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ooc Shifted: The Remake (OOC)

Arylett Charnoa

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Yay, that means we'll be able to ship everybody!! :D


...Not that I would mind seeing some untraditional pairings. :P Magenta went with Klopp because he seemed to be the most suited for it at the time. She could have clung to one of the females just as easily, I think.


Hahah... I don't really see Electrobolt shipping with Serah, at least at this time xP And I dunno how Ice Storm might react, considering she was originally a male as a human :P Hmm... Actually, that might be an interesting reaction to see xD But anyways...


You guys remember how I said I was gonna make a little comment earlier, when I linked Silver's profile? Well, I figured, "Why not?" and decided to just go for it :P Ahem...


"There's no need to fear, Electrobolt is here!!!" There, I did it xD

  • Brohoof 2
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Hahah... I don't really see Electrobolt shipping with Serah, at least at this time xP And I dunno how Ice Storm might react, considering she was originally a male as a human :P Hmm... Actually, that might be an interesting reaction to see xD But anyways...


You guys remember how I said I was gonna make a little comment earlier, when I linked Silver's profile? Well, I figured, "Why not?" and decided to just go for it :P Ahem...


"There's no need to fear, Electrobolt is here!!!" There, I did it xD


Cheesy catchphrase is cheesy. ^_^



Yay, that means we'll be able to ship everybody!! :D


...Not that I would mind seeing some untraditional pairings. :P Magenta went with Klopp because he seemed to be the most suited for it at the time. She could have clung to one of the females just as easily, I think.


I don't know... I honestly don't see everypony here "shipping", but that's just me. I could see Alex and Serah getting volatile towards each other because of her disregard for everypony's safety. Also, Aurora is so sweet that I just want to hug her tightly. :wub:
  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Shipping? Did i hear some one say shipping? e_e




**Grabs gassoline* Seraaaah I need a light!


  • Brohoof 1

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Shipping? Did i hear some one say shipping? e_e




**Grabs gassoline* Seraaaah I need a light!



Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!!! Easy there, big guy, no need to take it such extremes :P Now, put the gasoline away, gently now... No need to burn anything

  • Brohoof 4
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Shipping? Did i hear some one say shipping? e_e




**Grabs gassoline* Seraaaah I need a light!



*Grabs gasoline away* Whoa, hold on there before you give Serah any ideas, Silver. Everypony knows she'll do it. :P

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Yay, that means we'll be able to ship everybody!! :D


...Not that I would mind seeing some untraditional pairings. :P Magenta went with Klopp because he seemed to be the most suited for it at the time. She could have clung to one of the females just as easily, I think.


It's cause Klopp is just that awesome. The mares are all naturally attracted to Klopp pony, even though they may not realize it. This unstoppable force just grips them and pulls then in, then just one look into his glorious bright azure eyes and they can no longer control themselves.


Of course, it could just be that Magenta was scared nearly to death and Klopp was the closest solid object that she could get her arms around. I doubt it though :P

  • Brohoof 4
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It's cause Klopp is just that awesome. The mares are all naturally attracted to Klopp pony, even though they may not realize it. This unstoppable force just grips them and pulls then in, then just one look into his glorious bright azure eyes and they can no longer control themselves.


Of course, it could just be that Magenta was scared nearly to death and Klopp was the closest solid object that she could get her arms around. I doubt it though :P


Nah, I'd say it was the fedora. ^_^ Which by the way, Alex wants to know how you got a fedora through the other side!! Does a bullwhip come with that?... :lol:

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Shipping? Where?! :ph34r:


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that Numbers is basically unshippable. His behavioral quirks and issues with relationships in general make it highly unlikely. Not impossible, just highly unlikely. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1
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Shipping? Where?! :ph34r:


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that Numbers is basically unshippable. His behavioral quirks and issues with relationships in general make it highly unlikely. Not impossible, just highly unlikely. :huh:


Stranger things have happened, my friend. ;) Meanwhile, in a parallel universe... Ponies are trying to ship humans! :blink:

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Shipping? Where?! :ph34r:


Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that Numbers is basically unshippable. His behavioral quirks and issues with relationships in general make it highly unlikely. Not impossible, just highly unlikely. :huh:


Well, "highly unlikely" is just as good a chance as any when it comes to shipping... Now the important question... FedEx or UPS? :P

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, "highly unlikely" is just as good a chance as any when it comes to shipping... Now the important question... FedEx or UPS? :P


FedEx, I always use FedEx. I haven't used UPS since they threw a box of computer parts at my door all the way from the delivery truck and called that “making a successful delivery”. I had a really interesting time explaining to the company that shipped the parts how exactly everything ended up in so many pieces when I returned the goods. :lol:

  • Brohoof 6
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Shipping? Serah wants no part of any boat you peeps are sailing. :P


She may not be an asexual character, but Serah places about 0 importance on romantic relationships. She values her freedom, and doesn't want to feel tied down; not even to someone she cares about. And she hasn't had a sexual encounter since high-school, when she out-of-the-blue requested it from some random guy, just to try it out. But because it was such a meaningless experience, it didn't do anything for her, and she just sort of stifled her sex drive after that. (Other things she tried out in that rebellious period of her life stuck around more, such as smoking and getting in fights.)


That's not to say Serah cannot feel attraction. She is primarily attracted to strength, as you might guess, and is similarly drawn to people who want to be strong but may not be yet. Traits typically associated with men, but not exclusively. I've tried to ask Serah what her sexuality is in the past, and all she's ever answered is "does it even matter?" My own characters sometimes evolve past my own understanding. :lol:


This isn't all stuff I'm making up on the spot now, either. I tend to think a hell of a lot about the characters I write. It helps me flesh them out so that they feel just a little more "real". Even when their role in a story is to be nothing more than a powerhouse who throws fire at things and growls a lot. ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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Even when their role in a story is to be nothing more than a powerhouse who throws fire at things and growls a lot.


Your OC reminds me of this “wolfdog trainer" that I once saw on one of those dog training shows. Basically, she specialized in training and keeping dogs that were wolf hybrids. From what I could tell, all she did and all she cared about was dealing with and taking care of her wolves.


I remember watching the show and seeing her grab this huge wolfdog by its neck, raise it up to eye level and make a hair-raising growling sound right in its face. While she was only slightly above average height and not particularly bulky, she was quite surprisingly strong. She was also aggressive, fairly confrontational, and basically immune to fear. I'm pretty sure that absolutely nothing could rattle her. She also had an impressive grasp of common sense.


Ignoring the obvious differences, I think that Serah exhibits similar characteristics to the wolf lady. Powerhouses that growl and manhandle stuff can be very effective when applied to the right situations. Given that Canterlot seems to have fallen to the changelings, I would say that, shipping or not, this RP is probably the right situation for the application of a powerhouse.


Speaking for Numbers, he isn't much good for shipping because, frankly, he is a bit of a basket case. He is a classic “highly sensitive person” but he doesn't know that he is a highly sensitive person. He actually believes himself to be a sociopath based on his own observations that he exhibits sociopathic behavior, but his observed sociopathic behaviors are actually products of his extreme empathy.


Has your head exploded? Mine did when I realized that I had created a monster. I originally set out to craft him in something of my own image (so that he would be easier to write for), but I ended up crafting him in the image of someone else that I know quite well.


Numbers would have to process any romantic emotions that he runs into. The result of such processing would quite likely be weird and/or disastrous. The problem is that he isn't quite “programmed” for that type of relationship. Prior to being in Equestria, Numbers had only had one girlfriend and that was back in high school.


His first relationship ended fairly soon after Numbers stopped returning the poor girl's phone calls because he was too busy working on his projects and was feeling overwhelmed by her attentions. Numbers was relieved when she dumped him. He had work to do and he valued the emotional stability provided by not needing to interact with anyone on any personal level as he pursued his mad quest to start a successful financial firm (yup, while he was a teen).


It's been a long time since then (he is 32 now), and Numbers has had more than enough years to sink pretty deeply into his own world. Oddly enough, he is something of a romantic due to his rabid fascination with chivalry and the Arthurian legends, but this sense of the word "romantic" is based on the definition that hearkens back hundreds of years.


When you factor in his strong avoidance of any kind of close emotional relationships, it would really take a unique set of circumstances for him to become capable of any kind of romantic relationship. Numbers has a strong sense of chivalry and “doing what is right”, but he also loathes interacting closely with others and becomes awkward quickly when approached in conversation about anything related to his own feelings.

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Longest post in an OOC thread ever. (Not counting the first post) And probably the best one. HSP kind of sounds like Artsy/me, really. But an interesting take! He'd probably have mathanalyzegasms all over the relationship. It's sad that he can't have any, but it probably doesn't bother him. Very detailed thoughts into him though.


Also, Serah is totally a wolf lady in my head now and she should ride around on a Timberwolf. It's only natural.


As I await Skyman's post, (because I'm too kind to move on without him and I STILL haven't caught up. Also, I'm getting kind of hazy and sick at the moment, so I doubt I could really catch up at the moment. @_@) I'll bring up a topic that was in the last Shifted OOC thread since Scatcoal's Scatgasm reminded me. If your character had a theme song, what would it be?


Silver Arrow already crafted a theme for me. I think it applies to Artsy as well since she's based on me, pretty much. It has a sound of determination, and she was the Element of Determination in the last Shifted. It's also very dramatic and somewhat serious. She can be comical at times, but I definitely don't intend her to be comic relief. She's supposed to be more of that quiet serious character who keeps to herself, and occasionally has weird bumps and moments of comic relief due to her odd eccentricities. However, she is for the most part very serious and perceptive about everything.


Theme here:


Arylett's Theme.mp3

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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If we're talking about the RP characters and romance, Starry isn't interested in romance, but she does feel lonely, mostly because she spent several years in the hospital rehabilitating from the car accident that killed her parents.


EDIT: I guess I'll wait for another post before making mine.

Edited by Narutardedscum!!


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Hrm, it's been a day and yet we still haven't gotten quite that far yet. 0_o


Anyone think getting out of the forest is enough time for my character to wake up yet? Or should I lurk some more?

  • Brohoof 2


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Hrm, it's been a day and yet we still haven't gotten quite that far yet. 0_o


Anyone think getting out of the forest is enough time for my character to wake up yet? Or should I lurk some more?


Sorry, I was intending on being out that post, but Ice's character isn't to leave anypony behind. So I kinda didn't have a choice on the matter. :unsure:


Princess Luna is best pony

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Hrm, it's been a day and yet we still haven't gotten quite that far yet. 0_o


Anyone think getting out of the forest is enough time for my character to wake up yet? Or should I lurk some more?


Yes, I'd say that it is high time that Aurora woke up and be totally "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!" ^_^ Besides, the group is worried about you... Well, maybe except Silver Arrow and Alex because they are wrapped up in something else at the moment and Serah is... Well, Serah.





Silver Arrow already crafted a theme for me. I think it applies to Artsy as well since she's based on me, pretty much. It has a sound of determination, and she was the Element of Determination in the last Shifted. It's also very dramatic and somewhat serious. She can be comical at times, but I definitely don't intend her to be comic relief. She's supposed to be more of that quiet serious character who keeps to herself, and occasionally has weird bumps and moments of comic relief due to her odd eccentricities. However, she is for the most part very serious and perceptive about everything.


Theme here:


Aw, it sounds so beautiful... It makes me want to make a theme for my character, but I remember I don't know how to... :blush:

Edited by Alex_Night
  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Yes, I'd say that it is high time that Aurora woke up and be totally "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!" ^_^ Besides, the group is worried about you... Well, maybe except Silver Arrow and Alex because they are wrapped up in something else at the moment and Serah is... Well, Serah.


Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! <3





Posted Image




Totally her reaction. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png



I'll get started on making a post soon, then!

  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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*hops on the shipping train*

All aboard.


Come to think of it, once Silver finds out he was asleep for one thousand years he will probably be incredibly lonely and depressed. All of his friends and any "family" he had would have long died of old age, so he would have absolutely no friends.


Because of his dedication to things though he would most likely make a good friend. If he feels something is important to him he makes sure to work hard and protect it. This is clear when he raises the alarm on Nightmare Moon, but he was obviously distraught that he was attacked by one of the very ponies he was supposed to protect. This shook him to the core.


Now as an old english pony in a modern world, he's completely lost, and when he discovers his past he would probably be shattered to pieces. (Hopefully somepony can get him out of that rut later.)


I'm not entirely sure who Silver would ship well with since he's generally fairly new. Probably something we will find out at Canterlot. (We are going there, right? :D)



Yes, I'd say that it is high time that Aurora woke up and be totally "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!" ^_^ Besides, the group is worried about you... Well, maybe except Silver Arrow and Alex because they are wrapped up in something else at the moment and Serah is... Well, Serah.





Aw, it sounds so beautiful... It makes me want to make a theme for my character, but I remember I don't know how to... :blush:


Well musical commissions are a possibility for me right now. It's something I will be talking over with friends like Scoots, Feld0 and Offline friends. Simple themes like Ary's would probably be genuinely cheap. If you might be interested let me know. :)
  • Brohoof 2

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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*hops on the shipping train*

All aboard.


Come to think of it, once Silver finds out he was asleep for one thousand years he will probably be incredibly lonely and depressed. All of his friends and any "family" he had would have long died of old age, so he would have absolutely no friends.


Because of his dedication to things though he would most likely make a good friend. If he feels something is important to him he makes sure to work hard and protect it. This is clear when he raises the alarm on Nightmare Moon, but he was obviously distraught that he was attacked by one of the very ponies he was supposed to protect. This shook him to the core.


Now as an old english pony in a modern world, he's completely lost, and when he discovers his past he would probably be shattered to pieces. (Hopefully somepony can get him out of that rut later.)


I'm not entirely sure who Silver would ship well with since he's generally fairly new. Probably something we will find out at Canterlot. (We are going there, right? :D)



Well musical commissions are a possibility for me right now. It's something I will be talking over with friends like Scoots, Feld0 and Offline friends. Simple themes like Ary's would probably be genuinely cheap. If you might be interested let me know. :)




I agree wholeheartedly. I would like to see a bit of progression with the plot, especially since that going through the Everfree Forest is out of the question currently. However, I kinda have the feeling that getting to Cantorlot might be a little difficult due to the changelings having complete control over it.


Also, you doing themes has made you 20% cooler. Perhaps a little something for Alex Night?... It would really inspire me on what to write for him! :D Of course, I'm sure that you're quite busy, what with the RP and all.

Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! <3





Posted Image




Totally her reaction. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png



I'll get started on making a post soon, then!


That is just priceless! I can just imagine Aurora doing something like that, making the cuteness power level OVER 9000! :P


EDIT: wait a minute... WHERE ARE THEIR HORNS?! :o

Edited by Alex_Night
  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Hrm, it's been a day and yet we still haven't gotten quite that far yet. 0_o


Anyone think getting out of the forest is enough time for my character to wake up yet? Or should I lurk some more?

I'm thinking I should wait until @ to post as there could be a few things to add considering my interaction with his character. Will keep an eye on this though so as soon as he does post I will soon follow so we can finally get out of the forest.

My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
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Well, long as we're on the subject of shipping...


Aurora Flare started out as a template, using a reversed me as a guideline, but eventually evolved her own personality (don't you just hate it when that happens?). Which means, basically, that I have no bloody clue as to what she would want in a relationship. If my subconscious knows, it's definitely not sharing with my conscious state of mind. ._. Which means I guess I'll just have to go with the flow and see where my writer's inspiration takes me. :blink:



EDIT: wait a minute... WHERE ARE THEIR HORNS?! :o


I ran out of ice cream cones.

  • Brohoof 2


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I actually don't know what to post, but I think I have some ideas:


A: Starry gets pissed at Daylight for not helping them fight the wolves.




B: Starry experiences another flashback about what her cutie mark means.


I don't want to mess the story up, so which is best?


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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