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mega thread MLP:FiM Gameloft App, Friends, and Info

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Oh that's your gift? Flash Sentry? That's kinda disappointing I'd rather buy him and get something way more interesting for the gift :\ ah well he is the only pony I don't have right now so Rhythm game here I come again :P


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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You guys get Princess Twilight Sparkle by completing the Quest or Storyline, Just like the same requirements as you get princess Luna. It's not an easy task to do because you have to wait for amount of time to collect the needed items from the shops in both Ponyville and Canterlot and of course spending gems for the quest too.


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Just created a profile :3 Endblock is my username :3 add me.

Sorry for the shameless self-advertising.

This game is pretty good. The new equestria girls dance mechanic is amazingly fun. I'm not too good at it but it's really fun.


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Finally given up on the dance and so having a poke around in the data folder.


Remember how I mentioned that the xml file mentioned the "Cafeteria Song" in the previous update? 

        <event label="ev_m_eg_track_themesong" type="playlist" value="m_eg_track_themesong"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_track_cafeteriasong" type="playlist" value="m_eg_track_cafeteriasong"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_track_song3" type="playlist" value="m_eg_track_song3"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_menu" type="playlist" value="m_eg_menu"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_this_strange_world" type="playlist" value="m_eg_this_strange_world"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_time_to_come_together" type="playlist" value="m_eg_time_to_come_together"/>


I guess its no surprise to find in the latest update its changed to EG Stomp:


        <event label="ev_m_eqg_opening_theme" type="playlist" value="m_eqg_opening_theme"/>

        <event label="ev_m_eqg_eg_stomp" type="playlist" value="m_eqg_eg_stomp"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_eqg_track_song3" type="playlist" value="m_eg_track_song3"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_eqg_menu" type="playlist" value="m_eg_menu"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_eqg_this_strange_world" type="playlist" value="m_eg_this_strange_world"/>
        <event label="ev_m_eg_time_to_come_together" type="playlist" value="m_eg_time_to_come_together"/>


Seems pretty obvious we WERE supposed to get the proper Cafeteria Song and for some mysterious reason they decided against it.


I also wonder why they only gave us the instrumental version of the MLP intro song too, its a bit odd sounding without the vocals.


Friends List


I am going to be monitoring my main GameLoft ID for active friends and anyone who gifts a heart I will be sending a chest (if GameLoft Live is working properly) and adding them to my other account "csdprojects".  Everyone who accepts I will again gift and send a chest to from that account.  I will continue playing the game on both accounts but will ultimately remove friends which are no longer gifting from my main account too.

Edited by Alexander Atkin

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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so I noticed that the dance mini-game reset  back to a 1 week timer with gifts. A question I'm curious about is what will you get for reaching the final gold chest a second time after already getting flash sentry once? Does anyone know?

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Trust me I dont expect them to do it but it would still be pretty freakin awesome im focusing more on getting babs seed in the game


I'm was just hoping they slowly add more of the voice actors to the game.  I was pleasantly surprised to find they have added a few more in the updates already (nothing recent), either that or they were already in the game but bugged out so they didn't play.


Now of course I have a new hope, that they add more songs to the mini game, particularly the Cafeteria Song as it would be great to hear it with a proper ending.


I have been meaning to get My Little Karaoke working on my PC but its somewhat more complicated on Linux than I had hoped.

so I noticed that the dance mini-game reset  back to a 1 week timer with gifts. A question I'm curious about is what will you get for reaching the final gold chest a second time after already getting flash sentry once? Does anyone know?


I'm certainly not about to bloody try, its taken me all evening to get that chest and, silly me, he is for Caterlot so pretty useless as there was always more ponies than you needed for shops there anyway.  (although that could have changed in the update)


I really don't understand what they were thinking with that mini game.  Its fun to play, but not the amount you need to unlock the chests in time.

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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Geez. It took me a Few Quests just to get Princess Twilight Sparkle. The Quest that involves getting shards is easy to get. If you have enough Hearts, you can exchange for a chance of getting the needed shards for the quest at the balloon pop game.


As for the Dance Mini-Game, Well I think the timing on certain Parts is pretty much hard for me to execute through those parts on the music like This Strange World Song.


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The dance game seems to drift out of sync further into the song so you are tapping with the beat at the start and by the end, especially EQ Stomp, you have to tap completely out of sync with the beat which is naturally really hard.


What I think happens is that as the song is played by the OS API independent to the game code and so if the game stalls for a few milliseconds the song carries on as normal.  This would explain the drift as sometimes its worse than others and in those cases I have actually seen the notes jump like it skipped a frame or two, but the song never glitches.  So they need to somehow tie the game timing to the song position better, so that it compensates.


It would be interesting to know if this happens on iOS as it could be related to Android doing full multi-tasking whereas iOS is much tighter about what runs when.  It certainly happens worse on my Galaxy Note 3 than when I run it under Genymotion on an Intel i5 2500K, as naturally the latter is many times more powerful and less likely to stutter.  It does seem to get worse the longer I play the game though.


I must say, the dance game is MUCH easier in Genymotion as the reliability of real mouse buttons mean you don't trigger false presses like you can on a touch screen, especially the Note 3 which has a VERY sensitive touch screen that can sometimes detect your fingers hovering above it.  I wonder if the game supports any controllers?  I did try a mouse and keyboard but it didn't seem to work the same as Genymotion where a right click counts as a double tap, that must be something written in Genymotions Android implementation itself.

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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They Should just add the difficulty levels along with the score multiplier based on the difficulty for the Dance mini-game. I know the Dance mini-game can be hard to time and getting higher scores to win a exclusive gift at a limited time, but once the limited time exclusive gifts ends, it's all come down to your top scores at that point.


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Is it Just me or is Magical Mystery Cure Questline really easy to do except for the gem costs?


I Find the dance mini-game more difficult to me. Well It's probably the green parts that are hard to time on to get a better score. It' most likely that I'm having a hard time get through the Green Parts without messing up and breaking the combos.


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I've got more problems with the yellow parts, since the game doesn't get my taps from time to time.

Truth be told, I've stopped playing the dance mini game. It's no fun when the notes you are supposed to tap  in time are just off the song and at the rate you gain xp you'll never be able to win a big prize without spending gems. And the current price is Twinkleshine? For 16 gems? I can't see any use of playing the game anymore...

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Yeah, the MMC questline does seem to be ridiculously easy.  Almost every aspect of it was things that I would have done anyways (other than getting the decorations), unless they pull off something ridiculous in part after Twilight becomes an alicorn (which I have yet to complete).


I also don't really see the point in the dance mini-game anymore.  There's no way in hell I have the time/dedication to try and get the final prize on it, and the lower-tier prizes are completely worthless.  With no hope of getting the final prize the dance game is mostly a waste of time, which is sad because it's pretty obvious that they put quite a bit of time into it.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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As much as I would LOVE to get this app, there is one thing stopping me: I have a broken phone.



To put it simply, certain parts of the touch screen doesn't work, so every time I try to download something, it wants confirmation, which every time I try to hit confirm, the stupid phone thinks I hit cancel.

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As much as I would LOVE to get this app, there is one thing stopping me: I have a broken phone.



To put it simply, certain parts of the touch screen doesn't work, so every time I try to download something, it wants confirmation, which every time I try to hit confirm, the stupid phone thinks I hit cancel.


You could try Genymotion if you want to play this badly enough, assuming you have a computer. 


Its how I am playing mostly now as I lost my save game when I changed phones, this way it shouldn't happen again as the game is tied to a virtual machine not a real one.

Edited by Alexander Atkin
  • Brohoof 1

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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Ah GameLoft, you love your bugs and plot holes.....


The changelings are copying old Twilight in Canterlot even when I have unlocked Princess Twilight so they are much easier to spot now. ;)


Why is Flash Sentry (if you won him) in Canterlot?  Isn't he stationed at the Crystal Empire?  Why isn't there a Crystal Empire in the game anyway?


Then again, what in Equestria is Sunset Shimmer doing in the game at all?  That makes no sense at all.


Seriously, I'm sure they could have done this better.

Edited by Alexander Atkin

GameLoft ID: alexatkin PSN/WiiU: AlexAtkinUK STEAM/XBOX: Alex Atkin UK

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Well That's a good question on sunset shimmer. It's probably Quest related or something like that, but If I'm right, she was released after Equestria Girls Movie was released to the theaters and DVD and blu-ray.


and Yeah. Once you get Princess Twilight Sparkle, It's easy to idenfity the changelings for now, but the Questline is costly of around 90-100 gems total.


Noticing about the nightmare night, the mane6 are in their costumes except for mayor mare, zecora, and the CMC.


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Uh yes hello. I'm quite new to this and thought I'd share a tidbit of info regarding the new update and possible questions. Anyways I'm Lan and well... There is no version 1.6.ANYTHING on the Kindle Fire market. I'm stuck in the wedding lines and trying to unlock Luna lines on there. Do any of you all happen to play on a Kindle? I'd greatly appreciate help as to why it's not working compared to my phone's copy.

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Have you guys noticed about how Gameloft has been acting up lately? Well Judging from my social network, No one on my Friend List has ever given me gifts nor Chests. I'm pretty sure that the gameloft has been acting up lately so I don't know what's going on. I hate to be forcing myself to re-logging through gameloft live and FB every time I get back on the app.


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The lag that my game is experiencing is ridiculously annoying...  It also seems to be messing with the saving mechanism; I often open the app to find that some things that I've done have not been completed (ie. defeating certain parasite swarms/changelings, collecting gifts, etc.).  I also tend to open in Canterlot when I know that I shut the app down in Ponyville.  This has been both a curse and a blessing, since changelings have a much higher chance of appearing if you shut down in Canterlot, but I'm now starting to run low on shards after defeating 20-30 changelings in the past couple days alone...  I've gotten 10 or so gems from the deal, so that's good at least.


On a more positive note, I'm two magic shards away from unlocking the magic stone, and now that I have both an observatory and a hospital running, I get magic shards fairly quickly.


Uh yes hello. I'm quite new to this and thought I'd share a tidbit of info regarding the new update and possible questions. Anyways I'm Lan and well... There is no version 1.6.ANYTHING on the Kindle Fire market. I'm stuck in the wedding lines and trying to unlock Luna lines on there. Do any of you all happen to play on a Kindle? I'd greatly appreciate help as to why it's not working compared to my phone's copy.


Sorry, I don't play on the Kindle...  I do know that different platforms seem to get updates at different times (for example, I play on android and they haven't released the newest Nightmare Night update there yet).  However, having it stuck way back at the wedding seems a little absurd.  Sorry, wish that I could offer you more info.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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All My Shards are at High numbers except for Magic Shards. I know that Magic Shards are to comeby these days, but with canterlot, It's easier to get more Magic Shards. It's most likely that royal conservatory and observatory carry magic shards.


I already have Elements of Harmony unlocked and Princess Twilight Sparkle. With Princess Twilight Sparkle around, It's easier to spot the changelings.


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My gameloft account is under ghostfacebrony39, since they didn't let me use my usual username because of the word "killer."


I'm going to try to add all of you who've left your gameloft names in the past few replies too, so hold on.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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