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My little pwny

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Celestia nods. “Very Well. Shining Armor!” The Guard Captain approaches The throne. “Yes Majesty?”“I’m going to go Hang out. You’re in charge until luna wakes up.”Shining Armor Sputters. “Wha- but- Majesty...”Celestia Raises an eyebrow “Are you questioning my decision?”If shining armor were not already white, he would have gone pale. “O-of course not Majesty!”“Good.” Celestia stands up from her throne and walks to you. “Shall we?”After about an hour, Chrysalis Enters The room, she lays down across the bed and motions for you to sit on the edge of the bed next to her. “You are a Puzzle.” She admits. “Most stallions who find themselves in your position are lured here through my magic, However, you Come here of Your own Accord, and offer me your love freely. most of the time a changeling must take a form in order to feast, but you’re love seems to actually directed at me.” She shakes her head. “I Cannot understand this.”

Morning star smiles."Of course Celestia". They were going to go hang out and have some fun while they were out but Morning star knew that if he made the wrong choice and wrong decision even around the Princess would mean disaster. But he wouldn't worry about that now he was going to make sure that Celestia had the best time of her life.


Bob replied."My Queen i am not like other ponies, I see a queen who just wants whats best for her subjects. If you allow me to i could show you a kind of love that will never stop,all i ask is that you give me a chance". bob went to her bedside giving her time to think about what he said bob knew she couldn't refuse because the offer sounded to good.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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He flushed as dark as Big Mac as the stated pony looked him over. "Should we start planning for the wedding now, or enjoy our last day as small news in Ponyville together?" He had a sinking notion in his gut that, come tomorrow, everypony in Ponyville was going to know about their wedding. He spotted Applebloom sneaking out and smiled, "Hey, Applebloom, come here a moment. How are we going to celebrate this if the sister of the bride isn't here with us?"


He flushed as dark as Big Mac as the stated pony looked him over. "Should we start planning for the wedding now, or enjoy our last day as small news in Ponyville together?" He had a sinking notion in his gut that, come tomorrow, everypony in Ponyville was going to know about their wedding. He spotted Applebloom sneaking out and smiled, "Hey, Applebloom, come here a moment. How are we going to celebrate this if the sister of the bride isn't here with us?"


I'm a tad bit confused... Static, at the end of your fic, didn't you get married and have a foal? And that's why she had to leave school?)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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The Next wave of replies is here! Protect PonnyCo.! (You owe me Celestia)





Kiss her!

You try your hardest to Wake up Twilight, but it’s all in vain, The spell is just too strong! You wrack your brain for something else you can try, but just come up blank. Before you can Make another move, A Green spire of magic pierces your shield and knocks you flat on top of the prone form of Twilight, Even in this most dire of situations you can’t help but notice how beautiful she is.

Kiss her!

Chrysalis laughs, charging up her horn for a final attack. “And now you die!” you close your eyes and hold twilight’s face in your Hooves, “I’m Sorry I couldn’t save you.” you say.

Kiss her!

(OOC: you have one chance, if you don’t get this right... well, make sure you don’t get it wrong, I will give you one hint: Snow White. Good luck)

Kiss her you fool!

You arrive at the carnival to see that Pinkie Is already there waiting for you, along with a pair of donkeys.

“Yay! You’re here! Now It’s a party! Pengy, this is Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda!”

“Hello young man!” Says Matilda.

“Why am I here again?” asks Cranky.

“So What do you think we should do first?” Pinkie asks you.


Celestia nods. “Very Well. Shining Armor!”

The Guard Captain approaches The throne. “Yes Majesty?”

“I’m going to go Hang out. You’re in charge until luna wakes up.”

Shining Armor Sputters. “Wha- but- Majesty...”

Celestia Raises an eyebrow “Are you questioning my decision?”

If shining armor were not already white, he would have gone pale. “O-of course not Majesty!”

“Good.” Celestia stands up from her throne and walks to you. “Shall we?”


After about an hour, Chrysalis Enters The room, she lays down across the bed and motions for you to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.

“You are a Puzzle.” She admits. “Most stallions who find themselves in your position are lured here through my magic, However, you Come here of Your own Accord, and offer me your love freely. most of the time a changeling must take a form in order to feast, but you’re love seems to actually directed at me.” She shakes her head. “I Cannot understand this.”


Spitfire Laughs. “Well, Being a wonderbolt Isn’t easy, and it’s a lot less exciting than most ponies probably think, But I cannot deny that I love every moment of it.”

you are just about to respond to this, when the door bursts open and a very excited pegusus stallion enters. “It’s Time For Pie! PiePiePiePiePie! Ohai, Who are you?”

“Soarin, This is Jack, He’s been kind enough to pay for my meal today.”

“Oh?” Soarin gives you an odd look.

“Would you care to join us?”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

The three of you converse for a while, before Spitfire excuses herself to use the little filly’s room. After she leaves, Soarin leans over and whispers “Back off buddy, I saw her first.”


(OOC: A new Challenger has appeared! What will you do?)


The three of you enter the house and Applejack Wastes no time in Calling the Family together.

“Alright We’re all Here now What Did you want to tell us?” Apple Bloom asks.

“Eh? Applejack want’s ter sell us somethin’?” Granny Smith shouts.

Big Mac whispers a correction in her ear.

“Well why Di’n’cha Say so?”

“C’mon Big Sis! Tell us!”


“Alright.” Applejack takes a deep breath and places a foreleg across your shoulders. “Granny, Brother, Sis. Me an’ Dawn are gettin Hitched.” The announcement is greeted with silence from the rest of the apple family.

“What?” Granny Smith finally breaks the silence. Big Mac Whispers in her Ear again. “Oh! Well Congratulations you two!”

“Thank ya granny.”

Big Macintosh walks up to you and gives you the once over, before nodding. “Eeyup.”

“Aww! That’s so Sweet! Wait’ll I tell Sweetie Belle!”

Well, that went well.


“Sounds like a party! Let’s go!”

You lead her to the bar where she tells you what to order, you take a table near the back where you strike up a conversation. You talk about a number of meaningless things for a while, and the two of you seem to hit it off, that is, Until someone else shows up...

“Hey, Hey! What’s Goin’ on over here! Why It’s my old pal Scratch! Who’s the sap tonight eh?”

“Oh no, not you!” Vinyl Moans.

“What’s the matter? You ain’t happy to see yer ol’ pal Neon?”

Vinyl Sighs. “Ponydox, This Drunk idiot Is Neon Lights, We dated for like, an hour a couple of years back.”

“I remember it being mo’ like a couple o’ months.” Neon Corrects. “An you loved it every time I-”

Vinyl stands up, “Ponydox, Let’s go somewhere else.”

you agree and the two of you head for the door.

“Heeeey! Where ya goin?” Neon Reaches out to grab Vinyl, who punches him in the face.

“Sorry about all this.” Vinyl Apologises. “He’s not usually like this, It’s just when he gets Drunk.”

The two of you leave to find somewhere else to get your drinks.


You wake up in your bed To see Cheerilee and Doctor Stable Standing over you. “Are you sure he’s alright?” Cheerilee asks worridly.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with him that a day’s rest won’t fix.”

“Oh good, Thank you Doctor.”

“It’s no trouble. let me know if anything serious happens.”

the doctor leaves, and cheerilee notices you are awake. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright! you collapsed in the middle of the street and I Couldn’t get you to wake up, so I caled the doctor, And he said you were just exhausted and helped me bring you home.”


Any reason why ya skipped mine?

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(OOC:Oh come on page I have to deal with soarin? Dammit! fine here goes)


"I know you not stupid soarin so I'm going to be honest here, if you dont have the guts to ask a mare for a chance then someone else is going to get that chance you know? So just back off yourself okay." Jack states clearly with all the confidence he had. Then his mind starts to think about what soarin might say back.

  • Brohoof 1



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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I'm a tad bit confused... Static, at the end of your fic, didn't you get married and have a foal? And that's why she had to leave school?)

I'm continuing my story before the epilogue, after Cheerilee and I share our first kiss, so I'm pretty much leading up to when they get married and have a foal.


I'm just filling in the gap between the two points, as both me and Page Turner talked about. I'm hoping to add more detail to me and Cheerilee's relationship, highlighting our wedding and other stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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(Oh ya, um, Page,if this will help you, I actually do have an OC page. The link is in my signature. Should be under me ponified. ^ His post reminded me, because I play the cello, and so does my OC)

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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You arrive at the carnival to see that Pinkie Is already there waiting for you, along with a pair of donkeys. “Yay! You’re here! Now It’s a party! Pengy, this is Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda!” “Hello young man!” Says Matilda. “Why am I here again?” asks Cranky. “So What do you think we should do first?” Pinkie asks you.


Looking around the carnival, there is a lot of stalls and rides to start with, but Penguin suddenly gets an idea where to start!


While looking at one of the stall, Penguin sees it's a cupcake eating contest stall.


Turning around and seeing Pinkie hopping as usual, Penguin said, "How about we have a cupcake eating contest, you and I, Pinkie? No one has ever beaten me in these kinds of contests! Maybe you'll be the first one?"


Penguin waits for a reply from Pinkie who's still hopping around like a spring.


(OOC: Did I just challenge Pinkie to a cupcake eating contest? :blink: I'm dead...)

  • Brohoof 1

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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You try your hardest to Wake up Twilight, but it’s all in vain, The spell is just too strong! You wrack your brain for something else you can try, but just come up blank. Before you can Make another move, A Green spire of magic pierces your shield and knocks you flat on top of the prone form of Twilight, Even in this most dire of situations you can’t help but notice how beautiful she is. Chrysalis laughs, charging up her horn for a final attack. “And now you die!” you close your eyes and hold twilight’s face in your Hooves, “I’m Sorry I couldn’t save you.” you say. (OOC: you have one chance, if you don’t get this right... well, make sure you don’t get it wrong, I will give you one hint: Snow White. Good luck)


Mal was knocked down next to Twilight. He knew it was over, he had barely any energy left for magic. Mal felt Twilight next to him, he looked at her, she still looked wonderful.

'At least I'm with Twilight, the kindest, most intelligent mare in all of Equestria.'

Mal closed his eyes and gave Twilight a kiss. "I love you Twi. Sorry I could not get you out of this mess." He mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

  • Brohoof 3

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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“Sounds like a party! Let’s go!”

You lead her to the bar where she tells you what to order, you take a table near the back where you strike up a conversation. You talk about a number of meaningless things for a while, and the two of you seem to hit it off, that is, Until someone else shows up...

“Hey, Hey! What’s Goin’ on over here! Why It’s my old pal Scratch! Who’s the sap tonight eh?”

“Oh no, not you!” Vinyl Moans.

“What’s the matter? You ain’t happy to see yer ol’ pal Neon?”

Vinyl Sighs. “Ponydox, This Drunk idiot Is Neon Lights, We dated for like, an hour a couple of years back.”

“I remember it being mo’ like a couple o’ months.” Neon Corrects. “An you loved it every time I-”

Vinyl stands up, “Ponydox, Let’s go somewhere else.”

you agree and the two of you head for the door.

“Heeeey! Where ya goin?” Neon Reaches out to grab Vinyl, who punches him in the face.

“Sorry about all this.” Vinyl Apologises. “He’s not usually like this, It’s just when he gets Drunk.”

The two of you leave to find somewhere else to get your drinks.


*I shrug as we leave the bar* Eh, I've met plenty of ponies like that. Most of them are just lookin for attention and whatnot, but it doesn't bother me. But what's the story with that guy anyways? How did you end up dating somepony like HIM?


hey, Octavia......um.........you don't really know me.....I'm the bassist in your orchestra..........would you.....um......maybe like to get a drink sometime?


(OOC: XD Red, good luck. I went after Tavi a while back (when this place was run by My little pwny), and it wasn't easy. But I did get her! But again, I have no idea how Page Turner will proceed with this, so good luck!)


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Mal was knocked down next to Twilight. He knew it was over, he had barely any energy left for magic. Mal felt Twilight next to him, he looked at her, she still looked wonderful.

'At least I'm with Twilight, the kindest, most intelligent mare in all of Equestria.'

Mal closed his eyes and gave Twilight a kiss. "I love you Twi. Sorry I could not get you out of this mess." He mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek.


(OOC: Why is your fan fic so intense http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png)

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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You wake up in your bed To see Cheerilee and Doctor Stable Standing over you. “Are you sure he’s alright?” Cheerilee asks worridly. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with him that a day’s rest won’t fix.” “Oh good, Thank you Doctor.” “It’s no trouble. let me know if anything serious happens.” the doctor leaves, and cheerilee notices you are awake. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright! you collapsed in the middle of the street and I Couldn’t get you to wake up, so I caled the doctor, And he said you were just exhausted and helped me bring you home.”

Static opened his eyes slowly, hearing a couple of voices around him. Where was he? Was he at his house or somewhere else? Suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side, making him grimace. What had happened to him? What did he do yesterday?


Then it hit him. The Diamond Dogs. Digging out of the mines. Seeing Cheerilee after a week of slavery. The kiss. Helping out Cheerilee at school under a heavy strain of fatigue. Static felt a wave of dizziness hit him. Was he really out of working for the Diamond Dogs? Did Cheerilee and him really kiss? Was this a dream?


Static opened his eyes fully and found himself back in his house, in his room. He was in his bed, like any other normal day. He also noticed that Cheerilee and an Earth Pony that looked like a doctor talking a few feet away from him, unaware that he had awoken. Static still wasn't sure if this was a dream or not.


After listening in to their conversation, not learning much of what happened, the doctor left and Cheerilee noticed him awake. Cheerilee looked really happy to see him, which made Static feel good.


After filling him in on what exactly happened, Static couldn't hold in his curiousity any more. Static wanted to get up and know that this wasn't a dream. He looked Cheerilee in the eyes, flinching a little at the pain in his side. Was the pain from when he fell onto the street, hurting his side? It was a possibility, but he still had his doubts.


"Th-This isn't a dream right? Am I out of the mines? Did you and me really...kiss? Please tell me that this is real and we really are a couple."


As Static waited for Cheerilee's answer, he could swear that the pain in his side was getting stronger. What was going on?

Edited by StaticArc
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(Because it's Twilight Sparkle)


(But really because it's the only way to get him to make big, satisfying posts)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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hey rainbow dash, i got 2 tickets to a slipknot concert tomorrow at midnight. do wanna check it out?


Hate to say it dude (trust me I do -_-) But Eljordo has dash at the moment, BUUUUUUT you could try and break them up but i don't think that's going to happen



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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hey rainbow dash, i got 2 tickets to a slipknot concert tomorrow at midnight. do wanna check it out?


Hate to say it dude (trust me I do -_-) But Eljordo has dash at the moment, BUUUUUUT you could try and break them up but i don't think that's going to happen


Sorry guys ^.^ what can I say, I have a way with the rainbow mare ;)


you could always try and break us up, but I wont go down easily >:3



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Sorry :3



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(OOC: I think you are a bit confused about how this works, It doesn't go in real time, You ask her on a date and then I post a reply as her whenever I can, the day and time don't matter, as far as the timeline of this thread is concerned, there is no reason for you to have missed your first date.)


Now I'm more confused. I'm I still going to have my date, or did somepony else beat me to it?

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Alrighty Everypony, Before I begin today’s Round of Replies I have an announcement to make, Due to conflicts between stories, I have decided that in the Interest of making everyone Happy, A select few stories shall Take place in alternate universe timelines, this does not mean you cannot interact with them, It simply means that everything they do takes place in a mirror universe where Pony A is dating Pony C instead of Pony B, you can still interact with both, but anything you do that affects Pony B’s story will be non canon in Pony C’s. and now that I’ve fried all of your brains, lets get to the Replies!


The next day, Red Talon got the news he has been dreading, yet expecting for some time. Horseshoe Solutions had to lay off many employees, including Red Talon. With nowhere else to work at, Talon knew if he didn't catch a lucky break with a racing team, he'd be screwed. Not that would be too much a problem for him, he's just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Your time will come, Red Talon," he thought to himself. But even with that, he was still upset and stressed over losing his job. Once again, he felt alone and hopeless. Sure, he's got racing prowess, but what good is talent when you've got no one to support you? All these thoughts were going through his head when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in," Red Talon said to the visitor.

The Door Opens to reveal a wall-eyed grey pegusus with a mail bag. “Red Talon? I have a letter for you.” she says, handing you a surprisingly heavy envelope. you tear it open to see that it is a letter from Applejack:


Dear Red Talon,

After ya’ll told me about yer problems, Me and mah friends decided to give ya’ll a hoof, I know it ain’t much but Ah hope it’ll be enough to keep ya’ll on yer hooves for a little while.

Best Wishes, Applejack.

PS: Spike! Why’re Ya’ll spellin’ out mah accent like that? and why are ya’ll still writin’ what I’m sayin’? the letter’s over! Gimme that!


Inside the envelope you find a stack of 5 20 bit notes.


(OOC: I know what you’re thinking, ‘Paper money in Equestria?’ Well, Shut up, when was the last time you tried mailing someone coins?)


She was right, there was an easy way to fix this, but Jordo wasn't too sure how she would react. "Well... Maybe there is a way to fix this..." Jordo said nervously. He usually didn't sound too nervous, but it was clear in his voice right now. "Listen, I love you Rainbow Dash. I would not live with another mare if it made you even a tiny bit uncomfortable, regardless of my money situation. You are too important to me. So, maybe.... We could live together? As roommates? Don't get me wrong, we would have separate rooms and everything." Jordo eagerly awaited her reaction

Rainbow Dash Freezes. “You... Want me to move in with you?” Suddenly a light bulb seems to light up behind her eyes. “Waitaminute... You planned this Didn’t you? You knew how much I love pranks, and you decided to get me back for the Daring Do thing by pretending to have Cloud Chaser move in with you!” She Begins to laugh. “Aw man! You got me Good!” She continues to laugh until she sees the look on your face. “Wait, You’re serious?”

You nod.

“Oh, umm, I mean.. Wow, I feel like a jerk now... Of course I’ll move in with you!”


Morning star smiles."Of course Celestia". They were going to go hang out and have some fun while they were out but Morning star knew that if he made the wrong choice and wrong decision even around the Princess would mean disaster. But he wouldn't worry about that now he was going to make sure that Celestia had the best time of her life.

You take Celestia to the bowling alley and proceed to play a few games, Celestia seems to be having a good time, even though (And you would never say this to her face) She is absolutely horrible at bowling. at the end of the day, you escort her back to the castle.

“I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun!” She Proclaims as you part ways. “We really must do this again sometime!”


Bob replied."My Queen i am not like other ponies, I see a queen who just wants whats best for her subjects. If you allow me to i could show you a kind of love that will never stop,all i ask is that you give me a chance". bob went to her bedside giving her time to think about what he said bob knew she couldn't refuse because the offer sounded to good.

Chrysalis Thinks on this for a moment. “I Cannot return your love.” she says Finally. “I do not have the Capacity, If I were to love, then I would starve. You must understand this, you can never be more to me than a source of nourishment. I have tasted unrequited love before, it is the sweetest, but also the most transient. You claim your love will last forever? I doubt that.”


He flushed as dark as Big Mac as the stated pony looked him over. "Should we start planning for the wedding now, or enjoy our last day as small news in Ponyville together?" He had a sinking notion in his gut that, come tomorrow, everypony in Ponyville was going to know about their wedding. He spotted Applebloom sneaking out and smiled, "Hey, Applebloom, come here a moment. How are we going to celebrate this if the sister of the bride isn't here with us?"

Apple Bloom looks uncomfortable. “Ah’m sure ya’ll don’t need me around... Ya’ll have a lot of plans to make an’ I’d just be under Hoof...”

Big Mac Shakes his head. “Nnope.”

“Oh, alright, I’ll stay.” Apple Bloom admits defeat. “What Do you need me fer anyway?”


(OOC: that’s actually a really good question.)


(OOC:Oh come on page I have to deal with soarin? Dammit! fine here goes)

"I know you not stupid soarin so I'm going to be honest here, if you dont have the guts to ask a mare for a chance then someone else is going to get that chance you know? So just back off yourself okay." Jack states clearly with all the confidence he had. Then his mind starts to think about what soarin might say back.

(OOC: Oh, come on, It’s more interesting this way, and it’ll make your reward seem that much sweeter!)

Soarin looks like he would like to murder you, but he decides to hold back. “Alright buddy, I was hoping we could do this the easy way, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. You, me, Cloudsdale Colosseum, Tomorrow at Noon. Winner Gets the girl, Loser goes home and cries himself to sleep.”

Before you can accept or reject Soarin’s Challenge, the object of both of your affections returns.

“So sorry, how are you two getting on?”

“Just great!” Soarin Puts a hoof around your shoulders. “In fact I was just Challenging my new friend here to a friendly little race tomorrow.”

“Oh! That Sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing that!”

“Well He hasn’t Actually agreed to it yet...”

They both look at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer.


hey, Octavia......um.........you don't really know me.....I'm the bassist in your orchestra..........would you.....um......maybe like to get a drink sometime?

“Oh yes! I have seen you around! It is a pleasure to meet you properly. I have some free time tomorrow, perhaps we can meet then.”


Looking around the carnival, there is a lot of stalls and rides to start with, but Penguin suddenly gets an idea where to start! While looking at one of the stall, Penguin sees it's a cupcake eating contest stall. Turning around and seeing Pinkie hopping as usual, Penguin said, "How about we have a cupcake eating contest, you and I, Pinkie? No one has ever beaten me in these kinds of contests! Maybe you'll be the first one?" Penguin waits for a reply from Pinkie who's still hopping around like a spring.

(OOC: Did I just challenge Pinkie to a cupcake eating contest? :blink: I'm dead...)

(OOC: *Rolls a D12...*)

You and Pinkie go to the Cupcake eating stand (which is run by the Cakes) and sign up. Cranky and Matilda sit down over to one side to watch.

“Ten bits says Pinkie wins.” Says Cranky.

Mr. Cake gives the signal and you begin.

You lose, but not by much, after nearly an hour of cupcake scarfing the two of you are both staring at the last cupcake on the table.

“How many have you had?” Pinkie asks.

“100” you moan, why did you think this was a good idea again?

“Same here.” Both of you stare at the cupcake for another minute, before pinkie reaches for it and takes a very tiny bite.

“Pinkie Pie is the winner!” Ms. Cake states.

“Not bad Pengy! Nopony has ever come so close to beating me before!” Pinkie Says. “So what do you want to do next?”



Mal was knocked down next to Twilight. He knew it was over, he had barely any energy left for magic. Mal felt Twilight next to him, he looked at her, she still looked wonderful. 'At least I'm with Twilight, the kindest, most intelligent mare in all of Equestria.' Mal closed his eyes and gave Twilight a kiss. "I love you Twi. Sorry I could not get you out of this mess." He mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

You close your eyes and wait for the end.



What? were you expecting there to be some white text here?



The end doesn’t come. You open your eyes to see that you are surrounded by a bubble of pinkish magic. also, Twilight’s eyes are open, and she seems a bit confused as to what is going on. “I... What... Where did you come from? Did you just kiss me?” She turns to see the Changeling Queen. “Gah! what is going on?”

You give her the short version of what went down and what Chrisalis’ plan is.

“Got it.” Twilight says. “You’ll never get away with this Changeling!”

Chrysalis seems shaken for a moment, but she regains Her composure quickly. “You think that you can stop me? I defeated you once already!”

“yeah, in my sleep! This time I’m Ready For you!” Twilight turns back to you “By the way, You’re a great Kisser.” She Turns back to the Changeling Queen, and prepares to fight.


*I shrug as we leave the bar* Eh, I've met plenty of ponies like that. Most of them are just lookin for attention and whatnot, but it doesn't bother me. But what's the story with that guy anyways? How did you end up dating somepony like HIM?

“He wasn’t always like that, Back when I lived in Canterlot full time, We met at a Party that he was doing, We got along really well too, and we worked on a couple of projects together. But then bussiness got in the way, There just wasn’t enough demand in Canterlot for two DJ’s. Around the same time, he had some personal issues, and something... broke. He blamed me for his problems and started drinking all the time, so i left. I moved to ponyville and let him have the Canterlot scene, I had hoped he would eventually come back to his senses, but he hasn’t yet.” She Shakes her head sadly. “But enough about him, Let’s talk about you.”




(OOC: Sorry, Static, I need some more time to come up with something good for yours)


Now I'm more confused. I'm I still going to have my date, or did somepony else beat me to it?


Well, the thread has changed hooves since your initial post, so I need you to go back and find that first post and re-post it because I'm to lazy busy to go back and find it. Edited by PageTurner(Pwny'sHeir)
  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Fluttershy, I just love how you are so caring for all animals. I love your wonderful smile, those lovey eyes, and the way your mane looks in the moonlight. If you want to, I would be so honored if you could come with me to see a movie with me this next Saturday night at 6:00 P. M . That is, if you will go with me. I just don't see how a mare so PERFECT would go on a date with me. I'm just a shy colt who is too afraid to say his feelings. *Shakes with fear, starts to whimper*

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The end doesn’t come. You open your eyes to see that you are surrounded by a bubble of pinkish magic. also, Twilight’s eyes are open, and she seems a bit confused as to what is going on. “I... What... Where did you come from? Did you just kiss me?” She turns to see the Changeling Queen. “Gah! what is going on?” You give her the short version of what went down and what Chrisalis’ plan is. “Got it.” Twilight says. “You’ll never get away with this Changeling!” Chrysalis seems shaken for a moment, but she regains Her composure quickly. “You think that you can stop me? I defeated you once already!” “yeah, in my sleep! This time I’m Ready For you!” Twilight turns back to you “By the way, You’re a great Kisser.” She Turns back to the Changeling Queen, and prepares to fight.

Mal was surprised that woke up Twilight, he found some strength and stood up. He felt light headed but that didn't stop him from readying his magic. With Twilight next to him, his confidence returned.

'She is simply stunning, the way she can quickly understand a situation, how fast she can react to it. Wait, did she just tell me I'm a good kisser?'

Mal looked at the changeling queen. "Try defeating us now, changeling." Mal said the word 'Changeling' with contempt and disgust in his tone. He knew combat was imminent, Twilight seemed to be ready, she didn't look tired, and her casting stance was flawless. Chrysalis was obviously confident in her abilities and ready for combat. 'I hope we can do this. If not.....' Mal didn't even think of the outcome of failure.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Alrighty Everypony, Before I begin today’s Round of Replies I have an announcement to make, Due to conflicts between stories, I have decided that in the Interest of making everyone Happy, A select few stories shall Take place in alternate universe timelines, this does not mean you cannot interact with them, It simply means that everything they do takes place in a mirror universe where Pony A is dating Pony C instead of Pony B, you can still interact with both, but anything you do that affects Pony B’s story will be non canon in Pony C’s. and now that I’ve fried all of your brains, lets get to the Replies!


The Door Opens to reveal a wall-eyed grey pegusus with a mail bag. “Red Talon? I have a letter for you.” she says, handing you a surprisingly heavy envelope. you tear it open to see that it is a letter from Applejack:


Dear Red Talon,

After ya’ll told me about yer problems, Me and mah friends decided to give ya’ll a hoof, I know it ain’t much but Ah hope it’ll be enough to keep ya’ll on yer hooves for a little while.

Best Wishes, Applejack.

PS: Spike! Why’re Ya’ll spellin’ out mah accent like that? and why are ya’ll still writin’ what I’m sayin’? the letter’s over! Gimme that!


Inside the envelope you find a stack of 5 20 bit notes.


(OOC: I know what you’re thinking, ‘Paper money in Equestria?’ Well, Shut up, when was the last time you tried mailing someone coins?)


Rainbow Dash Freezes. “You... Want me to move in with you?” Suddenly a light bulb seems to light up behind her eyes. “Waitaminute... You planned this Didn’t you? You knew how much I love pranks, and you decided to get me back for the Daring Do thing by pretending to have Cloud Chaser move in with you!” She Begins to laugh. “Aw man! You got me Good!” She continues to laugh until she sees the look on your face. “Wait, You’re serious?”

You nod.

“Oh, umm, I mean.. Wow, I feel like a jerk now... Of course I’ll move in with you!”


You take Celestia to the bowling alley and proceed to play a few games, Celestia seems to be having a good time, even though (And you would never say this to her face) She is absolutely horrible at bowling. at the end of the day, you escort her back to the castle.

“I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun!” She Proclaims as you part ways. “We really must do this again sometime!”


Chrysalis Thinks on this for a moment. “I Cannot return your love.” she says Finally. “I do not have the Capacity, If I were to love, then I would starve. You must understand this, you can never be more to me than a source of nourishment. I have tasted unrequited love before, it is the sweetest, but also the most transient. You claim your love will last forever? I doubt that.”


Apple Bloom looks uncomfortable. “Ah’m sure ya’ll don’t need me around... Ya’ll have a lot of plans to make an’ I’d just be under Hoof...”

Big Mac Shakes his head. “Nnope.”

“Oh, alright, I’ll stay.” Apple Bloom admits defeat. “What Do you need me fer anyway?”


(OOC: that’s actually a really good question.)


(OOC: Oh, come on, It’s more interesting this way, and it’ll make your reward seem that much sweeter!)

Soarin looks like he would like to murder you, but he decides to hold back. “Alright buddy, I was hoping we could do this the easy way, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. You, me, Cloudsdale Colosseum, Tomorrow at Noon. Winner Gets the girl, Loser goes home and cries himself to sleep.”

Before you can accept or reject Soarin’s Challenge, the object of both of your affections returns.

“So sorry, how are you two getting on?”

“Just great!” Soarin Puts a hoof around your shoulders. “In fact I was just Challenging my new friend here to a friendly little race tomorrow.”

“Oh! That Sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing that!”

“Well He hasn’t Actually agreed to it yet...”

They both look at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer.


“Oh yes! I have seen you around! It is a pleasure to meet you properly. I have some free time tomorrow, perhaps we can meet then.”


(OOC: *Rolls a D12...*)

You and Pinkie go to the Cupcake eating stand (which is run by the Cakes) and sign up. Cranky and Matilda sit down over to one side to watch.

“Ten bits says Pinkie wins.” Says Cranky.

Mr. Cake gives the signal and you begin.

You lose, but not by much, after nearly an hour of cupcake scarfing the two of you are both staring at the last cupcake on the table.

“How many have you had?” Pinkie asks.

“100” you moan, why did you think this was a good idea again?

“Same here.” Both of you stare at the cupcake for another minute, before pinkie reaches for it and takes a very tiny bite.

“Pinkie Pie is the winner!” Ms. Cake states.

“Not bad Pengy! Nopony has ever come so close to beating me before!” Pinkie Says. “So what do you want to do next?”



You close your eyes and wait for the end.



What? were you expecting there to be some white text here?



The end doesn’t come. You open your eyes to see that you are surrounded by a bubble of pinkish magic. also, Twilight’s eyes are open, and she seems a bit confused as to what is going on. “I... What... Where did you come from? Did you just kiss me?” She turns to see the Changeling Queen. “Gah! what is going on?”

You give her the short version of what went down and what Chrisalis’ plan is.

“Got it.” Twilight says. “You’ll never get away with this Changeling!”

Chrysalis seems shaken for a moment, but she regains Her composure quickly. “You think that you can stop me? I defeated you once already!”

“yeah, in my sleep! This time I’m Ready For you!” Twilight turns back to you “By the way, You’re a great Kisser.” She Turns back to the Changeling Queen, and prepares to fight.


“He wasn’t always like that, Back when I lived in Canterlot full time, We met at a Party that he was doing, We got along really well too, and we worked on a couple of projects together. But then bussiness got in the way, There just wasn’t enough demand in Canterlot for two DJ’s. Around the same time, he had some personal issues, and something... broke. He blamed me for his problems and started drinking all the time, so i left. I moved to ponyville and let him have the Canterlot scene, I had hoped he would eventually come back to his senses, but he hasn’t yet.” She Shakes her head sadly. “But enough about him, Let’s talk about you.”




(OOC: Sorry, Static, I need some more time to come up with something good for yours)



Well, the thread has changed hooves since your initial post, so I need you to go back and find that first post and re-post it because I'm to lazy busy to go back and find it.


(OOC: I did try mailing a medallion to a buddy of mine, but it fell out :(

I'll make a response when I'm feeling more creative :P )

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(OOC: *Rolls a D12...*) You and Pinkie go to the Cupcake eating stand (which is run by the Cakes) and sign up. Cranky and Matilda sit down over to one side to watch. “Ten bits says Pinkie wins.” Says Cranky. Mr. Cake gives the signal and you begin. You lose, but not by much, after nearly an hour of cupcake scarfing the two of you are both staring at the last cupcake on the table. “How many have you had?” Pinkie asks. “100” you moan, why did you think this was a good idea again? “Same here.” Both of you stare at the cupcake for another minute, before pinkie reaches for it and takes a very tiny bite. “Pinkie Pie is the winner!” Ms. Cake states. “Not bad Pengy! Nopony has ever come so close to beating me before!” Pinkie Says. “So what do you want to do next?”

(OOC: I knew I'd bloody lose -_- damn I was close too : )


After playing at several stalls (which she beat Penguin at every single stall) and rode several rides. Pinkie saw one of her favorite rides and dragged Penguin inside the Ferris Wheel without hesitation.


Penguin started to sweat and shiver. When the ride started, Penguin just sat still because of his fear and he's hoping that Pinkie won't notice him being like this and waits for Pinkie to say something.


(OOC: I knew I'd bloody lose -_- damn I was close too : )


After playing at several stalls (which she beat Penguin at every single stall) and rode several rides. Pinkie saw one of her favorite rides and dragged Penguin inside the Ferris Wheel without hesitation.


Penguin started to sweat and shiver. When the ride started, Penguin just sat still because of his fear and he's hoping that Pinkie won't notice him being like this and waits for Pinkie to say something.


(OOC : Sorry if I used Pinkie for a line there, had to do it just to make it look interesting [i guess?])

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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