DoctorWhovian1902 596 October 1, 2012 Share October 1, 2012 they would greet me with many hugs and cupcake then Vinyl and Octavia would ask me to live with them and everyone and pony lives happily ever after.... THE END!! You're quite the optimist, aren't you? Sadly, I don't really think things would go as smoothly as you described, I'd be more inclined to believe there'd be at least some kind of initial fear or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rolls Royce 606 October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 I think they would react the same way they reacted to Zakura before they got to know here. Everypony would hide and come up with rumors about us, some would be skeptical, and some would avoid us like the plague. Lyra on the other hand... Signature credit to Gone AirbourneXbox Live - Sir Trollestia Steam - Sir_Trollestia Wii U - SirTrollestia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 Shippers rejoice? lolno Haha but no, realistically speaking - we would bring warfare and hatred there, including a bunch of Anti-MLP fans. But if it was just bronies that go could go, I'm pretty sure it'd turn out great. That is, until many of us talk about breeding between humans and ponies, then they'd get freaked out. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 I'm pretty sure it'd turn out great. That is, until many of us talk about breeding between humans and ponies, then they'd get freaked out. xD Good thing the majority of bronies aren't "ponysexuals" then, huh? Seriously though, I don't think that many of us would ever even discuss that happening, considering that they're the real deal, not just fictional characters to be placed in made up stories where we can use them at our will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 (edited) Considering the fact that they where totally freaked out by Zecora... I don't know if they'd be super welcoming at first, proably very scared. Then after a little while they'd probably eventually welcome us peacefully. But I mean we'd be aliens to them. So just think of how you'd react if an alien showed up right in front of you. Edited October 2, 2012 by Zygen Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiStErUnMeRry 328 October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 Ok...lets look at this in a logical manner: Humans are: More technologically advanced. Omnivores and in fact need meat as a part of their diet. Forfeiting it brings health risks and detrimental effects mentally/physically. Have a long history that is riddled with war and thus experienced. Culturally diverse and thus hard to pinpoint due to said diversity, even if you stereotype all humanity-stereotypes somes speak truth by the way...they can be applied because a large section of certain type of people from a specific clique follows a specific behavior although most of them are out of sync with time now and mostly jokes or past propaganda fuel. Which(stereotypes in general) is understandable, its not like economical and cultural ideals along with events can spur large section of people to become solders merchants and so on, when you take jobs similar to others of your country, some outside or even real similarities in style/practices and personality will appear- Has indepth knowledge of chemicals and various scientific methods that can be dangerous, even if we get rid of nukes from that equation. Well trained in the art of war and physically applicable to not only be warriors but creators too. We have many, many numbers and all of them can do the same job-if you killed all the Canadians/ Mexicans ectr. There nothing to stop other humans just coming in, taking the spots where they used to work-unlike ponies in which if you damage a specific breed (pegasi/earth/unicorn)too much their entire society breaks down, their ability to even provide basic survival is crippled and the military tactics and capabilities is basically mutilated. Human weaponry and machinery also far outmatch any of their war options, even magical for the most part-force field against a tank, well you pushed it away and over. We'll just flip it back up and bomb the shield from Arial crafts....lets see you withstand that- Humans are also generally physically more capable in fight. Our bodies are very suited for both combat and can last longer in endurance than any four legged mammal because we use two legs...yes, that the reason. Two legs drains less energy, thus making us more endurant, it also makes us slower but hey...when you only got to keep in sight of your target, their going to collapse eventually of fatigue before you do. Our precision grip allows better weapon control in basically anything short range and ranged based weaponry. Being fast and strong does no work good against the speed of a bullet....or heck, even an arrow or dart. Also monstrous machines and device. Basically to the MLP species we would be aliens that eat other creatures, have unknown and frightening devices, confusing and unknown structure of command-we don't have a assigned royal or royals to govern our races. We all use different system of government and basically the only they could win is if they somehow killed loads and loads of humans...even if they was good at killing and warlike, the scope of numbers needed dead would be beyond them without tech such as ours. They would be peaceful because they no choice, if they attacked us they would die. If they made a wrong move, they would die or get enslaved or at least totally devastated. I think personally humans would just take the ponies warm welcome(fear filled and wary welcome), move into the lands and start to construct massive buildings and governmental structures. I don't think the MLP would really complain...I mean...think about it...wer basically boosting their tech by hundreds of years and still letting them live in their own lands while fully aware they could get butchered or kicked off the planet. Canterlot would probably be left alone, mostly to stop the ponies crying and celestia raging as well as stopping the protesters for human rights/pony rights(?) and ethics having a field day. made it clear gems are common in MLP and abundant. You have any idea how vulnerable ponies would be. They would have to accept protection against aggressive nations by joining one of the few-most likely EU-so, yes. They would be overwhelmed and scared, confused but peaceful due to the conditions. Its sort of like eight foot tall lizard warriors with time traveling just landing on Earth.....they eight foot reptiles...who time travel...what the hell can we against that.... 4 A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Nefarious 195 October 2, 2012 Share October 2, 2012 Since there are already many different kinds of beings in equestria I don't think they would react very severely if we came there. CALL AN AMBERLAMPS! I NEED AN AMBERLAMPS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow-Crash 101 October 6, 2012 Share October 6, 2012 You're quite the optimist, aren't you? Sadly, I don't really think things would go as smoothly as you described, I'd be more inclined to believe there'd be at least some kind of initial fear or something. i actaully think Twilight would get really excited and sing 'Experiment tiiiiime". in which the observation stage of testing will never cease. It will forever remain awkward unless i somehow made friends with them buuuuuut.... with the octavia and vinyl thing.... A man can dream, a man can dream Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,820 October 6, 2012 Share October 6, 2012 I am assuming that there would need to be only one response. Sums it up pretty well. Humans are cruel and idiotic, for the most part. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 I think they would scream and yell at first but then they would warm up to us. as for the humans side, we would probably try to take over their land and we would kill all the ponies there... Because humans are smelly bums. Also what's all the stuff with Lyra, was she a human... Or something ? Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Driz 1,552 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 They would be very welcoming, I believe. They're sort of used to strange creatures already, so as long as we don't violently show ourselves as some kind of threat, we could become friends. :3 But I think humans would hardly respond as kindly. "We" would probably lock some of the ponies in a laboratory for science researches and relate almost everything in Equestria, like Unicorn's magic, to God... :L Trinket | Helios | Lory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 It's probably true that they'd greet us very nicely. Then we would live in harmony, until the government discovers this awesome world... Then all hell breaks loose. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultimate Ebil 9 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 I have a feeling Rainbow Dash would want to race Usain Bolt. Twilight would probably head straight for her books to research these new creatures, Fluttershy would act like she would with her woodland animals. Pinkie would do the completely obvious thing: Party 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 But I think humans would hardly respond as kindly Yeah i could see humans reacting to the ponies pretty harshly It would go like: "WaT dA fAk TeHrE iS a BuNcH oF PrIsSY pOnIeS In A bUnCh Of GaY aSs CoLur'S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Seeker 302 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 They would probably be very curious. It would depend completely on the first humans that make contact, but I think the first meeting would be friendly. Side note – language and size differences. What guarantees do we have that they can even make human noises, let alone understand us (and vice versa). Also, they are called “My little ponies”. For all we know, we could be giants to them. I think things would be alright from their end, but human society would go nuts. Other life forms that are nothing like us, but ape our behaviour? Religious groups and the like would want nothing more then to convert or destroy these aliens. Humans would spend years (and decades) coming up with new legislation on how to treat them (Rights for ponies??? What next, Sheep??). Contrary to what we seem to believe, humans are still insanely tribal and bigoted in our own ways (before you disagree, think of the nastiest sort of bigot, make him a member of your own ethic group and faith, and pretend that he likes you for whatever reason. Can YOU find common ground (assuming that the bigot will not change his attitudes)? Humans can’t even sort their own species out, how can we even adapt to another? And one more thing. What diseases could we accidentally inflict on the Equestria and what could get us? How boned would we be if a single Para-sprite snuck into earth? Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoonVindicated 71 October 14, 2012 Share October 14, 2012 (edited) The question is: how would ponies react to humans coming to Equestria? In order to answer that we have to establish a basis of understanding of how humans got there, and if ponies knew about them prior to their arrival. There are many different outcomes, and it depends largely on initial perceptions. The problem I foresee here is that we are asked to give a conclusion based on the perception of the ponies. As we are humans we share many of the same organs used to perceive the world as ponies do. That does not mean we would see the same world. In fact their methods of transduction ( turning stimuli into information the nervous system can use) could be uniquely different. Even the form of storage for this information could be different, and could be uniquely handled. Even the slightest differences in perception could change the entire conceptualization of any given object. So what am I saying with this? I am saying that we cannot judge the viewpoint of a pony being limited by our human perception because chances are we both see the world very differently. This is just talking about the physical differences, and I haven't even begun to talk about the cultural differences. Of which we cannot even begin to properly assess another culture without first looking at it within it's own system. Otherwise we become dangerously close to ethnocentric behavior by comparing our culture to theirs. Before I begin discussing how I think ponies would react. I need to first mention one point. I know that many people would think that ponies would see humans as evil, and a race of people that should be avoided at all costs. These same people generally have a low opinion of humanity themselves. They have reasons for seeing mankind this way, and no one can argue against that. However, in order to see humans in such a dark way you must first disregard the good things that people do. You must also assume that most people will behave evilly if given the chance. When in fact most of the time it is good people thinking they are doing good things. Many will point to history as an example of the evil that people do, but in reality it is much the same thing we have today. People doing things that they believe that is right and proper. Perceptions of good and evil have changed and evolved over the course of human history. At one time slavery was seen as good and proper. Aristotle wrote positively about the subject in his theory of " Natural Slavery". Ideas of what is good and evil has changed because the subject is quite frankly, subjective, and is based on the culture in which that perception is installed. So what of ponies? Do they share the same trappings as we? They probably have an idea of what is right and wrong because they do have concepts of duality that we see as early as the first episode. Though where does that come from? Humans, because MLP: FiM is a human construct. The cold reality of it is everything nice and beautiful we love about Equestria has been put there by a human. Everything we know about Equestria is there through the power of the human mind, and more importantly the culture of the people involved in it's creation. As it's message transcends the borders of nations, cultures, and of the self. We begin to see that in order to judge humanity we must look at the whole picture, and not fall victim to "confirmation bias" in which some people look only for information to support their chosen bias about the given subject. We know the message is positive, and we can see the resistance/acceptance it receives as it begins to span our planet. Like watching ripples in an ocean bouncing off unseen obstacles. If you look at MLP: FiM in this way you can catch the briefest of insight into humanity as a whole, and quite possibly draw an idea. If the ponies of the MLP: FiM truly existed, and knew about us. They would know to judge us by our own standards. When they did, they would know that even though we do bad things, we did so because we wanted to do the right thing. To answer how ponies would react to humans, is more about asking how we would react to ourselves. Every explanation I've read on this thread is more telling about the person posting, and their own perceptions of humanity than it ever will be about the perceptions of candy-colored ponies. Our experiences, at least in part, defines for us who we are. In every post, by every person here, I can see a glimpse of their experience, and I ask myself. What series of ripples came together to make the very posts I am reading, realized. Edited October 14, 2012 by Waifles 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Totally Ducklett 181 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 Humans have a need to conquer and kill. You may say no, but look back to the past, it's all we do. Ponies would be a bit shocked but warm up to us as we prepared to kill them. They would trust us, until we tryed to murder and conquer them. Quack. Totally a Ducklett. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argos 191 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 (edited) (content has been removed) Edited March 16, 2014 by Argos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
100 beasts kaidou 321 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 Depends on woch country goes to equestria. Like a dictator country Would try to take over. A peaceful country will not. I would like to see an interaction between Obama and Celestia. Obama: Yes we can. Tia: Why do you only rule for four years? Honestly MLP Ponies have weak mind. Averege humans could Trick the Averege Pony. Also we have bombs and stuff. If Ponies and Humans start a war Humans would destroy them. Celestia is too smart for that Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 One thing though about the idea of ponies having a real problem with dealing with humans. One good solar flare would cause an emp pulse large enough to wipe out all exposed electronics. And Celestia could do it too. Thing is even in the case of an invasion, that could be done THERE because they do not have the kind of infrastructure that would be harmed by it. 1 Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Replicant 113 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 @@MiStErUnMeRry- Unfortunately the bit about the diamonds makes your scenario pretty likely. Until that last bit I was thinking that humanity wouldn't go to so much trouble to destroy/control the ponies' way of life, but then... diamonds. Yeah, that's probably enough motivation. 6_6 I have a more cautiously optimistic idea of what would happen: Humanity wouldn't risk wasting heavy artillery on shields until they had a good understanding of magic and what to expect from it. It also depends upon how one goes about getting to Equestria/MLPverse; if it's off-planet, that would take a lot more resources to get heavy weaponry to and from Earth. If it's in another dimension and somehow we found/created a portal (yay science magic), there's a good chance that unicorn magic could just close it. That said, ponies are of roughly the same intelligence as humans, so I believe that if humans were aggressive and threatening toward them, they'd build their own versions of our weapons with magic/powered by magic (in spite of their nature-- the other option is extinction, so...). It would bring the disagreement to an impasse. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiStErUnMeRry 328 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 (edited) @@MiStErUnMeRry- Unfortunately the bit about the diamonds makes your scenario pretty likely. Until that last bit I was thinking that humanity wouldn't go to so much trouble to destroy/control the ponies' way of life, but then... diamonds. Yeah, that's probably enough motivation. 6_6 I have a more cautiously optimistic idea of what would happen: Humanity wouldn't risk wasting heavy artillery on shields until they had a good understanding of magic and what to expect from it. It also depends upon how one goes about getting to Equestria/MLPverse; if it's off-planet, that would take a lot more resources to get heavy weaponry to and from Earth. If it's in another dimension and somehow we found/created a portal (yay science magic), there's a good chance that unicorn magic could just close it. That said, ponies are of roughly the same intelligence as humans, so I believe that if humans were aggressive and threatening toward them, they'd build their own versions of our weapons with magic/powered by magic (in spite of their nature-- the other option is extinction, so...). It would bring the disagreement to an impasse. The only issue with those ideas though is that we are assuming the ponies have the same intellect as humans which I don't believe. There are a number of reasons why. Culturally the pony race is slow and degraded because they don't look for science to over come their issues and bring new ideas, they overly rely on magic to keep them safe and warm. Any civilization that doesn't actively seek to master their surroundings and control them in order to surpass their limitations will always come to an impasse on how much they can understand. The three races are so used to living in a world where magic just jumps out and saves them that when the elements of harmony can't stop an opposing force using a method of construction they don't understand they'll most likely be blind sided totally as a race before fully understanding and countering whats going on, especially the unicorns who are filthy rich in magic they would probably be confused that such things can be done without it. They also rely on genetic balance, a genetic arch that is totally DESTROYED and deconstructs their society if they have it disrupted. kill the princess-oh, CRAP-kill too many earth ponies-they go hungry- kill too many unicorns-they can't get enough magic out there- kill too many pegasis and so on. Humans don't see weapons then copy them, no one has that sort of hyper intelligence. If that was the case the Germans would of gone "Russians tanks look good, eh. Lets make those instead of our daleks" and become an all dominating force. They would need to do the following(Sorry if I took that too literally): 1-Understand how science works enough to comprehend the use of minerals and items/ widgets inside our stuff. At best they would get that the end bit shoots projectiles and the handle bit clicks, given a few months they might actually understand the principles but not half the reasons it was made or why it works so well. 2-Understand how to adapt that to ponies bodies. 3- Actually obtain the weapons to take them apart and assimilate them. they clearly have trouble creating basic weapons to begin with because if they didn't they would of made them, there would be no point in halting that sort of progress. Their using swords and spears for a reason. I mean...they don't even have cars yet..they have trains- I assume magical mixed with science- if they can't make a CAR, a big moving box out of magic yet then I think they'll most likely very limited on what they can do with magical devices and science. I do think actual magical equipment such as rings and amulets/ relics would pose a problem know...guns/nerve gas/ flame throwers/ explosives. If ponies did the third humans could just win outright. Because they can't take apart biological attacks and we would figure out they've been taking our guns from the corpses soon enough to understand how they work. Thats not assuming we don't put some sort of explosive device onto the gun or solders to attach to themselves when they die-sort of like those corpse traps the Japanese would use in WW- Then so, that assuming they manage to get guns. Five dudes with a machine gun could probably break the shield of any unicorn, gun down any pegasis and tear to pieces any armor So, really any place humans would inhabit would pretty much be a kill zone. Their only vague hope is sending in the fastest flying scout troops possible to sneak in and take stuff before humans do clean up and call in reinforce. Once again, even if they managed to make one or two magical copies of the original they would most likely not be on the same quality and take longer to give out to the army/ train and really even if ponies did ecaslate the war that much we would just kill them with reason not too. I that point you got two options as a race: A whole new race war with a species that got their home invaded wanting to strike back-possibly- with weapons and magic, turning a dominion/resource dispute into a total race war. or you could just send a few missiles in there and send in two tanks to clean up the place or planes then go ask them if they surrender. Then it comes down to numbers/ genetic disposability and adaptability overall experiences as a race. Humans win in all of those and their chain of command is so flexible especially when you put multiple cultures into the mixture that offing a few of just doesn't do the job, it would at best disrupt command momentarily before they get even madder or more aggressive with their push. All we need is a sniper and to go "look, that big one with the wings and horn" I don't think that its a bad ending though. The worse that I think would happen would be that pony have a minor war and then lose minimal numbers before they try to negotiate again after seeing what we can do or they peacefully talk. We are weird aliens but we would basically swoop down and go "Alright, wer going to give you the power to do science and kick start you race another 400 years or so forward technologically. Just let us build on some of your land, grab some resources and gives us a direct trade of your diamonds" Humans would of course experiment first and I believe they would just try and include ponies into the human race as equal or at least members of the community with value and rights of some sort. If humans could travel from Earth to Equesteria-the space flight one- they wouldn't really do anything I would imagine. They would most likely just set up trade routes, talk about cohabitation and trade tech for magic. Thats all they really can do besides send a high powered missile through space to them or something...and good luck convincing people to waste the money building ships to house entire regiments with a stasis sleep to go kill multi colored ponies. I'm more thinking portals to this current day humanity. Edited February 13, 2013 by MiStErUnMeRry 1 A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeon Of Dreams 115 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 While I would mostly lean towards that idea that it would somehow end badly because of how human nature works, I actually think we could get away with having a positive relationship with them if they only met a smaller group of humans, rather than the entire human race, and vice versa. Divinator Of Dreams Youtube Channel DeviantArt Tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crispy 5,563 February 13, 2013 Share February 13, 2013 ...Anyone here ever seen Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballah? Pretty much that but with colorful horses. Humans find place. Try to take place. OH SHIT PLACE HAS MAGIC. Humans get wrecked, portal closed. Sadfaces for everyone. GET IN THE PIT On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said: ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thundershock 310 February 14, 2013 Share February 14, 2013 the ponies might be freaked out and wondering what we are,but the more were there,the more they'll probaly get used to us later on . Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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