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movies/tv Best movie you've ever seen


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I just got this strange feeling that I should watch this film you call Blade Runner. I've heard a little about it but I don't know much.

It came out in the early '80s-stars Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, and a bunch of other good actors. 


It's a really good, early sci-fi flick, and it stands the test of time well. It's really different from the other stuff-in that it portrays the future as being really overcrowded, raining all the time, really dark existence. It makes you think a bit.


If you're into the darker more gritty kind of sci-fi, definitely check it out. It's not for nothing that it was chosen for the national film archives.

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Labyrinth or Spaceballs 

Maybe Mamma Mia the movie or ABBA the movie godness its had to pick 

I still <3 final fanstey advent child or something even though i don't understand wat they say img-1406183-1-wub.png


Gah! Spaceballs! How could I forget that one!? Yes, add Spaceballs to the "tied-for-second" list for me. Definitely one of the best all time flicks.

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My all-time favorite movies are as follows:


Back to the Future I & II


The Empire Strikes Back


(Carpenter's) The Thing


Evil Dead and Army of Darkness


(Romero's) Dawn of the Dead


There's probably more, but I that's all I can pull off the top of my head.

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I'm into cult classic movies that people find boring at first, but then find it to be very hilarious when time passes.

- Napoleon Dynamite

- Grandma's Boy

- Nacho Libre


But hands down the best movie to me personally of all time to this day has to be...


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   The Empire Strikes Back. Literally, I am not exaggerating when I say that is undoubtedly one of the best movies in history. I have seen LOTR, and I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not my thing. My second favorite movie, The Dark Knight, that was alright, but it lacked creativity and emotion in some areas (compared to TESB), and it was more difficult for me to relate to Bruce Wayne than Luke Skywalker. I saw and read the Harry Potter series, and despite being a fan, I have to still give it to this movie alone. In this movie Darth Vader's more of a evil/bad*** than good ol' Voldy ever was, in my opinion.


   The Empire Strikes Back is a classic, and improved everything "Star Wars" from A New Hope upon its release. If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest you see it.


   My second would have to be Disney's The Lion King. That is a childhood favorite that really explains some important life-lessons when you rewatch the film.

Edited by III New Moon III

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I know this may sound weird but..


Silence of the lambs...


Buffalo Bill <3<3<3


I'd **** him.


But I like crime and horror type movies galjkhdsf





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Holy geez, I've got a lot. If I had to give my definitive favorites, I'd probably say it's a 3-way tie between Avatar, Narnia LWW, and The Avengers. All were magnificently put together. Props to the directors on those; they knew what they were doing.


Honorable mentions include Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, The Iron Giant, the 1st three Pokemon movies, Independence Day, and basically anything with Morgan Freeman.


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Now this is my kind of thread.






1. Alien/Aliens

Kinda cheating by having Number One be a tie, but it's my opinion that when these movies are taken as two acts of one story, they're absolutely perfect. Alien is the greatest horror movie ever made; the production design, from the Nostromo, to the derelict alien ship, to the Xenomorph itself (Greatest Movie Monster Ever, easily) is brilliant, the cast is fantastic and a step above the characters usually seen in these movies, the atmosphere is unbearable, the music is haunting and it all builds to awesome climax. Aliens then does what any good sequel does: it takes everything that worked in the original (the monster, the atmosphere, the likable characters) and expands upon it (much bigger scale that still feels claustrophobic and appropriate, the marines are awesome) while realizing that they can't just copy the first movie (it's more of a terrifying war movie than a horror movie) and adds enough ideas so that it's fresh but still captures what made the first movie good (the action sequences are incredible, there's expansion of themes not seen in the original). Separate, these movies are pretty damn great, but together, they tell the complete story of Ellen Ripley (played by the excellent Sigourney Weaver), one of the greatest movie characters of all time.




2. Toy Story

I've watched this movie more times than any other movie I've ever seen, and it's hard not to see why a kid would like this movie. It's an incredibly fun story with some great characters with great chemistry, laugh out loud humor, genuinely exciting moments (particularly in the climatic chase), and it's a bunch of talking toys. But it's only when I look back on it as an adult that I can appreciate that these toys are some of the most human movie characters ever brought to life. You sympathize for Woody when Andy all but seems to have forgotten about him and you're heart broken for Buzz when he realizes who he truly is (in one of my favorite scenes ever) not just because of the amazing job Tom Hanks and Tim Allen did voicing them, but because these are emotions and conflicts we all experience at some time in our lives. It's uncommon for any kind of movie to handle themes like fear of abandonment and uncertainty with as much grace as this, and it's a great example of a kids movie that doesn't treat its audience like idiots. And this was the first fully CGI feature film, so the crew at Pixar didn't even have to put that much effort into the story for people to be impressed, but they went above and beyond the call of duty, and for that, I thank them.


The sequels are awesome too.




3. Brazil

It's 1984 if it was written to be the blackest comedy of all time. More specifically, it's about unambitious ministry worker Sam Lowry, who lives in an unspecified retro-future city where nothing works like it's supposed to, the gap between the rich and the poor has become ridiculously wide, and everything is run by an unwieldy and incompetent bureaucracy. Sam is fine with his redundant life of information filing and technological frustration. That is until a bureaucratic error and a run in with a vigilante AC repair man (played by Robert Di Nero) sends Sam in pursuit of a woman who resembles the fair maiden he rescues in his dreams. But his new found sense of purpose and search for love may not gel well with the rigid government system he's been working within for years. This movie is just mind blowing, from its combination of terrifying commentary on society and humanity with hilarious comedy, to its stunning design and practical special effects, and to the fantastic dream sequences, in which a winged Sam does battle with a techno samurai. It's also incredibly satisfying to watch. When director Terry Gilliam completed the film, the studio forced several changes to the movie, including making the ending less bleak. But Gilliam wouldn't stand for his movie's meaning to be destroyed and fought a long and hard battle to make sure his uncut masterpiece saw the light of day. Thankfully, he won.


This kind of movie would never be made today, so its existence is something to celebrate. Come for the amazing visuals, stay for everything else.




This was fun to write. I'll have to do more posts like this!

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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Overall Story: The Shawshank Redemption, Empire of the Sun


The Shawshank Redemption is a movie that I never get tired of. Adapted from a short story by Stephen King, Shawshank follows the life of a man serving a life sentence in prison for murder. I don't want to spoil it, but it features one of the most satisfying scenes in movie history.


Spielberg's Empire of the Sun had me bawling my eyes out at the end, and it feature a very young Christian Bale in the lead. The movie follows the story of a young British Boy struggling to survive under Japanese occupation in WWII. This is Spielberg at his finest.


Action: The Avengers


One of the few hyped up movies to ever surpass my already sky high expectations. It is an absolute blast to watch.


Sci-Fi: Sunshine, The Matrix


Sunshine is as much a bleak Jules Verne adventure as it is commentary on the human condition. Featuring absolutely gorgeous cinematography, Sunshine is a breathtaking, poignant film.


The Matrix blew my mind. Includes the most satisfying fight scenes and conclusion I've ever experienced.


Horror: Alien, Aliens, Se7en, 28 Days Later


Where Alien is a bleak, poetic horror opera, Aliens is an incredible horror action movie.


Se7en had my heart racing the entire time and left me totally speechless at the end. Very memorable.


28 Days Later is a cautionary tale on the consequences of humanism. Features Cillan Murphy, Christopher Eccleston and



Comedy: 50/50, Fargo, Bridesmaids


I laughed, I cried. It was about 50/50 split.


Animated: Ratatouille

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1. Alien/Aliens Kinda cheating by having Number One be a tie, but it's my opinion that when these movies are taken as two acts of one story, they're absolutely perfect. Alien is the greatest horror movie ever made; the production design, from the Nostromo, to the derelict alien ship, to the Xenomorph itself (Greatest Movie Monster Ever, easily) is brilliant, the cast is fantastic and a step above the characters usually seen in these movies, the atmosphere is unbearable, the music is haunting and it all builds to awesome climax. Aliens then does what any good sequel does: it takes everything that worked in the original (the monster, the atmosphere, the likable characters) and expands upon it (much bigger scale that still feels claustrophobic and appropriate, the marines are awesome) while realizing that they can't just copy the first movie (it's more of a terrifying war movie than a horror movie) and adds enough ideas so that it's fresh but still captures what made the first movie good (the action sequences are incredible, there's expansion of themes not seen in the original). Separate, these movies are pretty damn great, but together, they tell the complete story of Ellen Ripley (played by the excellent Sigourney Weaver), one of the greatest movie characters of all time.


Hell yeah. Loved both of those movies. Defiantly my number one for horror, the first one still fazes me to this day. Second one is just badass. Related Topic: It really really really sucks that Aliens: Colonial Marines flopped. Been waiting for a good alien game forever. Damn Sega for being asshats. 

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, I merged your "best movie you've ever seen thread" with an older one. Please avail yourself of the search feature before beginning new topics, to see if one already exists.

Edited by Artemis


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Sorry bout that, will keep that in mind next time. That's what I get for trying to start a new forum topic. sad.png

Oh and bananas!!!!!! 4 more characters.

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Some of my favorites are...


Inception- I watched it a good 10 times...


Django Unchained- My favorite Tarantino flick since pulp fiction!


Anchorman- Will Ferrell in his best form, just epic.


Thats all i could think off =P i'm sure there are a lot more...

To repay all of you with my failure, i'm here to upload an epic picture! 



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Best movie I've seen... that would be


Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children


Having played the game, the movie is easily the best movie I've ever seen. Sure the story is a bit odd even for Final Fantasy and can get quite confusing, but it has all the elements that makes this movie loyal to the game and its world. And it's nice to know what happened after the game ended. And the fight scenes... Holy smokes, the fight scenes look so awesome.

Edited by Koori

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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Well, if you went to my profile page you'd see that I like a lot of movies. Though, there is this one particular one that I just adore. It's called "The Butterfly Effect". I like all of the parts too. When I was younger I wished that I had such a power to go back in time and change events. Anyways, this movie has to be no.1 on my list, because it is quite psychological, sad and mind blowing and I like movies like that.

shiet got srs guise

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I've always said my favorite films are The Godfather, The Empire Strikes Back, and Citizen Kane.  I'd probably add The Dark Knight to that list now too. 


The Godfather- Every scene, every shot in this movie, just *pops*  I love how it feels like you the viewer are being initiated into the world of the mafia right alongside Michael Corleone.  By the time the film's over, the transition is complete, and you feel like you've been a part of something great.  This is quite possibly the best *told* story I've ever seen in film.


The Empire Strikes Back- I like visually striking movies,and movies with great soundtracks.  May seem like odd reasons to consider a film one of your favorites, But more than anything, it's those two elements that create mood and atmosphere in a film, and really draw you into that world.  Visually and aurally, this is one of the most evocative films I've ever seen.  I love the sight of the approaching At-Ats on Hoth, or the Dagobah set, or the Imperial march, or the Han and Leia love theme- They're all great, and they serve the story really well, a story that's probably the darkest and boldest of the series, with the most character development.  I love the original trilogy on the whole, but this is really the shining moment.


Citizen Kane- this just seems to use every filmmaking and storytelling technique in the book in the 1940sto create what is really a kind of film noir mystery- but not a crime story, but rather a mystery of this man's life and trying to piece together what it all meant.  I love that.  using flashbacks and fake newsreel-style footage, and the whole framing element of the interviews, it allowed the viewer to piece together who this man really was and what he was about.  I loved the ise of shadows and dramatic camera angles and other methods to make the character, Charles Foster Kane, and the film itself seem larger than life.  I can see why many consider this the greatest movie ever made. 


The Dark Knight- What a fantastic film this was.  The stand out cast, the way it hit that perfect note between realism and fantasy, and how the sense of tension and drama started out on a real high note and yet somehow was able to ratchet its way upward throughout the film.  Things just got more palpable and more intense, but somehow it paced itself perfectly.  I bought that Gotham was a real city in a genuine state of terror and anarchy, and I loved it. 


And of course Heath Ledger.  May be my favorite performance in any film, period.  Certainly the most charismatically disturbing since at least Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.  My favorite scene:



Best comic book movie ever?  Best comic book movie ever.

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Favorite movies, eh? This is probably my top 5:


1. The Shawshank Redemption: I thought this was such an amazing movie. I saw it a long time ago, and I still think about it from time to time. I cannot recommend this movie highly enough.


2. American Beauty - This movie is really beautiful, and there's just so much to reflect on after you watch it.  


3. Lucky Number Slevin - So awesome. The beginning is mysterious yet alluring, and at the end everything is wrapped up oh so satisfyingly. The dialogue deserves some praise as well.


4. Requiem for a Dream: I love Darren Aronofsky, and this was the movie that got me into him. It's a depressing movie, but so good.


5. Blood Diamond: This movie was so well-executed. It had stellar acting, an engaging plot, and lots of enjoyable action scenes.

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Might as well add some more. I live for this kind of stuff.




4. The Big Lebowski

The beauty of the Cohen Brothers' best film (in my kind, at least) is that it is as sophisticated as you want it to be. If you want to see it as an examination of the mindset that got the U.S. involved in the Middle East, a commentary on the crumbling perceptions of what makes a man a man and those who are too weak to adapt, or a portrait of two men who's dissatisfaction with the failures of their generation come back to haunt them, you can, though the Cohen Bros would say you're reading into it (or are you?). But if you want to accept it as what it is on a surface level, which is the hilarious quest of an incredibly lazy man to get compensation for his rug after an Asian American pees on it, than that's just fine too. And it is one of the funniest movies ever made, thanks in large part to the cast, who seemed to be having a blast playing the characters.  Everybody is fantastic in the movie, but special props to John Goodman as the awesome but utterly terrifying Walter Sobchack and to Jeff Bridges as the Dude, another one of the greatest movie characters ever. And it isn't said enough, but this movie is just great looking. Even when at its most plain and suburban, it's shot fantastically, and when the Dude starts having his drug fueled nightmares, you get the second best dream sequence of all time (the movie spanning one in Brazil tops that list). And the soundtrack just kicks ass.


To paraphrase the Mysterious Stranger, after seeing a movie as every bit as stupefying as this one (and in English too), I can die with a smile on my face without feeling like the good lord jibbed me.




5. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

I'll never forget the Sunday my dad sat me down and made me watch Terminator 2 for the first time. I hadn't seen the first one, so I only knew the most basic gist of what the premise was (though my dad left out the part where the nice looking cop turned out to be the real evil robot). It was one of the most mind blowing movie viewing experiences of my life. Between the kid getting the killer robot for a friend, the superfantasmic action sequences, the terrifying and reportedly completely accurate nuclear war scene, and one of the most visually badass villains ever (seriously, the T-1000 effects still hold up, especially the practical puppet effects by Stan Winston), I was left a changed eight year old forever. But putting aside the groundbreaking special effects, gleefully large explosions, and some of the best one liners ever, what makes T2 so great is the characters and the movie's focus on watching them develop and grow. Sarah Connor gets her faith in humanity back and learns to hope again, John becomes a leader and allows himself to become attached to other people, and even T-800 learns the value of life. Speaking of which, Arnold is just awesome in this movie. His mannerisms, his perfectly timed quirks and moments of comedy, the frank and cold way he views the world ("Your foster parents are dead"). I don't know if this is insulting or not, but he was born to play a robot.


And it combines both thought provoking sci-fi concepts and a human message about that I've taken to heart: we don't have to accept the destiny given to us, and it's up to us to fight to make the future better. "There is no fate but what we make". It may all sound very corny, but you really had to be there, man.


And that ending? I cry. Every. Single. Time.


Speaking of robot movies that make me cry...


...next time.






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  • 3 months later...

Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

-What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

-We've found a Witch! May we burn her?

-I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, your father smelt of Elderberries!

So many great quotes from such a great movie...


And I doubt it has a trailer, since it is so old, so here's the full movie!



Edited by Star Scribe
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The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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Truthfully one of the best movies I have ever seen is "The Count of Monte Cristo" 2002 starrin Jim Cavizeil, the guy who played jesus, thus movie had it all fake treason from a jealous friend, revenge and a twist



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Voted best Scootaloo fan

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1)Die Hard


This has got to be the best film of all time. Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman at their best!


2) The Matrix


Best sci-fi film, no further comment


3) Saving Private Ryan


Best War film ever made. Tom Hanks at his best.


4) Full Metal Jacket


Great war film, Stanley Kuubrick's best movie

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