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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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(All of the mane 6 have somepony, however, I don't think that Fluttershy or Rarity have a solid relationship. I think most all of the background ponies except Octavia are free. Discord has a date, Luna has more than one, and Celestia is making friends with one. As I remember it)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Query, what ponies aren't already taken?


Off the top of my head, here are the for sure taken ponies...



Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie


I recommend reading through the posts involving them to see what they did


Here's a list of contested or dated ponies. All of these are up for grabs, more or less...



Derpy (although its been a while since he posted)




Big Mac


And I know there's more, but I can't remember off the top of my head.


Every other pony is totally open season. There are some dates requested for other ponies I haven't started, so make sure you post a date with one before I respond this afternoon

  • Brohoof 1
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Off the top of my head, here are the for sure taken ponies...



Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie


I recommend reading through the posts involving them to see what they did


Here's a list of contested or dated ponies. All of these are up for grabs, more or less...



Derpy (although its been a while since he posted)




Big Mac


And I know there's more, but I can't remember off the top of my head.


Every other pony is totally open season. There are some dates requested for other ponies I haven't started, so make sure you post a date with one before I respond this afternoon


(OOC The moment I read that, I just had a huge sigh of relief. ^_^ Twi I really do love you. <3)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Query, what ponies aren't already taken?


(OOC i suggest you go after Vinyl Scratch. i'm trying to start dating Octavia, so there's a good chance those two stories will intermingle XD)
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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OOC I am not predisposed to post in a thread like this, until I stop caring about my own stupid opinions of RPs.)


(OOC well let me just tell ya now, if ya don't do it, you'll miss out!)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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'Now remember, Blue my boy. She has a strong personality but yours must be of the same stern stuff. Behind every mask is somepony that needs a hug.'

*clears throat, four brisk knocks on the carriage door.*


"Miss Trixie; the Great & Powerful I presume?" said Blue, holding up a blue and white bouquet and doffing top hat. "My name is Blue and it is an illustrious pleasure to meet you; I've heard of your wondrous magical talent, and... I was wondering. The day after next is the Ponyville township Festival of Lights fireworks competition, and I would be thoroughly delighted if you could come. We could meet at the town square fountain at 7:30 if you would be interested."

  • Brohoof 4
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"Miss Trixie; the Great & Powerful I presume?" said Blue

He just asked......... HER!
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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'Now remember, Blue my boy. She has a strong personality but yours must be of the same stern stuff. Behind every mask is somepony that needs a hug.'

*clears throat, four brisk knocks on the carriage door.*


"Miss Trixie; the Great & Powerful I presume?" said Blue, holding up a blue and white bouquet and doffing top hat. "My name is Blue and it is an illustrious pleasure to meet you; I've heard of your wondrous magical talent, and... I was wondering. The day after next is the Ponyville township Festival of Lights fireworks competition, and I would be thoroughly delighted if you could come. We could meet at the town square fountain at 7:30 if you would be interested."


(OOC: :jawdrop: Holy crap you've got balls! I haven't even thought about Trixie being in the thread. All I've gotta say is good luck.)


Responses coming in 1 hour! Make any changes if you need to!

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Airi: So Dissy, watcha wanna do now that we're king and queen of Equestria?


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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(OOC: :jawdrop: Holy crap you've got balls! I haven't even thought about Trixie being in the thread. All I've gotta say is good luck.)


Responses coming in 1 hour! Make any changes if you need to!


(OOC hurryhurryhurry even though my most recent post probably isn't any better than what i usually do XD)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(OOC: Hm, I wonder if I can join in on this, what do ya'h think Pwny? Female x Female? :3)



  • Brohoof 1



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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(OOC: Hm, I wonder if I can join in on this, what do ya'h think Pwny? Female x Female? :3)


(OOC i jus wanna suggest vinyl one more time to someone XD)
  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Here we are! If you didn't edit/replaced your post before I started responding, then I'll be going with your latest post. If you see a quote that has a strikethrough through it, that means I'm not responding to that post. Also, come tomorrow, I've got a big announcement for the thread! So stay tuned...


Hello Princess Luna i was wondering today if you wanted to look at the moon tonight and spend some time together.Assuming of course you have some free time for a loyal subject.

[ This is me talking. yup im going for luna, wish me luck.]



As i approach the royal palace at midnight,sweat began to run down my cheeks.I finally decided that im going to ask Luna out on date.But as i entered the palace and began walk towards the throne room.I started panic, what if i catch her in a bad mood,what if i mess up and she never wants to see me again.The more I thought about it the more nervous i became but i couldn't let that stop me now because as soon as opened the door i immediately saw the mistress of the night seated at her throne surrounded by several royal guards who all gave me a huge glare that basically said 'try something, i dare you'.At this point, i was paralyzed with fear,but luckily i had just enough energy to make to the princess.I could tell she was getting impatient so without hesitation i finally got the words out of my mouth and said 'um Princess Luna if your schedule permits it would you like to have picnic with me just outside of the EverFree Forest.I know a spot where moon is in full view and stars are beautifully bright.'after saying that i nervously wait for her response.


*Princess Luna stays in her throne, staring at you. The highly disciplined royal guards are trying very hard to contain their laugh, although, they make sure no one notices. After literally 10 minutes of standing in awkwardness, Luna finally speaks up.*


We have many requests from single nobels attempt to court us, and none have taken us on more than two dates. We think it was because of our traditional canterlot voice, or perhaps their vain envy of our crown. Princess Luna sees your meekness as... refreshing. We accept your terms for having a late night picnic. Shall we rendezvous with you tomorrow evening near the entrance of the forest?


*Luna waits for your reply to see if the meet up plans are alright. Remember, its your date, so you can make 100% of the plans...*


Good evening, dear Luna. How would you like to join me tonight among the stars? Would you prefer a stroll through Everfree beside me or a mystical flight among the clouds and stars glistening above in the night sky?


Why hello there, Miss Rarity. Would you kindly join me this evening so we may gaze upon the sunset and speak of fashion and glamour?


My goodness, it's you! Why, dear Octavia, would you be so enchanting as to join me tonight among the stars to sing? Please do not fret, my magic should be capable of allowing you to walk upon clouds for at least as long as the blackened night graces us. I simply wish to hear your marvelous voice harmonize with my own.


(I have to apologise, I had three questions. Please think of them as seperate :D )



We are busy tonight. Apologies. The clouds and stars we are already acquainted with.



Do I know you? I mean, you just appeared out of no where. Ummmm, the sunset you say... well, I think we'll have to do that another time. Fashion and glamour is my bread and butter, but let's take a rain check.



*You approach octavia while she comes out of a concert of hers. She is bombarded with questions from other fans and photographers*


Oh you know me? I'm delighted to see a fan of mine. Here, have an autograph of mine.


(OOC: Instead of going the 'shotgun approach' try focusing all your energy on one pony. I promise you'll have more success that way.)



(OOC: Kinda Creepy... I shure hope she can't really read my mind...)


As Page lays there, a myriad of emotions run through his head. on the one hoof, the mare he loves is sleeping next to him, completely unaware, Page knows from experience that Pinkie is a really deep sleeper. he could do just about anything to her right now, and he may not get a better opportunity. On the other Hoof, this floor is really uncomfortable, plus, taking advantage of a mare in her sleep would NOT be cool.

Page Remembers that he promised her waffles in the morning, and, with a quiet sigh, he decides to do the noble thing. Very carefully so as not to wake her, he stands up, using his magic to carefully levitate her to the couch. He finds a blanket to drape over her, and then heads to the kitchen to heat up the waffle iron.


*You start making breakfast for the two of you. While your waffles are cooking, you can hear Pinkie Pie starting to sleep talk.*


*mubble*... love you... *mubble* Turner

*mubble mubble* ...love of my life... *mubble* ...party together *mubble*..... forever


*Pinkie goes on and on like this; sub-consciencously pouring her heart out to you. Finally she says in her sleep.*


*mubble*... I do. I do. I do!


*Takes a bite of a cupcake.* "Mmm.. these are good." *Twi starts the rant.* "Shh..... Twi, it's all right, you won't mess up, you can't, trust me." *Looks down, then back at Twilight.* "Twi, I.... I-I love you..."


(OOC Oh, roleplaying I can do that. Kinda awkward to RP as myself though. Disregard my last post then. I guess I'll do first person.)


I took a bite of the cupcake, it tasted wonderful, the flavor and texture was amazing. It was quite understandable why Twilight loved these cupcakes. "These taste amazing." I commented as he finished the cupcake he was eating. Twilight then started to talk, she seemed worried and flustered as she began to rant. "Shhh, it's alright Twi, you won't mess this up, you can't." I pause for a while and looked down. I looked back up to Twilight. "Twi, I... I-I love you, and nothing is able to change that." I say to her in a reassuring tone.



*Twilight looks at you in the eyes for a moment. Slowly but surely she starts to give you a big smile in classic Twilight fashion.*


You... you really mean it don't you?


*once she realizes you are 100% serious, she talks again*


I-I love you too Mal. With all my heart. I can't believe that I'm saying it, but I believe you when you say nothing is able to change that. Before I talk too much again, let me give you back a present...


*Twilight slowly leans over to your face, giving you the hint. The two of you share a magificient kiss like two ponies in love should have. You can tell that her kissing technique is very mechanical and rehearsed, and you suspect it's because she was practicing from a book she read. It doesn't matter though. Your feelings for each other are so strong, that the power of love encapselates the two of you in a magical sphere.*


Wow... that was incredible! I think I read somewhere that this magical bubble is called the Magic of Love, as opposed to the Magic of Friendship. Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as a friendship bubble? And there's also....


*Once again, Twilight starts to rant after the best kiss of your life.*


Applejack, I know we've definitely been out of contact for quite some time. Have you ever been to Neighegra Falls before? I've heard it's absolutely beautiful up there. Maybe sometime we could head up there, perhaps on Saturday, if you're not busy?


(OOC:So, I take it I get a mulligan here?)


After returning from Baltimare, where La Li Lu Le Lo's grandfather's funeral was held, LLLLL was somewhat glad to be back home in Ponyville. Rather than having to listen to the cries of his family, he would... well... have to worry about his own problems the second the train arrived in Ponyville. Well, other than the recent passing of his grandpa, the first thing that was going through his mind was his job at Horseshoe Solutions. LLLLL was just one more failed pitch away from being fired (as uncreative as LLLLL is, it's a real wonder why the company even hired him for advertising in the first place). He feared what consequences would result if Horseshoe Solutions fired him. He has no fallback, and would have a hard time getting employment elsewhere.

"I'd better start job-searching in that case," he thought to himself

On top of that, he would have to move from Ponyville, the town he knew for nearly 20 years, should he be fired.

"Perhaps the only thing I need is a nice marefriend to help alleviate the pain during this stressful time."

Well, only one problem, LLLLL basically had no one. Well, aside from Applejack, but that was a lucky crapshoot. Everypony else he took interest in turned out to have no interest whatsoever in LLLLL, and everypony interested in him, he felt that they were not exactly up to his standards. The only real solution here was to win over Applejack.

"Well, she's a country girl, hard working, too. She likes apples, but not really sure what else! I guess I'm a hard worker, but why in the name of Celestia did I even THINK of doing advertising for a big-name company? I have no creativity skills whatsoever!" he thought to himself. "Gee, after one date, I really didn't get a whole lot of info out of her. Perhaps I should ask her on another date, maybe somewhere like Sugarcube Corner, where we could shoot the breeze and learn more about each other."

So, going through his plan, absolutely uncertain if she had the same feelings for him, he headed down to Sweet Apple Acres. He, after taking a few deep breaths, knocked on the front door.


(OOC: I've never really roleplayed much, so I'm just trying to experiment with a third person narrative here. I might switch it in the future if I like completely first person better. Also, before you, out of character, chastise me for saying that I do, indeed, have creativity, I only threw that noncreative part in there to add character to my OC. Speaking of which, I think I need to make an OC :P)



*Applejack opens the door and gives you a bright smile once she recognizes you.*


Well howdy Lu! Nice to see ya'll! What brings you here!?


*You explain your recent situation with your grandpa and how you wanted to get to know her better despite not having the time. You then invite her to a second date to sugarcube corner.*


Hmm. I'll tell ya what. Help me deliver these apples to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and we'll stop by for some good 'ol talk 'n tea. How's that?


She liked my poem. I've known her for less than a day and she likes my poem. I'm not getting bucked in the face. She wants to go somewhere with me. Wait, she wants to go somewhere with me? Agg! I don't even know where she LIKES to go! What to do, what to do. Okay, relax. She's an active pony, so she'd probably like active things. Which means your screwed; she doesn't like the paper shop, and you don't know a lot of other places in town. Uhh, how about... How about... A lunch. She has to be hungry, right? So how about... I use that to stall for time and get ideas! The whole time he looked like he was hit with the mallet of surprise. "Do you, umm, want to go get something to eat?" He blushed and looked at his hooves, "Actually, I said that because I don't go into town often. Other than the paper shop, well, maybe a splurge to sugar cube corner," he says, thinking, What am I doing? I just did the exact opposite of what I was planning. She probably thinks I'm introverted or something. I'm an idiot. "Being a writer doesn't pay alot, especially when no pony really wants my books. I can't really blame them though. Fantasy is considered to childish for the, 'high pony folk'," he says. Wait a minute, did I just admit I was poor. Oh, this is getting worse and worse... He sighs, "My life is glamorous, and I can't give you everything much, other than being myself to the best of my ability.' he hung his head, "As much as I'd love to be able to take you out to the fanciest resturaunts, or get you the best set of working duds, the truth is the best I can afford is a simple home-made dinner and a poem or two. You deserve much, much better," he adds in a whisper at the end. It's true, she deserves better. somepony who really can treat her like a princess, a pony who can protect her from anything. A pony that could get her what she wanted, be able to spend a their time with her, and make her smile every day. A nice, broad, beautiful smile.




*Applejack uses her hoof to lift your chin up.*


Just 'cause I like the truth don't mean you should put yurself down! I'm sure yur a great writter, heck, you should send some of your works over to Twilight, I'm sure she'll give you some useful tips to make them a hit!


Anyways, I actually am hungry. But I've got a better idea. Instead of those sit down restaurants, let's just eat some apples straight up! Not Applepie or apple strudel, just plain ol' apples. I find it relaxin' and that way we'll have more time to talk! Whadda say?


Morning star understood that Princess Celestia wanted some pony to treat her like an actual pony, and Morning star could see that. But he also understood that Celestia didn't want him to be to formal around her. "Well lets go bowling". Morning star smiled at Princess Celestia , He wanted both of them to have a good time and also he wanted ponyville to see just because she was the princess that didn't mean she couldn't have a bit of fun.


I love bowling! We have some lanes here in the castle, but I think I'd rather go to a public place so we can celebrate with others.


*The two of you make your way to "Canterlot Lanes" where it's pretty busy that afternoon. The whole building goes slightly quite once everypony realizes the Princess is there. Everypony starts to bow, but Celestia stops them.*


Oh, there's no need for that everypony, I'm just here with my friend Morningstar for some bowling! Let's just have fun, shall we?


*The crowd cheers and then continues to bowl. Once you, Celestia and a group of four lucky random ponies for a group in a bowling lane, Celestia says that you are first. You get up and begin to swing your arm for the toss. About half way down the lane, your bowling ball is en route for what appears to be a guarrenteed strike! Right before your bowling ball hits the pins, Celestia uses her magic to deflect the ball away into the gutter.*


Opps, did I do that?


*The group laughs along with Celestia. When you sit down, Celestia gives you a wink and a smile as she goes up for her turn for bowling.*


*sits stunned for a moment, then says* w-wow... really, Octavia? I would have never known or guessed that you would want to do that... It's really rather impressive, shattering that mold that others have made for you! Yes! Let's go on an adventure! Let's go out there and explore the world! I'm up for anything as long as you want to do it, Octavia!




*As I sit there, shocked for a moment while Octavia shouts that she's tired of the upper class snobs, I realise that I am seeing another side of her, a side perhaps she's never shown anypony else before. While I am nervouse, I decide to agree with Octavia*


Octavia, I nver knew you wanted something like that... I always expected you to only like upper-class things. I was actually suprised that you would even talk to somepony like me, someone in a much lower class than yourself. And I had always been pushing myself, trying to impress you. But now I see that you are different than all of the others, that you don't want to be held back by others perceptions of you! I totally agree with you, Octavia! Let's go do incredible things! Let's explore this world of ours! We can do anything! Go anywhere! Explore the places nopony has gone before! The world is at our hoovetips!


That's... exactly what I needed to hear Ponydox. You are really understanding... Now! Let's go do something neither of us have ever done! Let's break the mold!


*Octavia thinks for a moment, and mentions a list of things she's always wanted to do.*


I have a bucket list of things I've always wanted to do but never had the chance. Should we do sky diving, Dragon surfing, castle snooping, party crashing, or some pranking? Or maybe you have another idea? What should we do?


@@My little pwny, (starts turning everyone into various and random items. turning some of the guards into hams statues.)(turns into a female annoying orange)

Airi: Hey! Hey guard!

Guard: What?

Airi: Knife!

(a giant knife turns the ham turns the ham guards into giant sandwiches and watches as they get taken away)


*Discord shakes his head unimpressed.*


I'm sorry m'dear. That's not what I had in mind. It's... just too elementary. I was thinking of creating a chickenpox outbreak in canterlot, or releasing Cerb :blink: :blink: erus the Dog into a busy street. Oh well. It was a nice chaotic day we had today, but I think I'll go back to my statue for now. Bye.


*Because I know you really like Discord, I'll let you turn the clock back and go back in time to try again. Discord was looking for a large scale choas event. Try again...*

*Takes bite of cupcake*


+++Tastes Good! And a little like shipping.+++


*Eats rest of cupcake in one mouthful*


+++Delicious. ANOTHER!+++


*Eats a few more cupcakes, whilst mumbling things like "+++Om nom nom nom+++"


+++Well, all this eating has got me ready to TEST! If you would accompany me to the basement, the aFTeRpARtY will COMMENCE!+++


Good... Good! We're finally alone. I have you ALL to myself :lol:

*Pinkiamena pins you to the ground and starts giving you deep, tounge kisses. Her kissing is so sloppy, that her saliva is dripping off the sides of your mouth. The kisses are so passionate, that it seems like she's almost give you CPR. Something is wrong*


Kiss me deeper Morganator! You're better than that!


*You try to kiss back as much as you can as Pinkie does the same. You decide to open your eyes for a moment to see Pinkie. Off the corner of your eye, you notice that she starts to lift up a large knife. What do you do?!*


OOC: When I posted last time, I was sort of going for a casual "date", just not to seem too desperate about it. I didn't want to freak her out or anything! Anyways, I will try a more direct approach, and I will act it out a bit more, going through my charactor's thoughts and such.

And also, thanks for welcoming me to this forum! I appreciate it. :)



Hmm, mabye I was being a little too soft for my first attempt?


StaticArc walked back to his house with his head down, with the book Cheerilee gave him in his saddlebags.


To be quite honest, StaticArc never really had a 'dream' of becoming a teacher. He only used that to get closer to Cheerilee, to hope that he might seem more approachable if he had similar interests to compare to Cheerilee. He always did admire Cheerilee from afar. She loved her kind-hearted nature, how she was always to cheerful and positive to everypony around her. StaticArc thought that he started to get a small crush on the teacher.


In regards to his earlier attempt, he realized that going into a conversation talking about how he was something he's not, felt really wrong of him. He needed to be himself, and try a more straight-forward approach if he wanted to win Cheerilee's heart.


Static started to think to himself, Now I always heard that giving a girl gifts was a way to be friendly with them. But I don't really know what to get her...


Is there anypony who would be good friends with Cheerilee that might know what she likes?


Suddenly, it hit him. He heard from somewhere that Big Macintosh talked to Cheerilee a lot. They seemed like good enough friends, and hopefully he could tell him a bit about what that amazing teacher likes.


StaticArc started off towards Sweet Apple Acres, in search of Big Mac, hopefully in the orchards bucking some apples.


OOC: Not sure if I should continue, as I don't want to say if he IS there or not, so I think that should do for now. I'm really nervous, hopefully I'm doing the right thing to sweep Cheerilee off her hooves! :P


*You meet Big Mac and ask him what Cheerilee likes, after telling him your predicament. At first gives you a blank stare, so then you ask, "will you help me?"*




*Silence. Big Mac get's the hint that you'll need more than just a simple yes.*


Welp, its simple really. All ya gotta do is do something nice for the young lady. She's not much for gifts, but she really likes acts of service. I usually lift heavy things for her school building.


Plus there's one more thing...


*Big Mac pauses to catch his breath. He usually doesn't talk that much, but he wants to help you.*


Do you know who the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" are? Well, one of them is my youngest sister and she has two friends her age that want to *ahem* hook me and Cheerilee up together. If you can stop that somehow, she'll be really happy. So would I as well.


*Big Mac then excuses himself and walks away, thinking he helped enough. What will you do now?*


(OOC: hmmm, Don't know much about Lyra... Okie dokie loki!) Alex looked at Lyra, who he could tell wasn't a regular "Chatty-Kathy". He had to admit that she was very cute for a young mare, especially the different colors in her mane. Alex pondered on what to say or what to do with Lyra as they continued to pick flowers from the field. The flowers around them were of a rich variety ranging from tulips, petunias, some wayward daisies, carnations of various colors, and many more that he could not remember the names of.


Alex picked out a few daisies, carnations, and petunias. He then proceeded to bunch them together into a bouquet. Alex turned towards Lyra with the bouquet in hooves. He never was really good at being a smooth-talker, so he decided that honesty was his strongest asset to win her attention. "Here you go, Lyra. I wasn't sure of what you'd like, so I put in a mix. I'm surprised that Twilight got you to join me in this. I was a little uncertain about doing this 'blind date'. So, how long have you lived in Ponyville, Lyra?" Alex said to Lyra with a small smile.


*Lyra thanks you for the beautiful flowers and continues to talk.*


I've been here for about 5 years now. But me and Bon Bon go way back as childhood friends though. Don't tell Twilight I said anything, but just a heads up, Bon Bon is one of your next blind dates! Anyways, I used to be in Canterlot, and I visit there from time to time, but now I'm here for good. I like magic, music, and flowers, especially the petunias you have me! And there's one thing you should know about me... I really hope you aren't weirded out about it... Do you want to know what it is?


*Lyra looks at you slightly concerned and worried you won't accept her if you found out, but at the same time, she wants to be upfront and honest.*

'Now remember, Blue my boy. She has a strong personality but yours must be of the same stern stuff. Behind every mask is somepony that needs a hug.'

*clears throat, four brisk knocks on the carriage door.*


"Miss Trixie; the Great & Powerful I presume?" said Blue, holding up a blue and white bouquet and doffing top hat. "My name is Blue and it is an illustrious pleasure to meet you; I've heard of your wondrous magical talent, and... I was wondering. The day after next is the Ponyville township Festival of Lights fireworks competition, and I would be thoroughly delighted if you could come. We could meet at the town square fountain at 7:30 if you would be interested."


*Trixie first looks at you to make sure you are serious. Then she responds*


Trixie is amused at your plain attempt at asking her on a date. Trixie is also interested at your offer. The Festival of Lights fireworks competition is just the thing Trixie can display her talent! Afterward the award ceremony that she will get the blue ribbon in, Trixie assumes you'll want to have dinner afterwards. There's no need to respond, Trixie already knows you want to. Think of it as a sign of benevolence!

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(OOC BEST. REPLY. EVER. Give me a moment to think of what to say, my mind just went blank.)

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Hey. *Applejack uses her hoof to lift your chin up.* Just 'cause I like the truth don't mean you should put yurself down! I'm sure yur a great writter, heck, you should send some of your works over to Twilight, I'm sure she'll give you some useful tips to make them a hit! Anyways, I actually am hungry. But I've got a better idea. Instead of those sit down restaurants, let's just eat some apples straight up! Not Applepie or apple strudel, just plain ol' apples. I find it relaxin' and that way we'll have more time to talk! Whadda say?

He blushes, Maybe next time we should just let you do the planning. So much better at this than I am. As soon as she suggested something he relaxed, "Apples. Alright, a moment." He stood up and bucked the tree behind him. It shook, barely, and a couple apples drop. He sighs, and flies straight up into the tree. He grabs a few and hops down grinning, Nice expression of strength, idiot. Next time show off something you really have... He had about, roughly, 5. He new he could maybe eat two. Maybe. "So, here's a few for you," he says, passing her 3 of the five. He sat back against the tree and stared at her, trying to memorize everything exactly as it was. Look at how beautiful she is, in the half-blocked sunlight provided by the trees. Every now and then some of the sunlight touches her mane, and joyfully displays it's beauty. Her eyes, sparkling, trying to make sure I'm not having some internal battle about how pathetic I am. Her orange really compliments her hat, the worn, soft brown of the leather with different textures. Her eyes, I didn't quite notice it before, they have little yellow flecks in them before. He smiled softly, holding the apple loosely in a hoof. I wonder what she would do if she could hear my thoughts. Hmmm, I'll give her a choice, and make her a written description of herself as I see her, and if she wants to read it, that's her prerogative. He reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook and a pencil, "Applejack, can you just... sit there for a moment?" He scribbled her name at the top and began writing.




A mare, a light orangeish color, with three apples on her flank, symbolizing her love for the farm. She keeps her light blond mane and tail tied back loosely, and in the sunlight filtered through the trees, it shines, almost as bright as her eyes. Her eyes, wow. Long ovals, green in color, however, if you look closely, you can see little specs of gold. In the way she sits, you can tell that she's proud, but the way she looks at me states that it's a kind of pride that drives her, and makes her one of a kind. The muscle definition in her legs speaks of the years of exercise she's experienced throughout the years, and it helps that she can buck three times the trees I can without breaking half the sweat. She's confident, loyal, and honest, as well as honestly beautiful. This is Applejack, as I see her.


He thanks her, adding, "You remember how you said you wanted somepony to write a paragraph on your thoughts on you? Well, it just hit me, I wrote you a poem, not a paragraph. If you'd like, well, here. Read it at your own risk." He took an apple, and watched her for a reaction.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Omygosh! Omygosh!Omygosh!Omygosh!Omygosh!Omygosh!Omygosh!Omygosh!



*Without even saying thank you, Rainbow Dash swips the book from your grasp and rushes into her house to read it. A short moment later, Rainbow Dash realizes she just slammed the door in your face and comes out.*


Sorry about that, I am just so obsessed with this book, I'm probably going to stay up all night reading it! Thank you soooo much! Don't call me for at least 15 hours k?


(Before leaving again, Rainbow gives you a nice slobbery wet kiss to hold you over until you see her the next day.*



(Haven't been on the forums in a couple of days, should probably respond to this lol)


Rainbow Dash grabs the book and runs inside, Jordo just laughs. He's just glad she enjoyed her gift. He started to walk away when Dash came back out, apologized and gave him a big kiss. Not expecting this, Jordo started to blush.


"Se..see ya later Dash" He stuttered.


Jordo began to smile; that was just like her. She would probably want to finish the book in one go, so he decided to write her a note.




Had a lot of fun with you today, I'm glad you enjoyed your gift! I know you are going to want to be alone for a bit to finish your book, but come and meet me when you're free. I would love to see you again, I have some Ideas of some fun stuff we could do.



Edited by Eljordo
  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(OOC:I really hope i don't screw my date with Luna up.)

After Luna accepted my invitation,i instantly shot up with excitement.It seemed as if all the fear that was stored in me seemingly disappeared.Feeling confident in my ability,I said "Of course Luna,its perfectly fine. We'll meet at the EverFree at exactly 10:30 p.m"I said with a smile."I mean if 10:30 fine witn you"as I waited for response I gave her another smile but this one was filled worry rather than excitement. (Had to fix a few mistakes here and there.Pretty tired over here.)

Edited by LordCooler101
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(OOC Is it too late to come in? I've read a lot of the thread to see what was going on, so I think I get it)


Rook stared at the wooden door in front of him. He had probably been starring there for about five minutes, trying to work up the nerve to knock. The mental debate he was having with himself was really going nowhere, driving him to stay put.


To his left, Rook heard a loud thumping noise. It was the really angry bunny that Rook had found tearing up his house and the reason he was standing outside Fluttershy's cottage. Rook had heard that Fluttershy lost her pet, and wanted to see if it was her's. He really hoped that it was, as he couldn't really handle it anymore.


"Seriously," Rook mumbled, "What rabbit doesn't eat carrots?"


Rook had seen Fluttershy before in the market. She was so beautiful, yet so graceful. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea about him... not to mention Rook was pretty much terrified of attractive mares.


Finally, the angry bunny knocked on the door. Rook was pulled out of his mental debate and back into the real world. He could her hoofsteps coming to the door. Rook's heart started to race. What the hay was he going to say!?


The door open a bit and Fluttershy peeked out. Rook took is chance and said whatever came to his head.


"Oh, Hello. I found this bunny and wanted to know if it was yours...." Rook said with bit of an awkward smile on his face.


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