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Elements of Chaos: what would they be?


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Just curious. Say Discord or some new villain makes Elements of Chaos or something to counteract the Elements of Harmony. What would these elements be? Why? What existing MLP villains would use them (if any)?



Don't just slap a negative prefix on the element and call it a night. We know dishonesty is literally the opposite of honesty. I want to see some effort and creativity put in this.

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Not really exist to counteract the Elements of Harmony perse, only to visualize what kind of things you will have outside Order

  • Brohoof 1


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Other then Discord being the king of chaos, he would represent pride, because he's too overconfident of his abilities. Nightmare Moon I think would be Envy, and Chrysalis would be lust because she feeds off love. Even though the elements of chaos were briefly shown in MLP when Discord happened, it gave an example for a few elements of chaos, there are more elements of chaos.

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I actually have an animated Fan fiction with an intresting twist on the Elements of chaos and harmony. Making something called the Elemnts of Order


Harmony obviously everyone knows is









What i was thinking in my fanfic is that the Elemnts of chaos are









each morphing together would make order, neither favoring the light or darkness


Elemnts of Order






(still thinking of what kindess and hate could be)


If you want to see my fan fic animation, its on my Deviant Art



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So we have the elements of harmony:








So if we were literally going for opposites:






I'm not sure about magic though, perhaps Science or technology?


Other suggestions:






You could even use some of the 7 deadly sins




Check out my tumblr page for artings! 



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Other elements of chaos would defiantly gluttony, laziness, addiction, and for sure being mean it's horrible when PInkie Pie was mean. D':



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I'm not sure about magic though, perhaps Science or technology?


The sixth element of Chaos is, of course, Magic. Because magic can do a lot of things. And it does not care what it does, it can only be pointed in a direction by something, for example, other five elements.


(everything in this post is the poster's opinion)

Edited by Sepraxian
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Enmity (Magic, aka friendship)

Treachery (Loyalty)

Deceit (Honesty)

Cruelty (Kindness)

Greed (Generosity)

Sadness (Laughter)


The opposites of the Elements of Harmony seem to fit pretty well.

Edited by Shaoni

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking:

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Discord would represent Chaos (obviously)

Chrysalis represent Power or Lust (since she was very power hungry)

Trixie represent Pride (again, obvious reasons)

then there would be others im not sure of, but those are the three I can think of right now.

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Idk but I really like my suggestions haha









lmao xD hahaha... it's true..

  • Brohoof 4


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we all know of those but what i was thinking would be







they all would have to be the slight polar opposite of what the elements of harmony would be but this is just my thoughts upon this subject.




Amelia Monicle

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My ideas, with villain examples


Magic --> Arrogance/Pride (Trixie)

Loyalty --> Treachery (dunno)

Generosity --> Greed (Diamond Dogs)

Kindness --> Cruelty (Gilda)

Honesty --> Deception (Chrysalis)

Laughter --> Stress/Anxiety (dunno)


In my opinion, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's opposites were far too similar. They were both mean and rude to others, and there could have been more distinction. That's why I decided to go with stress/anxiety as Laughter's opposite, which it rightfully is, anyway.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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Kindness Hatred

Honesty Blasphemy

Kindness Cruelty

Magic Knowledge

Loyalty Treachery

Generosity Desire


When you combine the elements of harmony you have friendship

when you combine the elements of disharmony you have aquaintinces


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  • 11 months later...

For the Elements of Chaos: 


Magic --> Witchcraft

Honesty --> Deception

Laughter --> Misery 

Generosity --> Greed

Loyalty --> Betrayal

Kindness --> Cruelty

  • Brohoof 1
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Here's my take on it. Obviously, the elements of chaos would be opposites of the elements of harmony, so here's what I think they'd be.

Magic - Abyss: Magic is often portrayed as something that creates other things, miracles, tools of wonder, and generally fills life with things people normally wouldn't imagine. Abyss, on the other hand, is completely emptiness, an existence devoid of such wonders. I also think this is an appropriate opposite for Twilight, who regularly fills her existence with new knowledge of some kind, but abyss would be something completely devoid of any knowledge.

Loyalty - Greed: Some people have said this is the opposite but I think Greed is more appropriate here because if you think about why Rainbow Dash left for "Cloudsdale" in Discord's episodes, it was because of her self-interest and greed that she left the game and her friends.

Honesty - Deceit: this one's rather obvious imo so I don't think I should explain it :P

Generosity - Vanity: This one is rather simple because Rarity actually exhibits both generosity and vanity which is what makes her really interesting. The element of Vanity would be the opposite one to this because Vanity is often a trait seen as completely selfish and self-serving.

Laughter - Terror: The idea behind this one is that the element of laughter brings joy to others, then the opposite element would also be the opposite of laughter's end result: fear and terror in the hearts of those who face said element.

Kindness - Pride: Pride in excessive measures is often blinding to the needs of others which is why I would say Pride opposes kindness. For one to be kind, I believe there has to be a sense of humility, and someone filled with hubris is often anything but kind and looks down on others.

Edited by Freedan
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I actually have an animated Fan fiction with an intresting twist on the Elements of chaos and harmony. Making something called the Elemnts of OrderHarmony obviously everyone knows isMagicgenerocityhonestyloyaltylaughterkindnessWhat i was thinking in my fanfic is that the Elemnts of chaos areKnowledgegreeddeceptionbetrayalpainhateeach morphing together would make order, neither favoring the light or darknessElemnts of OrderTruthDualityObedienceNeutralityTolerance(still thinking of what kindess and hate could be)If you want to see my fan fic animation, its on my Deviant Arthttp://ltn01.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic-Fall-From-Grace-315336450

What about the Element of understanding? Its a mix of hate and kindness. You can understand someone when they are sad and rationalize why they do bad things, sorta like kindness, but doesn't mean you don't dislike what they do, but you don't hate them.

(sorry, my phone is doing this weird shat when I talk)

Edited by Scootadress




LUNA=Best Princess


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I like the idea of the elements of chaos.  I hope it will be implemented in the show but I doubt it ever will...


Honesty = Trickery

Loyalty = Betrayal

Generosity = Greed

Laughter = Sadness .... I dunno

Kindness = Nastiness

Magic = Disharmony


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Magic-Trixie (magic can be used for either good or evil so I think it can fit for harmony and chaos)

Deceit-Queen Chrysalis

Disloyalty-Lightning Dust

Depression- Nightmare Moon

Greed- Flim Flam Brothers

Cruelty- Iron Will

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Magic - Necromancy

Loyalty - Selfishness

Honesty - Deceit

Laughter - Pain

Kindness - Hate

I know that some of these are nouns, but they sound better to me that way.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't like the assumption that the elements of choas would be bad, or that harmony is sanonymous with order.  I think harmony is the balance between order and chaos.  In that case the elements of chaos would be Laughter, Kindness, and Magic.  Or you could disect each element and try to find the lawful and choatic side it it.  Doing it that way this is what I came up with.



Order                           Chaos


veracity = Honesty = candor

courtesy = Kindness = naivety

pittances= Generosity = liberality

amusement =Laughter= indulgence

submission =Loyalty= faithfulness

stability = Magic = freedom


It's not perfect but its the best I could come up with

Edited by muffinsangria
  • Brohoof 1
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Magic - Science (That's what I've heard before)
Kindness - Cruelty

Honesty - Deceit

Loyalty - Betrayal

Laughter - Anger (Something like that)

Generosity - Greed


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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