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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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hunter left her room, she wondered if Lily made it back to the dorms. She trotted to Lily's room and knocked on the door

"Hey Lily, you there, sweetie? "

She stood in front of the door waiting for Lily to answer it. Judging by the sounds of computer keys tapping, she should be in

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"oh yeah! hi hunter!" she said through the door with a happy tone. "come in, the doors unlocked!" she continued to sort her photos on the computer and hum to herself. i guess today is better than any other she thought to herself, not bothering to close her computer window

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"So you did make it back last night. Awww cute, is that a sibling or somepony?"

Hunter smiled at Lily, the foal looked absolutely adorable in the photo Lily left open on her laptop.

"You missed most of the fun last night, it was funny, I drank that much, my legs gave out dancing"

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"haha, sounds like i missed out on one heck of a party!" lily said with a chuckle. "nah, im an only child. this is my son." she looked eagerly at hunter waiting for the reaction. she didnt know what would happen, but she knew it would be a suprise to anypony that she had a kid

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"Awww you never told me you had a son, I would love to have a foal of my own, but you know, mare-plus-mare can't have foals"

Hunter quickly covered her mouth and blushed

'Why did I say that, I just told my best friend that I'm a lesbian. I hope she can accept that I am'

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Azure saw that the door to Lily's dorm was slightly open, and heard the distinct chatter of Hunter and Lily inside. Deciding not to intrude that much, he tapped on the door frame with his hoof. "Hey guys, may I come in?" Azure asked, hoping Lily would have a full explanation for why she left last night.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"i guessed your door swung that way. i myself am a bisexual, i see beauty from the inside of the soul, not the inside of the legs." she heard azure. "come on in!" she said with a smile "anyway, i used to have a boyfriend, now things are a little akward. you see shadow cazym, my son, he... well... doesnt really have a dad." she blushed "he was magically implanted. now there is a fun story."

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"Interesting story," Azure said. He'd heard about ponies doing that do to lack of fertility, but he'd never actually met one in person"I take it that's what held you from our little affair at the bar, am I correct?" Azure asked, though he thought he knew the answer.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Acid Dash could hear everything the 3 ponies said as he walked in the hallway passed Lily's dorm on his way to his own dorm. He decided he would just ignore everything they said unless they called him out or something. So he just started walking, he didn't expect any of them to ask him something or anything. So he just walked.

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"kinda, i have a few friends who are looking after him while i go here. but they always seem to fail miserably, espescially when the only two of them with any brains are always busy. i love zym dearly, but what i would give to go back and stop the whole thing..." she trailed of in thought. "anyway, the reason i have a kid is linked directly to where i come from. there's a hint for our little game." she winked at azure

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"Alright, I'll keep that in mind," Azure took mental note of her hint. "So I take it Hunter put you up-to-date with what happened last night, am I right?" asked Azure. "Honestly, only bits and pieces are coming back to me, so I sort of need a briefing myself." Azure felt almost ashamed at the statement.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Night Song was flying through the university trying to flee from something. She looked back and it was a shadowed pony with a sharp weapon of some kind. She kept flying through the hallways and hiding in classrooms, but that pony always found her. Finally, she got cornered and one of her wings was torn off to prevent her from flying over the pony. When the blade came slashing down on her neck, everything turned black.


Night Song woke up in her bed screaming and covered in cold sweat. Her wings were intact and her neck was totally smooth. When she finally stopped screaming, she just laid there panting before she shakily climbed out of bed.

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Acid Dash heard Night Song screaming and knocked on the door. "You alright?" He asked. He waited for an answer, and he thought that something had happened to Night Song. He didn't want anyone else ending up like he did during music. He hoped she was okay. l

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Night Song was shivering alot when she opened the door. She was surprised to see Acid Dash there! "O-oh, hi! It's n-nothing just a b-bad d-dream," she said with a big grin, hoping to was enough to say she was ok even though she was clearly shaking. "S-so, how are y-you doing after t-that accident of y-yours?" she asked trying to change the subject. She gets frightened pretty easily, even if it's just a dream.

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"Oh..." He realized he was talking in his normal voice "Uhm...Im fine." I Uhh... Just heard you screaming and wanted to make sure you were okay." he remembered the cupcakes he got. "Oh! Right, would you like one of these?" He pulled out the box of 5 cupcakes. "I got them from Sugarcube corner in Ponyville."

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"Sugarcube Corner? Ponyville?" Night Song asked, helping herself to a cupcake and finally calming down. "I happen to come from that place! Me and my dad live there...well actually it's just my dad there now," she said, now relishing the familiar taste of sweet bakery goods from that shop. "Did you happen to see a red stallion with a red and orange mane and a medicine bottle for a cutie mark?"  she asked out of curiosity.

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"Hey, I think I heard some screaming," Azure said with seriousness in his voice. "Imma' go check it out." He cantered out of the room and through the hall. There he saw a young gray stallion with a box of cupcakes standing outside of somepony's dorm. He trotted down the hall and asked: "Hey, what's going on?"

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Well... There was a stallion who did look exactly like that, but he was walking, and I didn't expect him to be your dad. I guess thats the only time I saw him unless I forgot the other times if I even saw him those times." Again, Acid Dash realized he was using his normal voice. He lowered his voice "But im not sure if I saw him or not..."

When he heard Azure's voice, he didn't really want anyone else to hear his real voice, so he lowered his voice more when Azure walked up "Uhm... She was just having a nightmare. Nothings wrong..." He looked at Azure, his hood over his head so no one could see his eyes, yet he learned to cut only the inside, so he could see out, but no one could see into his jacket.

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Azure gave a small nod of approval, and was trotting back to Lily's dorm when yet another headache came on to him. This one was distinctively more fierce than the other, so he decided he would leave her dorm almost as soon as he got there to get fresh air.

"Hey, I'm getting a bad feeling, so I'm going outside." Azure said to both Hunter and Lily.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Uhm...I guesss I'll go back to my dorm..." Acid Dash said as he started walking away "Oh, by the way, would you like the rest of these Night Song?" he asked her, showing her the cupcake box. "It might remind you of home..." He said. He didn't really know anything about that. Considering to remember home, he just had to look up.

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"No thanks. Go ahead and keep them and share them with any friends you have here. Besides..." Night Song pulled out a blue ribbon that Chaser Wing had won at the university many years ago. "He gave this to me before I left as a good luck charm. My dad was an awesome academic here. He was put in the science category," she said. "I'll let you head back now. Thanks for checking up on me! See ya later," Night Song said as she looked back at Acid before closing the door.

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"Thanks for understanding, Lily, I knew I could trust you"

Hunter put her hooves around Lulu and hugged her, tears began to appear in her eyes

"I'm just so sick of everypony judging me, trying to make me live unhappy because it's 'normal'. Sorry, you're just the only pony that understands my sexuality"

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Lily hugged hunter back. "Look, if anyone even looks at you funny, you tell me. I'm here for you hunter, and I always will be. I promised to keep this to myself." She smiled warmly. "And if its any consolation, when you find that special someone, they will love you to. Because you are quite literally beautiful."

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Azure overheard their conversation and saw his two friends hugging. Alright, none of my business, guess I should just gtfo. Azure fled the scene and trotted to the garden in which he first met Lily and Hunter. His head ceased with the aching as his thoughts organized themselves. However, his brain began to circle around one certain thought: All these emotional events are compelling. Why this happened so suddenly here in Manehattan's University For The Rich Or Talented I haven't got a clue. All this is reminding me of my time in Appleloosa... Buck. As Azure came to control his thoughts, he let go of the primary one. He swore he would never think about it again, though this was already denied when he had his nightmare. Giving up on trying not to think about it, he simply layed his head back on the ground, and stared up at the sky. It's dusk, the Eve of night... damn it. Thought Azure

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Well, there is a mare I've had my admiration for, she may or may not know that I like her. She's sweet, kind, not to mention beautiful"

Hunter smiled and wiped away her tears, her heart rate increased in speed and she blushed a little but trying to hide it as best as she could

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