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Tomorrow morning, I PROMISE!


Okay, but.. I... Did the correct thing right.....

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Those are some very nice things you've said to me... I'm shy too if you can't tell, you must have needed a lot of courage to say that to a mare. ;) So um. I guess I could go with you Saturday at 6, but um, if you change your mind before then, I'd understand...


I'm SO sorry I missed our date! If you are not mad me, (starts to curl up into a ball, voice gets softer, higher) maybe we can try again Sunday, November 4th at 7:00. Maybe, if the theater allows it, we can bring our bunnies. You can bring Angel, and I'll bring my bunny, Mrs. whiskers.

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Those are some very nice things you've said to me... I'm shy too if you can't tell, you must have needed a lot of courage to say that to a mare. ;) So um. I guess I could go with you Saturday at 6, but um, if you change your mind before then, I'd understand...


I'm SO sorry I missed our date! If you are not mad me, (starts to curl up into a ball, voice gets softer, higher) maybe we can try again Sunday, November 4th at 7:00. Maybe, if the theater allows it, we can bring our bunnies. You can bring Angel, and I'll bring my bunny, Mrs. whiskers.


(OOC: Fraid you're a bit late on that one, buddy...)

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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so, next part up yet?????


Not yet. I can't wait for it.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(OOC: I'm sorry Mal... I can't complete the fan fic. However, this gives you a unique opportunity to figure out a way to stop Chrysalis. From this point, I am turning ownership over to Pageturner to finish your fan fic. Spent many hours doing all of these fics, and I'm glad I could do so. Enjoy what I've wrote!)


Mal walked out of the room where he was captured in, and started his search. The hallways were crudely carved inside a mountain, with adjacent rooms made out of bigger carvings. For some odd reason, no Changelings were around to stop him. Mal spent an entire hour running from room to room, but no luck finding Twilight. She was nowhere to be found! He started to logically think about where to look.


I know Twilight was at that slumber party the night before, but then a Changeling took her place the next morning. I saw her entire group of friends walk in her house as well, so there was no way the Changelings could over take them. Then how did they make sure the real Twilight come instead?


Then it hit him.


She must still be in her treehouse! That’s the only way!


Mal found the exit of the mountain, and realized he wasn’t far away from ponyville. He was on the same mountain Canterlot was perched on, but on the other side. He slid down the slope of the mountain as fast as he could. When he got to the bottom of the slope, he ran as fast and as long as he could to Ponyville. Mal was very tired by the time he made it to the treehouse, but his love for Twilight was more than enough to keep him moving.


He opened the door, and said, “Twilight! I’m here! Are you okay??” Mal went upstairs to where the slumber party was taking place. He instantly recognized Twilight and her 5 friends, sleeping on the floor. Spike was nowhere to be found.

Have they been asleep since their slumber party? This doesn’t make any sense…


Mal shook Twilight has hard as he could in order to wake her up. When she wouldn’t wake up, he attempted to shout and wake up the other mares that were asleep. All attempts were in vain.


“Keep trying, it won’t do a thing.” Said a mysterious female voice.


“Who’s there? Show yourself!” yelled Mal.


A tall black changeling flew from the ceiling to the ground, making the floor shake. She spoke, “I’m Princess Chrysalis. I’m disappointed that my minions failed to trick you into thinking you saved Twilight. Unfortunately for you though, I have a backup plan.”


“What?! I don’t even know what this is all about!”


“A simpleton like you should be able to understand this. When you and Twilight confessed your love for each other, I felt a shockwave flow throughout Equestria. The shockwave of love led me to you. I plan to use the both of you in order to feed my subjects!”


“How do you plan on doing that now? You just told me your plan! Do you think you can force us to love each other and harvest it?”


“I don’t care if you understand any of this or not, but all you need to know is I’m harvesting your passion for Twilight right now.”


Mal was furious. He couldn’t believe how evil Queen Chrysalis was, and how his precious feelings were being stolen by her, even if it was to feed her subjects. All his life he was looking for a mare like Twilight. His dreams came true, only for a thief to take it away.


I am not going to let this happen! I...can’t! I love Twilight too much! I have to do something…


(OOC: To Eljordo: I'm a man of my word, I spent extra time on your fan fic. The problem was, I hit writer's bloc. I know it's not much to go on, but you and Pageturner can figure the rest of the story out.)


Eljordo X Rainbow Dash

“I’m here Rainbow Dash! Where are you?” Eljordo arrived at Froggy Bottom Bog, a swamp infested with frogs, mud, and more frogs. Ponies usually don’t go there because of the dangerous creatures that sometimes reside under water. “Rainbow Dash? Why did you want me to come here?” yelled Eljordo, not sure where RD was at.


Earlier that day, Eljordo got a note that was signed by Rainbow Dash saying she wanted him to meet her at the swamp. Naturally he complied, but he wasn’t sure why of all places she wanted to meet at Froggy Bottom Bog.


“HELP! HELP! SOMEPONY PLEASE HELP!” Somepony was yelling in the distance, over by the very muddy part of the swamp. Eljordo decided to run over there to see what was wrong, when he saw Dash wing deep in a pit of quicksand!


“Rainbow!” gasped Eljordo, “hold still! I’ll find a way to get you out!” He looked around frantically for something he could save RD with. There were no sticks long enough to reach out to her, but fortunately, there was an overhanging tree with vines growing off of it. Eljordo pulled down the sturdiest vine from the tree, and prepared to swing from it. He backed up, ran as fast as he could, held onto the vine, and scooped up Rainbow Dash in one fell swoop. Eljordo saved Rainbow Dash’s life.


“My hero!” said RD as Eljordo still had her in his arms. She gave him a swift kiss on the lips and then a big smile.


“Rainbow! You just wanted me to save you, huh? I knew it was only a matter of time before you pranked me!”


RD blushed and said, “There’s a perfectly good explanation for this! So I read that new Daring Do book you gave me all in one night right? And guess what happens in it? Daring Do gets a boyfriend finally! They have to save each other several times throughout the book. One of the times Daring’s boyfriend save her was just like what you did, swinging from a vine to save her from quicksand!”


Eljordo had mixed emotions. He was very pleased that she would think of him like that, but she also put her life in danger! “What if I didn’t come fast enough Rainbow? I know you were joking, but that was real quicksand! I don’t know what I would do if I lost you to a prank…”


“Ah cheer up big guy! I only went into the quicksand when I saw you coming. I was never in danger. “


RD gave the cutest smile Eljordo had seen from her in a while. She honestly was joking, but what happens when her next prank goes too far?


“So….” wondered Rainbow, “what do you wanna do now?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m pranked out for the day. Wanna just relax?” asked Eljordo.


“Sure! Let’s just stay right here next to the quicksand. It’s pretty shady here anyways.”


Eljordo agreed and sat in the exact place where Eljordo landed after saving Rainbow Dash. She rested her head on the side of Eljordo’s abdomen. Rainbow also had her wings sprawled out resting on the ground so they could dry off from the sand. With Eljordo lying on his side with RD, he started to stroke his hoof through the multicolored mane of his girlfriend. They had confessed their feelings for each other a few weeks earlier. RD is the kind of pony that is confident on the outside, but insecure on the inside. Eljordo was the only stallion to break down her walls and let him in.


He continued to stroke her mane while Rainbow stared back at his eyes. They were genuinely happy to be together; every second was treasured between the two of them.


For the rest of the day, both Rainbow Dash and Eljordo flirted and teased each other. An outside observer who didn’t know either of them would say they were the oddest couple they’ve ever seen. It didn’t matter to them what other thought though, RD and Eljordo were love birds. Finally it came time for the two of them to separate for the night and wait until the next day to see one another.


Another fun filled day with the mare of my dreams.


Eljordo couldn’t wait for their next date. He felt so good when he was around her, and then so empty when she was gone. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and Eljordo was living proof of it. A thought crept into his head, If only Rainbow Dash and I could become roommates together. I would never be inappropriate to her, but this way I’d rarely have to say good bye…


He finally arrived home when it was time to go to sleep. The only way he was going to be able to spend more time with Dash is if they shared an apartment or house together. Some ponies might think there’s something morally wrong if they heard they were living together, but he’d make sure they would have separate rooms and beds.


I don’t want to ask her straight forward because she may take it the wrong way. But I also want to make this happen, so what should I do?


A few hours of thinking is what it took to find an answer to his question. Eljordo thought of everything he did that day with Dash in order to discover a solution. He thought of that prank Rainbow Dash pulled on him earlier that day with the quicksand.


A prank might be a good way to accomplish what I want. If my prank makes her want to stay with me, she’ll be the one wanting it, not just me!


Next, he wrote down a list of pranks he could pull that would make her want to move in. The list said the following:

  • Accident prone at home
  • Frequent forgetting about meet ups
  • Get sick and bed ridden
  • Move in with a mare I used to know at school

Eljordo stared at the short list he created. Getting RD to want to stay with him wasn’t going to be easy. Each idea might cause her to move in with me, but one of them stood out the most to be the most likely to work.


I just hope it won’t back fire.



Rainbow Dash stood in the lobby for the movie theater waiting for Eljordo when Derpy came up to him to hand him a message.


“I brought you a letter! It’s from a mare named Cloud Chaser!”


Rainbow Dash wondered why she sent her a letter, and couldn’t just tell her in person. Cloud Chaser was in her weather group, and they were in talking terms.


“Dear Rainbow Dash, I thought it would be appropriate to let you know what has happened. I’m not sure if he told you this, but Eljordo has been going through some financial troubles lately, and needs a roommate to help pay the rent. I used to know him back in regular school where we were good friends. I have no intentions with Eljordo, but I thought I’d let you know anyways.


Signed, Cloud Chaser”

  • Brohoof 2
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(This is the part where Dawnpath uses his new found Applebucking skills to pull a Rainbow Dash vs Dragon on Crysilis and buck her into next Tuesday! Grrrrrrrrr. Oh wait, to in character. Ummm, Ummm... This is the part where Applejack helps him! xP)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(What about me?)

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(OOC: Arrggh no, Pwny. I was so excited too. Oh well, I know you did all you could for everyone here. I can't wait to see how Page rolls out with mine. :) If this is the last time right now that we'll see you Pwny, then I wish all the luck in the world. Come back to us safely.)

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Alright folks, starting now I am officially the new owner of this thread, Here is what you can expect:

  • I will continue in the same thread.
  • Whether the story will be a Reboot or a continuation will be left up to you, just state which way you wish to go in parinthesis at the beginning of your first post like this: (Reboot) or (Continuation)
  • My story no longer exists, as the heir to the thread it wouldn't be fair to keep pinkie to myself. (plus, it would be kind of pathetic for me to continue Role playing opposite myself) :(
  • Stories will be more expansive, factoring in things like NPC competition or NPCs other than the users date having a crush on you.
  • the option to be slightly more adult while remaining safe for work, such as implied 'heavy cuddling' should you choose to go there. ;)
So go ahead and start posting. Also, If Pwny Did not finish your fan fic in time, let me know who you are via PM.
  • Brohoof 2

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Alright folks, starting now I am officially the new owner of this thread, Here is what you can expect:

  • I will continue in the same thread.

  • Whether the story will be a Reboot or a continuation will be left up to you, just state which way you wish to go in parinthesis at the beginning of your first post like this: (Reboot) or (Continuation)

  • My story no longer exists, as the heir to the thread it wouldn't be fair to keep pinkie to myself. (plus, it would be kind of pathetic for me to continue Role playing opposite myself) :(

  • Stories will be more expansive, factoring in things like NPC competition or NPCs other than the users date having a crush on you.

  • the option to be slightly more adult while remaining safe for work, such as implied 'heavy cuddling' should you choose to go there. ;)
So go ahead and start posting. Also, If Pwny Did not finish your fan fic in time, let me know who you are via PM.


Thank you Page for taking over. If I get back after 2 years and this thread (or a replacement thread) is still going, you guys deserve a medal. Also, I know this thread is a very small corner of MLPforums and an even smaller corner of the bronydom, but you guys were the best. My favorite part of being in charge of this was to see you excited that your dates like you back. On the other hand, my least favorite part was not being able to finish the fan fics.


If we don't talk again, then consider this my farewell!




Thank you! :huh:^_^:D:);):wub:

  • Brohoof 5
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I hug her tightly as my emotions tossed and churned inside of me. I could hardly contain the excitement and euphoria that simple word brought. She said yes! I can't believe it! I mean, I can believe it, but... Gah! Wait, should I be kissing her now? What am I talking about, this is the perfect time to kiss her! DERP! He kissed her, closing his eyes. I'm more confused then my fictional characters. Ohhh, what if I WASN'T supposed to kiss her? ... SHE SAID YES! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! My life has come full circle and is now totally complete! If I died right now, I would die the happiest stallion alive!



(We'll miss you Pwny! We'll miss you alot... :( )


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Sounds like a plan, AJ!" I shouted.

As Applejack loaded up the apples into the cart, I hooked myself up with Applejack's help and began to trot down to Sugarcube Corner.

"Quite a long haul," I thought to myself.

As I reached Sugarcube Corner, Applejack helped unhook me from the cart, and then proceeded to unload the apples, bringing them in to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. After we carried the last boxes of apples into the bakery, Applejack and I sat down at a small table. I ordered a lemon pound cake and green tea while Applejack, of course, ordered an apple pie and some apple juice to go along with it. After we took a few bites of our food, I began to talk.

"You know, Applejack, it's been a stressful time as of recently. I'm one bad pitch away from being fired, my grandpa died, and, in all honesty, I feel quite lonely. I never really had anyone to talk to about my troubles here in Ponyville; all of my closest friends moved out after college, and my parents seem like they're from a different planet. I'm really glad that I met you in the first place, because you really seem to understand me, my feelings, and you're willing to listen to my problems. Even if our first date was just out of the blue, I'm really glad that I was as direct as I was when I asked you on a date to Los Pegasus. I really mean it, your support really means a lot to me."

Edited by La Li Lu Le Lo

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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