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Extrovert people


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Did you ever feel a little uncomfortable when you're all alone in some public place, in your own corner, minding your own business, when suddenly a completely random stranger approaches and tries to start a conversation with you? Well, it happened to me quite a few times.


I'm not saying that it's weird - being extrovert and friendly like that is something really good, I believe. But being a huge shy-guy like myself, I always find myself in a really awkward situation when it happens. I mean, usually pedophiles and murderers make this kind of approach... I think I shouldn't, but I feel rather uncomfortable and sometimes even scared when a stranger suddenly starts a conversation with me.


What about you? Have you ever been in a situation like that before? How did you feel? Or have you ever actually been the person to start a conversation out of nowhere with a stranger? If so, why? Do you think everyone should act like this and make this kind of approach more often? Do you think it's a nice/polite thing to do?

  • Brohoof 2
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This has only happened to me a few times ever, I usually pretend I didn't hear them and walk away. Just like you I feel really uncomfortable.


Once it was this fat stinking drunk guy who walked up to me and started talking about the weather like it was nothing. I could barely make out what he said.

Even though he seemed friendly. I was very alert until he left. I don't know why I'm so jumpy near strangers, ofcourse he was drunk but he didn't even seems like a violent drunk at all. Still I felt like he was going to hit me. I understand people who do this (Drunk or not), they just want to be friendly. But they should know better I think. The limit for me is a short conversation with like, a cashier. (when we're talking real life strangers that is.)


Signature by Cloud Chaser

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Not in the slightest.


I'm an Extrovert myself, so I am usually the one who does these sorts of things.

I really can't help myself sometimes.


I love talking to people. I can't find myself NOT talking to people.

  • Brohoof 1


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Back in about 9th grade, I would always just give people a blank stare and pretty much indirectly defuse the situation. It was really just me being shy/scared. Nowadays, though, things are different. In 10th grade, I realised there was nothing to be afraid of. Some guy completely randomly asked me to prom (which, of course, guys can't go with guys, and he was just trying to make fun of me, anyway) and I completely went along with it, and acted as if I were a homosexual who was really interested in said person.


It filled the entire room with lulz, because I swear, a lot of people thought I was legitimately mute, in that class, because I never talked to anyone. Ever. This was actually quite the turning point in my attitude and popularity in school. I'm not too fond of the fact that I'm actually almost well known in school, but it's whatever. It's a lot easier, though, to just put on a playful mask and go with the flow for the lulz.


When it comes to more serious things, though... Meh. I act a lot as I do here, but I shorten my sentences and stay away from words exceeding 8 characters long. I don't feel like going through 40 minutes of confusion between me and the other. I still sort of stay away from people, but not as badly. It really varies on the topic.


On the first day of school, I wore a Derpy Hooves shirt (because why the buck not?), and I had some guy try to talk to me about ponies. This, I was pretty comfortable with. He wasn't one of the annoying, "OMGZ BROHOOV 4 LYFEEEEEEEEEEE BRONIES LIVE ON!!!!!!!!!! /)/)/)/)" types, so I almost enjoyed it, somewhat. We discussed Luna a lot. It was... alright. Still would have much rather just listened to my iPod, but ya' know.


It's pretty important to be able to function with extroverted people, as there will be times, in the future, where one would need to be able to interact with such people for professional, or other serious reasons. I may as well get myself used to it now. As of right now, though, I would much rather just stick to myself and do whatever I'm doing on my phone/iPod.


Online is an entirely different story.

Edited by Sugar Plum


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i have no problem with people like that.

But its all rely on what they say, because there have been time were it been complacently random and i'm left confuse but then there time were i end up talking back and it sparks a nice conversation.

Edited by PonyEcho

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I'm usually the extrovert that tries to get the introverts to come out of their shells, though I like to think I know which ones would rather remain fairly anonymous.


But my parents raised me to be extremely polite, so when some drunkard at Oktoberfest starts a conversation with him I can't just walk away or call him off. Nope, gotta talk to him about the pretty bartender and how his wife doesn't know he's here. Or something like that. I never was fluent in Drunkese.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Online, I seem very easy-going and extremely extroverted, starting convos with people I haven't and maybe never will meet. And many people here know that.


But off the computer, while I still am extroverted, I'm not as far as I am online. It has to do with my fear of saying something completely stupid. But I am extroverted. I just try to talk only when there is an application. (For instance, on a bus or a metro, I will most likely keep to myself and listen to music unless I have a few friends with me.)

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I hate it when strangers start conversations with me. If I haven't come up to you and started talking, then it means I don't want to talk to you and you should lave me the hell alone. If I wanted to speak with you, I would have done that >:/. Online is different though, I don't mind it online.

  • Brohoof 1


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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If I'm going to talk to somebody, I usually have to prepare what I'm going to say beforehand, and think it over a few times. I've always done this.


So naturally, if someone random comes up to me and tries to converse, then I stumble over my own words and the situation gets all awkward. This even happens with friends sometimes.


Although, this is a double edged sword. Sometimes I over-think what I'm going to say, leading to me not being able to come to a conclusion about what I'm going to talk about before the time comes, thus leading to more awkward conversations.


So yeah, I'm not a big fan of random people trying to talk to me out of nowhere. Even if I know them. Kinda sad, really.


Online, this doesn't apply as much. It still does to a certain extent, but much less with people I already know.

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 2



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If I'm going to talk to somebody, I usually have to prepare what I'm going to say beforehand, and think it over a few times. I've always done this.


So naturally, if someone random comes up to me and tries to converse, then I stumble over my own words and the situation gets all awkward. This even happens with friends sometimes.


I DO THIS ALL THE TIME! It is so awkward when you can’t speak properly and you are stumbling over your words. It’s almost as if your mind is moving much faster than your mouth and you can’t really articulate what it is you are trying to say, happens to me all the time and it’s the worst.


I’d really, really rather avoid talking to strangers, but I won’t be rude, I’ll talk to someone if the feel the need to talk to me, though when I’m in public and not with friends I am listening to music so I’m a little annoyed inside when someone tries to talk to me, but I’m not rude and I’ll entertain them.

Edited by Flying Whales
  • Brohoof 2


Signature Courtesy of

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I really dislike random people talking to me. I truly hate what people call "small talks", it's pointless for me. Fortunately I almost always have my headphones on, so people don't start conversation with me.


If I'm going to talk to somebody, I usually have to prepare what I'm going to say beforehand, and think it over a few times. I've always done this.

Know that feeling, I do exactly the same. But often when I finally start conversation I'm so stressed that I forget all my previous thoughts and have to improvise. It usually happens when I'm talking to somebody on the phone.

"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

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It depends on my mood. If I'm feeling happy and excited and stuff I'll talk to the people who start convos with me. Maybe if something about someone catches my eye I start the conversation. :o


But when starting conversations with people I worry that they'll get pissy or something. The people in this thread don't seem to like being talked to randomly.



  • Brohoof 2


I like dollies.

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I truly hate what people call "small talks", it's pointless for me.


It usually happens when I'm talking to somebody on the phone.


Oh god, I hate that. After every time I finish a conversation over the phone I mull over how stupid I thought I sounded for like, 10 minutes after.


And yeah, people always talk about "awkward silences," but I don't care if there is one because I'd much rather it be silent than to try to think of something to say and it come out sounding derpish (because of my tendency to over-think)



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I'm an ambivert. So I enjoy talking to people, and my alone time.


I like talking to people, and I'm usually pretty outgoing, but after socializing for a while, all I want to do is go somewhere alone. If people bother me when I'm "Recharging" my batteries, then I'll become aloof.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can not count to number of times I've had engrossing conversations about video games with cashiers at stores, or just stood around shooting the breeze with pawnshop or thrift store owners.



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i try to handle it as well as i can, if that ever happens. but i'd rather not. i'm just a shell of who i am IRL, as opposed to talking via text on here. it's something i want to try and get help with, though. psychological help, that is. truly a disadvantage being like this all the time, is it not?




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I'm an introvert, I avoid talking to most people I don't know/ feel uncomfortable around at all times (I'm not a people person), however I'm comfortable around people I know and will talk to them.
  • Brohoof 1
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I'm always in these kinds of situations,but you cant change me.I've been quiet ever since I was born.One of my lady friends hanged out with me.Then the next week.Found me boring.So I dont take it seriously when someone comes up to me,and wants to talk.(Then how do I make friends?)

  • Brohoof 1

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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Oy. I always hated having random people come up to me and try to start a conversation. I'm a "lone wolf" type of person. I like my loneliness (even if it's a double-edged sword for me) and I like to remain silent. I actually hate talking. Even when I'm with close/regular friends, talking becomes uncomfortable after awhile...

Oh, and I also stumble and screw up my words a lot.


Online is no different, for the most part. If I get a random message from someone I don't know, I get all awkward-like. e 3e I may end up not responding, either. Only difference is posting in forums or something; cause I hit-and-run post, so I don't worry about it as much. Or I post in places where people barely read anything (like in journals or blogs.)


When I say I'm a "lone wolf", I mean that almost literally. :P

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I feel really awkward about it most of the time, considering I'm shy to. Alot of times i'll just reply with a quiet voice or with just gestures or something. If its really awkward I just kinda hardly answer and awkwardly walk away.

I feel weird about random people approaching me. I thought it was normal though.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

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Up until about three months ago I was one of those introverts that sat in corners, pretended to be overly interested in some mundane piece of his surroundings, etc. The thought of anybody trying to talk to me was almost frightening and I had no clue how to respond.


These days I'm about as extroverted as I can be. I'll walk up to strangers and ask them questions if I have to, and if somebody approaches me it's nothing for me to stand there and talk about whatever they were concerned with. I easily meet people's gaze; I don't try to hide or look preoccupied. Still, I retain the introvert's nature of needing some solitude to rest and get my energy back. That's probably something I was born with.


I've yet to master the art of small talk, though. Give me a topic and we're good, just say "hi" and you'll be waiting a long time for things to get interesting. I'm about as bad at it as Data.




If I haven't come up to you and started talking, then it means I don't want to talk to you and you should lave me the hell alone. If I wanted to speak with you, I would have done that

Just keep in mind it also means you can't do that.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I'm kind of in the middle, if that makes sense. Usually if I'm stressed out or just need to get out, I am very, VERY extrovert. I don't get into any deep conversations with strangers, but just enough to keep me off something in my mind. I once talked to this one dude who was at the airport playing Sonic Generations on his 3DS and I was like, "Man, those 2D retro Sonic games are way cooler." and he was all, "Well, yeah, but then again, Dragonball games easily beat out Sonic anyday." It was like chance fate to actually meet him. We really talked it off before we want our separate ways. That made me happy for the rest of the day and especially made my flight more comfortable.


However, if I'm in the middle of something, like trying to figure out crap in my head doing shopping price calculations or trying to remember what to get, I just stay at a trance and tend not to pay attention to ANYBODY. I'm kind of like Piccolo from Dragonball at that point. I just meditate and not let anybody else into my space lol. Nothing personal, it's just I'm in a deep state of thought.


I always say "Thank you" to strangers and that can be a real conversation starter. That's the price for being nice! :P Especially with elderly people ("Boy, young man, you are very polite! How old are you? What's your favorite season? What's your sign?!) :P

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My reaction would depend mainly on the physical appearance of the said person, since I'm hugely judgemental. If a normal-ish adult came over I'd just go ahead and have a normal conversation. If it were a guy around my age I'd act a little more outgoing, and if said person was a hot girl I'd go ahead and have a hemorrhage. :P

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