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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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lily sipped at her shake. she looked at angel. "so whats your family like?" she asked curiously. she took another sip and smiled. she check her phone again, growled slightly, pressed some buttons and put it away. she turned back to angel feather listening and ready.

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Looking up at the big school, Night Song was thrilled to be accepted into this academy. A few weeks ago, she had performed in a pretty big talent show and she got the Best Singer award. That, combined with Chaser Wing's admiration and the fact he also came here, was what earned her the scholarship. She now flew through the hallways and came up to Dorm 13. Chaser Wing had already brought her stuff here in advance, so all she had to was unpack and organize everything. She unpacked everything and started to set everything up.



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When he finishes unpacking, Acid Dash takes nap, and then walks around, looking for something to eat. When he sees the cafe, he starts walking through the crowds of ponies, to get there. When he gets there, a random pony walked up, her Maine was clearly brushed and very nice, and pushed him out of the way, and walked in, he walked in after her.


When he finishes unpacking, Acid Dash takes nap, and then walks around, looking for something to eat. When he sees the cafe, he starts walking through the crowds of ponies, to get there. When he gets there, a random pony walked up, her Maine was clearly brushed and very nice, and pushed him out of the way, and walked in, he walked in after her. He ordered a sandwich, just a sandwich, nothing special.

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Angel didn't want to talk about her family.  But she didn't want to seem unfriendly so she answered Lily.  "Their...uhm...d-dead," she said quickly, lowering her head so her mane fell over her face.  She quickly took a bite of her sandwich as her throat tightened up.  Well, my mother isn't dead.  But she doesn't need to know details.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Azure took a look at the room. It had few items that consisted of a drawer and a bed. The dorm was greater in size than his last one, though the spaces were inconvenient for large items. Brushing it off, he headed toward his previous dorm. While quickly trotting towards it, he was temporarily shocked that the Dean forgot to ask for his previous dorm key. Everything seemed to be going awry all of the sudden, bot just for him but the Dean as well. Looking at the ascending numbers on the dorms, he took mental note of his own dorm number and how close he was to it. To pass time he got out his phone and headphones to listen to some music. He continued to listen to where he left off on the song he was listening to before the Dean's message: "-y vision buurrrrrn, I feel my memories fade with tiiiiime, but I'm too young to woooorry. These streets we travel ooon, will undergo our same lost past... I found you here, now please just stay for a while, I can move on with you around. I hand you, my mortal life but will it be forever? I'd do, anything for a smile, holding y-" Yet again, Azure was interrupted in listening to his music, this time by a low battery indication. Turning off his phone, he found he was at his dorm. As he took the key to it and unlocked the door, he sighed as he looked inside the room: It was a complete mess as usual. Cursing himself for not tidying up the place, he began tossing various items he found on the floor into large saddlebags he had.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Acid dash sits at a random table, and pulls out a pony pod(lol) he plugs in his earbuds, and turns the music so loud other people in the room can hear it. He doesn't seem to care if the other people tell him to turn off the sound, or at least turn it down. He eats his sandwich in silence.

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After unpacking, she looked at her dorm. A bed, a desk, and some drawers were already there before she came. The drawers now had a couple personal belongings and a few dresses inside. Her desk now had some books on it along with a pencil and pen holder and a lamp. Her bed was now covered with a dark blue cover and a dark blue blanket and a white pillow. She settled her saddlebags down on the floor and followed the map over to the cafe. 

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it has been a year since Hunter incendiare first attended uni, this year she hopes to meet friends and maybe even a lover, she wishes to graduate as an actress. Her idol is Jashoof Statham and hopes to someday meet him. She was unpacking her bags for her second year, she had her door open in case first year ponies wanted to introduce themselves


((If you interact with Hunter please quote me))

                           Add me on Steam | Youtube Channel

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lily was a little (ok, alot) shocked by angels reply. "oh, i-im sorry." she lowered her head in shame. "ill shut up now." she pulled out her phone once more and started tapping buttons. frustrated she threw it onto the floor. she whispered to herself "do you guys know how hard it is to concentrate on life when you are talking?"  she used her magic to turn down some young colts music, which was blasting out of his head.

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After packing, Azure looked at the dorm. Barely any items remained except for the traditional bed and drawer. His saddlebags had become heavy and full, so he used some extra space in his duffle bag roller to pack more items. With respectable strength he slowly cantered through the halls of his old dorm. As he made his way through the now familiar hallways of his new dorm, he took notice of the distracting dragging sound of his roller duffle. Excusing the sudden awkwardness between him and the ponies that remained in the hall, he looked up at the clock at the end of the hall. It was around lunch time, so he should be unpacking just about now. With newfound strength to pull the luggage faster, his slow canter turned into a slight gallop. When he reached his new dorm, he unlocked the door to it. He began attempting to unpack right as he entered the dorm. Deciding time was a factor to be prolonged, he just placed the bags down and unzipped them. He quickly cantered over to the Dean's office near the end of the hall. When at the office's entrance, the Dean instead of deep into his work, was staring off onto the clock above the doorway. He noticed Azure instantly, wondering why his student had arrived back after such a short period of time.

"Hello, Azure. What brings you back to my quarters?" asked the Dean

Azure replied "I forgot to give you the key to my old dorm,"

"Oh, that's right," said the Dean, slightly embarrassed that he had forgotten to request his key

"So.. here it is," Azure added, his awkward social skills showing a bit, showing the Dean the key to his old dorm.

Azure placed the key on the Dean's desk, and trotted out of the room, heading toward the cafeteria.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Acid dash takes earbuds out of ears and glances at Lilly "that's the first time anypony has actually tried to turn off my music, good job." He finishes his sandwich and walks out of the cafe, he walks to the other side of the campus, to a green field, where he pulls a picture out of his bag, and cries

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lily was too distracted to pay any attention to anypony else. she started to rub her head. "uh angel, im gonna go back to my dorm now, i'm feeling a bit off." with that she got up and left, paying justice on the way. she walked into her room and flopped onto her bed. she curled up into a huddle and murmerred to herself. "go away, go away, why me why me?" she rocked slightly and a single tear rolled down her cheek

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Acid dash looks around him, decides he will go back to his dorm, but first, he will have a little fun. He went to his dorm and grabbed a boombox, he then flew out of the top of the school, and he flew, made clouds, put his boombox as loud as it could go, and sent to cloud to the school, laughing, he flew back, forgetting he had a class in 5 minutes.

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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While walking over to the cafe( at one point, she messed up her directions), Night Song stopped. She thought she heard something. She decided it was just her imagination, but then she heard it again. It sounded like some pony crying! Night Song opened the door and saw a black and green colt(Acid Dash) who looked a couple years younger than her. She could see that he was crying over something, so she put her wing around him and asked," Hey, what's wrong?"

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(Oh crap went to far) "N-Nothing!" He stammered, as he got up. He started walking away, but dropped the picture, which was A female red, green and black Pegasus next to acid dash he didn't notice the picture was missing, done ran off to his dorm, his eyes still red, obvious he was crying.

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On his way to the cafeteria, Azure passed a young colt who seemed to be on the verge of tears. Moments like that in his life left him in wonder about. Many times in life he feels like he's missing some essential piece of the pony puzzle. This was one of them. As he entered the cafeteria, he took note of an unpopulated spot near the back. He was not a loner, but he liked to be alone with his thoughts during this particular time of the day: the part in which he felt so mellow, so... at peace. Some people at lunch comment that he looks high during this time, but he couldn't care less about that. Walking up to the counter in which they served food, got his share: An avocado sandwich with a banana shake. He took a glimpse around the cafeteria, and saw yet another failed attempt at hiding emotion, this time coming from a pink mare. Weird things seemed to be going on lately as Azure observed. For the rest of his time at the cafeteria he ate in silence deep in thought.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Angel covered her face with her hooves.  I shouldn't have told her.  I'll never make friends here.  I'm just a failure.  I should never have been sent here.  Without finishing her food, Angel walked briskly out of the cafeteria and went to her dorm.  She closed her door slowly, locked it and then went to her side table. 

She picked up her picture frame.  She slid down the wall as she stared at the times where she was happy.  She hugged the picture frame to her chest and let herself cry silently.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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lily lay on her bed, still huddled. she cried. she didnt like to cry. suddenly:


gee your such a wimp


shut up court and let her be sad for once


guys im trying to study here


so? what has that got to do with me?




lily started to pull her mane in fustration. "SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" she yelled

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"Why did daddy have to go?" Angel whispered to herself after her tears had gone.  "Why did he have to go?  Why did mommy have to lose herself?  Why did Snowdrop have to go?  Why did she have to leave?  Why?"

Angel rolled onto her back, still clutching at the picture frame.  She whispered to herself.  "Pull yourself together, Angel, darling.  Pull yourself to-get-her....to get her...to get her?"

Angel paused.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Azure went back to his dorm after his lunch to begin working on an art project assigned to him. The assignment was to draw your deepest fear, an assignment that was to inevitably change the students' way of thinking. Thinking of his worst fear had been a hard decision. There were multiple things that layered upon each other in the subject of what he feared most; total Armageddon, powerful frightening beings, though he had drawn to a conclusion on what to draw. From Azure's pencil came an outline of a brain, surrounded by corrupted images of others, some wrinkled and tired out, and some falling apart. Azure knew what his greatest fear was now: the fear of him being the only sane pony left on the planet. It disturbed him deeply, for his thoughts could not simply stay in his head forever. He let the thought linger for too long as he related that to the events that had happened recently. Having thought that, he decided he needed some fresh air.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily calmed herself down. she took deep breaths and counted to ten... about 60 times. she decided that she needed some air. she brushed her mane and washed her face. should anyone know her secret she would be sent back.... she didnt want to think about it. she wandered out into the garden and sat under a tree. 


really? tree's are so lame!


what do you have against trees?


seriously what is wrong with you guys? IM TRYING TO STUDY!!!


*more whimpering*

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Angel sat up.  She breathed heavily.  She quickly checked under the bed, inside the closet, in the bathroom...everywhere.  When she realized no one was there, Angel flopped down on her bed, exhausted emotionally.  She covered herself with the blanket and closed her eyes.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Azure walked out of his dorm, trotting at a slightly fast pace down the hallway. Some ponies noticed this and stared as they cleared a path for the slightly paranoid white stallion cantering out of the hall. Meeting the hall'd end at last, Azure began to calm as the familiar fragrance of fresh air filled his relieved nose. With newfound courage of unidentifiable reaches, he took in a deep breath. Walking toward a nearby garden, he could see a pink blob not so far ahead under a tree. As he got closer he saw the pink blob was actually the pony that stormed out of the cafeteria. With a kind approach, Azure got the courage to ask the seemingly frantically sad mare what was wrong.

"Um, hello?" Azure gesturingly asked the pink mare. She did not respond. "Are you okay?"

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily turned to face the colt. "oh um yeah. i think." she said quietly. she forced a smile. she was usually happy, but this came with the cost of mega-sadness every 7 days or so. she looked at the colt, he seemed nice. "i-i.. " she started, then straightened and continued confidently "i'm lily ringingbell. whats your name?" her forced smile changed to a warm one. voices rang in her head again, but she tried to hide it.


why are you so bi-polar


not now court.



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Azure could sense the hint of a plastic smile. Even so, he pretended he didn't notice anything abnormal at all about her this time.

"Oh my name? Azure," Azure replied to the pink alicorn's question "Azure Scythe to be precise."

As the distance in time between each others' words grew, so did the awkwardness. "Sorry if I'm intruding. I was looking for fresh air after some troubling thoughts occurred to me," Azure said, realizing he might have shared more information than he wished he'd have.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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