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If you lived in Equestria...


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I would fly all around showing of my control of them all!!!!!


I would fly all around showing of my control of them all!!!!!

Want me to fly around the world **doesn't move** Wanta see me do it again ?

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I don't know what I'd do with that much power, I'd just read ALL the books in Twilight's library.

Twilight Sparkle is best pony, and I'm willing to explain logically for that to be true!

By the way, mine and Twilight's personalities have a lot of similarities, maybe hardly any difference. I checked.

-Bookworm in the greatest sense possible, writer, organized, introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving-

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I would probably be terrified, confused, and seek refuge in the Everfree Forest. My alicorn powers would probably keep me safe. I might eventually warily watch/spy on the other ponies from the outskirts of the forest, then upon realizing how friendly everypony is, come out of hiding. Pinkie Pie would inevitably throw me a party so that I could meet nearly everyone. I would hear of Cloudsdale and probably move there (or commute there) to work in the weather factory making rainbows!! My horn would be sooo useful adjusting to pony life since I would no longer have hands. Probably get a unicorn to teach me how to fine-tune my abilities for pratical uses.


Finally, I would adjust and be a happy, normal, and productive citizen of Equestria :)

  • Brohoof 1

Pinkie Pie is my favoritest of the mane six for several reasons, but most importantly because she always has a good attitude. The others can doubt her, say somewhat unkind things, not believe her, and she just rolls with it. I also love her because her self-defined purpose in life is to make others happy. I believe her balloons cutie mark actually represents her uplifting others. Her amazing dimension bending and psychic powers are a factor, too :) When poor Pinkie Pie looses her mind, well, it is quite humorous. She has her own depression demons to fight, yet focuses on others. The world will be a better place when she succeeds in breaking that 4th wall! >:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think everypony here has already seen what happens, when I come back to Equestria. Over 1000 years in this boring universe and then I only had a few days to relax before they sent me back here. But the time I spent there was fun and I'd like to go back as soon as possible but I've got the feeling that I'm not welcome there.


Greetings from Discord




P.P.S.: Scratch that. Cheese for no one.


(I needed some money so I took the job as Sheogorath while waiting for a chance to return to Equestria.)

There is only Celestia, and she is our shield and protector.

(Second Book of Chantings)



Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, fattening, addictive, expensive or impossible.

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I would use my powerful magic to make wonderful magical things for other ponies.

I would make 7 saddelnags for the leaders of the earth ponies. each one with amazing powers.

three rings to grace the horns of the two Princesses and Twighlight Sparkle,

and nine thunderbolt necklaces for the pegasi, who above all else desire speed and power.


but all of them will be betrayed. For in secret, I will forge another item of power, a master ring for my own horn.

One ring to rule them, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!


Well that was the plan, but a Diamond Dog ran off with my master ring. Curse you! We hates dogs forever!

  • Brohoof 1
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well if there were little to no restrictions, i'd obviously be an alicorn but *sigh* that's too easy an answer. ehm... i think i'd travel, work odd jobs on the side for food and a place to stay, and see the world. i'd be a pegasus, check out the cloud cities, and once i was tired of traveling, get my own cloud house like RD.

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Go to Ponyville, explain everything to Twilight (who, would doubtlessly ask a lot of questions, and I would be happy to anwer them, and she would be thrilled when I go on long expository digressions. I mention driving, and end up talking about the history of car manufacturing, the internal combustion engine, gasoline, oil, dinosaurs, early explorers in America (who used tar to seal cracks on ships), medieval Europe, bronze age, dawn of human civilization, capitalism and communism, the Soviet Union, the cold war, the space race, etc. etc.)


But after that, and I get adjusted and Celestia determines I'm staying and all, and I get over the fact I'm gone from family forever, I'd bring my Christian beliefs to Equestria (which is probably making a lot of people glad I'm not there... >.> ), then spend a bunch of time "nerding it out" with Twilight, as she explains magic and what she knows, and I explain physics and engineering technology they clearly don't have there. Then we could endeavour on some engineering projects like internal combustion engines, powered flight, spaceflight (assuming materials science is advanced enough, and by all the plastics we've seen, It might be...)...


Destroy Celestia, imprison Luna and Twilight and rule together with Trixie as an iron fisted totalitarian dictatorship.



Oh, and teleport you guys over so you can be my advisers. Ooh, and Tom would be Trixie's personal assistant. Te gusta Tom?


Meh. I'm split on assassinating both of ya'll or just overthrowing your rule and establishing the first Republic-Democracy on that world.


Seeing as you imprisoned Twilight, I'd flee and hide in the Everfree forest and mount an ever growing resistance, having destroyed all traces of my technological engineering advancements, your imperial forces would be without many key, vital technologies my resistence would have... Like rifles! :D


Tsk, tsk. Your army brought spears to a rifle-fight...


Oh, your pegasus are eager to fight mine? Well, they'll probably be more eager when they find out I only deployed 2. But less eager when they find out each one of them are piloting jet-fighters, while your air force doesn't even have guns...


Don't mind the factory workers. They're making mobile water tanks XD

(For those not in the know, that's how tanks got their name, they were told they were making mobile water tanks.)


OH! I would race with rainbow dash and compete with twilight sparkle :D:wub:


Compete? Athletically? I would compete with her in calculus, which she does know btw, this last episode, that chalboard had calculus on it! :D


So much power. POWER!! The powers of the universe are at my disposal ah hahahahahaha! Ugh... so... hard... to... resist... corruption. must use powers for good and to help others... not for my own self gain. (Heart turns gray) Fear not my little ponies a new ruler of Equestria has arrived! (In a loud booming voice) ALL SHALL LOVE AND ENVY ME FOR MY BEAUTY AND EVERYPONY WILL LOOK UP TO ME FOR GUIDANCE BUT THEY WILL FEAR ME FOR MY POWER. (Conflict with inner self) "If you cant use your powers for good then you wont use them at all." (Tear falls to the ground turning in to a puddle in the form of the pony's shadow. from this puddle diamond like shards start to appear locking the pony's hoofs to the ground and slowly starting to make its way up her legs.) No it cant end like this! sum pony! any pony! help! No! No! Noooooo! (At this point her body is covered by the diamond like substance. She starts sobbing while her head is completely covered freezing her expression. A light breeze passes through the open field in it a soft voice like whispering in to a love ones ear echos.) "I'm sorry but I have to do this. You my fair pony I give you a curse. A curse that only the a worm heart can lift a heart that can teach you respect and compassion for everypony. So like the wind that carries your name you will fade way."


I think I went a little over bored with this.






Yeah, no.


Somehow, Equestira is seeming darker ._.


Oh, excuse me, those are the smoke clouds blocking the sun, from my freedom fighters' bombs going off in Fizzy-doo/Trixie's imperial palace, and military facilities...


The medium-range ballistic missile's don't leave as much smoke, but they're very hard to make, so I'm sorry but they sky will stay smokey for awhile now.


If I had the power of a god in my favorite fantasy world? I would create a city, so vast and so grand it would make Canterlot look like Appleloosa! With Celestia's permission, it would be on the coast. It would be constructed of the finest in precious metals and shining marble. It would have facilities like a academies for many disciplines, monorails, theatres, museums, research facilities, and a weather factory. The tallest skyscrapers would stretch into the clouds. Specifically, the city's cloud layers, where even more living space and work places would be. (All building entrances to the cloud layers would have a cloud-walking spell on auto cast.) The city would even stretch into the subterranean where the gems are mined for various resources. Diamond Dogs could be hired alongside miner ponies and paid with a percentage of the gems dug up. The city would even stretch out into the ocean, with layers above and below the ocean surface. Magic would keep free-standing water pockets suspended so the friendly but reclusive hippocampi could navigate the city along with the air breathing ponies. For energy, the city would run a powerful resource revealed below. Falling back on a special reserve of magic gems from the mines for emergency power. Vast greenhouses would be built for the production of food on every layer except the cloud layer. The earth ponies' magic would truly come into it's own between optimal conditions of the greenhouse and their own enchanting of the soil to produce magnificent crops. The city itself would be arranged in arcane geometric patterns to enhance all magic within it. A company of Griffon mercenaries would act as my personal guard and military should the city require defense. If all else fails, I'll awaken the dragon sleeping under my castle! . . . What? Don't think I can do it? I'm immortal, I have more than enough time to secure an alliance with a dragon before the first brick is even laid! I'll give him a place to sleep and the promise nopony would disturb him if he were to answer my summons in an emergency. Magical filtration systems in the castle would sift the smog from his breathing. Not only keeping the air from being poisoned, but also providing the whole city with power via the magic given off by a dragon's breath.


What would I name this metropolis? . . . I would call it St. Equinas, and it would be my glorious domain.


Protoss briefing screen from Starcraft, look at the city in the background!



Googled: "Protoss Golden City", someone's rendition:

Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Go to Ponyville, explain everything to Twilight (who, would doubtlessly ask a lot of questions, and I would be happy to anwer them, and she would be thrilled when I go on long expository digressions. I mention driving, and end up talking about the history of car manufacturing, the internal combustion engine, gasoline, oil, dinosaurs, early explorers in America (who used tar to seal cracks on ships), medieval Europe, bronze age, dawn of human civilization, capitalism and communism, the Soviet Union, the cold war, the space race, etc. etc.)


But after that, and I get adjusted and Celestia determines I'm staying and all, and I get over the fact I'm gone from family forever, I'd bring my Christian beliefs to Equestria (which is probably making a lot of people glad I'm not there... >.> ), then spend a bunch of time "nerding it out" with Twilight, as she explains magic and what she knows, and I explain physics and engineering technology they clearly don't have there. Then we could endeavour on some engineering projects like internal combustion engines, powered flight, spaceflight (assuming materials science is advanced enough, and by all the plastics we've seen, It might be...)...




Meh. I'm split on assassinating both of ya'll or just overthrowing your rule and establishing the first Republic-Democracy on that world.


Seeing as you imprisoned Twilight, I'd flee and hide in the Everfree forest and mount an ever growing resistance, having destroyed all traces of my technological engineering advancements, your imperial forces would be without many key, vital technologies my resistence would have... Like rifles! :D


Tsk, tsk. Your army brought spears to a rifle-fight...


Oh, your pegasus are eager to fight mine? Well, they'll probably be more eager when they find out I only deployed 2. But less eager when they find out each one of them are piloting jet-fighters, while your air force doesn't even have guns...


Don't mind the factory workers. They're making mobile water tanks XD

(For those not in the know, that's how tanks got their name, they were told they were making mobile water tanks.)




Compete? Athletically? I would compete with her in calculus, which she does know btw, this last episode, that chalboard had calculus on it! :D










Oh, excuse me, those are the smoke clouds blocking the sun, from my freedom fighters' bombs going off in Fizzy-doo/Trixie's imperial palace, and military facilities...


The medium-range ballistic missile's don't leave as much smoke, but they're very hard to make, so I'm sorry but they sky will stay smokey for awhile now.



Protoss briefing screen from Starcraft, look at the city in the background!



Googled: "Protoss Golden City", someone's rendition:

Posted Image


THAT'S IT! Are you The Doctor? As in . . . THE Doctor? Because you are just that awesome!
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THAT'S IT! Are you The Doctor? As in . . . THE Doctor? Because you are just that awesome!


No, I'm John Smith, a professor. Though I do have these dreams where people call me "The Doctor", these dreams of impossible things... :P

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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What would I do?! I would go on an adventure! See new places! Find super secret ancient treasure! Get books written about that!.....Oh wait, I already do that...

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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No, I'm John Smith, a professor. Though I do have these dreams where people call me "The Doctor", these dreams of impossible things... :P


I see what you did there. ;) Doc, you are just too cool for school! :wub: /)* Edited by Steelquill
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I would train the Mane 6 and make them my personal Spartans then use them defeat Discord if he returns.


you're a little late for that plan, but at least your avatar is awesome!
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