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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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When he was better, Acid Dash could still walk, but he had to limp, and was very slow. He then limped back to music class, and he asked the teacher for permission to rest for the day, after he grabbed his bags, and started walking back to his dorm, he said he would be back to classes as soon as he was completely healed, he limped off to his dorm. He realized that it was the first time he actually used his real voice in school. When he got back to his dorm, he checked through his bags, and got his blanket. He saw the note form Night Song on the top of his bag, and read it. When he read it, he at first didn't know who it was from, then, he remembered the person who gave him his picture back, had the name: Night Song written on a folder. He thought about it for a second, and then went to sleep.

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Azure was on his way to class when he heard that "Acid Dash" had hurt himself. He simply went on with his day and did nothing special about it, figuring it was not his business. There was still blood on the floor when he entered the hallway where Acid Dash had fallen unconscious. It reminded him of one of his favorite shows, Dockster. When he got to class he realized that it was about to start and he was lucky to be in on time. Alphabetically people started presenting their fears displayed on paper. Some boring, some exciting, some simple, and some complex. The class was anxiously awaiting his turn, as he was one of the last people to go and he was expected to give some convenient, smart lesson during the presentation. Azure placed his drawing under the AverVision projector, and from the projection came a simple drawing of brains layered upon each other, many corrupted in some way. All but one.

"This," Azure said "This is a drawing I made to represent my fear."

"No shit, Sherlock," some indistinct voice among the pony crowd said, making the class along with Azure chuckle slightly

"...Yea," was all Azure said to reply "So as you can see, there are many corrupt brains, some wrinkled, some small. No matter what flaw they face they still represent the dumbing down and insanity- inducing of fellow ponies. All brains shown are flawed, except for one, representing my brain. If you haven't figured out what my greatest fear by now, it's my fear that all other ponies may be driven toward insanity except for me." 

Upon hearing this, the class let out a small laugh as if that weren't big enough of a deal to be a fear. For the rest of class everypony wandered around and went more in-depth with each others' fears. Some found it to be therapeutic, others a complete waste of time.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter left her room, feeling hungry, she headed to the cafeteria to have some lunch. she enjoyed a salad whilst studying the ponies around her

"oh my...so many ponies here..."

her head started to sink into her shoulders a little bit

"I dont know whether to talk to them or let them come to me. godess Hunter, you need to stop talking to yourself"

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As Acid Dash walked to music room a few weeks later, as he was feeling much better and could actually walk again, he noticed the blood from where he hit his head was still on the wall and on the floor he blushed a bit, and tried to walk faster than usual to get away from the small(Ok. Big) Puddle of blood.

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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When Angel finished her breakfast, she went straight to class, hoping to get a nice window seat before they were all taken.  She sat down in the back corner next to a window.  She pulled out her notebook and opened to a blank, black page.  She began to write across the page with her silver gel pen.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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As he finally got back to his classes, he began to be more social. Occasionally talking, but never too loud, and never too long. In music he never focused on anything but making songs. The songs had no vocals, as he was a terrible singer. When he would finish a song, he would be too shy to ask any one to do the vocals for his song. So he just sat in his seat, and just waited for class to be over.

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classes had finished for the day and lily walked out to her usual place in the garden. she started to sing and hum and she started to play tetris with the clouds once more. 


flying above the sky so clear

motherless and full of fear

taken from her hidden home

onward she goes that alicorn.

but why is she, why is she an alicorn?

why is she, why is she

that alicorn?

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classes had finished for the day and lily walked out to her usual place in the garden. she started to sing and hum and she started to play tetris with the clouds once more. 


flying above the sky so clear

motherless and full of fear

taken from her hidden home

onward she goes that alicorn.

but why is she, why is she an alicorn?

why is she, why is she

that alicorn?


hunter left the cafeteria and trotted out to the garden, she didnt have class that day. she saw an alicorn mare moving clouds around in the sky and decided to strike up a conversation

"hello up there, whatcha doing? looks like fun"

she put on a smile, hoping she was heard

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lily was startled slightly but put on a smile. "im playing tetris! its a game i have on my phone, well, i did before i broke it." she chuckled slightly. "i'm lily, by the way, lily ringingbell." her horn glowed and she stretched her wings as she played with the clouds. "whats your name?"

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"Angel Feather, what are you writing?"

Angel Feather startled.  She hadn't noticed the teacher even enter the room.  Angel automatically slammed her notebook shut.  Blushing, Angel looked up at the teacher.  "I-I w-was just wr-writing a-a sto-story," she stuttered.

"Did I ask you to write a story in class?"


"Then put your book away and listen up!"

"Y-yes sir."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid dash was walking with his younger sister Bloodwing, he heard Lily's voice, then Hunter's voice, and he told his younger sister "I think we should take another way through the garden" Trying to keep his voice down, so Lily and Hunter wouldn't hear him. Bloodwing could hear Lily and Hunter too, and she knew why he wanted to go another way, so, as loud as she could, she yelled "YAAAY! ADVENTURE!!!" Acid dash hid in the flowers and bushes in case Lily and Hunter heard his sister

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lily was startled slightly but put on a smile. "im playing tetris! its a game i have on my phone, well, i did before i broke it." she chuckled slightly. "i'm lily, by the way, lily ringingbell." her horn glowed and she stretched her wings as she played with the clouds. "whats your name?"


"I'm Hunter, Hunter Incendiare"

hunter flew up and sat on a nearby cloud

"I like your mane, how do you style it like that?"

Hunter chuckled a little. Lily's mane sure looked appealing and the colour sure matched her coat

'very attractive, though don't get your hopes up Hunter, not all mares swing by the same way as you'

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Class ended.  Angel rushed outside to get some fresh air.  She sat down on a log and tried to go over everything she had just been taught in her head.  When it didn't come she pulled out her notebook again.

Oh glorious notebook.  Full of stories of places I wish I lived.  Full of ponies I wish I knew.  If only.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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When Acid Dash realized no one had heard his sister, he came out of the bushes, as soon as his sister overheard Hunter say her name, and Lily say hers, she screamed "LIIILLLYYYYY!!!!!!! HUUUNTTEEEERRRR!!!! COME OVER HEEERRREEE!!!!" As soon as his little sister started screaming, Acid Dash said "Oh God. Why do I have to put up with you?!" And he ran back into the bushes, hiding again.

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Yet another assignment was given that day to Azure and likely the rest of the class. As he trotted back to his dorm, he found himself with the urge to listen to music. Looking on his lg viper to find the perfect song for his mood, he selected one of his favorite songs. Self unconsciously, he began singing along to the somewhat soothing lyrics of the song:

"I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear someone else is pulling at the st-rings, something terrible is going down, through the entire town, wreaking anarchy and all it brings. I can't sit idly, no I can't move at all. I curse the name, the one behind it aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAll! Discord! I'm howlin' at the moon and sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon."- Some ponies got distracted by Azure's singing, but they did nothing about it.-"Discord! Whatever did we do to make you take our world awaaay?!"- by this time all the ponies in the area's attention was drawn to Azure.-"Discord! Are we your prey alone? Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne? Discord! We won't take it anymore, so take your tyranny awaaaay!" Azure paused along with the song's lyrics."I'm fine with changing status quo, but not in letting go, now the world is being torn apart. A terrible catastrophe, played by your symphony what a terrifying work of art! I can't sit idly no I can't move at all. I curse the name, the one behind it aaaaaaaAAAAAA-" Azure caught on to his singing acts as he realized that everypony in ear's reach was looking at and listening to him. He glanced back at them, and they clopped (not that type). Azure could only smile slightly and blush with embarrassment.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"oh just a ton of hairspray and a ton of magic." she giggled " can you just nudge that cloud to the side for a bit. it seems to be stuck." she smiled. lily was a bisexual, so she liked her doorway to swing both ways, but it took something special to get her leaf to settle. hunter seemed sweet and kind and... 


shut up, dont be a weirdo

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When Acid Dash finally came out of the bushes again, Bloodwing smiled devilishly at him, and pointed to a clock, she told him "Hey Big kid, your gonna be late for art if you dont get there in the next..." She looked at the clock again "30 seconds." Acid Dash looked at the clock, and then flew faster than ever. Art was his 2nd favorite subject, and he didn't want to be late, so he flew fast, when he first started flying, the flowers on most of the plants fell off, covering mostly anypony there. Accidentally leaving his younger sister in the garden.

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"oh just a ton of hairspray and a ton of magic." she giggled " can you just nudge that cloud to the side for a bit. it seems to be stuck." she smiled. lily was a bisexual, so she liked her doorway to swing both ways, but it took something special to get her leaf to settle. hunter seemed sweet and kind and... 


shut up, dont be a weirdo


Hunter pushed over the stuck cloud a little to help Lily

"so, not to sound nosy or anything, but tell me about yourself, Lily. you seem like a pony to have an interesting background"

she wondered if Lily would answer her, until a sudden thought hit her mind

"of course you dont have to"

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As Acid Dash calmed down from flying too fast, his younger sister was covered in pink and red flowers, from when Acid Dash left. She decided she would find Hunter and Lily, so she flew up, still covered in flowers. She saw Lily and Hunter talking, and she flew over to them, eager to meet some ponies at the school.

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"all righty, but dont think im a weirdo." lily blushed " i was found in a house in the evergreen forest. i was moved to manehatten to live with my foster parents. then a whole lot oh shit went down, thn i came here to learn music." lily chuckled "most of the bits inbetween i dont like to talk about..." she trailed of. she snapped back into focus "so what about you?"

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Angel didn't feel like writing, so she lifted up the book in her silver magic glow and held it in front of her face.  She went to the first page and began to read...

My name is Daffodil Thorne, and this is how my story begins... she read silently, happy she decided to add that line.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Darkwing started flying around the 2 ponies, and pushed a hail cloud over them both, and she laid on top of the cloud, she stomped her hoof on the cloud, when she did, hail flew down. She laughed, but trying to make it sound low enough so Lily and Hunter couldn't hear.

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On the way to his dorm, Azure caught a glimpse of the pony he met earlier at the brink of dusk, Lily, he remembered her name, talking to another mare. Good, Lily isn't the hostile pony he thought she'd be from my first encounter with her Azure thought. He could overhear bits of their conversation: "...found in... evergreen forest... moved to Manehattan to live with my foster parents... I don't like to talk about..." was all Azure could decipher. Yet another thing that Lily and him had in common: they were both adopted, presumably under complicated circumstances. However, he took personal note of Lily's willingness to talk to this mare more than himself. He took offense to a low level, but decided it was none of his business. After all, Azure was also tight with this type of thing.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"all righty, but dont think im a weirdo." lily blushed " i was found in a house in the evergreen forest. i was moved to manehatten to live with my foster parents. then a whole lot oh shit went down, thn i came here to learn music." lily chuckled "most of the bits inbetween i dont like to talk about..." she trailed of. she snapped back into focus "so what about you?"

"I've lived in Canterlot my whole life, my Mom and Dad were rich high-rise ponies. I never had any real friends, just fakes that wanted me for my money same as my first love, after that I vowed never to love until I'm on my own. yadda yadda yadda, I came here to learn drama"

she smiled at Lily for listening to her

"sorry if I bore you, but thank you for listening to me"

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The crowd started to give a standing ovation violently.  I fell back as my friends let go of my hands.  Both of those, as well as the spotlight dimming – causing everything to look darker then it really was and black spots to fly across my vision – made me fall back in a bewildered dazed,  Angel read as the chapter ended. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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