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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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((Lol. Almost all of my recent posts have been Bloodwing trying to get your guys' attention))


Bloodwing looked down at the 2 ponies from her hail cloud. she noticed there was a cloud over them, so they wouldn't notice the hail. She looked at them. Then flew down and pushed the cloud out of the way. She then flew back up to her cloud and laid down.

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"haha nah, its not boring!" lily saw azure in the distance. "azure! come sit with us! the more the merrier!" she said with a smile. " hunter this is azure." she looked at her two friends. she had an idea. "hey guys, how about we go out into the town? we've got no more classes and tommorrow is a free-day. it might be a good excuse to check out the town as adults!"

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Angel Feather considered whether or not to move on to the next chapter.  She adjusted herself on the log and decided she would.  She began the next chapter.  It wasn't the best chapter.  But as the chapter started towards the end, it got more interesting.  Oh well.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"haha nah, its not boring!" lily saw azure in the distance. "azure! come sit with us! the more the merrier!" she said with a smile. " hunter this is azure." she looked at her two friends. she had an idea. "hey guys, how about we go out into the town? we've got no more classes and tommorrow is a free-day. it might be a good excuse to check out the town as adults!"

"great idea, I've never been around Manehatten before, but it should be fun"

Hunter almost jumped up with delight at Lily's suggestion

'she's really nice, kind, playful and attractive. I know I just met her a couple minutes ago but this mare is my first crush'

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Bloodwing flew over to Lily, as she was pretty sure she didn't know who she was. She asked Lily "Your going into town? I am visiting my brother, and he would love to go..." She knew Acid Dash wouldn't like to go with them, he wasnt very social, but she was making sure he was going to go.

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"Hmmm... sure," said Azure in reply to Lily's request. Azure turned his glance to the now known mare, Hunter. Azure saw she was deep in thought, presumably evaluating her thoughts on her answer to Lily's request and the very encounter of her. Azure tilted his head up, widened his eyes slightly and said "Sup'," to Hunter.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Angel looked up at the large group of ponies.  She looked back down at her notebook.  I wonder if this is considered studying.  I must seem so drab.  But luckily, no pony seemed to notice.  Angel skipped ahead to the last few pages and wrote down an idea for a song to out into the story.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid Dash walked where the other ponies were. He overheard Bloodwing saying "He would love to go with you guys" He ran up and asked her "What-What did you just say?" Bloodwing's smile said everything "Do the other ponies even know who you are?" He asked her.

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"Hmmm... sure," said Azure in reply to Lily's request. Azure turned his glance to the now known mare, Hunter. Azure saw she was deep in thought, presumably evaluating her thoughts on her answer to Lily's request and the very encounter of her. Azure tilted his head up, widened his eyes slightly and said "Sup'," to Hunter.

"huh...what...oh nothing much, just hanging out with Lily, she's not like the ponies from Canterlot"

Azure seemed to have snapped her out of her thought

'damn, and they were good thoughts too. hmm I wonder what there is to do for fun in Manehatten, maybe a club or something, ooh that'd be nice'

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Acid Dash flew Bloodwing home, from Manehatten to Cloudsdale. He was back in 3 minutes. On the way back, he decided he would stop in Manehatten and maybe buy some stuff. He bought something for everyone in the school he knew. For Lilly he bought a new phone, ANgel he bought a golden pen, as he had always seen her writing with silver, and he didn't know much about anypony else.

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"Tell me about it. I lived in Canterlot until I was of legal age and moved out of that buckin' place. So many arrogant ponies there, I swear." Azure said to Hunter. Azure looked at the ponies that were just conversing that flew away. One of them seemed to be talking to them before the flight. "Dafuq?" was all Azure could say at the situation

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Angel tapped her cheek with her pen.  She wrote out:

Your soul is wandering through the willow,

Lost, wondering where to go,

Turn left or right, throughout the snow,

Is this the earth, or is this a dream?

Is this the spirit land, or is this reality?

Wandering lost, seeking help,

Through this life, is this how they felt?

Push through the trees,

Seeking earth and reality, through this dream,

Angel paused to hum to the tune.  She could sing, but she wanted to be a writer. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid dash flew fast. He threw the pen he had bought for Angel into her lap as he flew past her, then he left the new phone outside of Lily's dorm, where he knew only she could find it. He then went back to his dorm, tired, he took a nap. When he woke up. He screamed. There was his younger sister, sitting on his floor

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Angel jumped as a pen landed in her lap.  She looked up as pegasus flew quickly past.  "T-thanks?" Angel whispered, knowing he obviously couldn't hear her.  I'll thank him later.  Angel looked at the pen.  A gold gel pen.  Oh...I love these.  Angel shook the pen and tried making a line in her notebook.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"so its decided!" lily said with glee " we'll go out into the city tonight!" she heard azure talk about canterlot. "i've been there once, i didnt really like it. well, when i say went there, i mean i was in a cave outside of it, in a secret base and i..." she stopped herself. shut up, if you tell them what happened, no party. "i drank some soda." she concluded with a plastic smile. "imma go get a dress on or something, cant go clubbing or dining without a gown!" she chuckled. "nothing to formal, okay?" she trotted of, leaving her magic game of tetris in the clouds.

Edited by lilymalady123
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hunter nodded to Lily and waved to Azure. she flew back to her room and looked through her wardrobe of what to wear

"hmmm, too casual...too formal...too colourful...not colourful enough...PERFECT!"

she eventually picked out a red, sequeny party dress. short enough to look attractive, long enough to not look like a tart

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lily threw her clothes all over the floor looking for a dress to wear. eventually she decided on a baby blue bubble dress with glitter and saphire earings. she laid it on the bed and went to the shower room to have a shower before going into town. she walked into the familiar room. white tiles laced the floor and walls and a central shower row stood in the middle. she stood under one of the lined up nozels and turned on the water. she started to sing to herself as she used her magic to clean herself up.

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hunter got the rest of what she was going to take out ready and went to the dorm bathrooms to clean up. when she entered the bathroom she heard singing, it sounded like the singing on an angel. she turned on the shower in the cubicle next to whoever it was. she then realized that the voice sounded familiar



lily threw her clothes all over the floor looking for a dress to wear. eventually she decided on a baby blue bubble dress with glitter and saphire earings. she laid it on the bed and went to the shower room to have a shower before going into town. she walked into the familiar room. white tiles laced the floor and walls and a central shower row stood in the middle. she stood under one of the lined up nozels and turned on the water. she started to sing to herself as she used her magic to clean herself up.


"is that you, Lily? wow you sing like a godess"

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lily jumped a bit in suprise. she recognized the voice straight away "oh thanks hunter! i tend to sing when my brain goes awol." she began to sing again.


we need your body

for the saviour to be born

find her now

that alicorn

where is she where is she?

find and bring me that alicorn

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Azure saw that his fellow friends were already on there way when his attention was away from the previous situation, and bolted. Literally. Being a photamancer, he can manipulate light in any way and decided to do a spell that allows you to ride photons. At his dorm in under a second, he withdrew clothes from his drawer: A dress shirt, some stone colored jeans and a pair of dress boots. He always dressed to his liking, no matter what the occasion, but rather his feeling. He waited outside of his dorm for any sight of Lily or Hunter to signify when to go. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten here so fast Azure thought Meh, oh well.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily finished in the shower. she went to her dorm and got dressed. she saw azure outside of his dorm so she trotted over to say hi. "your ready already? cool! that was nearly as quick as when linus..." she stopped herself "at that popcorn at the movie!" smooth moves lily. she thought to herself. "we can wait here for hunter, she wont be long. " she said with a smile

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"Well okay then... *huff*," Azure was experiencing the after-effects of using such a high-power spell for mere travel. He now regrets having done so. "You look nice for 'nothing too formal'," Azure commented on Lily's attire. ​Now that I think about it, why don't I dress more formal more often? A school so prestigious is a great excuse for wearing good clothes Azure thought. Before the university he wore formal clothes almost all the time. Now not so much.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter got out of the shower, gussied up in front of the mirror and then back to her room to get dressed into her crimson attire. she trotted to Lily's room, nopony here, she then headed to Azure's room

"ah, here youse are, we all ready to go? wow Lily, you look great, you have to tell me where you can get dresses like that"

she wanted to compliment her without it sounding like flirting

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"not to shabby yourself, hunter! theres a shop in town i buy them at. they import straight from a place in ponyville called 'the carousel boutique'. wonderful store." she smiled "ok, so i think we should eat at a resteraunt around 7. maybe until then we could sit at a bar? i hear they have crazy cocktails this part of equestria." 


((brb imma have a shower may be slow replying))

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"mmm sounds like fun, ok we'll go to a bar then restaurant, I'd love to help plan the rest of the night but I don't know what this city has to offer"

she giggled a little bit at her statement and accompanied the others heading out to town with her, tonight is going to be fun

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