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Insult like a nerd.


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Warning: This is in good fun. I'm not saying insult your enemies with this. This is too good and too heart breaking for them.


Sometimes you come across someone that you want to insult. For your own reasons. You probably don't want to get into the details.

You want to curse them, with the vilest of words but not drop to the levels of "fuck" or "dick".


Fear not, fellow nerds, as a Mr. John Green with tell you the only way to insult is to insult like a nerd. And the way to that is to quote Shakespeare. And I bring forth:

The Random Shakespearean Insult Generator (I did not make this by the way)


Just for the mods who will ultimately tear this down because "this site is about love and friendship" *rolls eyes* ( I'm exaggerating here :P) please note this is for the good of human kind and is posted in the Form Lounge.


No more will you see fucker or fetus lover. No more of those vile words. From now on you will see marvelous quotes such as

  • Thou wouldst eat thy dead vomit up, And howl'st to find it.
  • Thou tottering whoreson pigeon-egg!
  • Thou ruttish pottle-deep vassal.
So go forth my friends! Destroy your foes. Tear them down with all your might! Edited by Bronium
  • Brohoof 1
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This is more "Insult like sir.".

I'd rather call people morons and insult them based on how they're a sexually aggressive racist homophobe masogynistic cowardly illiterate waste of organic skin.

And also count up all the ways they are stupid.

Cool site though, i'll be sure to use insults from that site from time to time.

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