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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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"Well, if you ask me, you just need to be honest with her. You may be surprised!" She winked. She liked hunter. She was nice, sweet and in touch with the world and herself. She wouldn't mind... No shut up lily. Be quiet, you've got enough problem without a relationship.

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"Its funny you say that, because. ..she's you"

Hunter let out a smile and waited for Lily's reaction

'Oh my Celestia, I've never opened my heart out like that. I hope she likes me back, even if she doesn't, just don't reject me hurtfully'

She managed to snap out of her deep thought and continue to wait for a reaction

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lily stood and looked at hunter for a few moments. she smiled, then planted a huge kiss right on hunters lips. her lips were soft like silk and tasted like cherries. she broke away. "yep, i guessed as much, your as good a kisser as you are beautiful." she chuckled.

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Hunter swore if her heart went one more beat per minute faster, it would explode. Lily's kiss was the most satisfying thing she ever felt

"Wow, that was. ..wow"

Hunter was lost for words

'So this feeling isn't just a drama performance cliche, I love it'

She leaned in and kissed Lily again

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A new student arrived at the Dean's office. Though it was late at night, he couldn't just stay outside the university and wait until another appropriate time. This situation was urgent. The Dean was still signing papers. 

"Excuse me sir," said the almost colorless stallion with a hint of yellow on his coat. "I would request that I get my key. I'm Lawrence Apprehension, subject magic, I got rec-" Lawrence was cut off by the Dean.

"Ah Lawrence Apprehension. Here we go," the Dean handed the schedule to the colt "Here's your schedule," the Dean shuffled through a drawer on his desk "and here's your key."

Lawrence looked down at the schedule. At the bottom there was his dorm number. "Dorm 86," Lawrence said


My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily and hunter were, by now, kissing so passionatly that lily felt she had to break away. "okay," she said as she wiped her lips "looks like i got myself a fillyfriend!" she smiled. she hugged hunter. she had both fillyfriends and coltfriends before, but nothing was as special as this. "hunter, i knew from the moment i saw you that you were something special, but i think tonight is not the night for anything more than kissing." she sighed. she had a huge concert tomorrow and she didnt want to be sleepy, but at the same time she didnt want to leave hunter. "maybe you'd like to spend the night here? we can call it a date of sorts! i can grab us some grub and we can, you know, talk." she smiled with glee and a light shone in hunters eyes which made her want to colapse with love.

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"As long as I'm with you, I'd love to spend the night with you, sweetie"

Hunter kissed her new fillyfriend on the forehead and held her close

"You are the most amazing mare I have ever known, I love you Lily"

She continued to hold her lover in the sweet embrace

  • Brohoof 1

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"i... i love you too hunter" lily said. when hunter held her it was like a million butterflies played tennis in her stomach, she felt warm and safe and she never wanted her to leave. she nuzzeld in hunters mane and could hear her heart beat. she sighed a happy sigh and snuggled next to her new fillyfriend. 

  • Brohoof 1
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As Azure trekked to his dorm, he noticed that it was already night, meaning he dozed off. At his dorm, he plopped on his bunk, ready for bed when there came a knock on the door.

"Hel-" The light yellow stallion punched Azure straight in the face when he opened the door

"DO YOU REMEMBER ME, AZURE?!" asked the stallion

"How d-" the colt pinned Azure against the nearest wall


Azure managed to pin the stallion to the wall opposite using his magic.

"Who are you, and how do you know m-" Azure again was cut off

"I'M YOUR OWN FOAL YOU COLT OF A BITCH!" came Lawrence's reply

"Impossible I don't have any-" once more Azure was cut off

"Figures, only the STUPIDEST pony would lose track of his own children. I bet you don't even remember who Eve Gala is."

"Who's Eve Gala?" asked Azure


"I mean who is she to you?"

"MY MOM, you narcissistic moron," said Lawrence on the verge of tears.

"Do you mean it?" Azure asked

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't"

"I have a foal..." Azure was speechless at the finding

"That's what I said, idiot. Now let me kick your flank for leaving me," said Lawrence in a voice trembling with anger and sadness.

"Look... I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you. I know what it feels like to be under foster care. But you have to understand that I didn't know about you... Eve was secretive, she could've sneaked anything by me."

"...Do you mean it?" slightly mockingly asked Lawrence

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't," said Azure, returning the mock.

Lawrence gave in to his tears as Azure let go of his magical grasp of him, and cried in his father's shoulder

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"holy buck whats all that commotion?" lily said, startled by the yelling. she stood up and out of hunters grip. "do you thing we should check it out?" she didnt want to intrude, but then again if someone was in trouble...


she walked out of her dorm, turning to hunter "i'll be right back, stay here, it could be dangerous." she trotted to the dorm and knocked on the door. it was azure's room so she was worried sick. "azure? you alright? i heard shouting."

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Azure did his part in sharing the hug. It felt great to bond with another without need of words. Lawrence had stopped crying and simply stood there. Suddenly both lost balance as their hind legs couldn't support them, and they both lay sprawled on the floor of Azure's dorm. Azure then heard Lily's voice and replied: "Everything's cool. Now that I think about it, you should come in," At that, Azure opened the door to his dorm.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"oh, hi!" lily said, not expecting azure to open the door. "who's your friend?" she asked. she didnt want to spend to much time in there or hunter might leave... 5 minutes couldnt hurt. she walked in and waited for azure to explain the situation. they looked alike, the two of them...

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"This fellow stallion..." Azure paused for an overly dramatic effect "...happens to be my long lost son."

"Lawrence. Lawrence Apprehension," Lawrence needlessly told Lily his name, holding out a hoof to shake "My I ask who you are and what your relationship with my father is?"

(( Blue text= Azure. Navy text= Lawrence))

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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((got it ^.^))


"your father is still trying to answer that question himself." she chuckled "my name is lily ringingbell, im a friend and fellow student of your father's." she smiled again. "hey azure, now's a good a time as any to tell you i have a son as well. so if you need advice on how to be a father let me know." she joked. "but my son is a lot younger. my son is 9, im guesing that you are at least 100." she said it so casually she shocked even herself a bit. 

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"I'll tell you the story of, well, just about what went down in the morning at breakfast, Lily."

"So, um, dad, how about you show me around the place the same morning?"

"Alright. During breakfast you should sit with me and tell me exactly how you found me here" Azure then noticed his cutie mark, getting the implication that Lawrence was a detective. "But now, we should head to sleep. It's pretty late."


((Last post for now, heading to bed))

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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((might do the same))


"ok, well see you tomorrow!" she said and walked out of the room to her dorm. hunter was asleep in her bed. she smiled and climbed into bed with her. she put her hoof around her and fell asleep. she nuzzled into her mane. she smelt like roses,

  • Brohoof 1
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"Take your time"

Hunter said before Lily left the room. While she waited, Hunter was deep in thought

'Wow, I'm in love, but I've never felt this kind of love before, this is something special. If I'm correct, this love might be true. Like the fairy tales I used to read'

(Off to bed)

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When she heard all of the shouting outside of her dorm, Night Song ran out of her dorm and followed all the noise to investigate. By the time she got there, she saw Lily walking out. She didn't seem to notice her. Night Song knocked on Azure's door and asked," Is everything alright?"

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Angel Feather pushed the letters into envelopes and put them onto her bedside table to later send to the Princess and her caretaker.  Angel sat down on her bed and stared at the wooden floor.

There's no going back to what I had before.  There's no going back to what I had a few days ago either.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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((Sorry for late post, was too tired to say I was going to sleep.))

As Acid Dash walked back to his dorm to go to sleep. He remembered what Night Song had said.


"Nope. Go ahead and keep them. Share them with any friends you have here"

When Acid Dash thought about it, if she even counted, Night Song was really his only friend. When he got back to his dorm, knowing no one was there to take them, he laid on his bed, and softly threw the box of cupcakes at the wall above his desk, the cupcake box landing on his desk after hitting the wall. After he threw it, he went to sleep, when he saw the picture on the desk when he threw the cupcake box, he shed 1 tear.

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Rust lay on the concrete floor staring at the ceiling in boredom. He could venture out into the streets of Manehattan... but that was effort. At last, the red colt stood, stretched and set off along the corridor.


He walked down flights and flights of identical stairs until reaching the tower lobby, and he headed for the exit.


"Wait, Rust!" one of the secretaries called out, holding something out to him. "You've got a letter!"


The fact that the secretary knew his name was strange enough, but a letter!? Intrigued, Rust casually approached her and took the letter. He carried it out to the front of the tower, and sat on the steps outside.

It was pretty late... he'd had no idea. Time seems to slip by in a tower without windows...


He opened the letter, and read it. Then he read it again.


"What?!" Rust cried out. It was from the Manehattan University for the rich or talented. He'd been accepted! Rust cast his mind back to when he'd applied. He'd been really bored, wandering the city, and there it was; a huge fancy building. He just couldn't resist filing out one of the forms, and sitting in the expensive visitors section while he did so. He hadn't expected his application to get through, let alone be accepted. It was probably because of his father's influence upon the city... they'd accepted him because of his father's status.... typical. So now what? He could just ignore it... or, he could give it a go! It would only be a matter if time before they realised that he wasn't talented, and in that time he could entertain himself with lessons and social stuff! The colt brightened instantly, and set off. This sure beat staring at the ceiling! So what if it was late...

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Angel blinked her silver eyes.  She stood up and took a deep breathe, which she let out slowly.  She walked towards her door and pushed it open, walking out in the dimly lit hallway. 

I'm going somewhere.  I'm going to do something.  Better then brooding in my room.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Rust yawned loudly, then stepped through the huge entrance doors of the University. The great building was beautiful at night, with only side lights illuminating the place. Inside, Rust stepped up to the lone secretary. "Uhh.. I'm new here. What should I do?"


The secretary smiled, and replied; "Well the Dean is probably still awake, so you should introduce yourself."


Rust nodded, then continued through the hall. He found the dean's office, and knocked. The dean was marking papers, and nodded to Rust.


"Yeah, I'm Rust. Rust Dat..."


"Rust Datech." The dean finished. "Interesting choice of subjects. Are you sure that you'll be able to keep on top of them all? It's rare for a student to take more than one subject... then again, if you chose them, then you clearly must believe yourself capable of studying for them all! Am I right?"


Rust gritted his teeth, and forced a nervous smile. "Y.. yeah..."


The dean returned the smile, holding out a schedule. "Here you go, and here's your key. Your room is number 21."


Rust thanked the dean, and hurried out of the office. But he wasn't heading for his room just yet... this building was huge! At night, he could explore to his hearts content. Besides... sleep was overrated.

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Azure woke up, again to the sound of his phone alarm. He was glad he chose such a simplistic subject, as the interruptions last night caused him a loss of sleep. With the recent events concerning his son and him made his stress slightly more difficult. There had been the accidental dozing off in the garden, then his son confronted him and even punched him in the face, afterward resulting in the constant interruption of concerned people. That reminded him : I should check out my eye to see if it's all that bad after receiving a punch like that. Azure had taken many punches before, so he just brushed it off when he saw his eye was indeed swollen and purple. Afterward he remembered that he should probably get to the cafeteria early.


Lawrence had remembered what went down between his father and him immediately after waking. He had no problem with a lack of sleep, as he often found himself restless during the nights he investigated to find Azure. He awoke early, pumped as to hear more about his father and the ponies around him. Currently he is standing outside his dorm, waiting to see his father.

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter woke up feeling warm and secure, she rolled over to see Lily asleep holding onto her. Hunter got up, picked up Lily's phone and took a selfie of her kissing Lily on the forehead. Hunter wrote a note before quietly leaving the room

'Lily, going to class, be back in 2 hours. Love Hunter xx'

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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