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Ask Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon


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Real stallions don't play with dolls.

Never mind that, Diamiond, I'm talking to you! I bet you...50 bits that you can't be nice to anyone but me today!

Uh...oh yeah?! Well...fine! You know what I'll do? I'll go find one of the blank flanks right now! And...you know, do "nice" stuff!

(Wow, she's really going to do it...)

Hey, are you coming or not?

Right behind you. *door shuts* But one of the BF's? I don't think you could even say "how are you" without sounding mean. *giggles*


Oh, put a hoof in it. If I'm going to suffer this much for 50 bits you could at least be a little supportive.

I will! ^_^

So which one are we visiting? The farmer one, the sissy one or the one with the scooter? Cause I'm not walking all the way to Manehattan to find the traitor.

Hmmm...good question. It's not like we've done this before. Um, what do you guys think?

If you do something nice to all three, Diamond Tiara, i'll give you an extra 100 bits!


Also Diamond, I voodoo doll is very special, yet dangerous. I'd I throw one that looks like you into a lake, you could drown without needing to be in the water. If I say something to it, you would be forced to say what I said, no matter what you are doing or where you are.



Still feel like tonting?

Edited by DJ-Shy3
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If you do something nice to all three, Diamond Tiara, i'll give you an extra 100 bits!


Also Diamond, I voodoo doll is very special, yet dangerous. I'd I throw one that looks like you into a lake, you could drown without needing to be in the water. If I say something to it, you would be forced to say what I said, no matter what you are doing or where you are.



Still feel like tonting?

:mellow: Wow. Like, what part of "no weird stuff" is so hard to understand?

I don't know, Silver. Maybe the part that involved letters.

Yeah, those do seem to be a problem here...too bad Twist went home.

Well, never mind. We're out here to find a filly with no mark, and that's what we're going to do.

Wait for me!


*KNOCK KNOCK* Helloooo! Any blank flanks in here?!

Diamond, I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it. There are a lot of houses in Ponyville.

*tiptoeing, tiptoeing*

Well, do you know where they live?

No...but I know they're not here!

Then whose house is it?



Awww, you two came over to visit me! That's abso-tacular-iffic! I knew you would want a Pinkie party someday!

Yeah. Come for the broken ribs, stay for the creepy lizard.

Can't breathe...

Sorry! *lets go* I just get so excited.

We're just here because we're looking for one of the bla--um...

Cutie Mark Crusaders!


*GASP* You have such perfectly perfect timing! Apple Bloom is right here! Come on in, we're planning a surprise birthday party for Applejack! Oooh, but don't tell her!

<_< We won't, Pinkie.

Look, here comes Apple Bloom...



Look, Big Mac, I'm just sayin' ah don't think we should put all apple stuff on the menu. She works with Apples all day, right?


We should change things up a lil' bit. Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't you let me and mah friends do the cookin' for the party? Cutie Mark Crusader Cooks, yay!

Uhhhh... *glances at Pinkie who is shaking her head, jumping up and down and making faces* ...Let's just hold our horses on that one, Apple Bloom.




Oh, it's you two. What do you want? :huh:

Now sis, you be nice. *looks at Tiara & Spoon* You, too.

Um...sorry to bother you and stuff...Diamond just has to tell you something!

Okay, fine...let's talk outside. *shuts door* So what's goin' on? If you're gonna make fun of me, it's not a good time. We're throwin' a party for mah big sister and she'll be here any minute.

Go ahead, Diamond, say it.

Something nice...um...Apple Bloom?? You...you were kind of a good news reporter!

:blink: I was? Well...I...uh, thanks.

Don't mention it. (Ever.)

(Wow, she actually did it...)

Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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:mellow: Wow. Like, what part of "no weird stuff" is so hard to understand?

I don't know, Silver. Maybe the part that involved letters.

Yeah, those do seem to be a problem here...too bad Twist went home.

Well, never mind. We're out here to find a filly with no mark, and that's what we're going to do.

Wait for me!


*KNOCK KNOCK* Helloooo! Any blank flanks in here?!

Diamond, I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it. There are a lot of houses in Ponyville.

*tiptoeing, tiptoeing*

Well, do you know where they live?

No...but I know they're not here!

Then whose house is it?



Awww, you two came over to visit me! That's abso-tacular-iffic! I knew you would want a Pinkie party someday!

Yeah. Come for the broken ribs, stay for the creepy lizard.

Can't breathe...

Sorry! *lets go* I just get so excited.

We're just here because we're looking for one of the bla--um...

Cutie Mark Crusaders!


*GASP* You have such perfectly perfect timing! Apple Bloom is right here! Come on in, we're planning a surprise birthday party for Applejack! Oooh, but don't tell her!

<_< We won't, Pinkie.

Look, here comes Apple Bloom...



Look, Big Mac, I'm just sayin' ah don't think we should put all apple stuff on the menu. She works with Apples all day, right?


We should change things up a lil' bit. Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't you let me and mah friends do the cookin' for the party? Cutie Mark Crusader Cooks, yay!

Uhhhh... *glances at Pinkie who is shaking her head, jumping up and down and making faces* ...Let's just hold our horses on that one, Apple Bloom.




Oh, it's you two. What do you want? :huh:

Now sis, you be nice. *looks at Tiara & Spoon* You, too.

Um...sorry to bother you and stuff...Diamond just has to tell you something!

Okay, fine...let's talk outside. *shuts door* So what's goin' on? If you're gonna make fun of me, it's not a good time. We're throwin' a party for mah big sister and she'll be here any minute.

Go ahead, Diamond, say it.

Something nice...um...Apple Bloom?? You...you were kind of a good news reporter!

:blink: I was? Well...I...uh, thanks.

Don't mention it. (Ever.)

(Wow, she actually did it...)

I can't believe she did it eather, Silver!


And Diamond, Gummy is NOT creepy.

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So Diamond Tiara, how many bits a year does you dad make?  Same question goes for you Silver Spoon, I want to know how the rich life in Equestria is.


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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Hey, Silver Spoon? I've been thinking. You seem like a really nice pony. My guess is that you only act mean when your with Diamond Tiara so that you can stay on her good side. I'm probably waaaay off, but I'm just guessing here.

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*Country-ish music plays, party streamers fly; ponies, mares and stallions dance*


Hey...Diamond Tiara?


Why are we still here?


*reaches in saddlebag* If you want me to give you the 50 bits, then--

Keep them.

:blink: What did you say?

Just...don't worry about it, okay?

Okay. But shouldn't we go home now?

*shrug* Apple Bloom said we could stay. What's there to do at home, hide my mother's home shopping catalogs? I mean, if you want to go--

No! I mean, it's...not like you, that's all.


Well, I'll be. This really is a surprise party! I sure wasn't expectin' to see you two fillies here. Did mah sister and her friends invite you?

Hi, Applejack!

Yeah, it was sort of at the last minute.

Now I know you're not here to pull any pranks or poke fun at anypony, right? :huh:

I guess we're not...I mean, no! Definitely not.

*shakes head*

Well, that's just dandy, girls. C'mon down and enjoy the party with the other fillies!

Excuse me, miss.

Hey, Diamond, it's your butler.

Forgive the interruption, but your...admirers have more questions for you.


So Diamond Tiara, how many bits a year does you dad make?  Same question goes for you Silver Spoon, I want to know how the rich life in Equestria is.

*blinks* Oh. Well. I don't like to brag, even though I totally should, but...let's just say he makes a lot. I know how much, but he doesn't want me to tell anypony. Security reasons and stuff.

Well, my parents make 500,000 bits a year! We give some of it back though. We use it to run the museums and my mom does some charity stuff. My dad wants to open an antiques store in Ponyville, too! But I guess we are pretty rich. My grandparents were, like, super-poor. They used to tell me all about it. It's pretty cool, isn't it, Diamond? We get to have so many nice things.

Yeah, I guess. If we ever got to enjoy it. *shuffles hooves* I'm getting us some punch, okay? Hopefully lizard-free.

Okay! Thanks...


Hey, Silver Spoon? I've been thinking. You seem like a really nice pony. My guess is that you only act mean when your with Diamond Tiara so that you can stay on her good side. I'm probably waaaay off, but I'm just guessing here.

Shhhh! *looks around* Not so loud. It's just that...well, don't tell her I told you this. But when I went to my old school, Diamond was the only pony who would really talk to me, you know? I was the only one in class who had a cutie mark--well, besides the teacher--and they all stared and whispered and stuff, like I was some kind of freak for getting it so soon. Some of the other fillies even made fun of me.


But Diamond would stop them every time. Even though...well, even though she didn't have hers yet. And when she did we were even better friends! When my parents moved to Ponyville and I had to start school here, I thought I would never see her again. But Diamond said she wanted to go with me, and...I guess she made such a fuss about it with her dad that her family moved down here too. It was totally the best thing anypony ever did for me!


It's just that...Diamond still acts like she's back there. Like we have to get everypony else before they get us. I guess it's not like that here, but I DO want to stay on her good side. I feel so much better when I'm with her. It's like--

Hey, I'm back.

Oh! Hi, Diamond! Did you get the punch?

<_< It wasn't lizard-free.


So Applejack gave me some apple cider. Here.

Mmmmm! :D

Yeah, it's really nice. So what were you talking about?

Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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If you're cute, mean, and rich enough, there's always a way.



We're just fillies, I guess.

Ponies don't really look at that stuff too hard. First you're a foal, then you're a filly with a cutie mark--

MOST of us. *snicker*

Yeah, really. Then you're a mare for the rest of your life.

Or later. Like Granny Smith.

Hey, she was nice. And her story was really cool.

I know, Silver Spoon. I just talked about her to drive Apple Bloom crazy. You could have been a bigger help with that, by the way. If you weren't busy clapping your hooves off--

Diamond! Why does it always have to be about making fun of someone?! :angry:

:blink:  Um..uh...

Seriously. Why are you so mad at the world D?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Why do you hate Cutie mark crusaders?

i don't find a reason to hate them.

what if they got a special cutie marks?

they would be popular and special and you WILL NOT! trolololo

'ey b0ss

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Silver Spoon, I now want to hug you.  :)

Thanks, but it was really Diamond who...um...



Were they talking about me again? <_<

It wasn't anything bad! It was just about...


Seriously. Why are you so mad at the world D?

Oh. So THAT'S it, huh?

No! It wasn't about--

Why am I mad?! What's the world ever done for me? Who the hay ever cared about me besides Silver?!


Yeah, I know what they're going to say! Ponies are such hypocrites. You say money can't buy happiness, but when a pony with money IS unhappy? "Oh, you're RICH. Cry us a new waterfall for Canterlot Castle!" How could you ever understand how I feel?!

Diamond, please don't yell at them.

I'm NOT yelling at THEM! :( J-just leave me alone. *runs*

Wait! Come back...!

Hey, Silver. Where's Diamond?

I don't know! She just started crying and ran off...

Well, that's a relief. For a while there I thought she was enjoying herself.

Oh hush, Scootaloo. That's not nice.

Neither is she!

I think something's wrong...shouldn't we go find her?

Are you serious, Sweetie Belle? After all the times she's made us miserable?? Forget it.

Well, my sister is the Element of Generosity and I'm going anyway!

Yeah! Great idea, Sweetie! Cutie Mark Crusader diamond finders! YAY!


You're really going to help??

...Yay. Fine, but if you're gonna drag me along, you better keep up with me! *scoots away*

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon (not sure which of you is still here)...

If your parents were never rich, or for some other reason you stop being rich now, do you think you would act differently?

  • Brohoof 1

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Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon (not sure which of you is still here)...

If your parents were never rich, or for some other reason you stop being rich now, do you think you would act differently?

ok kamil i think i knew why...


So Diamond tiara and silver spoon,

What if cutie mark crusaders got there cutie marks?

What are you going to do about it?

by the way i think you are the lamest ponies in equestria

P.S. you can't change my opinion with your money.

'ey b0ss

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Thanks, but it was really Diamond who...um...



Were they talking about me again? <_<

It wasn't anything bad! It was just about...


Oh. So THAT'S it, huh?

No! It wasn't about--

Why am I mad?! What's the world ever done for me? Who the hay ever cared about me besides Silver?!


Yeah, I know what they're going to say! Ponies are such hypocrites. You say money can't buy happiness, but when a pony with money IS unhappy? "Oh, you're RICH. Cry us a new waterfall for Canterlot Castle!" How could you ever understand how I feel?!

Diamond, please don't yell at them.

I'm NOT yelling at THEM! :( J-just leave me alone. *runs*

Wait! Come back...!

Hey, Silver. Where's Diamond?

I don't know! She just started crying and ran off...

Well, that's a relief. For a while there I thought she was enjoying herself.

Oh hush, Scootaloo. That's not nice.

Neither is she!

I think something's wrong...shouldn't we go find her?

Are you serious, Sweetie Belle? After all the times she's made us miserable?? Forget it.

Well, my sister is the Element of Generosity and I'm going anyway!

Yeah! Great idea, Sweetie! Cutie Mark Crusader diamond finders! YAY!


You're really going to help??

...Yay. Fine, but if you're gonna drag me along, you better keep up with me! *scoots away*

Oh boy. Now I've done it. I didn't mean to upset her :(

I'll help you guys find her. I need to apologize.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Oh boy. Now I've done it. I didn't mean to upset her :(

I'll help you guys find her. I need to apologize.

lol you are so unlucky!


but anyway i'm happy for her!

cuz they are insulting scootaloo , my favorite cutie mark crusader!

'ey b0ss

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