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Why I am a Anti-Brony


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i stop watch the show over year now and then retorn

i hate when sameone make big deal about it


i just like the show

just watch it

i don't call my self brony

and never call my self


or BDZ-Dude

or Marvel Fan


just watch the show and like it

i have over 100 anime in my favret anime list

and over 40 in my movies list

and i don't know how mach of TV shows , cartoons bands and even comics


how many lebel i can have

just like the show and one day ill move to samething els when there no more episode

(reading same fanfic and pony song just gave it more time that all)


and ill still love it

i don't watch dragon ball Z now . but i love it


if you ani-brony as fans who don't want any other show

ill brohoof you man

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All I'mma say is that I liked Derpy the way she was because she was awesome. Sure she had a lazy eye and was clumsy, but she was still helping others and the other ponies liked her. I thought it showed guts that they would have a pony with a handicap on the show, especially since she was so amazing. She was a hero in my eyes, showing that anypony, no matter what situation or handicap they have, is worth something, and should be allowed to work and play with anyone, just like everypony else. Changing her to make her "normal" is just saying that handicaps aren't accepted in society, and if that's the case my brother and I shouldn't be allowed to live either! Everypony that sent a rude comment in to Hasbro was stating that they aren't ok with people who are different. They probably think that black people should still be slaves, babies who are born deformed should be killed, women shouldn't vote. Well guess what. All these people have feelings and dreams just like you! Your just too selfish and awful to care!



you know that having a lazy eye doesn't class as a dissability or make some one handicapped.... so yeah good job insulting every person with a lazy eye have fun while you continue for your right to bully Ditzy Do for having a lazy eye insulting her by calling her derpy.

do you know how horrible it is to be called stupid just because of you eyes.... that was my childhood i had to deal with ignorant punks like you on a daily basis and now i have toy deal with you being smug and just for you campaign to do so.  

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Since everyone is vomiting their opinions, might as well do the same.


I dont think you're an Anti Brony. You're.. err.. just a non-brony. That's it.


Because, coming also from the "way back from /co/" perspective, an Anti-Brony is someone who vilifies the show, hates the fandom and would do whatever it takes to ultimately dismantle the fandom. And seeing as how you are still able to mingle with the fandom like in this thread, I say you're not an Anti-Brony. You just dont like Bronies.


Though you are free to give yourself a self defined title. If you believe that an anti-brony doesnt like bronies but likes the show or whatever you can think of, then by all means, let it be your definition.

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Bronies are just as much normal people as any other fandom. You get the same sorts of folks, regardless. The guys you talked about just seemed like bad people, being a brony had nothing to do with it. 


As far as the Derpy thing goes, I find it more offensive that she was changed, honestly. Equestria is supposed to be a place where everyone is accepted, but because some people found her offensive she is no longer okay? Say you had something others may make fun of you for, like Derpy's eyes. Wouldn't you find it offensive if you were forced to change who you were, just because others wanted you to be different?


As for MLD, I found it to be well written, but we're each entitled to our own opinions. If someone says that you aren't a "True brony" because you don't like it, then they're in the wrong. Heck, I'd even say they are the ones who aren't "True bronies" because they are insulting you just because you don't share the same beliefs, which is not tolerance.

Edited by Brosparkles
  • Brohoof 1



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I've noticed this same thing happening, with more of an "ideal brony" coming into existence. The best example I have as of yet is favorite ponies. If somebody says their favorite pony is anything other than a mane 6 pony, there is a more than likely chance they will take some crap for it.



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There are so many topics in this thread...


I want to write first about the difference between older and newer fans.  I would be surprised me if older fans are not different from newer fans in some significant way.  Yes, it may seem silly that older fans brag about their internet wars, but that kind of thing is important in shaping a person's character.  A lot of the hard work was done by the original fanbase:  setting up the outlets for the fandom and defending it from misperceptions of the general public.  Someone who is new to the fandom already has this base in place and does not have the same trials and experience as the original fandom.


I am a latecomer to the fandom.  I have a lot of respect for those people who laid the groundwork for the fandom as it is today.  If someone brags about having contributed to making bronyism socially acceptable, I don't have much of a problem with that.  It seems to be a defining element in the fandom that male fans have to brave social disapproval in order to make their love of the show public.  In a way, this is the core engine of the movement.  That there were fans that went before me, definitely made it easier for me to be a fan, but I still had to run my own personal gauntlet.  I wonder if bronyism will become so socially-accepted that it no longer provides a galvanizing force for the fandom.  What will happen if it just becomes a hip thing to do, not requiring any more personal struggle than adopting a new hair style?


If one person has to brave social disapproval to become a fan and for another person becoming a fan is totally uncomplicated, they will have very different experiences of the fandom.  And it is hardly surprising that someone who had to go through a lot might be tempted to look down on someone who didn't.  But this isn't to say that older/newer equates exactly with harder/easier.  And it shouldn't mean moral superiority either. But isn't it easy to see how fans in the early days had more at stake in becoming fans and how this in some way justifies a certain pride when compared to some one who just picked up the show because it was the flavor-of-the-month?

Edited by Constant Clover
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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry if this is a bit of a read for just this part of the topic only noticed after i posted it


let me just say i can see some of your point and like many i disagree with some of your points. the only topic that actually bothers me out of this forum ...er topic is how people reacted to Derpy. personally shes my favorite character in the show (just getting that out there for starters) and i honestly don't agree with many of the things i've seen here. 


like for instance some call her offensive and handicapped retarded etc etc etc but honestly that's untrue shes just goofy. yes one eye leans off to the side she talks a little funny but in my opinion its great to have a character like that, and i shun though that would call Derpy retarded or any other name because it again is simply not true and taking her away will just make thing worse for this generation and future generations of kids. 


think of it this way, say we kept Derpy on the show maybe gave her a episode or kept her as a background pony, kids and teens will see her and some will enjoy her (and as we've seen a very many do) now as kids grow up, what there subjected to in there youth will reflect into there future life. like being told not to do something or being taught manners and proper etiquette. as we grow up we begin to put these thing inside are mind as second nature and see nothing wrong with it.


that why when we see improper ... well stuff, in life we usually jump on it (aka miss spelling, bad habits, bad breath, bad relationships, twilight movies.) but to get to my point once we see these thing they become normal and second nature instead of being wrong or improper. so to put in a character like Derpy. is to show kids someone who isn't defined in the category normal like all characters in the show she has her imperfections but those same imperfections are what make us love her more same as any other character in the show (again this is my opinion not the fandom as a whole though Im sure some will agree) so as we see this bubbly character with a funny voice and somewhat googly eyes who makes blunders we begin to love her and get warmed up to her habits or tendencies. later in life we all see and meet people who resemble her in some ways (not insulting anyone) 


people who are also bubbly random ,and not perfect people who's eyes aren't really strait, people who have funny voices, and i ask you this is there anything really wrong with those people?. the answer is no they have there own personality just like Derpy. and as we learn to accept this character we will learn to accept others just like her i for one never will make fun of Derpy and I don't find her even slightly offensive.  on top of that there's also allot of people who can probably relate to Derpy whether by personality or with physical things like her eyes or voice. taking away Derpy would also take away someone that people could relate to. 


and let me just add on top of all this that if your going to claim Derpy as offensive echo then why are you saying she is not handicapped i don't think she is but you must think she is or else i cant understand why you find her offensive. now before someone blows up and ses Im insulting multiple kinds of people Im not Im just pointing out that to take out such a character as Derpy is basically discriminating everyone like her. in my head its just like saying that someone who handicapped is also offensive ...  and i noticed you said that we were being disrespectful when we called or in your terms branded her Derpy but i can guarantee you that me and many brony friends call her that because that's the really only name we have for her i respect Derpy a lot but other then ditzy doo she really doesn't have another name and I for one think the name Derpy is cute 


hope this got a point across and thanks for reading this i hope you can see were im coming from on this

and i know i talk alot but my opinion on my little dashie is that its ok but i dident really feel sad with it but BUT another story by the same writer had me crying if i remember correctly it was dreaming of ponies just thought id add that . the dashie story was ... well no offene to the author but i found cupcakes more amusing then dashie ... even thow it make me shiver several times while i read it ... dashie whas just kinda boring

Edited by AskTheLostAngel
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Look, I know your calling yourself a anti-brony, but most bronies like to love and tolerate, and some will hate a certain person if they don't follow their own beliefs. Take the French Revolution and Russian Revolution for example, the peasants and other citizens were under a King or a Czar's rule, they would kill anyone that wouldn't follow their own beliefs so they would force their beliefs and teachings on anyone who is against them. Short explaination, is I respect your decision, but you could have kept it to yourself, not like anyone is making you stay here.

  • Brohoof 1
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Look, I know your calling yourself a anti-brony, but most bronies like to love and tolerate, and some will hate a certain person if they don't follow their own beliefs. Take the French Revolution and Russian Revolution for example, the peasants and other citizens were under a King or a Czar's rule, they would kill anyone that wouldn't follow their own beliefs so they would force their beliefs and teachings on anyone who is against them. Short explaination, is I respect your decision, but you could have kept it to yourself, not like anyone is making you stay here

yes but with an attitude like that nothing will ever change so i say im glad he put forth his opinion just depends on who agrees or not really i respect him for doing it thow

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yes but with an attitude like that nothing will ever change so i say im glad he put forth his opinion just depends on who agrees or not really i respect him for doing it thow

I absolutely agree with you and well his decision, I mean I'm an accepting person. Not saying I don't respect him for speaking his mind hence ''Freedom of Speech''.

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I absolutely agree with you and well his decision, I mean I'm an accepting person. Not saying I don't respect him for speaking his mind hence ''Freedom of Speech''.

god your pictures distracting any way sorry then the way you said it made it sound like you were telling him to deal with it or get out cause his opinions not what others want to hear idk im tired today 

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god your pictures distracting any way sorry then the way you said it made it sound like you were telling him to deal with it or get out cause his opinions not what others want to hear idk im tired today 

Oh well I see how my tone towards him, sounded like I wanted him to go. I really am truly sorry, I know my picture is distracting. :P I'm just saying an example, not like I don't think he belongs here.

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All I'mma say is that I liked Derpy the way she was because she was awesome. Sure she had a lazy eye and was clumsy, but she was still helping others and the other ponies liked her. I thought it showed guts that they would have a pony with a handicap on the show, especially since she was so amazing. She was a hero in my eyes, showing that anypony, no matter what situation or handicap they have, is worth something, and should be allowed to work and play with anyone, just like everypony else. Changing her to make her "normal" is just saying that handicaps aren't accepted in society, and if that's the case my brother and I shouldn't be allowed to live either! Everypony that sent a rude comment in to Hasbro was stating that they aren't ok with people who are different. They probably think that black people should still be slaves, babies who are born deformed should be killed, women shouldn't vote. Well guess what. All these people have feelings and dreams just like you! Your just too selfish and awful to care!



Holy crap Im handicapped I never knew having a lazy eye was a handicap ? But yeah in all seriousness thanks for insulting me and have a nice day kind sir.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have to admit, even before I called myself a Brony, I watched Save Derpy on YouTube....and I cried...maybe because of the Dead Island music...maybe because it was just sad...


I really like the idea of having Derpy and I think personally that she was fine as she was and that I loved her because she provided a fan service. Also it sort of reminded me of the movie I am Sam, not because what was happening was at all similar to the plot but Derpy, like Sam is lovable (if you have seen the movie you will know what I am talking about, beautiful). But on the other side, I understand that some children with lazy eyes or mental or physical issues may be the target of bullying because of Derpy.....so I'm between things at the moment, my love for Derpy as a Brony and my hate for anything that may cause another person to be bullied.


Sorry also if this jus seems like a random thing if you guys already sorted the Derpy thing out amongst yourselves, my phone won't let me past the first page :(


Also, I can really appreciate you speaking your mind like this, as someone said before me, you're probably not anti-Brony but anti-jerk.


I didn't particularly care for My little Dashie.

Just stop for a moment to take it all in. You are alive. You are free and the world would be far less grand without you in it.


You matter.

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Dude, it's not a big deal. I'm not trying to be mean, but it is the internet. It's good to give your honest opinion, and I agree with your post, but seriously, the internet is basically a hate machine. 


And you should be prepared for people within this fandom to flame you. Just ignore them. If they call you stupid for your opinions, than they're pretty stupid themselves. 

  • Brohoof 2



Your breath stinks.

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All I'mma say is that I liked Derpy the way she was because she was awesome. Sure she had a lazy eye and was clumsy, but she was still helping others and the other ponies liked her. I thought it showed guts that they would have a pony with a handicap on the show, especially since she was so amazing. She was a hero in my eyes, showing that anypony, no matter what situation or handicap they have, is worth something, and should be allowed to work and play with anyone, just like everypony else. Changing her to make her "normal" is just saying that handicaps aren't accepted in society, and if that's the case my brother and I shouldn't be allowed to live either! Everypony that sent a rude comment in to Hasbro was stating that they aren't ok with people who are different. They probably think that black people should still be slaves, babies who are born deformed should be killed, women shouldn't vote. Well guess what. All these people have feelings and dreams just like you! Your just too selfish and awful to care! 





Holy crap Im handicapped I never knew having a lazy eye was a handicap ? But yeah in all seriousness thanks for insulting me and have a nice day kind sir.

... sigh so much for love and tolerance... just give it a rest with spamming the kid who posted the handicap eye stuff. were his ignorance is showing he still has a point. the fact that others didn't like Derpy because she wasn't strait eyed and normal voiced is ridiculous and Hasbro should bring her back there's nothing wrong with her. and to top its of i know thers more then 70 percent of the fandom that agrees she should still be on so im confused as to why there taking her away still

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... sigh so much for love and tolerance... just give it a rest with spamming the kid who posted the handicap eye stuff. were his ignorance is showing he still has a point. the fact that others didn't like Derpy because she wasn't strait eyed and normal voiced is ridiculous and Hasbro should bring her back there's nothing wrong with her. and to top its of i know thers more then 70 percent of the fandom that agrees she should still be on so im confused as to why there taking her away still

So much for love and tolerance. When have I ever seen such a thing in this fandom? And I just got insulted about something that i have  been bullied for my whole life and you expect me to take it lightly and ignore it? i don't think so.

  • Brohoof 1
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So much for love and tolerance. When have I ever seen such a thing in this fandom? And I just got insulted about something that i have  been bullied for my whole life and you expect me to take it lightly and ignore it? i don't think so.

yes but echo already yelled at the 12 year old just ignore him if you can see his blatant ignorance someone will set him strait in real life and im sorry you were bullied but thats just another reason why the derpy topics being fought over again. 

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yes but echo already yelled at the 12 year old just ignore him if you can see his blatant ignorance someone will set him strait in real life and im sorry you were bullied but thats just another reason why the derpy topics being fought over again. 

actually my miss inform person

he persisted me via PM and i had to let a mod handle him, he was even more insufferable then you were when you decided to be a smart ass.


this thread was made because people kept pestering me about it, and the number of time it had gone off rails is amazing 

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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Man this topic is soooooo old. He isn't even an anti brony anymore. Don't worry guys, I'll straiten him out. He's gone through a lot and the community can be jerks sometimes. He's in (I'm an asshole) rehab now. Personally, I do understand why this thread was made. Things were pretty harsh back then and the community forgot its "Love and Tolerate" motto all around.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I don't brand people who disagree haters. I brand people who actively attack us by going on sites and videos meant for us to openly attack us. 


In a sense, I feel that you'd be more hard pressed to find someone who does believe we should all conform to the popular opinions of the fanbase than someone who doesn't.


Although this topic is a little old it's fascinating. I do admire that the OP took time to write out their opinion thoughtfully and completely, that was brave.


I personally have never experienced any "hate" from older members. I've even come out to defend cloppers and I still received no back lash. Because personally I feel that the brony community is at least way more open and friendly than any other community I've come across.


But just like everything else there will be some people who are jerks, and we just have to get over it.


Anti-bronies and haters make sense to people who want to antagonize bronies and people who think they don't make sense like bronies. The same goes for everything, you'll hear what you want to hear. You can't convince someone who is bent on an opinion otherwise unless you are truly skilled, and if you are truly skilled why focus your help on people who merely don't like a TV show?


It makes no sense that people complain about not liking "bronies" because it's such a general term. And what TV shows someone likes is certainly not something to base your opinion of them on. 


I'd also like to say that people should stop being so upset when people simply disagree with you. Some people seem to forget that the world doesn't solely consist of clones of themselves.

actually my miss inform person

he persisted me via PM and i had to let a mod handle him, he was even more insufferable then you were when you decided to be a smart ass.


this thread was made because people kept pestering me about it, and the number of time it had gone off rails is amazing 

I take it English is your second language? I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying.


No one is going to force you to conform. If you're looking for someone to push you into conforming forcefully you're on the wrong forums.

Man this topic is soooooo old. He isn't even an anti brony anymore. Don't worry guys, I'll straiten him out. He's gone through a lot and the community can be jerks sometimes. He's in (I'm an asshole) rehab now. Personally, I do understand why this thread was made. Things were pretty harsh back then and the community forgot its "Love and Tolerate" motto all around.

It's amazing that he changed his opinion in just a few months, it really is. 


I also can't understand why you keep calling five months ago "back then". It's practically still present tense. It wasn't all that long ago. 

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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I also can't understand why you keep calling five months ago "back then". It's practically still present tense. It wasn't all that long ago. 


We are dealing with "Internet Speed". On the internet, 5 months is pretty damn old. People can change all the time. People can change in a single day based on an event that happened. Again, 5 months is a long time for a person to change. He didn't know me back then.


Oh and your sentence structure really blows. Is English -your- first language?

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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