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open To Stem The Tide (MLP Forums Community RP)


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/37920-to-stem-the-tide-mlp-forums-community-roleplay/page-3

Celestia's rising sun heralded the beginning of yet another uneventful day in Canterlot. Boredom ran high among the inhabitants of that town that Filly Magazine had labeled as "The Quietest City in Equestria", which the inhabitants generally regarded as more of a truth than an insult. The same ponies would trot off to the mill to collect the flour, day after day. The bakers would turn it into bread, and ponies would crowd around the marketplace, or shuffle into shops to purchase their breakfast. As they left the bakery with their bread, a few of them might take a quick glance at the notice board that listed last night's unfortunate victims. And then move on. Nothing new...the next day, they knew, would be exactly the same.


Except - not everypony was willing to give up just yet. Roaring fires, raging earthquakes and thundering tidal waves may have raged across Equestria, leaving untold destruction in their wake. But as long as a single pony was out there that needed help, Shining Armor was not going to abandon them to the cruel fate of Mother Nature.


And he wasn't alone. Around two dozen ponies stood before him in the front lawn of Canterlot Castle, in crisp, neat order. Ponies that he had gotten to know over the past few weeks, ponies that had responded to his call for aid. And he was certain that more would trickle in soon, curious but eager.


Shining Armor smiled back at the crowd. True, their training had been brief, but the time was short. Every second stalled was another live lost. Readying himself, the captain of Canterlot's guard cleared his throat.


"Today," he called out, in a clear, firm voice. "Today you all leave your past lives behind. You are no longer just citizens of Equestria. Today, you become heroes."


He paused for a second, allowing his words to sink into the crowd, before unrolling a sheet of paper.


"Your deployments." He said this calmly, with no hint of emotion, and yet a stir rippled through the excited crowd - this was the part that they had been waiting for.


"Aegis Soryu. Stream Lyrics. Storm Fire. And...Sunny." He raised an eyebrow at the last one, who had not supplied him with a last name. "Your destination is Ponyville," he called commandingly.


"Whirlwind. Streak...again, last names, ponies..." he called, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. "Flare Blitz. And Stanvosk Heart. Your deployment. Manehattan." He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more.


"Colt Revo, Steel Shield. Solar Flicker. Rhaïn..." He tongue slipped at the pronunciation, and he facehoofed. "Err..right. Las Pegasus. Try not to waste all of your bits at poker."


"Vinyl Blade, Arcane...forget the last names, these ponies don't listen. Star Rain. Right here in Canterlot." He smirked. "Think of all the bits you'll save on your train fare. And since Canterlot is such a huge city...Standoff, Ivy, Whirl Wake, you'll accompany them...in a seperate group, if you wish."


"Faceless Flyer. Shining Star. Lightning Dancer. Electrobolt. Amare. You'll be conducting your own, separate mission in Ponyville, hardest hit of all of Equestria. You may collaborate with the first group if you wish, but large numbers tend to get...rowdy." He raised an eyebrow.


Shining Armor frowned, looking at the only pony left on his list, alone in Baltimare. "Wildfire...see me after the meeting is over."


"Which, incidentally," he added as he looked up from the list, smiling slightly. "...is now. Dismissed, and may Celestia be ever at your side."

Edited by Aureity
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Star Rain was almost ready burst with excitement! She couldn't wait to try and save more lives and lower the death rate. She also wanted to prove to her mother that she isn't a tiny filly anymore and that she's very capable of helping out other ponies without her help. But then a bad thing came to mind that popped her excitement like a balloon; How is she going to save lives when pretty much all the spells she knows really well are artist's spells? The only spells she managed to get down during the training session was the magical blast, light beam, and water orb spells.

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Colt Revo titled his hat a bit and walked around in search for his team mates, he was very excited, this new job could get him more fame, and you can never be too famous right? Colt thought to him self Champion Archer AND Equestrian hero! this can only lead to good things in my life

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Arcane looked towards Shining Armor, he was half compelled to bow, but this was a meeting, not a gala.

He had never met the captain of the royal guard till now, he was so busy with research that he never had time to meet the royal family, the only one he was even interested in having a real conversation with was Luna, but those conversations were ever so rare and short, she had duties just as much as Celestia did.

Arcane had spaced out and snapped back when he heard his name called out, he hadn't noticed any of the other names, but he was happy to be part of a team, he was looking forward to meeting them all. It was easy to get sidetracked, but he would have to really concentrate when on the job. He had taken up this opportunity since he was running out of things to research, so he left the rest of the work to the official scientists. When the meeting dismissed Arcane walked over to Shining Armor and took a quick bow just to be proper, "Shining Armor, a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Arcane, I do private research for Princess Celestia and occasionally Princess Luna as well. I was hoping to obtain some information on this job, such as where we will be staying until something happens and what exactly we are supposed to do. I was a bit late... well, a lot late, to training so I don't know exactly what is going to go down."

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
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Storm tapped his hoof in both excitement and boredom he was tired of sitting around and wanted to get into the action of helping other ponies escape the wrath of mother nature. He wanted to show everypony that he was a dependable pony to count on and that his speed would be a great help to rescuing ponies that were trapped. He couldn't believe that he was working for his idol Shining Armor the reason he wanted to join besides helping was gaining his approval but with what had been happening it wasn't the time nor place. Storm was a little concerned how his fire magic would come in handy but Shining Armor wouldn't have recruited him if he didn't think it could help. He looked down the line at the ponies that would be working with they were all very different from one another but he was happy to be part of this team.

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"Shining Armor, a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Arcane, I do private research for Princess Celestia and occasionally Princess Luna as well. I was hoping to obtain some information on this job, such as where we will be staying until something happens and what exactly we are supposed to do. I was a bit late... well, a lot late, to training so I don't know exactly what is going to go down."

Shining Armor nodded cheerfully as Arcane approached. "Your operations have been granted funds from the royal treasury, so any sort of hotel would be glad to take you - they know who you are, and if they don't show them your ID. With that being said, please don't be wasteful, of course." He chuckled lightly. "Of course, if you'd prefer to camp...that's fine too. Your funds should get you want you need from any of the stores here in Canterlot."


"Nopony can predict the chaotic weather we have. But what we can do is make sure that nopony is harmed. That's where you all come in." Shining Armor sighed, running a hoof anxiously through his mane. "It's...dangerous. But I need you all to respond immediately to any sort of disaster, and make sure that everyone gets out safely. It sounds simple enough, but trust me - you'll be singing a different tune when you're stuck in an overflowing sewer, or facing a racing fire."

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Electrobolt was looking around at the number of ponies that were surrounding him. Although this wasn't a large amount of ponies, it was at least a small start to saving the ponies of Equestria. *One small step at a time,* he thought, listening to Shining Armor all the while. Eventually, he heard himself, along with four other ponies, getting called as the unicorn stated that they would be sent to Ponyville, and a little later they had been dismissed. Although he appeared calm on the outside, he was quite happy inside. *Getting sent to my hometown, Ponyville... I couldn't ask for anything better. I lived and grew up there... I shall do all that I can to ensure Ponyville remains safe!*

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Shining Star looks around nervously his wings shivering slightly to his side. Oh what did I get myself into... I hope that I can make my parents proud. He thinks nervously to himself then shakes his head upon hearing his name called. He tucks his wings tightly to his side to keep them from shaking and he looks around as he takes a deep breath. "Ok, now... Deep breaths... Need to find my team...." He glances over at Shining Armor and gives a quick bow and nod when he finishes and stands up straight. I need to do this.... many ponies are going to rely on me... I must be brave, I must.... for all the ponies in Equestria. He thinks as he begins to regain his composure. He taps his hoof against the ground trying to get himself worked up and not so nervous.

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Star Rain started to look around the crowd for her teammates. She decided to get to know them now that she's going to be working with them from now on. Starting with Vinyl Blade, she searched the crowd shouting her name. "Hey! Is there anypony named Vinyl Blade here? Hello!" she shouted, jumping up and down.

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"Woo!!", exclaimed Lightning, bumbling with happiness. "I knew I was going to get stationed in Ponyville!", she added, deciding not to waste another second of time she could be using to protect her hometown. So, as soon as the meeting was dissmised, ponies could see a dim purple streak of light above them. She was still working on that streak of hers, but it was of no concern right now. 'I wonder how mum'll react to the news..' she thought to herself.

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Steel Sheild stood crisply at attention through the entire meetings, only moving when they were fully dismissed. Relaxing slightly into an 'at ease' position, he began slowlly searching through the crowd with his eyes, looking for the ponies that had been assigned to his detail. None of them had presented themselves yet. Using a small flare of magic, he wrote a small message into the air with bright red text, stating: "Party for Las Pegasus gather Here." It would continue to hover there, drawing only a small amount of magic off of him until he chose to dismiss it in the future. He already had his belonging with him, stowed in two saddlebags.

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Colt spotted a magic sign floating in the air reading "Party for Las Pegasus gather Here." well thats one way to get some ponies attention he walked over there to investigate and saw the unicorn producing the sign "ahh, i found one of ya, whats your name?: he asked the unicorn 

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He looks down realizing he is now stomping his hoof into the ground creating a small dent in the earth.  He looks up and looks around to see if anyone is watching as he quickly covers it up.  "I... think maybe I should find the rest of my group."  He says softly to himself as he begins to look around in hopes of finding his team.  He notices the purple steak of light above him and blinks a few times.  Am I seeing things? He questions himself and then shakes his head and begins to trot around trying to see if he can find his team keeping his wings tightly to his side.

Edited by Shining Star
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"Oh, yes, back to my hometown!" Stanvosk smiled, secretly frightened. Manehattan was one of the hardest hit cities. However... with a little help from his new invention...it might work out.


"Now, where are my other teammates? Streak, Flare Blitz and Whirlwind... pony hunting time!"

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Vinyl stood and listened to Shining Armor's speech. Afterwards, she heard a pony calling for her. She looked up, over the crowd, and saw a purple unicorn, who she assumed was Star Rain. Vinyl walked over to the unicorn and introduced herself. "Hey. I'm Vinyl. And I guess you're Star?"

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Storm listened to his idol describe what kind of danger that they would be getting into and what it means to be a part of this force. Once Shining Armor was finishe talking he headed over to meet the rest of his team the first pony he got to was a emo looking pony "Hello there names Storm Fire and I take it you must be Stream Lyrics, it's a pleasure to meet you." Storm bowed his jacket showing off his flight school emblem. He was excited to show off what he could do and hopefully this would get him the things that he needed to rebuild his school.

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Flare heard Stanvosk call his name, along with a few others, and flew over. "I take it your on my team? I'm Flare Blitz and this is Solaris." he says looking at the Phoenix perched on his shoulder who squawks at the mention of it's name. "I'm a bit of an adventurer, stick with me and I'll show ya the ropes." Flare boasts. "Now uhh....Where are the other guys?"

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stream looked at storm and smiled."nice to meet you...storm fire.stream looked at the embelm and said "cool" and hurriedly walked away stream glanced at the sky he thought "i hope i get enough bits to fund the expedition..." stream then turned around and walked back to the commotion.

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Vinyl stood and listened to Shining Armor's speech. Afterwards, she heard a pony calling for her. She looked up, over the crowd, and saw a purple unicorn, who she assumed was Star Rain. Vinyl walked over to the unicorn and introduced herself. "Hey. I'm Vinyl. And I guess you're Star?"

"Yup, I'm Star Rain! Feel free to call me Star," Star Rain replied. "I figured since we're going to be working together that we start to know each other more! Are you a medic or one of those positions on the team?" she asked. 

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Flare heard Stanvosk call his name, along with a few others, and flew over. "I take it your on my team? I'm Flare Blitz and this is Solaris." he says looking at the Phoenix perched on his shoulder who squawks at the mention of it's name. "I'm a bit of an adventurer, stick with me and I'll show ya the ropes." Flare boasts. "Now uhh....Where are the other guys?"


"An adventurer? Then I think that you will like my new invention!" He took out what, at first glace to a human, looked like a bazooka. "This channels my healing magic while enhancing it! This could heal anything short of death!" He put it back. "Ah, well. I have no idea where the others are. Let's go find them, shall we?"


((I get both N and Pinkazoid? (Streak) I love this game.))

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Bluenote was very unhappy right now. Stationed here. HERE. 'The place they call Ponyville looks like a dump.', she thought to herself. Since the rescue parties would still be in that place.. Canterlot I think...this would be the perfect time to cause chaos. Now to find Mayor Mare...

Edited by Rainbow Blaze
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Arcane smiled and walked back to the crowd of ponies, he needed to group up with the Canterlot ponies, he saw a magical flare to signal a different group, he thought he would use the same thing. He walked over a little distance so he wasn't in the crowd anymore, then he used his magic to create a vertical pillar of words, spelling 










He hoped the ponies stationed at Canterlot would show up, he didn't want to be left alone, what a fun time that would be.


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Star Rain noticed from the corner of her eye a pillar that said "Canterlot" on it. She assumed it was a signal from one of the ponies working at Canterlot. Enthusiastically, she pointed toward the pillar and said,"Hey Vinyl, I think there's a pony stationed at Canterlot over there! Let's go!" She doesn't remember the last time she had been this cheerful.

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He see's the other ponies finding their groups after trotting around for a moment he stops. Maybe I should go head and head to Ponyville first.... I am a first responder after all. He thinks to himself as he quickly turns his head his black and red mane covering one of his eyes making his horn a bit more visible.  He looks over towards Shining Armor for a quick moment then turns around and heads to the train station.  "I will just meet my group there..."  He says quietly to himself as his stomach growls slightly.  "I am a little hungry but I am just going to wait till I get there."  He sniffs the air smelling all the wonderful Canterlot cuisine and shakes his head trying to rid the smell from his nostrils.  After a little bit he reaches the train depot and finds an empty bench and sits down and waits for the train to arrive.


After the train arrives and lets all their passengers off he gets on and takes a seat and waits patiently for Ponyville his wings shaking slightly.  ​Ugh I am so nervous I don't know how much of help I am going to be.  I must be strong... Strong for my parents... for ponyville..... for Equestria... and most important.... for myself.   Hundreds of thoughts running through his mind at once making himself look lost in deep thought.

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stream was walking around when he heard the train coming he thought to himself"i better go to the train station the ponyville bus is probably here..he flew off to the train station and hovered above the crowd until the commotion died out when that did happen he he hurriedly flew inside and sat down his mane falling down into his face once again he closed his eyes but he could not sleep he sighed and listened to everything..

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