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What is something that you dislike, but everyone else loves?


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Hey guys, just a simple question.

What is something that everyone loves but you dislike?

Song Types





Personally, I don't really like 4Chan, it's an alright website, but there are so many ignorant people on there.

Also I HATE YOLO! People have been saying YOLO to me everyday, and it's annoying!

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I personally don't like reddit.They post funny content and all that but I just hate the format of the site.It just has never appealed to me.

YOLO also grinds my gears

Edited by OdinForced
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Oh my gosh I hate Yolo so much you don't even know... There is this one kid around here who mowed YOLO into his lawn and every time I pass by that the urge to burn down his grass and deliver a plague unto that house becomes stronger.

Edited by Lord Bababa
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The over-use of the same jokes or same type of jokes in High-school and from uneducated people.


I'll also DISPISE (typo?) TEENAGERS :angry: !! I am one, they do nothing negative to me, but I still hate my generation and all future generations present right now with a "fiery passion" (<---See what I did thar? over-use of slang by illiterate unoriginal teens).

Edited by Ad Foedera Cresco
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Obama... and Hybrids.


That's all I got to say about that. YOLO doesn't bug me that much because I suppose I don't see or hear it everywhere.

Edited by DeltaTangent
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One thing, Facebook. Seems like the whole thing is just a large detrimental tool more than anything. Bullying,hacking and people being generally asinine? Check. Add family,employers,idiots and the government in there and you got yourself a clusterfuck.

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Everything that Seth McFarlane does, and a lot of musical artists that people sing the praises of. AC/DC, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses. I could go on for a bit longer but I choose not to.

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So here's my things people usually like but I dislike list.


Song-Types: I dunno to be honest, I listen a little bit from almost everything

Drinks: Vodka, Ice-Tea, Coffee

Websites: 4chan, twitter

TV-shows: Adventure Time, Spongebob,

Movies: Transformers

Cars: Audi

Brands: Apple, Hollister

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Song Types - Dubstep. I don't see the appeal.


- Pop. Pop was decent in decades past, but now it's almost all the same crap.


Drinks - Anything alcoholic. Every alcoholic drink I've tried has tasted like hell, and I don't understand why people would want to drink a lot.


Websites - Twitter. I have Facebook for posting my updates, so why do I need another site for that?


TV - Family Guy. I just find the majority of it more annoying than funny. It can get a chuckle or two out of me, but most of it isn't quite my type of humor.


- Adventure Time. I watched an episode, and while it was a little interesting, I couldn't see the appeal of it. I enjoy random stuff, but it seemed a little too random.


- Reality shows. Why do these exist? Why are there so many of them? Why are seasons of Survivor still being made while much better shows didn't last half as long? Why do people like to watch other people scream at each other?

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I'm moving this to general discussion, cause it has nothing to do with ponies, unfortunately. I was almost too lazy to do this as I have to type a response myself, but eh, mods gotta do what a mods gotta do.


This is an automated response, as I let my subconscious do all the work while I thought about food. (I'm hungry)



Everyone else my age (21) seems to love alcohol. I don't see it myself.


I dislike my parents, and everyone else does not... That's not to say that I am not thankful that they have provided me with this marvelous thing called "Life". But srsly guys, did you have to be so terrible at being parents? D:


I also dislike breathing. Sure, it keeps me alive and all, but I wouldn't have to worry about these stupid allergies so much if I didn't have to breath. Come on, Evolution, give us something more efficient already! D:


Human feet. I dunno why, but ever since I was young I've had this strange hatred for the way they look. Other people seem to like them for some reason, and I just wanna chop them up with an axe. If I could I would have me own replaced with something that's not so grotesque and ugly like some dog paws or something. Yesh, I know I am weird, and I enjoy being that way. ;)

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Eggs. I don't like them here nor there, I do not like them anywhere. It doesn't matter how you cook them either. Eggs are revolting.


I'm with OP on hating 4chan, but occasionally a gem emerges from there.


I think I am going to die for posting this, but I hate GFangnam Style. I hate DEybstep and north Koreans, so Gangnam style is my worse nightmare.

Gangnam Style is from South Korea. North Korea doesn't have anything. Just sayin'.


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I absolutely hate people who think they are better than you just because they listen to a certain type of music. For example, someone likes a band like Pink Floyd or Queen and if you don't like them they will flip out and call you out. I have met way too many of them (not in real life) but seen so many people that just think they are so much better than others because apparently their music is better than anything you listen to. Everywhere I go if I say I like a certain type of music or if I don't like a certain type of music that they like, they flip out and say ''Fuck you, you fag you don't know shit about real music''.



These type of people are literally the worst.

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I'll also DISPISE (typo?) TEENAGERS :angry: !! I am one, they do nothing negative to me, but I still hate my generation and all future generations present right now with a "fiery passion" (<---See what I did thar? over-use of slang by illiterate unoriginal teens).


We aren't all that type, even i don't fit into those catagories. Nearly hurt my feelings there, luckily i barely act like this generation and have similar thoughts like you regarding them.


However, the one thing that truly discomforts me is the phone - not sms / texts - it merely rings and i nearly leap through a window, and trying to talk on one is like pulling out teeth to me.

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As I'm over 21, I echo Misso Klopp and say alcohol unless you're cooking with it. (And, yes, this includes wine.) If there's one thing that gets on my nerves, it's seeing people drink booze. And to make it worse, I sometimes see people drink, drink, and drink alcohol some more, primarily in baseball parks. The fact that I lost one of my kin to excessive drinking of hard alcohol (vodka) makes my dislike for it much more personal. Now, if you're cooking with it, I'm fine. Just burn it all out and leave the flavor behind.


And I don't know about you guys, but so many people smoke in New York City, and it's disgusting. I'm outside trying to gain some fresh air (or going out to take some photographs), and then I get a puff of cigarette smoke right in my face. Gross! It's even more disturbing seeing late teens smoke cigarettes, sometimes just to be "cool" when it objectively makes them look really daft.


Also, soccer. Not playing it. But watching it. There's little scoring. The game is just too fast. And many games, besides the tournaments, are played to be tied; and ties are extremely anticlimatic. The 0-0 ties make the game even more boring to watch.


Edit: And to add it, texting. If I'm outside, this means I'm not interested in constant contact. It annoys me further when cell phones are now prepackaged with texting plans. If I want to answer an e-mail, I'll do so AFTER I return home, not while I'm outside. I wasn't interested in texting when it first came out a decade ago, and I'm not interested in it today.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
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lol I know right.

if there is anything more boring than playing soccer, it's watching it.

I also don't like teenagers.

I'm 15 I just don't like most teens of this generation as ad said....

Edited by I Sarcasm I
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Coca Cola. It's taste is just awful to me, I'd prefer to drink my own piss than cola. Surprisingly, it seems I'm the only one. I mean, I haven't met anyone who don't like it.

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Alcohol - It's just disgusting.


Zombies and the idea of an zombie apocalypse - I could expand this to supernatural creatures in general like vampires and werewolves, but it's really mainly zombies for me, and zombies are definitely the most popular these days. What scares me is the amount of people that seem to actually want zombies to be real.


Led Zeppelin - I've posted my opinion on them a few times. I don't dislike all of their songs, I just dislike a lot of them.


Touch screen cell phones - I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I'll stick with my physical keypad. (I say the same thing to tablets in relation to laptops)


Spring/Summer and Warm/Hot weather- To me Spring is depressing, and both Spring and Summer are inside seasons for me because they're just so darn uncomfortable to be outside in. Winter is the outside season where I live.

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Stuff I hate that everyone else likes?


Song Types: Pop, Dance, hip-hop, R'n'B, Etc. It's all so samey to me. Crap music that only does well due to the content of the music videos. I cannot stand crap like that (that goes for Abba, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Spice Girls and any other souless crap that gets mistakenly labled as music).


Drinks: I don't care for lemonade


Websites: Yahoo. I have my e-mail with Yahoo, and that isn't going to change, but the news stories and the people that comment on them just make me want to watch the world burn.


People: I don't really hate entire people as such. I only dislike people on a singular basis. There are things about people I cannot stand (arrogance mostly), but I don't get hating someone that's done nothing to you (before you paint me as some sort of saint, I tend to wish painful death on people that annoy me. See my thoughts on music for more information).


Food: Can't stand cheese, vegies, rice, tomotoes, most fish and pasta. I see this as a flaw of mine and hate it utterly.

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Jersey Shore


Imagine Dragons

Facebook (i have one, but I never use it unless I NEED to talk to some one)

Political beliefs, or lack thereof

Lack of Intelligent conversations


This isnt amongst my friends, but rather among people who live near me. People just dont give a crap around here.

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Mlp. I hate that show, and I would never join any forums for it or anything... its just stupid, I'm joking.

Right now nothing comes to mind, I dont like allot of things that other people like but... I just cant think of anything, If that makes any sense.

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