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I grin, "Applebloom, how many wedding have you been to that didn't have a flower girl. I can think of three young mares who fit the bill. But, of course, I only do the guy stuff. Ring bearers, Best Colt, Groomscolts, stuff like that. I can only speculate," I look at Applejack and shrug, "Up to you, Applejack."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Rarity Considers the Question for a moment. “A pony With a positive attitude towards life and outgoing personality for starters, also someone with good manners and who appreciates fine fashion... Being Royal Doesn’t Hurt either.” She gives you a wink. “But of course If everypony were a prince I suppose the market would become saturated.”



"Well, I can offer you a colt with good manners, a positive attitude who has at least some interest in fashion. Unfortunately I am no prince though" I answer smiling. "And to be honest you are exactly what I am looking for in a lady as far as I know you, maybe even a bit more" ;)


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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You take Celestia to the bowling alley and proceed to play a few games, Celestia seems to be having a good time, even though (And you would never say this to her face) She is absolutely horrible at bowling. at the end of the day, you escort her back to the castle.

“I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun!” She Proclaims as you part ways. “We really must do this again sometime!”



Chrysalis Thinks on this for a moment. “I Cannot return your love.” she says Finally. “I do not have the Capacity, If I were to love, then I would starve. You must understand this, you can never be more to me than a source of nourishment. I have tasted unrequited love before, it is the sweetest, but also the most transient. You claim your love will last forever? I doubt that.”





Morning star smiles."I glad you had fun. I, for one, enjoyed myself ". Morning star enjoyed the time he had with Celestia, but he begins to feel something that wasn't there before.


Bob had to think for awhile he knew Chrysalis wanted his love, which he said he'll give freely. He had an idea he knew his love for her will last forever, so he came up with a plan. "Then lets put it to the test. My queen, you say it will not last forever, but lets see if it won't last. If I am wrong then you can toss me to your changelings, but if i am right, then you'll have an unending food source." Bob once again used his wits and gave the queen another win win situation. He hoped the queen wouldn't throw him to the changelings, but he knew the queen would want to prove him wrong.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Sounds like fun." Says Jack, Trying to hide how much he's dreading the event.

Edited by Jack Ordan



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Rainbow Dash Freezes. “You... Want me to move in with you?” Suddenly a light bulb seems to light up behind her eyes. “Waitaminute... You planned this Didn’t you? You knew how much I love pranks, and you decided to get me back for the Daring Do thing by pretending to have Cloud Chaser move in with you!” She Begins to laugh. “Aw man! You got me Good!” She continues to laugh until she sees the look on your face. “Wait, You’re serious?”

You nod.

“Oh, umm, I mean.. Wow, I feel like a jerk now... Of course I’ll move in with you!”


A large grin trickles across Jordo's face.


"R...Really? That's great!" Jordo said happily.


To be completely honest, he was half expecting Dash to shoot his offer down. Still, he was very happy she didn't. He takes her by the hoof, still grinning. He knew it probably made him look like an idiot, but he couldn't help it.


"Now that that order of business is settled, I believe we still have a date; and I wouldn't want to miss a date with the best mare in all of equestria" he gives her a quick peck on the lips.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Morning star smiles."I glad you have had fun , i for one enjoyed myself ". Morning star enjoyed the time he had with Celestia but he begin to feel something that wasn't there before.


Bob had to think for awhile he knew Chrysalis wanted his love which he said he'll give freely but he had an idea he knew his love for her will last forever so he came up with a plan."Then lets put it to the test my queen you say it will not last forever , but lets see if wan't last if i am wrong then you can tosse me to your changlings but if i am right then you'll have an unending food source". Bob once again used his wits and gave the queen another win win situation but he hoped the queen won't throw him to th e changlings but he knew the queen will want to porve him wrong.


(Ohh, this is making me SOOOOOOOOOO OCD right now. Must edit... Don't want to look like douche... Grr, edit wins. Studyhall to boring for honor.)


Morning star smiles."I glad you had fun. I, for one, enjoyed myself ". Morning star enjoyed the time he had with Celestia, but he begins to feel something that wasn't there before.


Bob had to think for awhile he knew Chrysalis wanted his love, which he said he'll give freely. He had an idea he knew his love for her will last forever, so he came up with a plan. "Then lets put it to the test. My queen, you say it will not last forever, but lets see if it won't last. If I am wrong then you can toss me to your changelings, but if i am right, then you'll have an unending food source." Bob once again used his wits and gave the queen another win win situation. He hoped the queen wouldn't throw him to the changelings, but he knew the queen would want to prove him wrong.


(There. I'm sure I missed things, but at least it makes sense to me... My rising tension in my breastbone is falling.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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will forgive me the lap top that i am using at school doesn't have spell check on it.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar
  • Brohoof 1

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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“He wasn’t always like that, Back when I lived in Canterlot full time, We met at a Party that he was doing, We got along really well too, and we worked on a couple of projects together. But then bussiness got in the way, There just wasn’t enough demand in Canterlot for two DJ’s. Around the same time, he had some personal issues, and something... broke. He blamed me for his problems and started drinking all the time, so i left. I moved to ponyville and let him have the Canterlot scene, I had hoped he would eventually come back to his senses, but he hasn’t yet.” She Shakes her head sadly. “But enough about him, Let’s talk about you.”


*i listen intently as she tells me her story, and I pat her on the shoulder when she finishes* hey, i understand where you're coming from, i've had pleanty of bad relationships in the past, too, it happens to everyone. I mean, there was this one time when I was dating Berry Punch, and... well, needless to say, it didn't end well either. *i sigh, but then smile a little* but ok, i'll tell ya about me. what did you want to know?


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Alrighty Everypony, Before I begin today’s Round of Replies I have an announcement to make, Due to conflicts between stories, I have decided that in the Interest of making everyone Happy, A select few stories shall Take place in alternate universe timelines, this does not mean you cannot interact with them, It simply means that everything they do takes place in a mirror universe where Pony A is dating Pony C instead of Pony B, you can still interact with both, but anything you do that affects Pony B’s story will be non canon in Pony C’s. and now that I’ve fried all of your brains, lets get to the Replies!


The Door Opens to reveal a wall-eyed grey pegusus with a mail bag. “Red Talon? I have a letter for you.” she says, handing you a surprisingly heavy envelope. you tear it open to see that it is a letter from Applejack:


Dear Red Talon,

After ya’ll told me about yer problems, Me and mah friends decided to give ya’ll a hoof, I know it ain’t much but Ah hope it’ll be enough to keep ya’ll on yer hooves for a little while.

Best Wishes, Applejack.

PS: Spike! Why’re Ya’ll spellin’ out mah accent like that? and why are ya’ll still writin’ what I’m sayin’? the letter’s over! Gimme that!


Inside the envelope you find a stack of 5 20 bit notes.


(OOC: I know what you’re thinking, ‘Paper money in Equestria?’ Well, Shut up, when was the last time you tried mailing someone coins?)


Rainbow Dash Freezes. “You... Want me to move in with you?” Suddenly a light bulb seems to light up behind her eyes. “Waitaminute... You planned this Didn’t you? You knew how much I love pranks, and you decided to get me back for the Daring Do thing by pretending to have Cloud Chaser move in with you!” She Begins to laugh. “Aw man! You got me Good!” She continues to laugh until she sees the look on your face. “Wait, You’re serious?”

You nod.

“Oh, umm, I mean.. Wow, I feel like a jerk now... Of course I’ll move in with you!”


You take Celestia to the bowling alley and proceed to play a few games, Celestia seems to be having a good time, even though (And you would never say this to her face) She is absolutely horrible at bowling. at the end of the day, you escort her back to the castle.

“I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun!” She Proclaims as you part ways. “We really must do this again sometime!”


Chrysalis Thinks on this for a moment. “I Cannot return your love.” she says Finally. “I do not have the Capacity, If I were to love, then I would starve. You must understand this, you can never be more to me than a source of nourishment. I have tasted unrequited love before, it is the sweetest, but also the most transient. You claim your love will last forever? I doubt that.”


Apple Bloom looks uncomfortable. “Ah’m sure ya’ll don’t need me around... Ya’ll have a lot of plans to make an’ I’d just be under Hoof...”

Big Mac Shakes his head. “Nnope.”

“Oh, alright, I’ll stay.” Apple Bloom admits defeat. “What Do you need me fer anyway?”


(OOC: that’s actually a really good question.)


(OOC: Oh, come on, It’s more interesting this way, and it’ll make your reward seem that much sweeter!)

Soarin looks like he would like to murder you, but he decides to hold back. “Alright buddy, I was hoping we could do this the easy way, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. You, me, Cloudsdale Colosseum, Tomorrow at Noon. Winner Gets the girl, Loser goes home and cries himself to sleep.”

Before you can accept or reject Soarin’s Challenge, the object of both of your affections returns.

“So sorry, how are you two getting on?”

“Just great!” Soarin Puts a hoof around your shoulders. “In fact I was just Challenging my new friend here to a friendly little race tomorrow.”

“Oh! That Sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing that!”

“Well He hasn’t Actually agreed to it yet...”

They both look at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer.


“Oh yes! I have seen you around! It is a pleasure to meet you properly. I have some free time tomorrow, perhaps we can meet then.”


(OOC: *Rolls a D12...*)

You and Pinkie go to the Cupcake eating stand (which is run by the Cakes) and sign up. Cranky and Matilda sit down over to one side to watch.

“Ten bits says Pinkie wins.” Says Cranky.

Mr. Cake gives the signal and you begin.

You lose, but not by much, after nearly an hour of cupcake scarfing the two of you are both staring at the last cupcake on the table.

“How many have you had?” Pinkie asks.

“100” you moan, why did you think this was a good idea again?

“Same here.” Both of you stare at the cupcake for another minute, before pinkie reaches for it and takes a very tiny bite.

“Pinkie Pie is the winner!” Ms. Cake states.

“Not bad Pengy! Nopony has ever come so close to beating me before!” Pinkie Says. “So what do you want to do next?”



You close your eyes and wait for the end.



What? were you expecting there to be some white text here?



The end doesn’t come. You open your eyes to see that you are surrounded by a bubble of pinkish magic. also, Twilight’s eyes are open, and she seems a bit confused as to what is going on. “I... What... Where did you come from? Did you just kiss me?” She turns to see the Changeling Queen. “Gah! what is going on?”

You give her the short version of what went down and what Chrisalis’ plan is.

“Got it.” Twilight says. “You’ll never get away with this Changeling!”

Chrysalis seems shaken for a moment, but she regains Her composure quickly. “You think that you can stop me? I defeated you once already!”

“yeah, in my sleep! This time I’m Ready For you!” Twilight turns back to you “By the way, You’re a great Kisser.” She Turns back to the Changeling Queen, and prepares to fight.


“He wasn’t always like that, Back when I lived in Canterlot full time, We met at a Party that he was doing, We got along really well too, and we worked on a couple of projects together. But then bussiness got in the way, There just wasn’t enough demand in Canterlot for two DJ’s. Around the same time, he had some personal issues, and something... broke. He blamed me for his problems and started drinking all the time, so i left. I moved to ponyville and let him have the Canterlot scene, I had hoped he would eventually come back to his senses, but he hasn’t yet.” She Shakes her head sadly. “But enough about him, Let’s talk about you.”




(OOC: Sorry, Static, I need some more time to come up with something good for yours)



Well, the thread has changed hooves since your initial post, so I need you to go back and find that first post and re-post it because I'm to lazy busy to go back and find it.


After receiving the note, Red Talon left for Sweet Apple Acres to thank Applejack and her friends for the gift. After knocking on the door, Red Talon told her just how thankful he was, yet at the same time, he really wanted to repay her in some way.

"I'll tell you what," he said to Applejack. "The Neightona 500 is coming up really soon, and I'll once again be racing down at Neightona Beach. Would you and your friends like to come along and spend the weekend in Neightona? We'll leave Thursday afternoon and settle in. On Friday, after qualifying, The seven (or eight if Spike comes) of us can go and hit up the beach and the town. Rinse and repeat for Saturday. Sunday is the actual race, and I'll negotiate with my boss if he can get a good price for us all. Don't worry, it's all on me. Whaddaya say, Applejack? I'm sure you and your friends will LOVE Neightona Beach!"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Lyra takes a deep breath. “I’m a Humare. I’m really into Humans. It’s not a sex thing! Really! I just really like stories about humans! I’m not a fapper!” She continues to attempt to justify herself for nearly a whole minute, you should probably step in and say something.

(OOC: Sorry it took so long, Pagey! Here you go!)


Alex listened on as Lyra told her big secret. Alex didn't really know what a human is exactly, but he could tell that she was very excited about the subject and is now stuck in a loop of trying to not Alex feel uncomfortable. Alex just brought a hoof up to stop her rambling. "Easy, Lyra. It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself. I don't really know a thing about Humans, so I don't really feel weirded out by you liking them." Alex said to Lyra reassuringly. Alex put his hoof back down before continuing. "Maybe you can tell me a little about these 'Humans'." Alex says to Lyra, awaiting her response.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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(OOC:I really hope i don't screw my date with Luna up.)

After Luna accepted my invitation,i instantly shot up with excitement.It seemed as if all the fear that was stored in me seemingly disappeared.Feeling confident in my ability,I said "Of course Luna,its perfectly fine. We'll meet at the EverFree at exactly 10:30 p.m"I said with a smile."I mean if 10:30 fine witn you"as I waited for response I gave her another smile but this one was filled worry rather than excitement. (Had to fix a few mistakes here and there.Pretty tired over here.)


(Sorry I couldn't respond earlier,school work and Halo 4 kept me busy.This response takes place after Luna accepts my date.)

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Mal was surprised that woke up Twilight, he found some strength and stood up. He felt light headed but that didn't stop him from readying his magic. With Twilight next to him, his confidence returned. 'She is simply stunning, the way she can quickly understand a situation, how fast she can react to it. Wait, did she just tell me I'm a good kisser?' Mal looked at the changeling queen. "Try defeating us now, changeling." Mal said the word 'Changeling' with contempt and disgust in his tone. He knew combat was imminent, Twilight seemed to be ready, she didn't look tired, and her casting stance was flawless. Chrysalis was obviously confident in her abilities and ready for combat. 'I hope we can do this. If not.....' Mal didn't even think of the outcome of failure.

(OOC Where's Page? He hasn't posted in two days.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Hi Big Mac! I know you're always busy with the orchard and all that, but I was wondering if you would like to go to the county fair with me. It would be lots of fun, we could get some candy apples, play a few winter carnival games and watch the firework show from the ferris wheel....if you aren't busy or anything that is :3 It's happening all week till Thursday if you're interested :3

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(OOC Where's Page? He hasn't posted in two days.)





Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Well pwnys worest nightmare as came to past. epic no!

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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It will not End I'll make sure of that i hereby size power! at less till page gets back.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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It will not End I'll make sure of that i hereby size power! at less till page gets back.


So i get to kick the living shit out of soarin?



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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Oh god, two, three days. Really people? *Sigh* Look guys, if you really, like, NEED some romantic progression tonight, I'll type something up for you. Just tag me. Morningstar, let me handle it, 'kay?


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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