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End of her days

Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™

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Description: Rainbow Dash decided to take Scootaloo flying for the day. Rainbow Dash pushed the young filly to improve her flying skills, but maybe she pushed too hard. Now Scootaloo is lying in Hospital in a critical condition, the doctors informed Rainbow Dash that she wasn't going to make it. Rainbow Dash relives the events of that fateful day whilst sitting next to the unconscious little filly that meant the world to her. She will never wake up.


GUYS: I cant be bothered fixing the spacing here if you want to read it with spacing click Here!



Why me?


The lights blurred past as Rainbow Dash sped down the corridors of the Hospital, she took a sharp right turn and bashed through the doors of the Emergency Room. 'I have to find her' she thought to herself, 'she will be fine' Rainbow Dash sped to the receptionist desk looking frantically at the mare behind it on the phone.

"Please, you have to tell me what room Scootaloo is in!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she thumped her hoof on the counter top impatiently.

The mare pointed a hoof at the adjacent hallway "Down there third door to your right." The mare replied calmly and returned to her conversation on the phone.

Rainbow Dash didn't stop to think, she sped down the hallway frantically looking for the door. Rainbow Dash spotted the door and flew straight through, looking around when she entered with a look of pure guilt and fear, she spotted the bed at the corner of the room and sat down on a conveniently placed stool by Scootaloo's bed.

"Oh, Scootaloo..." Rainbow Dash sobbed into the bed "What have I done to you?" she cried. Rainbow Dash sat in silence with only the sound of the heart monitor and her own quiet sobbing. "Why... Why did I push you harder than I needed." she looked at the peaceful sleeping filly lying in the bed.

Rainbow Dash looked back on the events that occurred earlier that same day.


Rainbow Dash soared into the air with the small filly following slower in suit "Haha, C'mon slow coach!" Rainbow Dash shouted jokingly at Scootaloo who was trying her best to keep up.

Scootaloo broke her concentration to laugh in delight "Haha, I will get you one day Dash!" she shouted up to Rainbow Dash who had slowed down to let the little filly get closer to her.

Rainbow Dash smirked "Hmph!" she smiled with pride "Sure you will!" she said sarcastically with with a wink "C'mon I have an idea follow me to that dark cloud over there!" Rainbow Dash shouted over the raging winds that were beginning to seep in.

Scootaloo looked up worried, worried that she wouldn't be able to last these winds "Ok, Dash! I'm coming!" she said with fake confidence "Only for you Dash." she whispered to herself.

Rainbow Dash swooped up to the cloud and landed with ease "What's taking you so long squirt?" Rainbow Dash laughed out and looked over the edge of the cloud to see Scootaloo struggling her way up to reach Rainbow Dash.


"If only I didn't try make you do something I knew you couldn't do." she cried softly "I just wanted to push you, to make you better. I wanted you to succeed me when you get older!" she exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash sat in silence for what seemed like hours, no maybe even days. Rainbow Dash hated sitting in one place for so long. But for Scootaloo? Rainbow Dash would give up flying forever for that sweet young filly.

Later the Doctor came in with some test results for Scootaloo's condition. Rainbow Dash's ears perked up at the thought of more news on her condition she flew off her stool so quickly it knocked over and she rushed for the Doctor to get some information.

"Pl...Please. Please tell me there is good news!" Rainbow Dash pleaded him, looking up at him with tears running down her cheeks.

The Doctor sighed and asked Rainbow Dash to have a seat "Look, I know how this must feel for you. But that fall was bad, critical even. Her wings are not made for flying at such altitudes never mind in such weather conditions." As the Doctor continued he noticed Rainbow Dash tearing up even more "Please Rainbow Dash don't blame yourself for this. You didn't know."

Rainbow Dash let out a sob and the Doctor gave her a small but comforting hug "Th...Thanks Doc." Rainbow Dash looked up to him with a small sad smile "Just, please come to me when there is any more information." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

The Doctor gave a small nod "Of course Rainbow Dash, you are the only pony even close to family for her." he gave her another sympathetic smile and he left the room to continue his tests.


Rainbow Dash watched as Scootaloo struggled against the winds as she made her way up to the cloud "C'mon Scoots hang in there!" Rainbow Dash shouted down to her.

Scootaloo scrunched her face in concentration "Just a little more to go!" she told her self as she neared the edge of the cloud, to safety.

Rainbow Dash grinned as Scootaloo reached the edge of the cloud but suddenly a strong wind hit her and knocked her balance. Rainbow Dash panicked and looked over the edge of her safe cloud and saw the entire thing.

As the strong wind hit, it knocked Scootaloo's flight pattern and her wings locked up, Scootaloo managed to get to the edge of the clouds safety only to have her fall to her death.

Rainbow Dash screamed "NO!" and she dashed off the cloud to catch Scootaloo, she watched as she bounced off a rock sticking out of a nearby cliff and fall for the ground. Rainbow Dash caught Scootaloo just before she hit the ground ordering the killing blow.

Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow Dash and gave a small smile "I... Tried." she then slipped into unconsciousness.

Panicked Rainbow Dash screamed for help "HELP ME!" No answer. There was only one thing for Rainbow Dash to do, she bolted off the ground with Scootaloo in her forelegs and created the quickest Sonic Rainboom in recorded history. But Rainbow Dash didn't care, no. Rainbow Dash soared through the sky faster than she has ever flown before.

In her arms was the only one Rainbow Dash truly ever loved, her sister, she thought of her as. not her apprentice. Not her friend. Her sister, her small sister who was now dying in her fore legs and it was all herfault.


Rainbow Dash had sat in silence by Scootaloo's bed, with only the occasional sob from herself or a nurse coming in to check the monitors.

Rainbow Dash hated herself for what she has done to the small filly dying on that bed. But Rainbow Dash knewshe would pull through, she just knew it. Nothing bad ever happens to her, she would pull through.

But these thoughts melted to tears as she watched the young filly, broken and bloodied lying in the Hospital bed "Please Scoots, please wake up." she sobbed and kissed the young fillies head.

Rainbow Dash fell into a light sleep leaning over the edge of the bed.

Some hours later there was a sound of panic and rushing, the Heartbeat monitor was beeping so fast it was unreal.

Rainbow Dash panicked and her eyes darted down to the still sleeping filly " PLEASE!" she shouted "Please wake up!" she exclaimed panicking and staring at the monitor.

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The monitor went flatline. Rainbow Dash broke down in tears "NOOOO! HELP HER!" she pleaded crying her eyes out. Rainbow Dash looked at her little sister and sobbed hugging the frail, dead body.

Rainbow Dash was pushed out of the room by some nurses, so the doctors could try revive her.


Rainbow Dash burst through the Hospital doors at high speed and screamed for help "HELP ME!" doctors and nurses came running in her direction. They saw Scootaloo and took her away instantly.

The nurses told Rainbow Dash to wait in the waiting area for her to be called. "But." She began to object but didn't want to make a scene which was unlike her in every way. But Rainbow Dash complied and went and sat in the waiting area to gather her thoughts

"I did this." she whispered to herself "I got my little Scoots hurt." she sobbed silently and waited for her to be called.

About three hours later Rainbow Dash was called. The nurse told her she could go visit Scootaloo now, but she was still unconscious and was in a critical condition. Rainbow Dash jumped off her seat and zoomed through the hallways to get to her. To Scootaloo. To her sister!


Rainbow Dash sat for about an hour crying non-stop in the waiting room of the Hospital when a nurse walked in. The nurse walked over to where Rainbow Dash was sitting. There was a sad, sullen look on the nurses face. It was enough to tell her that she hadn't made it. She didn't need the nurse to tell her.

Rainbow Dash just stopped crying and she flew out of the Hospital as fast as she could. She flew through the air up into the clouds and she sat there to think. She stared down at her hooves, the same hooves unable to save her little sister.

Rainbow Dash was not crying, nor did she have any emotions showing. She sat there feeling empty. She did it, it was her fault that Scootaloo had died and she couldn't even save her. A single tear stroked down her face as she looked up at the moon.

Rainbow Dash then hopped off of the cloud and she soared up into the night sky, as high as she could go and as fast as her wings could take her. She just flew straight up.

As Rainbow Dash ascended a trail of tears leaked from her eyes. But she didn't care for her tough, egotistic persona anymore. She just cared for poor Scootaloo.

When Rainbow Dash reached as high as she could and made sure she was happy with the height, she tucked away her wings and fell.

"I'm coming for you Scoots." she whispered and smiled as she fell to the ground.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch (Filly)
  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. This was actually pretty good. But what I think makes a sad story even more sad is in length. If this story was longer, then I would feel like I was apart of the story, and that would make me shed manly tears. Great job though.

  • Brohoof 1



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WOW. That. Was really good. Not often I find a good story to read, but you did an excellent job. And a nice way to finish it. Kudos to you. 


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  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Fantastic. sad.png It was brief, but heart wrenching. To improve it, I would have had Scootaloo Improve in condition, only to die as Rainbow's hopes were restored.

  • Brohoof 1

From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends.

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Wow. This was actually pretty good. But what I think makes a sad story even more sad is in length. If this story was longer, then I would feel like I was apart of the story, and that would make me shed manly tears. Great job though.



WOW. That. Was really good. Not often I find a good story to read, but you did an excellent job. And a nice way to finish it. Kudos to you. 





Fantastic. sad.png It was brief, but heart wrenching. To improve it, I would have had Scootaloo Improve in condition, only to die as Rainbow's hopes were restored.


Thank you guys! Awk you are all awesome x) Yes I agree with you My Whistle Baby it definitely could be longer. At least this was only a one-shot xD

  • Brohoof 1
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