NothingIsEverything 1,256 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I hate humanity in general. Some days I wish everyone was dead so I can get some goddamn peace for once, but I know that's really mean because there are some great people out there. It just that the good one get shuffled in with the bad; the cons outweight the pros. I fell like humanity needs to start over, because this is not working. And judging by this post, i sound like a philosopher even though I don't know jack-shit. 2 Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) Diet Coke is nasty, and the fact that it's still a better seller than Coke Zero makes no sense to me. I don't drink soda often, and when I do, I drink whatever doesn't have calories, and between these two, Coke Zero is FAR superior. The government is either inept, corrupt, or (most likely) both. Female Anime characters are almost always either annoying or helpless, and they're usually terrible role models for anyone. ALL News channels stink. Not just Fox News (since that seems to be the bandwagon). Apple Bloom is best crusader. You know, cause that's actually an opinion that isn't popular. Edited June 19, 2013 by Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,342 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) @@Dark Moon : " ...also it is called POP not soda. " Yes. Anyway, some more unpopular opinions. I don't get why "The Walking Dead" (TV show; game is amazing and much better in my opinion which may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not sure) is so popular. Batman and Robin was a good movie. The Dark Knight Rises was my favorite out of the trilogy. I love Silver Spoon and she deserves much more love in the fandom. I don't hate Gilda the Griffon and I wouldn't like an episode with her return. Trixie is an overrated character. Everyone deserves a second chance. Waffles are better than pancakes. Pancakes are overrated. Bacon is overrated. I love reading and I'm a huge bookworm (Seriously, when I tell someone I actually like reading, they look at me like I'm an alien.) Glasses are adorable. I liked some of the previous generations of MLP. May post some more at a later date. Edited June 19, 2013 by Blue Moon 2 Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock 139 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) I think sharks are adorable. I don't know why, but every time I see one, I just want to go up to it and give it a big fat hug. I'd probably lose a few limbs, but it'd be worth it. Edited June 19, 2013 by Bardock 2 "I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Persian 46 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Snakes, most of reptiles, bats and skunks are some of the cutest critters ever. My favorites characters are all awesome, no matter how unpopular they often are. Reading is a wonderful way to pass time and to escape reality. Diet soft drinks (pops) taste better than the regular ones. There's so many movies that are way better than what people say, for exemple; the 2 Mortal Kombat movies, most of Disney's sequels, Mario Bros Movie and many more. My cat is, without a doubt, the best one ever as he answer when I talk to him and he's very cuddly and laid-back. My OC: Smiley Bookpony You have questions? Ask Smiley Bookpony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Bats are absolutley adorable. King Sombra was a great villain, and undeniably cool. I believe that, as long as they haven't commited some kind of crime or is just generally a jerk, everyone should be treated with respect. I don't think Obama is America's best president, but there have definitely been worse.(*coughREAGAN*cough*) 1 Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Skunks are freaking ADORABLE. Particularly baby skunks. Look: HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THEM? ...ahem. Anyways. More opinions. I really hate the Derpy/Dr. Hooves shipping. It doesn't make any sense, there's no justification for it in canon, and I've never seen anyone do anything interesting with the idea. Mysterious Mare Do Well was a fairly good episode. Everyone makes a big deal over Dash's friends' trickery, when it was really just a harmless way to teach by example instead of lecturing. And everyone made a big deal over how Dash acted out for attention, when that selfish side of her already surfaced in Best Night Ever. Really I have no idea why this episode pushes everyone's buttons so badly, but it gets a lot of undeserved flak. Scootaloo was a really bland character until Sleepless. She was just a miniature RD. I think Dave Polsky's the worst writer on the show. The only episode he worked on that I really liked was Too Many Pinkie Pies, and he wrote two of my least favourite episodes (Feeling Pinkie Keen and Games Ponies Play). I really don't care about Equestria Girls. Not going to see it, but I'm not letting it affect my enjoyment of the show. Sombra is a better villain than Chrysalis. He's scarier, smarter, actually tried to stop the heroes instead of just monologuing until they defeated him, and defeated Shining Armor in a 1v1 fight. Chrysalis had the worst invasion plan ever and barely tried to stop Twilight from escaping, unlike Sombra, who managed to trap her TWICE while still being miles away from her. Gilda was a bad character. Lighting Dust is the same character done a thousand times better. OK, that's all I've got for now. FLAMESHIELDS ENGAGED. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ErBoi 501 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I think sharks are adorable. I don't know why, but every time I see one, I just want to go up to it and give it a big fat hug. I'd probably lose a few limbs, but it'd be worth it. "Bardock the Shark Hugger" I find it both hilarious and appropriate. Anyway... Regular Coke tastes absolutely putrid unless watered down from a fountain or something. Diet Coke and Coke Zero taste OK. Pepsi ftw Oddly, I find Coke to taste way sweeter than Pepsi despite the fact that the ingredients should make it the other way around; taste buds gonna bud. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiden21 804 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Not a big fan of shipping /mlp/>mlpchan>ponychan I actually kinda like 4chan now Big MacIntosh is amazing Derpy is way overrated I want to see EG, still waiting for a leak is amazing 2 Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GottlosMann 221 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I have a lot of these. I could share a few. -I don't believe that God exists. -I don't support this god damn "war" in the Middle East. -I kinda dislike the United States. -Spider-Man 3 is a good movie. It's stupid, but so are the other movies in the trilogy. That doesn't make it not fun to watch. -I love The Amazing Atheist. He's done stuff I wouldn't do, but I can forgive him. -I despise Ray William Johnson, Tobuscus, Shane Dawson, PewDiePie, and sxephil. -I hate PewDiePie's fanbase. Aside from maybe like five fans, they're all totally rabid. 4 Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perfect Bio 121 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Shotguns in Black Ops 2 are the most OP things in the game and should never exist I hate soccer The only anime I will ever like is manime 1 I have a large member.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Brown 26 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I support gay marriage, I don't dislike Obama, Fluttershy is my least favorite pony, I dislike the Miami Heat and Bruno Mars is the worst thing on the radio. I'm also not very fond of ice cream lol. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 There's a big controversy out there involving Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video, and I find it annoying. Yes, I like the song. But that's besides the point. Sexually-explicit lyrics and music videos are nothing new, why is this an issue? Why is the media putting so much time and effort into this shit when there's other, more important issues to discuss? 2 Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Brown 26 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 There's a big controversy out there involving Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video, and I find it annoying. Yes, I like the song. But that's besides the point. Sexually-explicit lyrics and music videos are nothing new, why is this an issue? Why is the media putting so much time and effort into this shit when there's other, more important issues to discuss? I like the song too but I thought the music video was just kinda dumb. I didn't see anything in it that would make me think it was overly sexual. Especially compared to some other videos out right now. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) I hate the fact that because I'm gay people f$cking hate me! and that people keep threating to cut me and watch the gay blood flow out of me.... I hate that I try and post something on here someone else has done it... I hate the fact that people cant just get along and love each other for who they are, and stop hating each other because they are so different. I hate that 12 out of my 13 girl friends(I like sh@males) have cheated on me and I had to walk in on 11 of them. I hate that my best friend in the whole d@mn world die because I couldn't help him get off those drugs, that I got him in to in the d@mn first place. I hate that he died and it wasn't me. Wow I feel much better, thank great post! Edited June 19, 2013 by xPrincess Lunax 3 "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John 793 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 Autumn is the best season ever. Lebron James is a disgrace to basketball. Morbidly Obese people aren't disabled and don't deserve to park in handicapped spaces. Howard stern is a huge dick. Fa-breeze smells worse than raw sewage and deserves to be eliminated off of this planet. Most fan fics make me want to throw up. Most men today dress like boys and women dress like Ho's. Epic rap battles of history usually suck. The first 3/4 of Season 3 was great. Chick-fil-a guy had every right to defend his beliefs. Twilight will hate her new life and revert to her old self. Beyonce isn't talented. Neither is Nicki Minaj. The aliens guy from history channel isn't crazy and is actually getting abducted really slowly. The aliens are just really damn inefficient. That's why his hair is slowly standing up more firmly with every episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sickman 205 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) -Clop is awesome. -Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 were all orchestrated false-flag operations, intended to carry the United States into war. -I'm anti-US -Clop is awesome -Religion is bullshit -Pinkie Pie is worst poni -European Union needs to be dissolved. Now -History is interesting -Clop is awesome -Friendship Is Witchcraft sucks -All generations of Pokémon after Kanto and Johto suck ass -Bronies need to learn to laugh at themselves -Angry Video Game Nerd sucks now -I *hate* Mike Matei -I prefer the old Nostalgia Critic format over the new one -I like Noah Antwiler better than Doug Walker Edited June 19, 2013 by Sickman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CobraCommando 37 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 (edited) Cyber punk has more depth then Steam punk ever will, not to say i hate it but eh. i dislike Text Rp, Table top is much better due to actual human interaction and not being able to be good at anything and every thing and only failing when you want too, as well as the obscene amount's of Overly powerful characters. My D&D character will beat you're character, With his abominated skin. Also this whole ff7 wannabe "Seperoth" or whatever can go eat a box of nails and shit out a nailed 2by4 the guy whined about "Test tube mommy" and what did ff6 get... The best damn villin on the planet and the argument is he look's like a clown, Guess what so does the joker and guess who performed Genocide, Kefka Edited June 19, 2013 by CobraComando Ooc To my Rp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GottlosMann 221 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I just thought of a few more I could share. -Like everyone here keeps saying, Adventure Time is horrible. -Resident Evil is extremely overrated. -Belief in any Abrahamic faith is unreasonable. -Nickelback has some okay songs. -Shadow the Hedgehog was terrible. -Call of Duty is mediocre, which is something I would expect out of a series of games that take one year to produce. -Megan Fox is not attractive. I mostly think that because I'm attracted to intelligence, and she doesn't really have that. 2 Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blankaccount12345 8 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I enjoy clop, I thought Equestria Girls was a great movie, and I love the LGBT community (although I don't believe in being politically correct). I'm also an atheist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oblivion 20,271 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 I loved the Star Wars sequels. I think every American should have a gun. I think our government is way to big. And uh that's all I can think of at the moment. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoney Pony 100 June 19, 2013 Share June 19, 2013 i cant stand ants! im an ant hater like my father and his father before me. also i hate My little pony cant stand the fucking thing! JK (i really love the shit out of it.) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GottlosMann 221 June 20, 2013 Share June 20, 2013 Of course I have more. -I fucking love swearing, damn it. It makes speaking a lot more fun, and I reject the idea that you should limit your vocabulary. -I don't like The Beatles. -I hate Lynyrd Skynyrd. -Derpy isn't the best background pony. I went there. -Dane Cook sucks. I used to like him when I was 10, but that's because I was 10. -Pokemon did NOT start to suck after Generation III. -There's nothing wrong with being a little bit strange. If you're not mainstream society's bitch, I often see that as a plus. -Attack of the Clones was okay. It had its flaws, but they didn't ruin the movie for me. -Spiders and snakes are amazing creatures. -Clop is awesome. -I'm anti-US -Clop is awesome -Religion is bullshit -Pinkie Pie is worst pony -History is interesting -Clop is awesome -Friendship Is Witchcraft sucks -Bronies need to learn to laugh at themselves -I *hate* Mike Matei -I prefer the old Nostalgia Critic format over the new one -I like Noah Antwiler better than Doug Walker I agree with the ones I didn't erase. Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiden21 804 June 20, 2013 Share June 20, 2013 - The StarWars prequels weren't really bad - EA can fuck off after what they did with SimCity. - I don't mind DRM - I like grey hat hackers - I like hotmail/outlook - Bronies need to be able to laugh at themselves 1 Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 June 20, 2013 Share June 20, 2013 Lebron James is a disgrace to basketball. Uhh... how? I'm a Celtics fan and that couldn't be farther than the truth. The guy's talent level is absurd with the way he can control a game from the onset and he has arguably the best physical prowess the NBA has ever seen. When he retires, people will look back at him and wish they had a chance to watch greatness. And I'm far from a Heat supporter. Need proof, though? Go watch game five of the Pistons-Cavs 2007 playoff series. I had never seen a show quite like that, in the Palace no less. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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