Sampolo 18 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 So yeah, when I was on holiday when i was two, i went to Thailand and got dengue fever and it spread really fast for the first two days, then all of a sudden It contracted and I recovered, my parents said it was really harmful to get it at an early age but meh, im still here I have never broken a bone, never needed stitches aswell, i guess im one of those people in life who are just lucky, except that time i walked into a parked car while changing song on my ipod XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverHeart 741 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 (edited) I once busted my right eye open. It happened when I was like four, I slipped in the bathtub and hit the side. Oddly no hospitable would take me in to help me. So I'm not sure how bad it actually was but I would guess that it was my worst injury. Edit: Just reread the topic and now I'm not sure if this counts. Edited September 4, 2012 by SilverHeart Silver Heart, Lapis, Mirror Image-My OC Ponies. Signature by PixiGlow Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 I'm still suffering from mine - both of my big toes have an ingrown toe nail (both sides) and they're infected really badly, I have to take antibiotics and go for surgery semi-regularly. I could possibly get gangrene if I don't take care. I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fubz 300 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 The worst medical related incident is when you go to the doctor all worried that you've got chest pains or something and he laughs and goes: "oh it's just ...." You just feel so stupid P: 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 I broke my left arm and it should have been reset but it wasn't so no if you look closely it kinda looks different from my right arm. I also dislocated my thumb when I was younger... It was backwards when I looked at my palm I could see my fingernail, It hurt. and I used to get asthma attacks when I was about 2. 1 Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
termenchecks 146 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 (this is not a joke. this really happened.) >be 10 years old >be in turkey >eat pizza >get food poisoned >be as sick as i've probably will ever be my whole life for about a week >have to go to turkish hospital >doctor says i have a kidneystone (wtf?) >constantly medicate me for that for about 4 days >finds out it only makes me worse >be so sick that i think this is the end >doctor thinks i have something i cant remember the name of >medicate me for that >be dehydrated all the time beacouse i trew up everything that i drank/ate so they have to forcefeed me trough arm >fly home to norway after two weeks >get on a hospital that has educated doctors (and free health care. fuck yeah norway!) >doctor says i only got food poisoned and beacouse of all the wrong medication i got i will have digestion problems for about 4 years >thanks to those fucking bastards i were sick for about a moth after that and my digestion problems stopped for a half a year ago (lasted 5 years) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
null1 606 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 I'm still suffering from mine - both of my big toes have an ingrown toe nail (both sides) and they're infected really badly, I have to take antibiotics and go for surgery semi-regularly. I could possibly get gangrene if I don't take care. Oh yeah, ingrowns hurt bad. I've had them removed from both toes at least once. First one was infected and was oozing pus like custard. Doctors gave me the most painful numbing shots in my toes and cut half of the nail off. I was so happy when that Doctor shoved those medical pliers underneath my toenail and pried the nail off. So happy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshadow 5 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 Once when I was at work I had a sharp pain in my right side on my back, later that day I started vomiting. At the doctor the next day he told me I pulled a back muscle. Three months later I was still vomiting daily and the pain had moved to cover the entire right side of my torso. I thought I was going to die. The doctor is diagnosing everything from heartburn to an appendix rupture, and it was discovered after an ultrasound that I don't have an appendix (born without one) but I do have a gallstone that is blocking the exit of my gallbladder that needs to be removed ASAP before my gallbladder ruptures. The doctors response to all that? "Oh I didn't think it was possible for you to have a gallstone, you're only 19." I very quickly found a new doctor after that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ink 191 September 4, 2012 Share September 4, 2012 Oh yeah, ingrowns hurt bad. I've had them removed from both toes at least once. First one was infected and was oozing pus like custard. Doctors gave me the most painful numbing shots in my toes and cut half of the nail off. I was so happy when that Doctor shoved those medical pliers underneath my toenail and pried the nail off. So happy. Be glad you didn't have an incompetent doctor who refused to give me said numbing shots on my second surgery. Those were the most painful 10 minutes I've ever experienced in my life, I'm telling ya. I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something. Reading the blog below kills more brain cells per minute than smoking: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
longgone 873 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 Once when I was at work I had a sharp pain in my right side on my back, later that day I started vomiting. At the doctor the next day he told me I pulled a back muscle. Three months later I was still vomiting daily and the pain had moved to cover the entire right side of my torso. I thought I was going to die. The doctor is diagnosing everything from heartburn to an appendix rupture, and it was discovered after an ultrasound that I don't have an appendix (born without one) but I do have a gallstone that is blocking the exit of my gallbladder that needs to be removed ASAP before my gallbladder ruptures. The doctors response to all that? "Oh I didn't think it was possible for you to have a gallstone, you're only 19." I very quickly found a new doctor after that. Man...that had to be hell... *cue dramatic words from song* "God help me, I was only 19!" Mine was problaby when every few weeks or so, I would vomit all morning and then it would stop a few weeks, and then the cycle repeats. Happened for about a few months before I finally got a good diagnosis. I'm still suffering from mine - both of my big toes have an ingrown toe nail (both sides) and they're infected really badly, I have to take antibiotics and go for surgery semi-regularly. I could possibly get gangrene if I don't take care. Gangrene? Feel sorry for you man. But it could be worse, you could've been living 150 years ago with gangrene. And i'd think we both know what would happen.. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedBalistic 8 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 me oh gosh. when i was about 1st grade so i was 7 i told my sister that i could jump off my bike and she was like oh no you cant and i said oh yeah i can how much you wanna bet? she said 1 dollar. so i raced down to my corner on my street raced back flew off my bike and hit the pine tree in my front yard and i went inside and with my hand over m y face and i said this mom my head hurts and she took me in the kitchen and then she sat me on the counter and i had a wascloth over my face by now and she took it off and said " oh my gosh what happend to your face and i openend my eye and all i saw was blood and she took my to the er and the doctor said that i was lucky to have stitches and that i almost had to have plastic surgery, (ALL OF THE ABOVE IS TRUE AND MY SISTER STILL OWES ME A DOLLA KEEP ON READING) I WAS IN 2ND GRADE AND i had to go to the hopitstal because i couldnt breath that happend twice. 2 nd grade i almost broke the same tendin 2 times and it hurt. ALL OF THE ABOVE IS SO TRUE THAT IF NOT THEN THINGS WOULD HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regality 233 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 I was only in the hospital over-night once, and that was when I had pneumonia with a temperature of 107 degrees. Needless to say, it was one of the worst experiences in my life, with a deathly ill fever, dry heaving, shaking, and enough medicine in me to cause a loss of lucidity . ~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 Can't think of of any real incidents but I've had a lot of close calls. The worst was probably when I was riding in a metal wagon being pulled by my cousin's 4-wheeler. He hit a hole in the field we were riding through, snapping the wagon tongue. He kept going, the wagon abruptly stopped, and my momentum slammed me into the front of it. I put a big dent in it with my chest as I was ejected about 10-15 feet out the front, then I landed upside-down on my neck. I couldn't breath for awhile and nearly lost consciousness. Even staggered around for a bit and fell down a couple times. In the end I walked away from it with nothing more than the biggest headache of my life. Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 My worst injury i explained in my thread here: My worst Medical related one however would be... I was bitten by my dog so i was given a tetanus shot and some tablets which contained penicillin, turns out i'm allergic to penicillin, within a few days it had completely stripped the lining out of my bowels causing me great pain and some minor internal bleeding. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 I've had my arm basically torn off... The bone dislocated and 90 % of the muscle tore... So yeah, that was a LONG time ago, so I don't really feel anything from it... Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 My worst incident was i was doing a trick on my bike on a few dirt hills and i had too much momentum on one jump and then when i landed one of my tires busted and i lost control and crashed and scrapped the side of my arm very badly and my wrist was also messed up. What really sucked was that i was playing basketball around the same time and imagine playing basketball with a broken wrist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 Well, as for incidents and not gradual medical problems, when I was really young I fell several feet on my head. I know, you probably think it's funny "You were literally dropped on your head. lol". However, it really happened, and not under my parents' supervision. I was at a daycare. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crutch 898 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 I've never really been sick enough to go to the hospital...but around three years ago I had a really nasty injury from my aggressive inline skating days. So I was going to jump a ramp (or a hip gap for all of you skaters out there), and I basiclly overshot it and ended up landing on my right foot sideways from about ten feet in the air (so I completely missed the landing ramp) and keep in mind that I have skates on. All of a sudden I heard a giant snap, and basiclly went into a state of shock. I ended up having a compound fracture on my right fibula (yes the bone did go through my skin) and I also broke off a chunk of my tibia near my ankle. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I almost immediately had surgery right after I arrived at the hospital, where I got three screws in my tibia and a plate with eight screws on my fibula. I then had a cast for 8 weeks, followed by a walking boot for another 12 weeks after that. Kids...don't break your legs, it sucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twiliscael 3,960 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 I was pushed off a the big slide on the playground and broke my arm and fucked up my back. It still have a weak back today, even 5 years after the incident. I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acoustic Cloud 2,202 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 kindergarten>head busts open 5th grade>300lb tv falls on my leg (those things were big back in the day) last year>50mph skiing accident, concussion and 3 months of whiplash (that i didn't know i had it just hurt ^^) this year... nothing i'm kinda lame this year, but i might *AAAAHHHHHH!!!! cramp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veiled Enigma 389 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 When i was around 8 years of age I went to a dentist to get my teeth checked out. The dentist I had then was very old and he would later be convicted a murderer a month later, but that's another story. Anyways, he decided I needed to get a tooth pulled from the root. There was a tiny little mishap however; he forgot to numb my mouth so I wouldn't feel the pain. I sat through 20 minutes of a senile old man pulling at a fully rooted tooth and tearing it out, while feeling all of it and nearly breaking down into tears. 1 "Pain Is our Teacher. Fear Is our Motivation Sadness Is our Neglect. If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 I got laryngitis when I was about 3. I remember sitting in the hospital watching 7 Little Monsters. The only other illnesses I've ever gotten are colds. Dang, all my ailments seem so paltry in comparison to yours... how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khazmere 5 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 (edited) In third grade, I had a music stand fall on my head. Luckily I didn't need stitches. It needed staples. Only two of them. However tho', the antiaesthetic wasn't that strong, or it didn't kick in soon enough, or something. So everyone in and near the OR got to hear an eight-yearold retard scream OW OW OW for what seemed like ...90sec's, in retrospect. Edited September 5, 2012 by Khasimir * = means "cutie mark".'s just a personal pet-peeve....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kittybelle 95 September 5, 2012 Share September 5, 2012 When i was around 8 years of age I went to a dentist to get my teeth checked out. The dentist I had then was very old and he would later be convicted a murderer a month later, but that's another story. Anyways, he decided I needed to get a tooth pulled from the root. There was a tiny little mishap however; he forgot to numb my mouth so I wouldn't feel the pain. I sat through 20 minutes of a senile old man pulling at a fully rooted tooth and tearing it out, while feeling all of it and nearly breaking down into tears. O____O That is absolutely horrific... That made me want to throw up and cry just reading it. MY GOD! How were you only nearly in tears? That's crazy, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Sugar Sprinkles~ 638 September 6, 2012 Share September 6, 2012 -Broke my finger really bad after catching a football? Yeah, my fingers are fragile -Had an ear infection where my ear leaked -Had an eye irritation that was blood shot red, sore, and made my eye blurry (Everyone thought I had pink eye, so they avoided me which was ANNOYING) -UTI (Urinary Tract Infection, the worst thing to ever have) Basically if ya dont know, it's your urinary tract thats infected, hard to pee, pee blood, very painful...sorry for the TMI, it's true -Bee sting on my foot (That thing SWELLED, itched, hurt, and was ugly) -When I burnt the Sh*t out of my hand -Bad, BAD sunburns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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