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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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I'll do a top 10 for Seasons 1-5 (subject to change):

1: Hurricane Fluttershy

2: Sleepless in Ponyville

3: Twilight's Kingdom

4: A Canterlot Wedding

5: Amending Fences

6: Too Many Pinkie Pies

7: Pinkie Pride

8: Friendship Games

9: Rainbow Rocks

10: Bats!

(Favorite of Season 1 is Sonic Rainboom since none from there made the list)


I have only seen most Seasons 6-9 episodes once, so I am not sure how I would rank my favorites. However my favorites per each season would probably be: 

Season 6: Stranger than Fan Fiction

Season 7: Health of Information

Season 8: Best GIft Ever or Health's Warming Club (both amazing Christmas episodes, I'd have to rewatch to figure out which one I prefer)

Season 9: Sparkle's Seven


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  • 2 months later...

No second Prances: All the jokes are really good, usually, I don't feel the MLP humor that much, but this episode always makes me smile, and Twilight is solid "antagonist" but the duo Starlight - Trixie is what sells the entire thing. The two have such a good chemistry together is probably the best of the entire show, and what's more entertainment is that we have a bunch of fan favorite character (Celestia, Derpy, DJ-Pony) having a in role in the episode, a minor one who is perfect for it. This feel like a season 1-2 episode in season 6, which is awesome.

A Hearth's Warming Tail: All the comfiness of pony christimas and all the best song of the show in one episode, Starlight is once again, very entertainment, the lesson is very simple and cliche but it's always better with ponies doing it. I feel like the art of this episode is super underrated, for the christmas feeling this episode is the definitely the best of that theme.

A Royal Problem: Another Starlight episode, to be honest, I never have been the biggest fan of Celestia and Luna, but I know a lot of people were, and for that, this episodes focus a lot in them, they are not this mythical figures of season 1, but neither the flanderized version of Celestia that we found in Horse Play for example, this episode shows the more human side from of the royal sisters. The biggest appeal from the episode is of course, Day Breaker and how cool the scenes of her are, it's clearly fanservice from a point, but it's part of the story. Starlight is a solid protagonist once again, I think she was the only protagonist that would have been capable of dealing with this, so for the map to call her is not forced at all.

Freenmies: Seeing things from the villain's perspective is always cool, but I haven't seen many cartoons who actually do an entire episode about them, but THEY ARE SO GOOD, Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek work perfecly together. Cozy Glow doesn't have a backstory, but she works as a villain because how entertainment she is, bringing the best from the villains around her. We get to see actual character development from the villain who almost fall to the friendship side. Best season 9 episode by far.

Crusaders of the lost Mark: Season 5 is the best of the show for me, so an episode won't be left. Putting this episode here also it's not the best thing, because the entire focus of the episode is the development of a character that the show will never use again (Diamond Tiara). The songs are really great, but I also wish we knew more about the other younger characters to care more for what's happening in the school. The final of the episode is legendary and brings tears to everyone, me included, that's basically why is on the list.



Edited by xLuneti
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Tough call, but I'd say my *favorite* episode is Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. Basically had everything I had wanted in a 'Gilda returning' episode and it's still the episode I enjoy returning to the most.

Aside from that, I'd say Rarity Takes Manehattan, Suited for Success, The Perfect Pear, Hurricane Fluttershy, Sleepless in Ponyville, Secret of My Excess, and The Times They Are A Changeling are all close contenders.

Edited by ExpitheCat
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  • 3 months later...

I don't normally care for superhero-focused media...but I have to admit Power Ponies is my favorite episode because it's just pure fun from start to end. Spike has a believable, emotional dilemma, the superhero stuff is really fun, the Mane-iac is a hilarious lampooning of comic book villains and it's just an episode I can't get enough of :mustache:

  • Brohoof 2

It takes all sorts to make a world
Short and tall sorts, large and small sorts
To fill this pretty planet with love and laughter
To make it great to live in tomorrow and the day after!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Twilight's Kingdom. Or maybe Sleepless In Ponyville. One's an epic season finale, one's among the funniest episodes I've seen of any cartoon.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 3 weeks later...

My favourite episode is Magical Mystery Cure. Now yes, I know that that episode was full of flaws. But in my opinion, an episode doesn't have to be really good for you to consider it your favourite. An episode must make you feel excited every time you watch it to consider it your favourite episode. Therefore, despite S3E13 being an episode full of flaws, I still consider it my favourite episode because I get excited every time I watch it. At least that's my opinion.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite episode remains The Best Night Ever to this day. Here are the primary reasons.

  • It has one of my absolute favorite songs of the series (not my all-time favorite, but amongst the top 10, sometimes top 5 depending on my mood).
  • It gives the spotlight to all of the mane 6, and very effectively and efficiently shares time between them. Every pony gets at least one good moment, and Pinkie and Fluttershy get iconic moments.
  • It has some fun drama, but also a ton of comedy that works well for me.
  • It is a payoff to a season long tease. But, and this is the biggest reason I love it so much, it pays it off in a surprising way that perfectly encapsulates the lesson it teaches. None of the ponies get what they want and come to realize that what's really important is being together with people you care about (as far as I'm concerned, the core message of the show). Laughing over memories shared at Donut Joe's. Perfection :')
  • Plus, Spike WAS right all along lol
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  • 3 months later...

Pinkie Pride, with Winter Wrap Up in a close second.
Pinkie Pride features a VA cameo from my  favorite musician.
Winter Wrap Up features one of my favorite songs from the franchise.

Forum's biggest "Weird Al Yankovic and Scott The Woz fan, no contest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I can't just pick one, so I'll do the next best thing and choose one episode per season.

S1: Fall Weather Friends, I just love Rainbow's and Applejack's rivalry :mlp_wat::sneer:
S2: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Flim & Flam works so well in contrast to the Apple family, and the song.
S3: Magical Mystery Cure, only for the songs.
S4: Inspiration Manifestation, the only Rarity episode I really enjoy. :darling:
S5: The Cutie Re-Mark, alternate realities are great and in this case, seeing how every villain would upset Equestria was very entertaining. Oh and Starlight Glimmer of course.
S6: Dungeons & Discords, that's an easy one. Been playing D&D for years, both as a player and a DM. I would totally hang out with the boys and play O&O. :mustache:
S7: Shadow Play, ancient Equestrian heroes *and* Starswirl the Gandalf, count me in.
S8: Sounds of Silence, Kirin = cute so episode = good.
S9: Honestly, I'm not a fan of the last season. If I *had* to choose, I'd say Sparkle's Seven, I like a good heist plot. :ninjadash:

There you go. That looks about right. :mlp_laugh:

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Oh my Celestia, I literally will never get over the impact "Party of One" had on me as a kid. I was going through so much bullying at the time and Pinkie feeling like that felt so relatable. Also created the first origin of Pinkamena n stuff :) very very iconic episode. That and Lesson Zero but that's obvious.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The premiere episodes/finales are usually the strongest episodes in a season so I've gone out of my way not to pick them because 80% of the time they just outshine the others. They're plot-heavy and usually good. Having said that... I chose my favorites from the rest. 

s1: The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Dog and Pony Show, Suited for Success.
s2: Lesson Zero, Luna Eclipsed, Sweet and Elite.
s3: Keep Calm and Flutter On
s4: Rarity Takes Mane-hattan, Pinkie Apple Pie, Twilight Time,  Testing, Testing, 1, 2 3. 
s5: Tanks for the Memories, Amending Fences, Canterlot Boutique, The Mane Attraction
s6: The Gift of the Maud Pie, The Times They are a Changeling,  Dungeons and Discords. 
s7; All Bottled Up, Celestial Advice, Rock Solid Friendship, A Royal Problem, Uncommon Bond
s8; Fake it Til You Make it, Grannies Gone Wild. 
s9; The Beginning of the End. (It was the best of the season for me. The decline here was hard.)

Edited by lunarwing


⋆.˚⟡ Know that your time is coming soon. As the sun rises, so does the moon.  As love finds a place in every heart: You are a princess, you'll play your part. ⋆.˚⟡
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  • 1 month later...
On 2019-02-08 at 7:44 AM, Sparklefan1234 said:

My All-Time Favorites by pony:


  • Twilight Sparkle: Magical Mystery Cure
  • Rarity: Sisterhooves Social
  • Applejack: Hearthbreakers
  • Rainbow Dash: Testing Testing 1,2,3
  • Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pride
  • Fluttershy: Dragonshy 
  • Princess Luna: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
  • Starlight Glimmer/Trixie: On the Road to Friendship


*Changes/Updates my favorite Applejack episode to "Going to Seed"* :mlp_yeehaa:


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  • 1 month later...

Discordant Harmony. It was nice to see Discord put so much effort into making Fluttershy feel comfortable at his place and it was fun to see Fluttershy so excited to see what Discord had in mind for a tea party.

Fluttershy Forever.jpg

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