate humanity.

I hate my skin and how i look and i wish i was a pony.

I wish i was asian.

I hate sleeping ,eating,breathing,drinking.


Possibly because it's 6:42 in the morning I started to write this reply by asking you if you think Asians don't have to sleep and that is why they get so much done then I realized there was a period at the end of the first sentence. 


I do agree with the latter statement, we waste a lot of time doing things to fuel and maintain our bodies. It's a horribly inefficient design. A crocodile can eat one chicken a month and be fine. We are warm blooded so we need a lot more energy. If you get to be a pony, I get to be a dragon. 

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I actually really love getting socks/underwear/clothing etc. for Christmas. Who doesn't need more of these things?


Drugs are alright, as long as you know how to use them responsibly. (Somehow, this seems to be a hard task for many people, which I do not understand.)


I find the line in mental disorders to be quite blurred, and not really fair. At what point do we attempt to treat them because they are dangerous or disruptive, or conversely leave them be because "they don't harm anyone?"


(Also, how come I write my posts in paragraphs, but they end up in one huge mess? And then when going to edit, it looks as I submitted them, I do nothing, and when I save them they turn out just right?)

Edited by Abstract


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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The next Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U should contain no more than 28 to 32 characters and cut several characters, including ones that debuted in Melee and stayed in Brawl.


The video game industry in general should slow down and focus on cheaper, shorter adventures.


All HDTVs, even 13-inch little "bedroom" 720p HDTVs, should have Blu-Ray players built into or plugged into them, because the improvement is noticeable even then.


If your permanent DVD/Blu-ray/movie home collection numbers more than about 8 or 10, (or 6 or 7) you are overly materialistic.


Basically, the idea of permanently owning a movie, or a videogame, as a material product, or a personally stored download, should only be reserved for movies/shows that are very special to you that you want to share with others for years to come.

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I'll come up with 5


1.  I think convicted felons should be let off very easy on the very first felony no matter what it is, like a maximum of 1 month in jail.  This is because I think that no matter what there is always a chance that the person was in fact not guilty.  On the other hand if a 2nd felony conviction occurs I believe that it is right to torture the culprit to death.

2.  I think that sterilization for both men and women should be a completely free operation and 100% taxpayer funded, and be required in order to receive Welfare, food stamps, or free health care.  It saves the Taxpayers more in the long run.

3.  I feel that any organization that discriminates should not be able to receive tax-exempt status.  I bet you probably agree.  So does pretty much everyone until I point out that this includes almost every church that exists.  

4.  I am against straight marriage...  I believe that marriage should not be recognized on a legal level and only on a spiritual level.  There should be no tax or other benefits for it.  

5.  Marijuana should be legal.

  • Brohoof 2
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York is by far the best RvB character

Final Fantasy VI is my favorite FF

Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic the Gathering are actually pretty cool

I hate dubstep, metal, and country

Thats about it for me :P


PSN: DerpLordScarffy

XBL: DerpLordSnuffy

3DS FC: 5086-1486-8626


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And now, for some reeeaaalllyyy unpopular opinions...


There are too many foreigners in the UK. I know that a lot of them were born here, but there are still too many coming over! Look at America. If you want to get into their country, you'll need to learn their theme song and national anthem. We don't have anything like that over here, its just, "Come on in, the door is open, try not to blow the place up! But if you want to, that's fine. Feel free to indoctrinate our children and protest your holy explosives in our streets. But don't worry, we won't even lift a finger in retaliation. We're the good guys, remember?"


I like Fluttershy and Rarity, but not as much as the rest of the mane six. Fluttershy is too generic-cute, and Rarity is only ok when she's funnily overacting and overreacting, or when she and Spike are having sweet and heartwarming scenes together.


When I hear the fandom talking about Pinkie Pie, they always blow her craziness and fourth-wall-breaking out of proportion. I saw tvtropes, and laughed.


I hate how in Naruto, they always play his injuries for laughs. One time, one of his lungs was stolen, and he was fatally poisoned by his annoyingly useless and violent teammate. The show laughs it off with the anime over-expresdions that they'll normally only do in fillers.




WHY DOES RAPHAEL THE RED TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE USE HIS SAI INCORRECTLY??? He's supposed to be a trained ninja, why does he put his sai inside his fists like WOLVERINE CLAWS instead of using them to catch weapons and pierce organs like he's supposed to?


Why does Roranora Zorro have green hair?


Why does everyone assume Rainbow Dash is a lady-lover? What, can't a woman be awesome, blue, and naked all the time without people thinking dirty thoughts?


I hate how they are called 'dirty thoughts'. I'm sure that it offends stars of ero videos everywhere, since most of them keep clean. They certainly shower enough, that's for sure.




Why, oh why are people unable to use proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure?




Spyro Skylanders sucks. My little sis has it. I gave it a go, and the whole thing is just one big money-making scam. The new Skylanders Giants are stupidly powerful, and the whole game is too easy, even on multiplayer mode! Also, the 'characters' are so flat, they barely qualify as one-dimensional! The creators just took a bad pun or two words that rhyme, (Shroom Boom and Stealth Elf, anyone?), and turned intona playable creature. I wish they'd hire a few decent writers, and make it into a good TV show, showcasing the hidden depths of the characters that you don't see in-game, due to their current writers sucking.


Many of the villains in this show could be shown sympathetically. Trixie could be boasting out of needing everyone's awe to feel loved, or that gryphon girl from season one could be acting mean due to feeling jealous of Rainbow Dash and her new friends. Instead, the show trivialises their issues and demonises the villains, just because they aren't the heroes. I know this is a happy show, but what happened to 'Let's befriend the minor villains and help them change their ways' instead of public humiliation, pain and suffering, upstaging, "Elements of Harmony: Friendship Lasers!" being everyone's go-to solutions?


Princess Celestia is a terrible ruler sometimes. You know why. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Why does everyone hate gingers so much? I'm ginger, and I never hear the end of it! I certainly wouldn't be getting this treatment if I were black! Because racism is bad. 'Racism is when you are mean to black people, and you get killed by a, lynch mob and you deserve it.', according to modern people.


Why are Nihilists and Sociopaths always treated so badly in fiction? Any kind of fiction, really.


Why do anti-government anti-business pro-freedom organisations keep using The Matrix terminology in their speeches?

Edited by Asquerade
  • Brohoof 1

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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Any type of debate on the internet are dumb and pointless. Why spend your time trying to prove something over some anonymous guy over the internet when you can do things more important than that?




People who dislike songs because they are digitally made are close minded twats. Without them knowing that it also takes skills to compose digitally (even harder for those who cant read). If you think that making digital music is simple, why not make one yourself?




People who over-analyze the show are dbags. Talking big like some art-critic. Makes me want to point my fingers at them and shout. "AWW THATS SAD! THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! BOOHOO!" *sigh* Opinions, opinions.




People who cant enjoy the show because of a minor error are over-sensitive twats. "Oh no! The plot isnt good! I cant just sit down, eat my chips and enjoy the show! I have to make a paragraph of rant about it! ohh!"





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