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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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 The stone cracked and chunks of stone began to fall apart and away from whatever was inside. A bright glow iminated from the statue until finally it burst apart in all direction exposing......nothing.....nothing at all.....Where the statue once stood was nothing more than broken rocks. "Why Nova! How long has it been?!" a voice echoed through out the cave. "I don't think I can even remember that far back. I hope your not surprised I know about you. What kind of Lord of Chaos would I be if I didn't know about YOU dear!. I'm actually quite flattered you know of me, seeing as you've been locked up for so long." Discord suddenly appeared floating above them with a drink in his hand, sipping it up with a twisty straw "So tell me because I'm just DYING to know....What brings you to my less then elegant prison, hmmm?"


Nova started to laugh sinisterly when she saw the true essence of the lord of Chaos "How could I not know of someone so powerful as to earn the wrath of the Harmony users twice over. But that's besides the point I'm wanting to rid Equestria of all the ponies that are unworthy to set hoof on it and I'm offering you a chance to join me as on of my generals." Nova gave a wicked grin before hearing the pony with Shadow turning around ready to strike only to notice he was in awe as she lowered her power and created a orb of light to illuminate the cave. "I see you've brought somepony that might be of use to us in the future just don't let me down boy." Nova returned her attention back to Discord "Why don't I sweeten the pot Discord, if you help me then I'll leave a section of Equestria unscared so that you can have your own little relm of chaos a capital in my new world. Sound like a fair trade hmm?"


(lol I gotta say you play Discord well I couldn't stop laughing when I read that post.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Nova started to laugh sinisterly when she saw the true essence of the lord of Chaos "How could I not know of someone so powerful as to earn the wrath of the Harmony users twice over. But that's besides the point I'm wanting to rid Equestria of all the ponies that are unworthy to set hoof on it and I'm offering you a chance to join me as on of my generals." Nova gave a wicked grin before hearing the pony with Shadow turning around ready to strike only to notice he was in awe as she lowered her power and created a orb of light to illuminate the cave. "I see you've brought somepony that might be of use to us in the future just don't let me down boy." Nova returned her attention back to Discord "Why don't I sweeten the pot Discord, if you help me then I'll leave a section of Equestria unscared so that you can have your own little relm of chaos a capital in my new world. Sound like a fair trade hmm?"


(lol I gotta say you play Discord well I couldn't stop laughing when I read that post.)

"A general you say?" In a puff of spoke he reappeared in a full general attire including really big sun classes and saluted. "The title of general sounds aweful pleasent BUT it also sounds like a step a down." He lowered his glasses a bit so he was peering over. "I mean why settle for less when I can just take on all equestria like I did before?" He vanished again and reappeared in front of Lightening. " I mean this one here is one of yours isn't he? He's about crazy as it is and...-gasp- THIS one, called Shadow if I'm not mistaken. Are you sure you can trust her?" He smiled and winked at her knowingly but said nothing else of it. "Frankly my dear, you offer me sections of Equestria, when I could have the whole thing. Can you give me a single reason I should follow yooooou, hmmmm?" He walked over to what was left of his stone prison and began to juggle the piece, then stopped moving his hands as the piece STILL juggled themselves. He then sat on a throne that appeared out of smoke and summoned a chocolate rain cloud to fill his glass as he listened.


((Thank ya!))

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hank nods "well lets do it than.. I will do what you tell me Rarity!" He salutes "i will be your own guard ok? I dont want you hurt" He gave a warming smile "So this Crystal heart... it protects the crystal ponies? I am not really sure.. i don't really remember that well. If i get something wrong just tell me what to do." He hugs her and looks at twilight and her friend "lets go.. and it snowing there right.. well Rarity you can have my cloak. when we get there."



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Nova looked back at Chrysalis "When you've gotten the changlings you want to take care of breaking up the Harmony users meet up with us." Nova used her magic to link with Butajiri who had run off "Forget her for now finish up what you need to do and meet me at the Ghastly Gorge we have another player to bring to the table." Nova took off and headed toward the gorge with all her speed and it didn't take her long to get there. She landed just outside the cave that was blocked by a magical seal as she laughed at the feeble attempt to keep anyone from entering or leaving. Her eyes glowed a sinister black as she blasted the seal shattering it easily before heading inside and saw Discord frozen in stone. "Hmm so this is the great Lord of Chaos oh how you fell to your overconfidence to the Harmony users but this time things will be different." Nova walked around the statue a few times then let her horn glow so that she could find her book. Nova linked her mind with one other pony "Shadow I want you to regroup with me at Ghastly Gorge with speed we have a chaotic player to aquire."


Storm felt like something was wrong around the castle as he headed back towards the front of the castle making it to the balcony of the stairway just after Shadow and Lightning made it out of sight. "Hmm must have been my imagination but just to be safe I should go back to Celestia." Dash looked at Celestia in remorse "I'm sorry Princess but a lot of ponies died at the Gala and Nova escaped and captured Shining Armor. Cadence was really hurt bad noponies sure if she'll make it from what the gosip says." Dash the started scraping her hoof on the floor "I'm sorry to say Princess but as far as I know we don't have the Elements and we are all seperated." Storm returned to meet with Celestia and Dash as he bowed "Princess, Dash probably informed you of the situation and as it stands you have no captain until we fill that role please let me help take on some of the responsability of the gaurd."

celestia nodded, fully absorbing the full consequences of her failure during the fight. Storm then mentioned the guard, " you may be a part of the guard for now, given the circumstances," she began, "but there may be somepony who could take on being a temporary Captain........where are Skullkin and Twilight Sparkle?"
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[Oh, missed that one.]


Ceberus growled. This guy was tough!


"Dang nab it! This is WAY too much! Ugh. I'll retreat for now, but remember...i'm out there!" 

Ceberus disappeared into the pool with her pups, who were eventually howling in disgust. Ceberus grew a hatred for whoever that was, and made it her goal to not let a single demon out. And, to figure out what the heck this Vale was...

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Nova let out a little chuckle "Oh my sweet Discord trying to get more than you want, by all means go right ahead and try to conquer Equestria by yourself cause we all know that went just swimingly the last time. Besides I've done what you couldn't I've both beaten Celestia down and I have all but one of the Elements of Harmony in my possesion." Nova walked around the thorne that Discord had summoned looking to him and then at Shadow and the new pony that followed her. It was true that she had to be careful now more than ever because if Discord knew of Shadow then who else. "You know as well as I that nopony has been able to defeat Celestia and the Harmony users but with you, me, and two other major players we can bring darkness and chaos to Equestria. You also wont have to worry about those wretched ponies of love one is on deaths door and the other is going to be playing for my side soon enough. Once we kill Celestia and Luna and shatter the friendship of the Harmony users I believe the word God of Chaos would have a better ring to it no?"


Storm and Dash looked at each other worried and then back at Celestia "That's just it Princess nopony knows where Twilight and the others are and without the Elements of Harmony we can't stop this war from happening." Storm could see the worried look on Dash's face about her friends as he put his win over her letting her know that everything would be alright. "We have to find Twilight and the others and get the Elements of Harmony to stop this." Storm pulled a map out of his bag and unrolled it letting the map of Equestria be shown to the Princess "I'm sure that once she gets her army she'll start attacking major cities like Phillydelphia and Manehattan first. It also seems like she wants something to make her army stronger, do you know of anything that might aid her in that?" Storm knew that if they could get any info that might help they could at least try to help in more ways than they had at the Gala.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Celestia's eyes widened, her student and one of the greatest soldiers in history had gone missing? "I hope that they are both safe," she stammered, stress obvious in her voice, "where is my sister?" She suddenly screamed, she hadn't even seen her at the gala.

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[Oh, missed that one.]Ceberus growled. This guy was tough!"Dang nab it! This is WAY too much! Ugh. I'll retreat for now, but remember...i'm out there!"Ceberus disappeared into the pool with her pups, who were eventually howling in disgust. Ceberus grew a hatred for whoever that was, and made it her goal to not let a single demon out. And, to figure out what the heck this Vale was...

The skulls dispersed into the air like smoke. "And the pool is ours. I cant feel the Vale's presence here. This is the perfect place to make our portal.""What about the Kakai Barrier?" Hirue asked. "The demons of the fade are useless! We have to get to the Demon Realm, but the barrier cannot fall!"Butajiri dipped his sword into the water and the lake turned purple. "One thing at a time."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Pinkie Pie made it to Ghastly Gorge, but kept her mouth shut. Her all-time favorite guy, Discord, was now running and LOSE! YES YES YES YES! But it wasn't the proper time to do this...



Applejack yelped into the air: Flying on a Dragon was the best thing in her life!

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Nova let out a little chuckle "Oh my sweet Discord trying to get more than you want, by all means go right ahead and try to conquer Equestria by yourself cause we all know that went just swimingly the last time. Besides I've done what you couldn't I've both beaten Celestia down and I have all but one of the Elements of Harmony in my possesion." Nova walked around the thorne that Discord had summoned looking to him and then at Shadow and the new pony that followed her. It was true that she had to be careful now more than ever because if Discord knew of Shadow then who else. "You know as well as I that nopony has been able to defeat Celestia and the Harmony users but with you, me, and two other major players we can bring darkness and chaos to Equestria. You also wont have to worry about those wretched ponies of love one is on deaths door and the other is going to be playing for my side soon enough. Once we kill Celestia and Luna and shatter the friendship of the Harmony users I believe the word God of Chaos would have a better ring to it no?"


Storm and Dash looked at each other worried and then back at Celestia "That's just it Princess nopony knows where Twilight and the others are and without the Elements of Harmony we can't stop this war from happening." Storm could see the worried look on Dash's face about her friends as he put his win over her letting her know that everything would be alright. "We have to find Twilight and the others and get the Elements of Harmony to stop this." Storm pulled a map out of his bag and unrolled it letting the map of Equestria be shown to the Princess "I'm sure that once she gets her army she'll start attacking major cities like Phillydelphia and Manehattan first. It also seems like she wants something to make her army stronger, do you know of anything that might aid her in that?" Storm knew that if they could get any info that might help they could at least try to help in more ways than they had at the Gala.


"Hmmmm, you make a good point. Not having to worry about those pesky ponies coming after ME would allow me to do my thing." He raised a clawed paw to his face in a mocking thinking pose. "You make a fine offer my dear. Lets see, you have some kind of bug queen, GROSS by the way. Let us hope she doesn't have holes in her brain like she does in her legs...." He hopped off his throne and it vanished, but he left the chocolate rain going. "Alright, you have a deal. Chaos like no other in exchange for my help. Brilliant! But pray tell my dear Nova, who's this final piece to your little game of chess?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rarity smiled, and grabbed the Crystal Heart. Almost suddenly, the Crystal Empire's defenses weakened, and the entire city was covered in a blizzard.


"We have to get out of here!" Rarity said, sighing. "Or else my dresses will get ruined..." Rarity wimpered at the thoguht.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hank smiles "Rarity here i have an idea" he removes his cloak and puts it over her "there i dont want suck a lovely dress to get ruined and the one i love to get cold" He smiles as he took the crystal heart "so where should we head to i dont think ponyville. Who knows who is there."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Nova could sense the Element of Laughter in the area and it was very close, walking up to Discord and whispering in his ear so soft that only he could hear it. "I plan on bringing the pony of the Black Crystal himself back from his wretched prison inside that heart." This was one key player as well that she didn't want to let slip it would be a surprise even for Celestia if she managed to return to battle for some foolish reason after sustaining those injuries. Once she told her secret she teleported behind Pinkie Pie and blasted her Element with dark magic causing its color to fade to a dull grey. "I'll take that necklace from you if you don't mind you pathetic little annoyence." Nova extended her hoof waiting for Pinkie's response and reminding her that she was out numbered by some powerful enemies right now.


Storm looked at the worried faces of both Celestia and Rainbow Dash and gave a smile "Come on you two from what I've read and heard around Ponyville I'm sure that they're ok." Dash put her hoof on Celestia's bandaged shoulder "It's ok your Majesty she's fine she was outside directing the guard and medical teams. She only looks like she had been knocked out during the events last night." Storm pointed to the door just as Luna walked in obviously tired from waking up after the battle and helping until now, Storm drew his attention back to Celestia. "Where do you think we should go my lady weneed to find the others but we also need to stop Nova from gathering an army. Do you have any suggestions?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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-GASP- Are you serious?! Him?! Far be for me to question the sanity of anyone but I think you've flipped your lid! You can't HOPE to control that one!" He looked at the element around the pink ones neck "Plus why do you need him? I can gather the elements with a single spell. Its not like I haven't done it before. I swear Nova, I wonder if you have any respect for my awesomeness at all!


Discord vanished and appeared next top Pinkie Pie, running his finger down her face. "Ah Pinkie Pie...My most favorite of the six. I have to say I'm so very happy to see you!"


Discord looked at Nova. "Should I corrupt her like I did last time? I have a more fun way of doing it this time!"

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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(I'm assuming that since Nova can Telapathically communicate with Butajiri, he can do the same. I really need to get back to the RP.)


Butajiri used the same telepathic link Nova had used earlier to send her a message. "Gather your pets and come back to the everfree. I dont know where Rotto is, and quite frankly, I dont care, but Ive lost the pink mare. We don't need the elements, just get me the pink one and get back here! The Vale is tearing, and it waits for no one."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Lightning's madness was growing ever stronger in the presence of Discord, he could feel his sanity slipping into the black cold snare of madness. He sat down and gripped his head."Ach the voices... those god awful voices! Make them stop...make them stop." He pleaded to the air. "They're telling me that it's okay but it's not. I see through your lies!" He was shouting at nothing now just the stone walls, he started to cry silently.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Celestia's eyes widened, her student and one of the greatest soldiers in history had gone missing? "I hope that they are both safe," she stammered, stress obvious in her voice, "where is my sister?" She suddenly screamed, she hadn't even seen her at the gala.

Rotto was trying to pick up the element of honesty using his tailcoats as a hand protectector when he heard the Princess scream. He was within eyesight of the castle. Sensing that he would have no more luck with the necklace, he kicked it into a gutter and crept back up the road to the gala.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Pinkie Pie looked at Discord, with a huge grin. "HIYA MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE VILLAIN!" 


Pinkie Pie smiled at Nova. "Oh, hiya Queen Meanie! Y'know, this bubble you gave me is a gem! It's sooo awesome! I can fly in it! I really have to thank you for that."


Pinkie Pie looked at Discord. "Just..um...DON'T TRY TO BREAK ME UP WITH MY FRIENDS! I know what you're gonna do, and it ain't gonna work. As the last remaining guardian of the Mirror Pond...well, besides my two Sisters, I'ts a gem to meet you! Now that I think about it, somepony is tampering with the Mirror Pond! Well, at least if I go there i'll be able to clone myself..."


Pinkie laughed, and looked at her Laughter Gem. It was black. "Hey! Black-y! I know! I'll call it...the...AH-HA! THE ELEMENT OF AWESOME AND COOL LAUGHTER! Rainbow Dash would love love love that! And sorry, i'm afraid I can't hand it over. I already made an Honesty giveaway, and I can't really afford to lose this gem!"


"So, Discy, whatcha need?"



Rarity thought for a bit.


"How about in the arctic? We'll blend in quite nicely there, but the only problem is the lack of heat..."



Applejack looked down and saw Discord and Nova and the gang.


"Of all the hooey...why now? Well, I doubt it's the correct course o'-"


"Please can we beat them up, dawg?" The dragon Applejack was riding asked, making Applejack sigh.


"Sure, sugar, do what 'cha want. Ah need to get to Ponyville, but remember - do all the flank kickin' you want, but don't kill that pink pony. She's on your side. Everypony else is free for you to kick."


"AWWW YEAH!" The dragons said, dropping Applejack off at Ponyville, and then heading to where the Pinkie and Nova and Discord were.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Nova could sense the Element of Laughter in the area and it was very close, walking up to Discord and whispering in his ear so soft that only he could hear it. "I plan on bringing the pony of the Black Crystal himself back from his wretched prison inside that heart." This was one key player as well that she didn't want to let slip it would be a surprise even for Celestia if she managed to return to battle for some foolish reason after sustaining those injuries. Once she told her secret she teleported behind Pinkie Pie and blasted her Element with dark magic causing its color to fade to a dull grey. "I'll take that necklace from you if you don't mind you pathetic little annoyence." Nova extended her hoof waiting for Pinkie's response and reminding her that she was out numbered by some powerful enemies right now.


Storm looked at the worried faces of both Celestia and Rainbow Dash and gave a smile "Come on you two from what I've read and heard around Ponyville I'm sure that they're ok." Dash put her hoof on Celestia's bandaged shoulder "It's ok your Majesty she's fine she was outside directing the guard and medical teams. She only looks like she had been knocked out during the events last night." Storm pointed to the door just as Luna walked in obviously tired from waking up after the battle and helping until now, Storm drew his attention back to Celestia. "Where do you think we should go my lady weneed to find the others but we also need to stop Nova from gathering an army. Do you have any suggestions?"

Celestia gave a sigh of relief knowing that her sister was safe.  "Our first priority should be to find the Element of Magic," she said, "The Elements cannot be channeled without it.  Rainbow Dash, where could Twilight possibly be right now?  I need you to consider every possibility!"

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Hank smiles "well ill be fine.. my cloak will keep you warm. I would do anything to make you safe." He bows before her "so i guess i will follow you since you know more about this place than me." He smiles still "if it looks like im cold.. i will be fine ok? I just want you safe.. you are more important than me."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Pinkie Pie looked at Discord, with a huge grin. "HIYA MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE VILLAIN!" 


Pinkie Pie smiled at Nova. "Oh, hiya Queen Meanie! Y'know, this bubble you gave me is a gem! It's sooo awesome! I can fly in it! I really have to thank you for that."


Pinkie Pie looked at Discord. "Just..um...DON'T TRY TO BREAK ME UP WITH MY FRIENDS! I know what you're gonna do, and it ain't gonna work. As the last remaining guardian of the Mirror Pond...well, besides my two Sisters, I'ts a gem to meet you! Now that I think about it, somepony is tampering with the Mirror Pond! Well, at least if I go there i'll be able to clone myself..."


Pinkie laughed, and looked at her Laughter Gem. It was black. "Hey! Black-y! I know! I'll call it...the...AH-HA! THE ELEMENT OF AWESOME AND COOL LAUGHTER! Rainbow Dash would love love love that! And sorry, i'm afraid I can't hand it over. I already made an Honesty giveaway, and I can't really afford to lose this gem!"


"So, Discy, whatcha need?"




Rarity thought for a bit.


"How about in the arctic? We'll blend in quite nicely there, but the only problem is the lack of heat..."




Applejack looked down and saw Discord and Nova and the gang.


"Of all the hooey...why now? Well, I doubt it's the correct course o'-"


"Please can we beat them up, dawg?" The dragon Applejack was riding asked, making Applejack sigh.


"Sure, sugar, do what 'cha want. Ah need to get to Ponyville, but remember - do all the flank kickin' you want, but don't kill that pink pony. She's on your side. Everypony else is free for you to kick."


"AWWW YEAH!" The dragons said, dropping Applejack off at Ponyville, and then heading to where the Pinkie and Nova and Discord were.


"Well Pinkie Pie, I have a problem." He leaned in close so only she could hear. "You see this Nova pony? She wants to take over all of Equestria. She THINKS she can do it by taking all the power form the Harmony stones, but I know better. Take yours for example. I bet if you just pulled a few of those DARLING pranks you could light it right back up again! You and I Pinkie are very much the same. We love a good laugh. Now you know if I wanted to I could corrupt you all over again but you and I are past that. Instead I want to play a game with you!"


He suddenly felt the rumble of the earth and the flapping of an untold number of wings. A smile formed across his face.


"The game is this...Dragons are coming Pinkie. Mooooore then enoughDragons to have a little fun with. Now I could deal with them all myself but wheres the fun in that?! How would YOU like to have the power to play tricks on them and get a little payback for what they did to your poor pal Spike? If you like the power I give you to play tricks and games, you can keep it.....in exchange, you give -me- your Element of Laughter...as a token if you will. If you don't, well then I guess I misjudged you and you just aren't the Queen of laughter and pranks and practical jokes I thought you were........and I'll have you let go, to return to your friends....."


He leaned in closer to her then before and lowered his sunglasses, giving her a rather dorky look


"Whatda say?"

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Pinkie considered. Gee, it was a good deal. And Discord would get the Elements anyways...hmm...


At that moment, a bucket of water dumped on Discord's head, giving Pinkie Pie a really good laugh, lighting up her Element of LaughtER.


"Sorry...but i'm afraid i'll have to say no. Whatever those dragons did, i'm sure it wasn't on purpose! And isn't Spike captured? They should be worried when one of their species are captured!"


At that moment, the dragons burst down Ghastly Gorge, and looked at Nova and Discord.


"I see the Pink pony!" Crackle muttered.


"LET'S GET THE MIS-MASH!" Garble yelled.


"Huh...Y'know. My dragons sense tells me they sorta...well...captured...a...nevermind."


The dragons hooted, spit flames, and then charged at the group.



Rarity grinned, and was so glad what Hank was doing that she kissed him on the cheek.


"Darling...let's get on the move." Rarity said, running out of the Crystal Palace.



Applejack galloped into Sweet Apple Acres, sure she could get help from her family.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lightning yelped as flames singed the tips of his mane, he ducked down just as some flames burnt the air above him. "WHY THE HELL ARE DRAGONS HERE?" He screamed. "Nova Discord do something please! I don't wanna die yet!" Lightning ducked and dodged flames as they were spit at them. He tackled Shadow as flames raced at her.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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He blushes as he kisses her cheek "ok Rarity." He follows her as his AIs appear around his head. Beta appears smiling "Hank good job on getting Rarity to like you. I really think you and Rarity would be a cute couple once all this is over. Oh Rarity if you ever need anything just ask Hank or call of me, Beta and i will do my best to get you what you need." She smiles and vanishes.
Hank smiles "so rarity do you know where we are going?"



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