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Which villain has had the greatest defeat thus far?


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Contains spoilers if you haven't seen the season three premiere yet :P It's on Youtube so you shouldn't have an excuse for not seeing it at this point xD




Of all our four main villains seen thus far, which one had the most pleasing defeat scene to you? Why? Do you judge your opinion based on how the plot lead up to this defeat, or do you approach your conclusion based on a more 'aesthetically pleasing'/'it just looked really epic' point of view? Perhaps it's a mix of both? Feel free to order your favorite to least favorite defeats, if you feel so inclined, as well.


Here be the defeats and their apparent outcomes:


Nightmare Moon: 'Taste the Rainbow' Part 1: Spiraling Tornado of Doom

After being isolated with Twilight and the stone embodiments of the five elements of harmony, Nightmare Moon destroys them before Twilight's very eyes. The cackling princess of darkness then boasts of her victory, and that Twilight, nor any of her friends will ever see their princess or their sun, and that eternal night will ensue.


To Nightmare Moon's surprise, Twilight Sparkle has a realization: her new-found friends are the embodiments of the elements, themselves. As the broken stone shards begin to encircle her friends, Twilight Sparkle proclaims she is the element of Magic. The six friends combine their efforts, and engulf Nightmare Moon in the Elements of Harmony's rainbow blast.


Result: Purification. Nightmare Moon, the shell of darkness consuming Princess Luna, is destroyed, returning Luna to normal.


Watch the video here!




Discord: 'Taste the Rainbow' Part 2: Whoa, you got stoned, bro!

Having corrupted all six of the Elements of Harmony, Discord takes over Equestria in a state of absolute chaos. Sitting upon his throne, he laughs and congratulates himself, about to partake in his signature chocolate milk, proclaiming how wonderful chaos is. He in interrupted by Twilight Sparkle and her six friends, whom are no longer Discorded, thanks to the efforts of Twilight.


After levitating the ponies and losing them back to Twilight, Discord passes them off as not a threat, truly believing that they are unable to cast the required magic upon him. Telling them they can go ahead and 'try to use their little elements', Discord sits atop his throne and acts bored as they charge up. He is only taken aback once the elements begin to work, and ultimately turn him to stone once more.


Result: Petrification. Hit by his polar opposite once again, Discord's powers are cancelled out and he is sealed into his stone statue prison once again.





Queen Chrysalis: 'Love Conquers All': Team Changeling is Blasting off Again!

Having gotten so very far, queen Chrysalis, disguised as Cadence, is stopped on the alter by Twilight and the real Cadence. Her cover blown at last, she assumes her true form and explains her plan. Defeating Celestia with the power given to her by Shining Armor's love, she sends her Changelings to take over Canterlot, and to defeat the Mane Six as they attempt to get the elements of harmony.


Beaten, the mane Six return to the throne room to find Cadence and Celestia restrained and Shining Armor still under hypnosis. Freeing Cadence when Chrysalis's back is turned, Twilight tells her to help Shining Armor. Using her patented love spell, Cadence frees him from his hypnosis, and combines her magic with his. The resulting power drives the changelings as well as Chrysalis from not only Canterlot, but from the entire region as a whole, sending them flying through the sky.


Result: Unofficial Banishment. Chrysalis and her followers are shot across the sky and out of the immediate region.





King Sombra: Rekindled Crystal Heart Power: 'Shoulda stayed in the artic, Sombra'

Having broken through Cadence's protective barrier at last, King Sombra invades the Crystal Empire. His black smoke and dark magic begin re-shaping the entire city back to the blackened, dim crystal fragments they once were. While he zeroes in on his former castle, Twilight Sparkle orders Spike to bring the newly located Crystal Heart to the Crystal Fair. Hesitantly, the dragon leaps out the window with the gem in hand.


Letting the princess and Twilight's friends know that he has the Crystal Heart, also informs Sombra of the very same thing. The tyrannical unicorn's shadowy form delves into the ground, springing up below Spike and growing into the air towards him. However, the king's attempt to gain the Crystal Heart art foiled by Cadence, who retrieves it and Spike, and brings the heart to it's appropriate alter below the castle. Using their power, the Crystal Ponies bring the heart to life, which causes it's magic to not only crystallize everything in the kingdom, but to also destroy Sombra and his dark influence in the process.


Result: Eradication. Filled with the powerful light of the Crystal Heart and it's people from the inside, Sombra is outright obliterated into pieces right along with his black crystal platform. His is the only defeat thus far that is presumed by many to have resulted in death.





I'm going to order mine from most liked to least liked:

  • Discord's Defeat. The build-up was awesome, he's my favorite villain, and I thought it was intense showing him actually become petrified, followed by the re-harmonizing of the Ponyville.
  • Nightmare Moon's Defeat. Twilight Sparkle's speech to Nightmare Moon about her friends, herself, and the elements they all represent gave summarizes the show, and was a terrific ending note to taking down the bad guy.
  • Sombra's Defeat. This defeat wasn't half-bad. It was intense seeing Spike falling down into the clutches of the approaching king, before Cadence saves him, and aids the Crystal Ponies in obliterating Sombra and his stain on their kingdom. It was also neat seeing the Mane Six in crystal form.
  • Chrysalis' Defeat. There was nothing wrong with this defeat apart from the fact that it felt sudden and open-ended. Making the villain go flying doesn't really stop them inherently. Something better could have been pulled off in Shining and Cadence's love attack of doom, I believe.
Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 6


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1: Discord, the build up to it and the entire context of the episode just made it the absolute best when he finally got what was coming to him. The most satisfying by far


2: Nightmare Moon, again it had a lot of build up, the Mane 6 proving their elements, and then returning to help Twilight take down our favorite corrupted alicorn. It was really cool visually as well to see the rainbow tornado


3: Chrysalis, I didn't like it so much at first but it grew on me over time. The thing that bothered me most was that I was hoping the mane 6 would beat Chrysalis, not necessarily with the elements , but I was hoping that they would get to do the deed. I will say this, it wouldn't have been nearly as good without the incredible background music.


4: Sombra, just because the others were really good and one has to be last. While the Cadence missile and Spike helping were cool it didn't do it for me as much as the others, partially because the others involved either 1: The mane 6 uniting in an awesome way, 2: The defeat of a villain that you loved to hate, or 3: both at the same time. This didn't really have either, but it was still good


I'm curious how they'll defeat the next villain, wouldn't mind a return to using the elements ( Because a Cadence related love shockwave is equally cliche by now, having used it 2 episodes in a row) because when they use the elements you get some character development on the way to beating the villain, which is a massive plus for me. Maybe they'll do something completely new. Can't wait to see either way.

Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 2
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I'd have to go with Nightmare moon, closely followed by Discord. They both got owned all out of the blue (they didn't expect a thing), heck, all villains got owned all out of the blue except for Romney... Eh... Sombrero... Eh... Sombra. It's just the fact that the defeat of Nightmare Moon had the best moral. Discord was best villain though.

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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Nightmare Moon- it had allot of build up and she felt menacing and she may have won, but EoH be damned also again this should go at the bottom of my list because of the Luna fans that followed (yes i don't like Luna fans deal with it )


Discord- facehoof if only he didn't joke around. his own lunacy was his undoing because he gave the Mane 6 and he refuse to think he could be defeated.


Queen Chrysalis- the power of love...... and she gets booted, she isn't rely defeated the she just got team rocketed away.

Sombra..... i'm disappointing :(

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Discord had a pretty good defeat I guess, Nightmare moon's defeat was okay too. But the other villains defeats was kinda bad imo


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I would say Discord, since he was separated from his child Screwball.


Nightmare Moon aka Luna has received redemption and got her old job back, Chrysalis and her minions simply got epically relocated, and Sombra was shadow to begin with so not much of a downgrade to be exploded/banished/When I saw it I don't know what the hell happened with him. Discord is stuck, which in some ways is a fate worse than death.

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Aha, my vote goes to nightmare moon, as the plot leading up to her defeat basically defined the mane6 charecteristics- basically stuck a smile on my face the entire time. Also partially due to it being the first episodes ive watched, nd what got me get hooked to the series. Once again- sombra had much potential in being a great villian, and couldve won my vote if he was more defined.


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You're like a drug that calms the mind."

Recycled sig from one of my test anims. Pay no heed.

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Discord wins hands down, if he wasn't so cocky he would have decimated the Mane 6 made short work of Celestia and Luna and became the undisputed ruled of Equestria. The shocked, frightened look on his face when he was defeated said it all. Nightmare moon being exorcized and Luna being redeemed was also interesting. Queen Chrysalis being defeated by her own food had a certain irony to it I am not sure really how to feel about that, but Sombra was meh. Since he was so poorly developed in the first place there really was far less satisfaction once he was defeated he hardly even got his hoof into town before he was obliterated. Given the circumstances he might as well have been defeated by a giant vacuum cleaner.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't know if his initial defeat was that amazing, but Discord was a very humorous villain and it was interesting.. I don't know if i'd take his as being the greatest though. He is still I think my favorite Villain as most people will agree.

I found Chrysallis defeat was kinda eh. The flying off into the sky was humorous, but still not great.

Nightmare Moons was more of a touching defeat out of all of them(Not like it was extreamly emotional or anything, but it came across as the one that seemed to be the one to try to spark the most emotion.)

And finally King sombre was the blandest in my opinion of the villain's But his defeat was the best as he was the only one to actually appear to be destroyed.



Overall its a toss up for me between Discords Defeat and King sombre. I didn't find Discords defeat to be super amazing, but he was a amazing Villain. Yet King sombre was a pretty bland Villain, but he was actually defeated. And it wasn't by the rainbow of death :P.



I can't really 100% decide to be honest. I just have to leave it as a toss up in my eyes. Until I change my mind I guess :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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1. Chrysalis - because of the reference I see to... Ponycraft II! And she was the strongest of all, even the changelings (again reference) were more of enemies.


2. Sombra - the way he was made was certain to make him one of the most evil villains, if only it didn't end that quick, just by look and strength he seemed so.


3. Discord, seemed somewhat funny but maybe less evil.


4. Nightmare Moon - well it's the cute Luna


This is who was more evil, as for the greatest defeat - Sombra apparently.

Edited by ImtR
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Given that Discord actually succeeded---he more or less conquered Equestria by defeating the Mane Six---his victory and downfall were perhaps the most dramatic of the villains. His fate (petrification) was a stark contrast to the chaos he had unleashed upon the whole Equestria. The force of his personality (and John de Lancie) accentuated the precipitous rise and fall of Discord.


Chrysalis also came very close to achieving a total victory, blunting the Mane Six's efforts and personally defeating Celestia in single combat. Even Discord cannot claim to have done the latter. Her conquest was extremely fleeting---even more so than Discord's. Once Shining Armor and Cadence got their love bomb to work, Chrysalis and the Chitauri Changelings were toast. Chrysalis is the only foe to boast an army, as well as not to be completely neutralized (she presumably lived) by the super spell used to bring down the big bad.


Night Mare Moon was a far more traditional villain; even her successes (namely keeping the sun from rising) were not terribly surprising. It appeared rather evident---mostly as a function of fairly linear structure MLP had at the time---that Night Mare Moon would fail in a conventional chain of events. Her defeat was the least severe: the evil possessing Luna was removed, allowing her to make amends with Celestia. Nothing too fancy; it was still a lot of fun in a very standard friends-make-a-heroic-journey sort of way.


King Sombra is perhaps the most sinister of the villains---at least in theory. Only Chrysalis might claim to enslave ponies, but most of that was a function of the Changelings' survival. Sombra might have enslaved the Crystal Ponies for the heck of it. That's pretty wicked evil. That Sombra was the darkness personified and had such a nebulous history made him all the more frightening. His return and subsequent mark the least successful campaign by an evil character: he failed to neutralize his primary enemies. Most of his activities were limited due to Cadence's protective magic. If judged solely on his efforts in "The Crystal Empire," King Sombra was fairly lackluster.


Should Sombra return, however, he might readily become the most fearsome enemy yet.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Sombra's defeat by far. He may be my least favorite villain, but his banishment was awesome. He EXPLODED into pieces--and did you see his expression at the end?


Posted Image


Lookin' quite epic there.

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I would say one thing: Sombra's horn is seen intact and flying away kind of like Chrysalis did. His horn also seemed to have interesting regenerative powers, as he loses it once against the barrier field, but it somehow regenerates later on. Perhaps he's not dead...but simply dormant, waiting for his regenerative powers to return.


(Yeah, it's a bit "out there". I know.)

  • Brohoof 1
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This list is entirely my opinion, and I have no intention of insulting or hurting others, so please don't get that message.


1. Nightmare Moon. At the time, this defeat was very unique, and it made the most sense. Friendship conquering over the darkness, anger, bitterness (etc.) that tried to break it up.


2. Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis' defeat was interesting and unique among the previous two, as nopony shot a rainbow beam at her for a random result that would benefit all but her and her allies (in this case, her army of changelings). However, even though I thought the love of Cadance and Shining Armor built up to that moment perfectly, I couldn't help but be a tad bothered that Chrysalis was defeated the way she was.

She thought up a scheme to successfully infiltrate a capital city with much higher security than usual (and as it's the capital city of Equestria, it's naturally going to have a lot of security initially), and still reach her goal. That's something to applaud over waiting 'til someone gets overexhausted (Sombra) or shifting the world into your own image with the powers you already have (Discord). What I'm trying to say here is that Chrysalis seemed to work harder than all the other villains to reach her goal, and she still obtained it, only to be thwarted at the last minute by her own arrogance and cockiness, similar to Discord's defeat.


3. King Sombra. I literally just watched his defeat, and it is practically Chrysalis' defeat, multiplied by the amount of citizens within the Crystal Empire, which leads to his destruction rather than being blasted away.


4. Discord. I'm sorry, but I found Discord's defeat a duplicate defeat of Nightmare Moon's, but with a different result. It made me believe that from then on (this was before Chrysalis' and Sombra's time, of course), that was the only way they'd defeat enemies. It also went against my personal opinion that you should try to finish off a villain. You know, so they don't return and cause the exact same trouble in the future. Also, I never saw how the Elements of Harmony could defeat the god of chaos.

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1. Discord's defeat is definitely the best for me thus far! Sure, it was basically Elements of Harmony, Part 2, but Discord was such a good villain, and it took so much effort from the Mane 6 before they could even try to wield them, that it easily outshines the first time they wielded the Elements of Harmony. Straight up epic victory!!!


2. Nightmare Moon's comes in second for me, and again, it has a lot to do with the pacing. Just like Discord's defeat, there was a lot of build-up and a lot of effort on the Mane 6's part prior to the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Plus, her defeat and purification back into Princess Luna really set the pace for how the show was going to revolve around the magic of friendship, and the show has indeed stayed true to that core theme ever since.


3. King Sombra's is an interesting one, because his defeat was about as sudden as Chrysalis's was, and he ultimately did less than she did, or any of the other villains for that matter. However, his getting blown the buck up makes him stand out as the only presumably killed villain in the show so far, and it was a fittingly intense demise for such a dark villain. Although I am interested to see if his horn, which remained intact, will play some sort of role in a future episode, possibly the Trixie episode. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


4. Queen Chrysalis, as cool as she was, did have, while certainly an epic defeat, a rather silly defeat as well. It didn't have so much to do with her getting defeated by the power of love, or how much of a complete deus ex machina that was, but ultimately comes down to the defeat itself. It's awesome, but also rather silly, seeing her and the entire Changeling army just getting blasted out of Canterlot. As Chaotic said, it's not a bad defeat, but just kind of a silly one, and probably my least favorite of them all (though the Changeling fight more than makes up for its suddenness B) ).

Edited by Batbrony


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King Sombra: The guy completely disintegrated now that's overkill. No chance of coming back.


Discord: Turned to stone. Not as bad as King Sombra as he can remind ponies he existed but being put to sleep for eternity is practically death.


Nightmare Moon: She was forced to live in the moon for 1000 years and then faces another humiliating defeat by the very sister she was jealous of that put her in there. She must have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooot of patience. At least she got a second chance.


Chrysalis: She was thrown off into some wasteland in a very corny anime way. Imagine how that would look in the history books.

Edited by poniesforfun


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