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gaming What Video Game levels/bosses make you rage?

Moon Rat

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Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1 (or 2)'s optional boss was really...






Mofo could hit every square in the map, had insanely high health, you couldn't critical him, amazing evasion, and could kill your best units in one hit, minus maybe the Giganscudo. By hitting every square on the map, I mean it was a checkerboard pattern, so yeah, it was easy to evade his hits since he never moved and all, but for the first 4-5 times fighting him, your ass is grass.


I could have said Sif the Great Grey Wolf from Dark Souls, since so many people got whooped by him, or Manus since people are noobs and raged against him because they never got the Pendant, but I beat Dark Souls 100% in less than a week so... yeah. On levels, I would have to say Demon's Souls 4-1 area. Always got invaded by some Firestorming fags.


EDIT: I actually can't remember if it was SRTOG 1 or 2.


EDIT2: God, I can't believe I forgot about Ultimate mode Dark Fallz from PSO. I hated that thing. Worst level on that game for me had to be the Mines (I believe that is the right name) since I chose the HuCast.

Edited by Sovereign




On 6/7/2013 at 6:22 PM, Keiichi said:
Kawaii-desu outta pineapple.


Signature made by Jokuc, thank you. OC made my Folarin Hooves of Canterlot.com.

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for me it would have to be either the last boss from Farcry: Instincts on the Xbox 360, he had a gatling gun where each shot took off 97% of your health... and it's a gatling gun so you'll never only get hit once.


Or, it would be Smaug & Ornstein from Dark Souls, his staff clipped theough one of the 'safety pillars' and killed me sad.png

At any rate, i've never raged harder than that. In Dark Souls i punched my xbox off and now it goes 'click' whenever i tuen it on. and with farcry i ejected the disk, threw it out the window, and went to retrieve it from the other end of the street.


i was not a happy sausage.

  • Brohoof 1


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Perfect chaos from sonic adventure (dx directors cut) this monster made of water is very hard if you fall in the water your dead or when your going up his throat you can get stuck there and in sonic generations its hard to get over how he looks scary as hell

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Having to fight I think 8 metal gears in Metal Gear Solid 2.


There was this helicopter escape shooting part in Battlefield Bad Company 2 that I couldn't beat for a long time.


The water temple from Ocarina of Time.


The ending of Metal Gear Solid 4. It was so badass but fucking hard at the same time.

  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Borderlands 2's Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode


While the game is supposed to challenge you and not make it easy for you to just beast everything...

If you don't have the right equipment, you're just pretty much SOLd and all the enemies there just somehow one or Two shot you down to submission


Also Jackenstein...

For god sakes, I kept dying multiple times because of that freaking jackass


You can't really hit him with rocket because whatever you DO hit him with straight on, it'll just reflect right back to you


I kept dying multiple times at the last possible FUCKING MINUTE BECAUSE OF THIS






Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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definitely the final boss in jack3 for the ps2.

i was like 10/11 at the moment, and i just couldn't beat the guy!!

eventually the game ended up in some dusty corner of my room,only to finally be completed 3 years later :3

  • Brohoof 1


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SMB2 World 1 Birdo


The Chernobyl level in CoD Modern Warfare, especially the first part when you have to hide from the Russian soldiers angry.png

Also, the dogs. Oh shit. I was scared shitless whenever they ran at me.

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The boss that probably made me rage the most was Amorphous from Ocarina of Time.  After going through one of the most stressful temples in the entire Zelda series, I have to go against this thing, which also seemed like the hardest boss I've gone against.  The level that has made me rage the most was the Snowfall Temple in Majora's Mask.  I fell so many times trying to jump those gaps, and I even spent a solid 5-10 minutes just trying to get into the building.

You mean the goron roll jumps? Yeah, they require a certain level of 'straightness' with the analog stick to get right, deviate a bit and you're probably screwed for the jump lol, I remember the whole Snowhead Dungeon being kind of a pain to get around though.

The End from Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater. Whenever he knocks you out, you wake up in the prison of a guarded base and have to spend 30 minutes getting back to him! And I lost 13 times against him...

If you save after the fight starts and set the internal clock of your system forward a week, the next time you turn on the game he will be dead! I remembered hearing about that back when the PS2 version was out but didn't play it then, but it worked in the 3DS version I played too, maybe I'll fight him proper someday though because people seem to like that boss battle...
  • Brohoof 1


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I remember when me and my brother were littel and we played Kingdom Hearts together. We'd switch off every level so each of us got to play. This guy had us sooo cheesed off. img-1549979-1-angry.png

I wouldn't even touch the controller after I got my butt kicked, so it was up to my brother to beat him. He raged so hard I made sure I sat at least 3 feet from him whenever he reattempted the level. img-1549979-2-laugh.png


But I don't play much console games.


So I would have to say....


Nitrious Oxide from Crash Team Racing:




Just askdhasdiagsd HE CHEATS.img-1549979-3-angry.pngimg-1549979-4-angry.pngimg-1549979-5-angry.png

Edited by Nuclear Neurotic
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Borderlands 2's Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode


While the game is supposed to challenge you and not make it easy for you to just beast everything...

If you don't have the right equipment, you're just pretty much SOLd and all the enemies there just somehow one or Two shot you down to submission


The "right equipment" is a bit abstract of a term. Sure you won't beat it with something like a Shooty Pistal, but nor do you need absolutely specific legendaries. What I would recommend is a good Slag weapon. Remember that's your friend in UVHM, and there are lots of different types of Slag weapons; I set my Sabre Turret to slag bullets, but you can also get Slag on your Phaselock if you're a siren, and if you don't have any Slag skills you really only need a grenade/pistol to make things easier.


Another thing I like to do in UVHM is use a singularity grenade. It groups up your enemies and makes them stumble, and then you can fire in with your hardest weapon. One other tip: shoot explosive barrels, they work absolute wonders.

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The "right equipment" is a bit abstract of a term. Sure you won't beat it with something like a Shooty Pistal, but nor do you need absolutely specific legendaries. What I would recommend is a good Slag weapon. Remember that's your friend in UVHM, and there are lots of different types of Slag weapons; I set my Sabre Turret to slag bullets, but you can also get Slag on your Phaselock if you're a siren, and if you don't have any Slag skills you really only need a grenade/pistol to make things easier.


Another thing I like to do in UVHM is use a singularity grenade. It groups up your enemies and makes them stumble, and then you can fire in with your hardest weapon. One other tip: shoot explosive barrels, they work absolute wonders.

I already know all of this, I'm talking about the final story boss of the Hammerlock's DLC

You know, the dumbnut that can seemingly reflect all bullets you shoot at it unless you hit it in its critical spots


I kept going down at the last possible second because he reflects the bullests I shoot at him back to me


And I'm using elemental (corrosive) weapons


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I can think of two bosses that have made me rage big time.


Cerberus from Devil May Cry 3 



Now it's so secret that DMC3 is very hard, but I didn't know that at the time I first played this and when I faced this boss, I couldn't believe I wasn't able to defeat him even when I unlocked the easy mode. He was just so... hard that he made me almost throw my keyboard across the room.



Julius from Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow



This one was absolutely horrifying to battle and took me about 50 times to beat this guy. 50 f***ing times!! He has so many attacks and nearly all of them are impossible to dodge. Even with the strongest weapon you won't damage him much, but he'll take away 1/3 of your health easily. I knew I was gonna confront him eventually, but when I did I couldn't believe I was unable to hit him even once the first time. So yeah, Julius made me rage so hard I don't remember what happened afterwards.

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I already know all of this, I'm talking about the final story boss of the Hammerlock's DLC

You know, the dumbnut that can seemingly reflect all bullets you shoot at it unless you hit it in its critical spots


I kept going down at the last possible second because he reflects the bullests I shoot at him back to me


And I'm using elemental (corrosive) weapons


Get a Sham. It drops from BNK3R, it's been insanely helpful. Also, wait for his shock attack. That's your prime chance to shoot his chest; any other time and the risk of deflection is too high. Again, with the Sham that shouldn't even be a problem.

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Get a Sham. It drops from BNK3R, it's been insanely helpful. Also, wait for his shock attack. That's your prime chance to shoot his chest; any other time and the risk of deflection is too high. Again, with the Sham that shouldn't even be a problem.

I have two of those and as much as I love them, they won't protect you against his melee attacks (which he seems to like to spam multiple times)


I'll try it out but I really can't guarantee as much


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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   The hardest boss I face is more of me being idiotic than it actually being hard.


   As a seven or eight-year-old, Devil Doom from "Shadow the Hedgehog" (Ironically my first Sonic game; I'm a Sonic fan) made me rage beyond belief, because I could never get the damn rings to keep Shadow in Super Form. Eventually, however, I found a key to get enough rings and defeat the evil alien boss.

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Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn:


Part 2 Endgame: Elincia's Gambit


Not so much difficult to beat as really annoying. You either have to kill the boss (which is pretty hard because of the billion enemies you have to go through to kill him), or wait out fifteen turns of annoyance. Waiting out the fifteen isn't the hardest thing to do, but it does make going for the boss tempting, and it looks just attainable enough to encourage you to do it. Trying it has a high chance of screwing you over.


Part 3 Chapter 6: A Reason to Fight


This one has all the annoyance of the last chapter and more, and with added difficulty. You're stuck using a much weaker set of characters, there aren't choke points to hold back the swarms of laguz, and you still have to protect any helpless healers. You even have to be careful when you kill certain enemies, otherwise some tiger will swoop in and kill your wounded guys. I usually end up huddling in a corner of the map until I've killed enough people to move on.

  • Brohoof 1
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Level:oh if hell was made outta saw blades! Scrap brain zone in sonic 1 everything on my damn screen wants me dead! Fire electricity saw blades and PIGS I am not kidding


Boss: magalor in Kirby's return to dream land was a bad fight first I do 2d shooting against that fuckers ship is a scary fight then I go up close and personal to kick his ass but then he comes back and uses my same abilities! Super sword,fire,ice,and hammer against me why can't he be in a first person shooter don't you know how much joy I would get by pointing a gun at his head!

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Playing Far Cry 3 again last night reminded me of how much I hated the boss fights for Vaas and Hoyt....it's not that they were hard...it's that they were too damn easy...Vaas talks all this crap and tells you the definition of insanity, yet when you go to fight him....it's just stupid...it's not a straight up gun fight....


I was like "What the hell?that's it?" it was kind of a let down....

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Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: Part 2 Endgame: Elincia's Gambit Not so much difficult to beat as really annoying. You either have to kill the boss (which is pretty hard because of the billion enemies you have to go through to kill him), or wait out fifteen turns of annoyance. Waiting out the fifteen isn't the hardest thing to do, but it does make going for the boss tempting, and it looks just attainable enough to encourage you to do it. Trying it has a high chance of screwing you over. Part 3 Chapter 6: A Reason to Fight This one has all the annoyance of the last chapter and more, and with added difficulty. You're stuck using a much weaker set of characters, there aren't choke points to hold back the swarms of laguz, and you still have to protect any helpless healers. You even have to be careful when you kill certain enemies, otherwise some tiger will swoop in and kill your wounded guys. I usually end up huddling in a corner of the map until I've killed enough people to move on.

Don't remember 2-E being that hard honestly, I believe I just waited out the 15 turns though. 3-6 I wholeheartedly agree with though, a serious pain in the ass for sure. :o

  • Brohoof 1


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   The hardest boss I face is more of me being idiotic than it actually being hard.


   As a seven or eight-year-old, Devil Doom from "Shadow the Hedgehog" (Ironically my first Sonic game; I'm a Sonic fan) made me rage beyond belief, because I could never get the damn rings to keep Shadow in Super Form. Eventually, however, I found a key to get enough rings and defeat the evil alien boss.

dude that's nothing though it was WAY more challenging than the egg dealer you can hit the fucking needle light in you favor!
  • Brohoof 1
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The only boss I can recall raging on was Huff N. Puff from Paper Mario. I was young then and just couldn't defeat him. I think it was because I wasn't any good at RPGs back then. Nowadays though, I can easily destroy him.


A level I recall being quite frustrating for me is Chain Chomp Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2 when you are trying to get the comet star. That was so difficult for me. Having to lead the gold chain chomp to the end while avoiding all the shadow clones was a massive pain. It took five lives and way too much time before I was actually able to complete it.

  • Brohoof 1



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Only three things really come to mind:


Mogenar from Metroid Prime 3. Admittedly, the boss isn't that hard, just very time-consuming and very annoying with the regeneration and weak-point switching. It's NEVER taken me under 45 minutes to beat him. dry.png


The Astroidean from Okamiden. Not because he's difficult or annoying to fight, but because he just doesn't fit as an Okami series boss. Every other one got at least some buildup, whereas this guy just ... appears. He just didn't fit the pattern. That's always annoyed me for some reason. 




Chain Chomp Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2 when you are trying to get the comet star. That was so difficult for me. Having to lead the gold chain chomp to the end while avoiding all the shadow clones was a massive pain. It took five lives and way too much time before I was actually able to complete it.

All of my this. One of the only stars in that game I've never been able to get. Still can't. dry.png


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  • 10 months later...

Ahhh video games. They can make us laugh, cry, scared and in this topic case, angry. These are the moments were you just get well pissed off. Whether you glare at the screen and grind your teeth, go into a storm of profanity while flipping the TV off, throw your controller down or at the TV, you just can't STAND these scenes. So take a few deep calming breaths, count to ten and list a few of these moments of yours.

For me?

Well two come to mind. They're both from the last Mortal Kombat game that came out and surprisingly they both happen almost one after the other. Lets get something's out here first before I say them. The two sorcerers known as the "Deadly Alliance" who are Quan Chi and Shang Tsung are my favorites, fact they both tie for #1. I also pretty much loathe Shao Kahn and Sindel. Yeah I think I might've given the two scenes away huh. Well I'll say them anyways. I'm not going into too much detail because these scenes seem to have enough hatred behind them you can just look them up. But yes I'll spoiler them, which you guys should do too.


The first scene is after I believe Kintaro dies and Quan makes the offer to help bring Sindel back to life. Now you see in the orignal canon this was Shangs idea. In fact him and Shao had been working on the plan for a little over 10,000 years. However in this game Quan suggests it while Shang stands there looking stupid. Shao accepts and then suddenly he absorbs Shang like a soul and used him to feed to Sindel to help in bringing her back into power. The next. I just have to say 4 words. The Sindel Curbstomp Battle.


Edited by Captchet


^full sized avatar picture there

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Basically every moment I play
Besides every time I have to play against a entire sniper team. Mostly when my team fuck up. Doesn't matter if it is Lol, BF, cod , dota2  , halo or tf2. If my team fuck up baldy I will flip my shit. I have fun by winning and if I lose due to someone else's fucking stupidity, I get mad. Pure and simple.

Also get mad when I die in bullshit ways.

Edited by Kurai
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