My little pwny 1,392 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) EDIT::: Read post 22 (in page 2) of this thread of a pleasant update! In my family, I could only say there was only one other fan of MLP:FiM; my 6 year old niece. About a week from now, I was going to visit my sister's family (my niece) and watch some MLP with her. Well, today I found out from her mom (my sister) that she 'grew out of' watching ponies! Why? Because her friends are into Barbie now...I was looking forward to watching the show with my niece because then we could share what we liked about it... Now I'm really disappointed that she won't watch MLP with me Oh well, life goes on, but I thought I'd share this with you guys. Obviously we look at the show differently than the target demographic, but it's just disappointing to see my only family member not liking MLP anymore. Edited September 15, 2012 by My little pwny 11 See you November 8th, 2014! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Everyone has their taste in shows. Some people grow up faster than others, and want to show people that they have grown up. Nothing wrong with a little girl saying that :3 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurshy 708 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 (edited) She is in the social position of continuing to like something even though her friends won't like it, or conforming to her friends. And well, when you are that young you have not matured enough to not care what others think of you. So you either conform or lose friends, and conform she will. But since it was a part of her childhood, when she is old enough to not care what others think, she will most likely continue to watch mlp fim again. Edited September 7, 2012 by Bronynonymous 5 [CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura) Shinobu is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titan Rising 2,156 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Don't worry. One of these days she will finally be old enough to start watching my little pony again. all credit goes to cs lewis ^^ 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thegoodhen 698 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Ponies are I suppose she really is too old to watch ponies and too young to watch them as well. It's a show for little girls or teen+ boys/girls. She is too old and not old enough. But eventually, she'll understand... Does she know you like it? Maybe you should tell her. o_O Or maybe not, I don't understand kids -_-. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Street Comedy 327 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 It's the natural getting-into-trends things kids do. She doesn't want to be seen as an immature baby among her friends, she wants to be like them. For example, when I was 6 I HATED Sesamee Street, now I'm grown up and I love it again. Why did I start hating the show? It was the "cool" thing to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SBaby 660 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I was fortunate enough that I was already out of school by the time FiM got started. The only thing I can say is that if this is a show she liked before, she'll eventually revisit it for nostalgia. 1 A Winner Is You!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nilkad_Naqadah 144 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 This post gave me feels. I honestly don't know how that feels, because nopony in my family likes the show. But, I do at least have friends I can talk about it with, so there's that. But anyway, back on topic, that's really sad, both that you know longer are related to anyone who likes the show, and that this little girl would stop watching a show just because she thinks she's too old. I personally find notions like "too old" or "too young" ridiculous in regards to entertainment. I prefer to make decisions based off of the quality of the program, and how much I personally enjoy it, rather than the target demographic. But anyway, it really is sad. * sympathetic hug* 2 Nilkad_Naqadah, trekking through the barren wastes of the internet, searching for... I dunno, something less barren and wastelike, maybe? I critique things! Play games with me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Storm Spark 115 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Well in all honesty, I think that she has her own opinion of MLP so if she thinks that she's too old for My little pony: friendship is magic then she doesn't know what she's missing! Storm Spark X Crystal Sparkle 3DS Friend Code :4339-3103-7411 Storm Spark: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FedoraMemes 582 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I suppose that as she get's older, she'll look at things in a different way, and start to grow out of certain things. Maybe when she's older, she may get back into the show, but for now, I think you should just let her go with what she wants to watch. The Anime Thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regality 233 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I thought the target audience was supposedly eight year old girls. What gives...? Damn you Hasbro and your faulty demographics! ~~ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainbow_hearts 148 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 She is the right age for My little pony friendship is magic! But I guess I was the same way when I was a little kid her age. Always trying to seem grown up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPM 288 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 That's odd. That is supposedly the "target audience" as said by the hater kind. But what would be better than quoting PP and altering the line slightly: Too old for MLP? NEVER. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krystal 1,468 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 barbie > ponies? Your niece defies all logic. She must be pinkie pie or whatever her barbie equivalent is. But seriously, this is just a phase. If you go back to her in a year and offer her the show I'll bet she'll probably get into it. avatar and sig by your's trulyask me anything DeviantArt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareChaser0096 142 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 Peer pressure. Someone probably said, "Ponies are for babies!" So now she believes them. Hopefully she won't always be so easy to fall into peer pressure. Maybe she'll get that phase over with now. 1 Love and tolerate, and live by it. No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^ The best revenge is happiness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 She just moved on to the next big thing for girls her age... She'll probably end up watching ponies again when she turns 14... She is in the right demographic though... Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alleviate 342 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 I'm sorry, but that statement...It crushes hater arguments! I think that she has literally destroyed one of the main points they thrust at us. If I may, I would love to quote this (Just the '8Yo Too old for mlp') thing. But, anyway, back to topic, I agree with a few others, really young (Yeah, I'm 14 almost 15, so pretty young myself in the eyes of society) kids (Especially girls, it seems.) tend to sway with whatever is 'in'....Heh, I never have and never will, I'm to OG for that ^-^ I kinda have that problem too though, my li'l cousin (Like 5, 6 or 7...I don't know how old she is!) used to love MLP....Before me! An' now I can see what a fool I've been, she's also into Barbie an' whatever........ One day, she will see what a mistake she's made....One day....I hope..... -Joe- 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abstract 832 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 We all grew out of things we loved when we were younger, it's natural. But now we look back at those things with nostalgia and great memories, perhaps even beginning to enjoy them again. Life is kind of a funny circle. 2 "Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morethanicecream 116 September 7, 2012 Share September 7, 2012 She just moved on to the next big thing for girls her age... She'll probably end up watching ponies again when she turns 14... She is in the right demographic though... I agree. But I wish that people like her wont do what her friends do. How do you grow out of MLP. I mean, it's like growing out of Veggie Tales, no way that you are going to do that. But we all do that when we are little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonyPoni 564 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Uh, how does barbie win? She cant even stand My little sister is grew INTO ponies and out of barbie. In fact, she got out of barbie a LONG time ago, saying she was too old for it (plus, uh, I told her that barbies are bad examples for girls... Older brother win! I saved my sister's future ) Right now, she likes ponies. Not as much as me, obviously. I bought her a pinkie pie toy as a gift, but, uh...... she didn't seem to care She doesn't know where it is (I MUST FIND IT. RAINBOW NEEDS A FRIEND THAT ISN"T AN OLD TRANSFORMER ) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 Some people appereate things more as they get older. There's some cartoons I wasn't that into as a kid I love now, Batman the animated series for example. "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeman The Brony 14 September 8, 2012 Share September 8, 2012 My cousin called MLP gay. After smashing his head in for two hours, he begged me to stop if he watched an episode. He actually liked it, and became a brony. The my aunt came in and was upset that he had a black eye and a bloody nose. I told her that he fell down some stairs. TROLLOLOLOL. So many people are starting to forget Gordon Freeman. Once he is forgotten, we shall fall. Remember him like a boss. Cause he was da best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
My little pwny 1,392 September 15, 2012 Author Share September 15, 2012 Great news... I totally misunderstood my niece. When I asked if she still like ponies, she thought I was talking about the toys. He likes Barbie dolls but not pony dolls. This week, I got to see my two nephews (age 8 and 3) and my niece (age 6). I got to baby sit them a lot, so to help pass the time, I asked them if they wanted to watch my little pony. It turns out that they watch it occasionally at home! Guess what? All three of them LOVED IT. I showed them a lot of episodes they didn't see yet and they couldn't get enough. Since we're together for my sister's wedding this week, I got them to watch A Canterlot Wedding part 1 and 2. When we went to my sister's wedding, my 3 year old nephew asked the bride (my sister) if she was Queen "crystalis" and not real. My sister didn't understand so I had to explain haha. They're favorite episode was The Last Roundup. Throughout the entire week, they kept quoting Pinkie Pie, "I found her! I found her! I found her!.... be right back!" or "Applejack!!! YOU PINKIE PROMISED!!" My 6 year old niece made me "Pinkie Promise" all the time. She did the sign where you cross your heart and stick a cupcake in your eye lol. They are even saying if I want to be their special somepony. Its been a great week for me, because I got to physically share MLP:FiM with someone else for the first time, even if they're young kids. 10 See you November 8th, 2014! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daylight 18 September 15, 2012 Share September 15, 2012 Great news... I totally misunderstood my niece. When I asked if she still like ponies, she thought I was talking about the toys. He likes Barbie dolls but not pony dolls. This week, I got to see my two nephews (age 8 and 3) and my niece (age 6). I got to baby sit them a lot, so to help pass the time, I asked them if they wanted to watch my little pony. It turns out that they watch it occasionally at home! Guess what? All three of them LOVED IT. I showed them a lot of episodes they didn't see yet and they couldn't get enough. Since we're together for my sister's wedding this week, I got them to watch A Canterlot Wedding part 1 and 2. When we went to my sister's wedding, my 3 year old nephew asked the bride (my sister) if she was Queen "crystalis" and not real. My sister didn't understand so I had to explain haha. They're favorite episode was The Last Roundup. Throughout the entire week, they kept quoting Pinkie Pie, "I found her! I found her! I found her!.... be right back!" or "Applejack!!! YOU PINKIE PROMISED!!" My 6 year old niece made me "Pinkie Promise" all the time. She did the sign where you cross your heart and stick a cupcake in your eye lol. They are even saying if I want to be their special somepony. Its been a great week for me, because I got to physically share MLP:FiM with someone else for the first time, even if they're young kids. Little kids...Never change.Little kids are kinda cute though.They like MLP,that's good news.I have my baby cousin.She likes to watch MLP too.When she sees Pinkie Pie she's like "Pikie". Thanks to ~Chaotic Discord~ for the cool avatar and signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virulence 254 September 15, 2012 Share September 15, 2012 Don't worry! She is just trying to be "cool" by saying that, but in reality, she may like it still. Don't lose hope on her. She will like it, well love it, eventually Signature by: My OC's: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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