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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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Runner's feet soon left the familiar dirt ground as he was lifted skyward, the distance between him and sweet mother earth growing and growing. "Aw, damn it..." He muttered under his breath, his body soaring over the treetops like a clumsy mule.


No offence.





When Flame Dancer "slipped" his grip on Runner, he panicked, yelling, "AHH! Crazy featherbrains!" as the General regained his grip on his hooves. These ponies are SURELY going to pay for that...


Hearing Cumulus' wise-crack comment, Runner replies only with a fierce growl.


The city soon came into sight, the bright rainbows and white fluffy clouds instantly standing out from the rest of the city. Many small, indescribable were circling around the city, but as they neared in closer, he saw that they were indeed pegasi.


It was quite a sight, and he didn't disagree with their strange, antique architecture, the symmetry adding a charm in each building they made. However, the earth pony still preferred their kingdom better, seeing little to no agriculture or nature anywhere in the Capital. Growing up in the land, he learned to appreciate the earth and the wonders around him.


His legs began to settle on the white puffy cloud... but sank right through. The white pony's grip slipping, he sailed right through the cloud, his legs kicking through the substance as if it was made of water.


A small scream escaping his lips, he felt his weight supported again, held up by the pegsi again.


I swear, if I survive this trip, I'll never be afraid of heights again...

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"No, we Pegasai aren't planning to fight any of you Unicorns." Cherry Blossom stared at the floor for a moment, then back at the ponies. "I-I'm sorry, but are you keeping me here because I stepped into your territory?" she asked, now thinking about Splinter and Windscar.


"The way I heard things you are suspected of espionage. I'm sure if you tell the whole truth you'll be back to your city in no time. Now then, your name Ms. Pegasus? I can't really call you Ms. Pegasus the whole time, now can I?" she smiled kindly to the pony, hoping that she was doing the right thing.

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Snow Saluted and watched as Sapphire walked off to prepare for the mission. Snowy heard a familiar voice talking inside the holding area. I wonder who's interrogating the prisoner. Well it shouldn't be to bad to check in and I'm sure it wouldn't take too long to take a look... Snowy thought to himself as he walked into the room. Much to Snowys surprise he found "Allie? What are you doing here?"

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"I am trying to make the prisoner comfortable, apparently I'm under military authority now," she said, magically passing the note. "I have to admit your visit is rather unexpect, Snowy. I'd have thought you would be in bed by now. It is late for most ponies, yes?"

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"Well if any soldier or guard gives you any trouble let me know, I'll deal with them. Normally yes, but I'm scheduled for a..." Snowy paused as he looked over in Cherry Blossoms direction, "a mission...I'm not sure how long I'll be gone but hopefully it won't be too long. The Lunar Contract is a bit more taxing than I thought it would be."

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"It will pass. Blood letting is sacred because of it's difficulty," she dismissed it, seemingly unaffected by her own blood letting. "I would have you on bed rest for the night, or the day, but it is not my decision, and doubtless your comander wouldn't listen to me."

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Cherry Blossom turned around and listened to the two Unicorns talking. She head something about this "plan" from the white coated Unicorn from earlier. "E-Excuse me, butyou're saying if I tell you everything, you'll let me go?" she asked as she listened in onto their conversation.

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"Yes...well I do have duties to fulfill. I can't rest when even a recruit is going on it. It'd look very bad for me. And she actually may listen to you, Commander Sapphire is quite kind and is concerned for her troops."


Snowy turned to face Cherry Blossom. "Well it wouldn't make them release you immediately but it would help your position."

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"It is possible talking to us would, at the very least, make sure that you don't come to an unfavorable end. But we can start with your name. I could ask Syline, and she would probably tell me, but asking her can require lots of energy, and after the ritual I just preformed, I'm beat."

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Cherry Blossom nodded, it was obvious she just wanted to get as far away from the holding cell as possible. She took off her sneaking suit and set it aside, now waiting for questions from the Unicorns. "I hope Splinter and Windscar are okay. I'd hope nothing bad is happening to them. " she thought.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
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Aelicine looked expectantly at the pony. She would not start the questions until the pegasus had spoken her name. She personaly found it degrading to have to address a pony by their race, and felt that the moon was with her on this. She stared at the pony.

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"O-Okay well, my name is Cherry Blossom. I didn't come here to spy on you ponies," she added. Suddenly she was feeling pretty tired and her back slouched against the wall. "I'm so tired... I just can't stay awake for way too long..." she thought as she shaked her head to try and stay awake.


((OOC: Got to go to bed in a few minutes.))

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''Sneakity sneakity sneak.'' Splinter whispered while sneaking behind unicorn guards and passing many prisoners. ''I know she is here somewhere! I just gotta keep looking.'' Splinter said while frowning. He was wearing a pitch black body suit that he had brought stuffed in his cloud in case he would need it. ''I feel like she is here somewhere. If Cherry Blossom isn't here. Then I guess I'm screwed for good.'' Splinter whispered. ''No offense, other pony who's name I forgot.'' Splinter said to himself while looking up at the roof.

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"Allie I've gotta go prepare for the mission. I'll see you later." Snowy said as he turned around to face the door. He briefly looked at Cherry Blossom and opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it and walked through the door. On his way down the hall he stopped and saluted Vinyl Blade as she walked down the hall.

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Martin slowly rose with Greylight up to Pegalopolis and fearfully looked down at the ground that was growing farther and farther away. However, he felt secure in that she would save him if he fell. He turned his head to the horizon and caught a glimpse of the sun just about to rise when a gust of wind came out of nowhere and his hoof slipped. He almost fell but managed to hold on from catch one of Greylight's back hooves before he did.


She almost lost her balance, and slowly bent down in midair.

"Reach up, and grab my forehooves! And be careful!"

She reached out her forehooves, still blushing from the gust and the fact that he was holding one of her back hooves.


(Bring me up-to-date a bit, please)

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Alli noticed that the pegasus, Cherry Blossom, was tired. "Very well Ms. Blossom, I will be back after your nap. And after you miss Syline's beautiful night," she grumbled the last bit and followed Snowy out of the cell, locking it up.


(For Nightfall)

Velnir nodded when she said speed, "Yes, speed I could definitely see. Always something to do and places to be with you," he grinned, "A little bit different to a pony who's job is to wait." They came into town and heard someponies talking about a captured pegasus, "I'd be willing to bet that that's where Surge is."

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She almost lost her balance, and slowly bent down in midair.

"Reach up, and grab my forehooves! And be careful!"

She reached out her forehooves, still blushing from the gust and the fact that he was holding one of her back hooves.


(Bring me up-to-date a bit, please)


"OMIGOSH I'M GONNA DIE!" was going through Martin's mind when he slipped. When she offered her front hooves he grabbed them without hesitation "Just get me up to the clouds before I start wishing I was back in the Earth Kingdom" he said half jokingly. His teeth were chattering slightly and he refused to look down. He considered himself to be a pretty cool and collect guy but Martin had never been this scared in his life.
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Vinyl returned the salute and continued down the hall until she reached a heavy metal door with a brass door label with Interrogation Chamber 1. It opened and a pony exited. "Hello. Alli, is it? I was informed that there was a Pegasus here."


((Scout, don't do anything stupid))

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Snowy lowered his salute and quickly ran to meet Commander Sapphire outside of the barracks. After walking up to her he saluted. "I'm ready to go when you are Ma'am. Are we just checking their borders or going deeper into their territory?" Snowy asked.

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Aelicine sighed, "She is tired from the exposure to cold. We should probably let her sleep somewhere secure, ponies tend to be grouchy and unresponsive when they're tired. Remind me why I'm here again? I'm a preistess, not an interigation specialist. Although that pony, she wouldn't be my first choice for espionage. She's to... delicate. Give me a moment," she said. Putting a horn to the door, she closed her eyes, "Syline, I ask of you to guard this room from those who seek to harm or take this pony." A cresent moon appered on the door, and on any windowsils in the room.

Edited by Dawnpath
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Now we just have to find Commander Hurri..cane. Flame looked up and noticed Martin Hanging from the Commanders hooves.Oh Buck. He said Staring over at the two ponies. Cumulus Take Flame Runner. He said Pushing Flame Runner onto Cumulus's back.

He then Flew as fast as he could to Martin and Greylight. Need a little Pegassistance ? He called getting a little closer too the ponies.


(OOC: yea I know That is a little far fetched but I feel like I should get in on this, Plus I have always wanted to use the word Pegassistance ^_^ .)

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"Bring her a cot and a pillow. That's all I would think she needs. I wasn't the one who selected you, but I would assume they chose you because you're a priestess. They tend to be a little gentler, which is good in this case." She looked down the grey hall and spotted a pegasus in a black skintight suit. "Is that...?"

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"That pony is belt to strongly to be Cherry Blossom, the pony I sealed off. GUARDS! INTRUDER!" She yelled, her horn glowing. She magically teleported her knife, which she'd left in her bags at the entrance. "Come quietly, or Syline help me we will use force!" She announced to the pony.

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Cumulus felt the weight on his back double as Flame Dancer left him with the burden. "Oh, god! What the hell! Really?" he shouted as he began to slowly sink into the cloud. "I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS PONY! Why do you weigh so much?" He pulled himself back up and payed flat on the cloud.

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Sapphire was walking towards the meeting place when she heard a familiar voice calling out an intruder. 'That must be the priestess.' She thought as she pulled out her spear and quickly ran towards the sound. Arriving she saw a pegasus in a black sneak suit. "Halt, you are trespassing not only in unicorn territory but also in an authorized personnel only area. Surrender now and you will not be harmed." She said to Splinter.

Several guards also heard the priestess' alert and came spears and swords at the ready.

"Surround him." Sapphire ordered the guards.

The guards quickly blocked off all the possible exits. "We have you surrounded and outnumbered just surrender." One of them said.

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