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Do you think AJ looks naked without her hat?

Silly Lily

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Does she look "naked" without her hat?





Lookie here:


13:17 - 14:08




It's kinda neat, I think. It's more like what Applejack really looks like, though even if it's not what we're used to.


And it's just kinda neat to see something different, kind of like the mane 6 recolorizations.




Where did that picture come from? :huh:




Oh yeah? Try without her hairbands OR hat :P


Posted Image


Source: http://maplesunrise....n/44556141&qo=3


you forgot her tail hairband. she looks hot without her hat. we should come together and be gay. aj is hot./


she dosent look naked. But she does look quite attractive without her hat. Hey AppleJack, I like your.... mane.

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I didn't think someone without clothes could become more naked :wacko:. Applejack without a hate is cute and all, but I admit, she starts to look a little "bare" (If that makes any sense) without those little red ribbons that she uses to tie her hair. Without those, she seems to reflect a lot of "natural" beauty, since she's usually wearing that hat and those ribbons



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I instantly thought about the scene where applejack tells rarity that they normally don't wear clothes. But I do think applejack's hat is a bit of a tradmark. Without it she looks like a normal pony but with it she looks like she is read to get things done. Serious hat activate!

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Actually she looks a ton more vulnerable without both the hat and hairband. She doesnt look right without the hat but with the hairband. It is kind of like with the hat she is all business but without the hat and hairband she has literally let her hair down and would be ready to open up on things AJ typically wouldnt.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 06:04 AM

Hmm...I guess...I can see what you're saying, although maybe it runs in the family to wear something random then look odd/Coooot! without it?


Apple Bloom: Bow - Dang! She'd look odd without it, I'm pretty sure I've seen bowless AB, wasn't as cute as Bow AB.


AppleJack: HAT! - She's worn it so long it has become part of her. In the posted photo she looks as if she's just realized her hat's been taken and now she's naked - in public!


Big Mac: Weird collary thing - Come on! Sometimes he doesn't wear it, but when he does he looks more badass 'n strong than usual


Granny Smith: She wears something, I can't remember what. - Dear sweet Celestia! Please don't let us discover what lurks within!


Also, Braeburn: Jacket & hat - He would look even worse without them!


That is all,



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In all seriousness though I don't really care if she doesn't have a hat or not. It bugs me though when her freckles are missing!

I don't suppose you've been watching 'My little bloopers, mistakes are forever' have you?

The freckle disappear/reappear counter seems about right here ^^




P.s.... Resurrection much!

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Oh, here, too:


Entire first scene she goes without her hat:




you forgot her tail hairband. she looks hot without her hat. we should come together and be gay. aj is hot./


she dosent look naked. But she does look quite attractive without her hat. Hey AppleJack, I like your.... mane.


Oh, yeah, uh... Wait...


we should come together and be gay. aj is hot./


I'm a guy... AJ's female... You say AJ's hot... And...

No. :huh:


Posted Image


And that's not changing, and I don't appreciate perverted jokes if you're heading that way....

Edited by Mattlight

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


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Oh, here, too:


Entire first scene she goes without her hat:






Oh, yeah, uh... Wait...




I'm a guy... AJ's female... You say AJ's hot... And...

No. :huh:


Posted Image


And that's not changing, and I don't appreciate perverted jokes if you're heading that way....


yo, I cant load your picture. Why dont you just include it in your post next time? also, that link is a screamer.

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yo, I cant load your picture. Why dont you just include it in your post next time? also, that link is a screamer.


This is the picture I tried to upload before:


I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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The first time I noticed Applejack didn't have her hat on was like seeing someone who wears glasses forget to put them on. There's a hat that I wear all the time, actually, and people have told me my head looks bare without it. I'd say the same for Applejack, but I wouldn't say she looks naked. Incomplete is a more fitting word, I think. Nevertheless, she looks fine either way; I'm just more used to seeing her in a hat.

Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you.

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  • 1 month later...

If Applejack looks naked without her hat? for some odd reason, yea, I don't know why but everypony don't normally wear clothes and Applejack's Stetson hat it the closest thing to a piece of cloth.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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I think it only seems weird because we are used to seeing her with it on, like you mentioned. Her mane is pretty cool though, either way i wouldn't mind.

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