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Why do you like your favorite pony?


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We all have favorite ponies that we always look at and make fanfics, drawings, etc. for.


We all have a reason for liking them, too. So what's your reason?


Who's your favorite pony?


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


Why did you like him/her because of that?

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Who's your favorite pony?


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Around 4 weeks ago...

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Well, all the fan-music, and her association with Vinyl... And because I can relate to her love for music!

Why did you like him/her because of that?

Because I am a musician at heart, and having a favorite pony being a musician, just seemed right.


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My favorite Pony? Easily Pinkie Pie


When did I crown her as my favorite? First Episode



I don't remember a time where I wasn't happy to see her on screen so I guess all?



I like Pinkie because of how optimistic she is towards everything,How she's easily able to turn a terrible situation into a good one,How she's able to come out of NO WHERE with a song about the current situation,How she remembers everything about everypony.I also like how she's selfless enough to pretty much spend most of her bits in order to make her best friends happy <3

I wish more people were like her tbh.


There's a lot more reasons on why I love Pinkie but I won't flood this thread with it.

Edited by OdinForced
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"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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My Favorite Pony? Definitively Pinkie Pie


When Did I start liking her? Well, the first episode I watched she seemed kinda annoying (Green isn't Your Color) and then the next episode I watched later that afternoon (CutieMark Chronicles) I fell in love with her.


Well, to be specific, I fell in love how she lived a pretty gloomy life, such as myself before, and after I met my friends life took a complete different turn, and it got better in many ways, I wasn't bullied as much and I was happier than ever, and I sorta connected myself to Pinkie, since I'm pretty random, free-spirited, and I'm the lil odd one of the group xD


I just love her free spirit, and how she's there for her friends, and her child-like attitude :3

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Who's your favorite pony?

Rainbow Dash

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Ever since I first saw her.

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

It was actually before I ever really watched the show. I saw her in a Death Battle episode. It was her against Starscream, and her speed sparked my interest in the show, 'cause I'm like a Sonic fan and stuff.

Why did you like him/her because of that?

That's a weird question. Um... like I said, I like Sonic, and Dashie is a lot like Sonic, so I was all "GWWWWAAAAAAHHHH SO COOOOOOL!"

  • Brohoof 2

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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Who's your favorite pony?


Derpy Hooves



When did you start having that pony as your favorite?


Ever since discovery.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


Last Roundup. (Just dunno what went wrong)


Why did you like him/her because of that?


Oblivious and simple.


Also usually she means no harm and just want to have fun.


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Who's your favorite pony?

Applejack, durrr.


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Pretty much since August 2011, when I became a brony. In other words, since forever :)


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The very first episode I ever saw, which was "Look Before Your Sleep". This is where I first thought of Twi as "boring", Rarity a "stuck-up bitch", and Applejack as "wow, she's actually pretty cool!".


Why did you like him/her because of that?

She represents EVERYTHING I could ask from a girl. Has blonde hair, her hairstyle is natural and good-looking at the same time, is just beautiful in general, has green eyes, freckles, a thick Southern accent and drawl (Are those the same thing?), just oozes Southerness in general, is honest, and her favorite fruit is the apple, which is mine too. She also has some flaws to her personality, which is good. It'd be kinda wierd if she was too perfect. For instance, we both share a degree of stubborness. She's also hard hit by not meeting her standards. For instance, that whole "I didn't get any money because I never came in 1st" problem from "The Last Roundup" is a good example. After seeing her expression after the rest of the ponies found out, I just wanted to hug her sooooooooooooo bad. Plus, she's dependable, nice, caring, and also not all that lady like, which I find kinda sexy. She doesn't exactly care if she's dirty or not, but seems to take outer appearance into consideration. She doesn't want to be a girly girl but likes to look good and remain somewhat lady-like at the same time. That's why I love her so so so so so much :wub:

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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Who's your favorite pony?


In case my avatar doesn't give it away, Twilight Sparkle.


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?


Not from the start. She slowly grew on me as I watched the show.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?


Everyone expects me to say Lesson Zero, but there wasn't a single episode or scene.


Why did you like him/her because of that?


I slowly realised how much she's like me. I actually like some of Twi's fanon presentations more than what she's like in the show. Generally speaking, I can't help but feel for someone I have so much in common with... except she's more adorable than I. And more neurotic.

  • Brohoof 1



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Who's your favorite pony?

It changes, but right now Rainbow Dash is my favourite pony at the moment


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Actually, before I started getting into MLP FiM RD caught my attention


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The infamous cheer scene from Sonic Rainboom- I love that episode so much!


Why did you like him/her because of that?

She's a tomboy that's why! Tomboy characters are awesome!

  • Brohoof 1

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

- The Doctor

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Who's your favorite pony?

Dashie :3


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Two weeks after watching the show and initially getting into the fandom and series. For the first two weeks, Celestia was actually my favorite, as I had yet to actually experience all of the character development of the Mane 6.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Episodes like 'Fall Weather Friends', 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Read it and Weep'. Plus the endless adorable and awesome fan art of her.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

Dashie is the tomboy of the group, even more than Applejack. She tries to act tough and brave, and while she succeeds at it, she also looks adorable in the process. Her personality is great; she's funny and playful, but also brave and kick-ass when she needs to be. It's fun seeing how she responds to situations, and her occasional immaturity makes her a believable character whom is fun to watch.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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Who's your favorite pony?



When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

the break between season one and season two


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

I was reading an article about My Little Pony, and it mentioned how Rarity wasn't just a shoppaholic like most similar character types in other shows- she's an artist


Why did you like him/her because of that?

it made me see her in a new light. at first I really didn't care too much for her. I liked Fluttershy because she was shy like me and I could relate to the episodes that starred her, but when I re-watched the episodes again, I found that the Rarity episodes were the ones I could relate to the most. honestly, I think that's a dumb reason to like Rarity the most, but the ponies are all mostly equal for me otherwise XD

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Who's your favorite pony?

--Rainbow Dash. :)


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

--Before I even knew who she was or what MLP was, I knew I would love her. Rainbow was the first pony I ever heard of or saw pics of, so she kind of led me to the show.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

--One scene in episode 3 where the others try to "curry" favor with Twilight and get the second ticket to the Galloping Gala. It's near the end and everypony is taking turns apologizing to her for the whole mess and saying they don't really want the ticket (although they probably still do). But then we come to Rainbow...

"YYYYYES! That means the ticket is MINE! I got the tiiicket, I got the tiiicket..." *everyone glares at her* "...........Y'know, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway..."


Why did you like him/her because of that?

--Funny as hell. It was brutal honesty to the end. Until she realized she risked alienating her friends, then she toned it down. I liked her before, but that scene solidified her favorite-ness.

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Who's your favorite pony?

Rarity :wub:


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

actually Fluttershy was my favorite when I joined the forums, but I still liked Rarity a lot. Rarity is the closest to my personality and my very good friend, loves her as well. We share our loved for her, that she slowly was reaching Fluttershy. As I rewatched more episodes, I feel in love with her even more and even deeper, and became obssesed. I love her mane and tail a lot!!, I love how she's animated :D


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

nuff said B)

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Why did you like him/her because of that?

She sacrified herself for her friends, she likes to please her friends no matter what, and I am pretty much like that :D ...and besides I love her because she's one of the funniest characters of the show, and she doesn't even try to be funny!! I love her goshhhhh :wub: :wub:

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Who's your favorite pony?

Pinkie Pie, most definitely Pinkie Pie :)

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Uhm, probably when I saw my first episode of MLP.

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

The first episode, and all the episodes following it :).

Why did you like him/her because of that?

I liked her because of

1.) The way she jumped.

2.) Because she's just so random.

3.) because she likes to eat a lot of sweets.

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Who's your favorite pony?

Rainbow Dash

When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

When I started (and a little before) I started watching the show.

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Well there's lots, mostly because she's one cool pony.

Why did you like him/her because of that?

She's pretty much everything I want to be but can't. (take away female, pony, etc.)

She's not afraid to talk out infront of everypony, she's cunning, and athletic.



That's basically it, now I need to get some sleep, and play some battlefield in the morning.

  • Brohoof 1

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Who's your favorite pony?


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

Around 3 or 4 months ago

What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

Sh-Pony video by EzeCoyote

Why did you like him/her because of that?

I have always loved the whole theme of The Wonderbolts (I am a aviation fan in real life), so it kind of fits. I also love her color scheme...her awesomeness can never be compared (Well, maybe to Rainbow Dash but that's it).



Technically I love Rainbow Dash just as much though...

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Who's your favourite pony?



When did you start having that pony as your favourite?

Since the start I think. I thought she was the sweetest out of the lot


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favourite?

I'm not too sure. I think it was her fear of sports that made her my number 1


Why did you like him/her because of that?

I saw a lot of myself in her back-story (being laughed at by so many people, you stop seeing them and only feel eyes watching you). I guess I also like how she's anti-social but not aggressive.

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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Who's your favorite pony?

Pinkie Pie


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

I think when I saw the second episode and saw more to the charter. She was wacky and funny and I enjoyed that.


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

I like all of Pinkie Pies episodes. The number 1 episode would have to be "Baby Cakes." I liked the way they had Pinkie Pie learn a new lesson that did not involve friendship.


Why did you like her/him because of that?

I just like all the odd things about Pinkie Pie and what she did in the episodes. Like how she jump all the time, eats all kinds of snacks, is just goofy all the time. The one thing I have to like best is how she cares for all of her friends.

  • Brohoof 1


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Gonna be a little of an anarchist here, so I won't follow the guidelines :P


My favorite is Dashie, for that when I look at her, I see the exact opposite of

myself. Both in her capabilities and her flaws, they are the opposite of mine,

and that is something so awesome to watch that I can't help it and she must

be my number one. She also looks damn well, is adorable like nopony else

(to me at least).

  • Brohoof 2


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In my opinion I enjoy Fluttershy the best. I love her shy and timid behavior, she is adorable. The way she changes is interesting too. From being completely quiet to actually talking near the middle of the first season and so on.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Who's your favorite pony?



When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

I think a couple of months back when I started looking at more fan-made stuff


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

I've always had a soft spot for Scootaloo since her first appearance. I guess I just like tomboy-ish characters. And c'mon, she's freaking adorable. Anyway, she didn't become my favorite character until I discovered the fan's background story for her, at least the highly accepted version of it. (Her not having parents and such).


Why did you like him/her because of that?

At first it was all the feels and pity I felt for her, but it made me realize that Scootaloo is a type of filly who can someday rise above everypony else, especially when she has wonderful friends who love her and support her.


Plus this song.. oh god... THE FEELS


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Who's your favorite pony?

Rainbow Dash


When did you start having that pony as your favorite?

It was pretty much love at first site. As a lesbian, seeing a rainbow pony made me happy :D


What episode, scene, or fanon made her/him your official favorite?

I LOVED her in Griffon the Brush-Off. The way she stood up for Pinkie was amazing.


Why did you like him/her because of that?

She stood up for her friend without a second thought. Later, when I found out her element is loyalty, it just made me love her even more, because I'm SUPER loyal.

  • Brohoof 1



Together since October 19th, 2011


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