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gaming Xbox brony friends?


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This thread has been silent for far too long! I am hosting a Black Ops party! If you are interested feel free to join me! if you are interested but don't have my GT, it's Mr N0M N0M N0M (0 are zeros) Add me, tell me you are from here, and we shall play!

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If you are looking for a gaming community on battlefield 3, there is already one set up. We are still looking for members to join because our platoon is still quite small.


So, if you are looking for a gaming community for bronies on battlefield 3, we already have one set up.

Edited by navymojo22
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Hey everybody, my GT is JinxedByFate, although I'm mostly on Madden 13 and Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Feel free to add me if you want. I just ordered a new Mic though so no voice until that comes in the mail.

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I would like to join, but I have a teeny tiny question to ask...what does GT mean? Is it something like XBL? Or is it something completely different?


GT = Gamertag. It's what people call you on Xbox Live and what people type in to add you as a friend. Mine's Mr N0M N0M N0M (0 are zeros)
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GT = Gamertag. It's what people call you on Xbox Live and what people type in to add you as a friend. Mine's Mr N0M N0M N0M (0 are zeros)


Ok, thanks a lot, that really help.


Well if it isn't too late my GT is VaVaVienna108


A bit of warning, rarely every use it though, only when I'm playing with my RL best friend.

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Dead thread is dead. No. We cannot let this happen. Anypony up for some xbox today? I'm free all day and looking to get a party going on basically any game. My gamertag is iDoctor Whooves, So message me! Allons-y!

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Xbox: DominicanBos5

Play: halo 3, halo wars, halo reach, MW2(don't have the dlc), Borderlands 2(don't have the dlc), Mincraft 360, and Mass effect 3

Steam: blaster25674

Play: no multiplayer games only have Fallout NV

reminder though, when you send me the request say your from the forum. Otherwise i might delete you :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey dont know how many of you will see this but if i was thinking we could have a gamenight tonight or something, if you are interested in joining in add my GT on xbox 360 which is: KO KING 666

this will happen roughly an hour after this post,it is 18:00 now so i will be on at 19:00 (this is british time btw, it should be at 13:00 on the east coast of america).

this is short notice so i'm not expecting many to come :)

Edited by Shaziik
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mine is MissMachine ....im always on so add me if you wanna talk sometimeee

im usually on internet explorer now or youtube xxx

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Xbox Gamer Tag update, my new Xbox gamer tag is Pyro Zukin so feel free to add me on Xbox :)

I usually play Borderlands 2, just got into Minecraft for the Creative Mode :3, and if I'm feeling nostalgic, I'll play Borderlands 1



I have more games than that but I just don't feel like naming them all off ATM :P

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so its Halo 4 day tomorrow, who is gonna be hosting the play date? because i'll be happy too but i may endup haveing to play with so others who aren't bronies


anyways GT is d Heavy Echo b plz message before friending

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  • 1 month later...

I usually play on xbox and PC (most on PC) and i don't have much american friends, which makes very complicated for me to understand what they are saying  ^_^  and it is very funny too the way we try to understand each other.



GT: Bruroar

Steam: Bruroar

Edited by Bruno
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I have alot of xbox 360 games but not really good at MP games lol.


GT: Berry Punch IBP


Games I have:

AC 1,2, and brotherhood

Alice Madness Returns

Aliens vs Predator

BioShock 1-2




Dantes inferno


Dead Space

Doom 1-3

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

F.E.A.R. 2

Halo Reach, Halo 4

Left 4 Dead 1-2

Mafia 2

Metro 2033



Silent Hill HD collection

Silent hill homecoming

Shadows of the Damned

Forza 4

Gears of War

Modern Warfare 2


Usually playing the Left 4 dead games most of the time, hope to make some friends, feel free to add me.

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Terrific idea. Especially since I cannot find anybody on Xbox I want to talk to.


Everypony add me! I play Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft, Assassins Creed, and occasionally Call of Duty. 


GT: MoistPonyNips

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  • 3 weeks later...

GT: EoH Inkie Pie

I've got a crap ton of games, but I mostly play Minecraft. Other games I play are:
Gears of War 3
Boderlands (The first one)
Fable 3
Guitar Hero 2, 3, and World Tour
Rock Band (one)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Happy Wars (Which is a free game, go get it)
Blacklight: Tango Down (FPS game that pretty much no one plays anymore)
Brink (Who plays this anymore either?)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Viva Pinata
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Viva Pinata Party Animals (Which sucks, no one plays this either)
Worms Ultimate Mayhem (Has online multiplayer, but it's dead)
Crackdown (Forget if this is Multiplayer, but my disc has been buggy anyways so I don't really play it anymore)
Hunted: Demon's Forge
Prey (Multiplayer is dead dead dead dead dead)
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Forza Motorsports 2
Too Human
Shadowrun (I don't even....)
Saints Row 2
Far Cry 2 (Horrible Horrible multiplayer)
Mindjack (Worst game ever, forget this is here, I won't play it)

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