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A Cool Little "Test"


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Hey guys!

So I recently discovered this and found that for a lot of people it's really accurate.

It's three short little "questions", so when you're finished check your results by opening the spoiler!


Pick the first things that come to your head for best results.


Name a colour and three words that describe it.

(Ex. orange: vibrant, fun, crazy)


Name an animal and three words that describe it.

(Ex. bison: majestic, interesting, adorable)


Imagine yourself in a white room with no windows or doors. What are three adjectives that describe how you feel?

(Ex. lonely, scary, confusing)


Now that you've completed the test, open the spoiler!




Seriously, gaiz, AFTER you're done the test please XD



This test is designed to tell you about four different things-however, the other question is about your sex life, and many people here probably are not sexually active :P


The question about the colour says how you feel about yourself.

The question about the animal says how you feel about other people.

And the room says how you feel about death.


I thought it was pretty cool, so I decided to share it. Share your words below, but don't ruin the test for other people!


Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it! :3





Edited by Dug
  • Brohoof 5
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Purple: Girly, Fun, Harmony

Tiger: Cute, Strong, Majestic

In the room: Peace, Tranquility, Change



This was interesting. There was another post somewhere on the fourm that I can longer find where someone posted the whole "send this to 5 other threads right now and you'll meet your soul mate" type of things. I was doing the numerology on it but i can't find the post anymore.

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... Well, that's incredibly creepy. Test was accurate in my case, except maybe the second one - since I didn't realize it was going to be a psychological test, rather than just picking the first animal that came to mind, I actually thought for a minute or so about one that would be easy to describe, sort of ruining the point. :P


Erp, maybe I should fix that up then, I don't want other people to make the same mistake *laughs*

Thanks for pointing that out. XD

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Red: warm, dark, fiery

Bison: big, furry, strong

In the room I feel: Peaceful, alone, and cold

This was a pretty interesting test. Apparently other people are furry though :huh:

Also, I just realized I chose the same animal as in the example. I need to pay more attention.

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Green: Joyous, wonderous, vast.

Dog: friendly, helpful, cute

Lonely, depressed, alone


Now to open the spoiler :P I will be back to edit in a second....


Quite interesting. I think mine is sorta strange though.. If you know what I mean :P

Edited by Zygen
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Blue, vibrant, awesome, cool


Penguin, majestic (Mainly because I saw it in post :/) Black and white, bird-like.


Secluded. Alone. Curious.



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LMAO I don't think this is correct XD




bright, happy, not red (couldnt come up with something)




sneaky, dirty, fast - - - LMAO XD




stressing, confusing, questiobable

Edited by Jokuc
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@@Jokuc, It's all right, if I took the test mine would probably be wildly antisocial XD

Please delete the meaning of each thing, though, I don't want the test spoiled for others...

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Orange- Bright, Awesome, Warm. (Pretty cool. Seem accurate)

Dog- Fun, Loving, Cute ( :wub: LMAO XD i think thats pretty accurate)

In white room thingie- Curious, Confused, Calm. (O_O ... idk whether to be scared about that or intrigued... and somehow... it seems disturbingly accurate)

Edited by AnonBrony
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Purple - Royal, Deep, Elegant

Snake - Assassin, Vicious, Slimy

Room - Trapped, Lonely, Nauseous (I would panic myself sick)


I may think of myself as smarter and more refined than other people in my area, but not more elegant. I dance like an epileptic.

I may be introverted, but I'm not paranoid of other people. Well, there was that one time I had a mini-heart attack when I walked past a guy swinging an umbrella, swearing he was going to hit me with it... ONE TIME!

And yes, I would say that's how I feel about death. I feel like there's nothing I can do, and I can't run away from it, I feel like my life will never be the same without the person in question, and hells yes I would vomit if I saw a dead person.

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Green: Calm, reliant, timeless

Bee: Annoying, agressive, mindless

Room: Thoughtful, calm, empty.


Okay, apparently I really don't like others...the test is surprisingly accurate...

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Lime Green, energetic, fun, exuberant

Dolphin, fun, bouncy, close-knit

Terrified, claustrophobic, lonely

...The first is ALL wrong, the second is close but no cigar and the third is wrong as well...good try though :P

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Purple: Calm, relaxing, cool

Wolf: Brave, fierce, cunning

Room: Confused, scared, angry.


Ha, I am a pretty calm individual. Every once in a blue moon, I'll get Twilight Sparkle level nervous about stupid little things.


The animal is somewhat correct. I don't trust people easily because I know that many people aren't trustworthy.


Death is not true. I am not afraid of death at all. It is just another part of life, isn't it?

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Green: optimistic, efficient, bright

Alligator: stealthy, intimidating, badass

Room: confused, curious, trapped



Well, the color is actually incredibly accurate. I try to be an optimist, don't do work that isn't necessary, and consider myself relatively smart. Amazing that it just naturally came to me to describe my color as "bright"!


I suppose I see other people as intimidating sometimes, but not particularly stealthy and, in most cases, definitely not distinctively badass in any way.


And yes, I suppose I am very curious about what death is like, but I don't really feel trapped by it at all. I mean, yeah, of course there's no escaping it, but it has to come at some point.


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Purple: royal, dark, grape

Monkey: hairy, human-like, banana-eating

Room: surreal, imprisoned, sensory-deprived


Hmm, I'm not sure what to make of the results of the first two - my adjectives don't seem to describe the things they are supposed to describe. The results of the last one are a little more fitting, perhaps.

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