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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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when lily awoke, she checked her phone for the time and saw hunter's little message. she smiled and blushed to much that she felt like her cheeks would fall off. she remembered breakfast with azure and his 'long lost son'. she giggled. she got up and brushed her hair. she walked to the cafeteria. she saw azure waiting for her. she sat down. "hia!" she greeted him with a happy tone.

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"Oh, hey!" equally greeted Azure "I believe Lawrence was following me, so he should be here any second."


As if on cue, Lawrence arrived in the cafeteria. He spotted Lily and Azure with a bright look on his face.

"I suppose to save time we should just get down to business," stated Lawrence.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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After brushing her mane and putting on some indigo feather mane extensions Chaser Wing sent her in response to a letter she wrote last night, Night Song flew over to the cafe. Along the way, she checked her folder to make sure all her homework was done. Relieved, she entered the cafe and got some french toast with maple syrup on top, along with a little cereal in case Acid came by. She sat down at a table near the window and started to eat.

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lily laughed slightly at lawrence's formal stature. she giggled to herself. "alrighty then!" she giggled even more. she was really happy today, being with hunter had done her good. she texted hunter, having breakfast with azure and his long lost son. such a long story. XoXo "so, what 'business' is this exactly?" she joked and quizzed him at the same time.

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"Telling you guys my reason for being here and how," came Lawrence's reply.

"*ahem*, It all started just after mom died. I was just a small foal in the small town of Appleloosa , unable to comprehend anything or take them seriously. When mom was hung from the gallows, everyone was depressed. She was a good mare, I could tell. I had a somewhat tough foalhood. The family I was raised with was poor, and my social situation was even worse, as I got bullied for not having a mother or a father. All it took was one pony telling me my parents didn't love me to ruin my foalhood. I asked my foster parents what exactly did happen to mom. They told me everything from mom being hung to you mysteriously disappearing. When I got a degree I ran off without hesitation, looking for you. I had an angry mindset. As you might be able to tell from my cutie mark, I happen to be a great detective," Lawrence gestured toward his flank. "I faked many of my names, lives and deaths just to follow you, dad. You'd be surprised at what the authorities can track nowadays. Anyways, your trail of clues lead me to right where we're sitting. Of course, it wasn't easy getting in. It took me a month to master some sort of magic enough to impress local schools, and another to get their attention. Once I got a recommendation I applied and got in. I even made sure I could move right next to you without suspicion," Lawrence gave a look to Azure. "That's basically it for me."

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter finished up her class for the day, the looked at her phone and read Lily's message, she smiled and headed for the cafeteria. She saw Lily, Azure and some other colt

"Hey sweetie. Hey Azure. Who's this?"

She gave her lover a hug and nuzzled her neck whilst sitting down next to her

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"hey sweetie, this is lawrence. the long lost son of azure's i mentioned." she nuzzled her partner back, waiting for azure to respond to the whole relationship. "lawrence, this is hunter, my fillyfriend. hunter, this is lawrence, a complete stranger to me but still an interesting character none the less."

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"Lawrence. Lawrence Apprehension, to be precise. It's kind of you to request my acquaintance. May I request the same?" asked Lawrence, eyes focusing on Hunter. "Nevertheless, I'm pleased to be here at Manehattan's University for the Rich or Talented," Lawrence added.


Azure flashed his eyes for a moment at the couple and said: "Fillyfriend, eh? Well I couldn't care less if you two took your relationship to another level. Just as long as it doesn't interfere with our trio, or quartet, I guess now."

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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lily giggled "thats lovely azure" she turned to hunter, "look, i have to go to class, i'll see you all soon!" and with that she stood up and walked to class. she had to sing a song describing her life infront of the whole class. this ought to be fun! shre thought

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Acid Dash finally woke up to the sound of his phone play his ringtone, which was a sound of him saying "Pick me up or else!" Then there was the sound of a knife being pulled out of something fastly. It wasn't a real thing, he had made it before he had gotten into this school. It was a text. H read it, and when he got up, he decided he would actually brush his mane. When he got to the nearest sink, he grabbed some water in his hooves and put it on his mane, making it easier to comb. As he did, drops of acid green fell form his head. When he looked back into the mirror, his mane was normal, except all of his green mane was white. He started to comb his mane, when he finished, he forgot to dye his hair green again, so, he walked into the cafe with black and white hair, he decided to leave his hoodie in his dorm, as it still had blood on it. As he walked into the cafe, he saw Night Song, and walked over to her.

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Hunter blew a kiss to Lily as she left

"Such an amazing filly, she is. Anyway, if he's your son, how old are you, Azure? If you don't mind me asking"

She looked over Lawrence and only noticed a slight resemblance to Azure. Hunter had a huge resemblance to both her parents

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lily walked into the classroom. the teacher stared at her harshly. "YOU'RE LATE!!!" the teacher screamed. "since you are late, you can present your song first!" 


lily walked up onto the makeshift stage. she inserted a cd into the cd-player and tested her background music.

she stood up straight and started to sing...



"one more time, guilty pleasure.
Enemy finds the hidden treasure
Flash of light, then she is gone.
Where is she that alicorn?
Who is she, where is she?
Where is she that alicorn
true loves kiss, together at last
Trouble caused by a single blast
Running away because she was born
Why is she, that alicorn?
Who is she, where is she?
Why is she, that alicorn? 
stop the running, end the chase
Cease the never ending case
A simple trick
To make her fall
Will she be, that alicorn?
Who is she, where is she
Why is she, Will she be that alicorn?
Who is she, where is she?
Why is she, that alicorn?"
  • Brohoof 1
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Angel walked slowly down the hall, her hooves stepping silently across the carpeted floor.  She began going down the steps and reached the ground floor.  She walked across the grass, moving towards the direction of the huge gates that separated the outside world from this one.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"You probably don't know this about me, Hunter, but I'm technically an alicorn," Hunter had an amused look on her face "Seriously," Azure then performed his specialty spell. An ear-piercing high pitched sound filled the air, and Azure began to glow brightly, revealing his silhouetted wings. Attracting several ponies' attention, Azure ceased with the spell. "I'm actually somewhere around 1,000 years old."

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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"Wow, for somepony as old as you, you look my age. Let me guess, permanent youth?"

Hunter really was surprised that Azure was really an alicorn. Her train of thought went back to Lily

'With a voice as angelic as hers, she is bound to be too of her class'

She waited patiently for her lovers class to end so they could be together again

(Last post for today and possibly tomorrow, merry christmas)

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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Rust was still walking the slowly filling corridors when he heard a high pitched screech. He pushed past the crowds to see into the cafeteria, where at one of the far tables stood... nah, couldn't be! An Alicorn?


Rust kept low and, by hiding amongst the crowds in the cafeteria, he got close enough to hear the conversation.

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Azure didn't like the amount of attention his spell attracted. Already ponies were piling around him. He didn't like attention all that much, so he decided to just get out. He didn't feel like eating anyways. "We should get out," said Azure, looking at Lawrence


Lawrence, sharing the same disinterest in drawing attention, went along with his father's plan "Yea, I don't feel like eating anyway."


The two stallions trotted down the hall at equal speed.


"So, what subject are you partaking in?"




"Alright, so that should be right over..." They exited the hallway and entered another "...there," Azure said, pointing to the first class to the right


"Wow, never realized life in a university would be so simple. Especially in such a high tier school."


"Trust me son, it's much more complex than that."


"OK, I'll keep that in mind... did you just call me son?"


"...Yea, I guess I did."


"Thanks for showing me around, dad."


"Hey, no problem, kid."


For the remainder of the day both colts went on the daily routines for the average student.


((Last post for tonight))

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Rust was disappointed to see the Alicorn leave; he'd never met one before. Also, more and more ponies seemed to be heading to classes. Should he join them?


The red colt pulled out his crumpled schedule, but he couldn't make a head or tail if it. There were clashes, and dates and times...

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Angel Feather walked slowly along the crowded streets.  It was already morning.  She had a class this evening.  Angel looked around at the scenery as she walked.  She forgot to bring her saddle bag with her.  She was empty of any possessions. 

She knew that she wasn't, but she felt free.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid Dash finally woke up to the sound of his phone play his ringtone, which was a sound of him saying "Pick me up or else!" Then there was the sound of a knife being pulled out of something fastly. It wasn't a real thing, he had made it before he had gotten into this school. It was a text. H read it, and when he got up, he decided he would actually brush his mane. When he got to the nearest sink, he grabbed some water in his hooves and put it on his mane, making it easier to comb. As he did, drops of acid green fell form his head. When he looked back into the mirror, his mane was normal, except all of his green mane was white. He started to comb his mane, when he finished, he forgot to dye his hair green again, so, he walked into the cafe with black and white hair, he decided to leave his hoodie in his dorm, as it still had blood on it. As he walked into the cafe, he saw Night Song, and walked over to her.

Night Song looked when she sensed Acid coming toward her. "Oh hi there!" she said. She then picked up the bowl of cereal she got for him and pushed it toward him. "Here, I made this bowl of cereal for you," Night Song said. Then she noticed that he didn't have his hoodie on or that his mane wasn't green and black. "Hey, what happened to your mane?" she asked.

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When he got to the table, he sat down, and he said "Well, I'm not gonna lie, my mane is dyed." He slowly ate the cereal."My father had green mane, and my mother had black mane, so no one could understand why I had white and black mane, so, my father had convinced me that dying stripes in my mane each day is a normal thing.

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"Why did they think it was problem for you to only have black and white instead of black and green? It's pretty unique to look something like that!" replied Night Song, slightly envious. It was also surprising because she looked like an exact copy of her mother minus the length of her mane and her cutie mark and her father never said it was normal to dye her mane orange and yellow everyday. Whoever would have their son dye his mane the same color as their own mane must be kind of vain!

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Rust was beginning to grow more nervous as more and more ponies began to leave the cafeteria. He'd studied the schedule countless times in anguish, trying to make head or tail of the tables and times. Well, there was no use sitting around fretting over where to go... he could just hang around, pretend that he wasn't in or something. Could be kinda fun ditching class... despite the fact that he was here by choice. Eventually, the red colt left the cafeteria, and began to explore the schools corridors again, pushing through masses if the rich and talented. Man, he felt out of place!  

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Angel Feather noticed a shop selling books.  She wanted to go inside, but she hadn't brought her money.  Maybe some other day.  If she went inside and found a book she liked, she wouldn't be able to think or anything else if she didn't buy it.  So Angel Feather walked on.


(BTW: I'll be gone on holiday for three whole days.  I'm not sure if I'll have access to the internet yet.  If I don't, I won't be able to post (obviously).  But if I do, I won't be able to post as often as usual.

Happy Holidays)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Acid Dash awkwardly walked back to his dorm. He was out of green dye for his hair, but he decided, he was going to be more social. When he got back to his dorm, he grabbed a pair of sharp scissors he brought just in case he needed them. He carefully fought with his long hair, cutting off bit by bit. By the time he was finished, there was a checkerboard on the floor, made of his hair. He looked in the nearest mirror, his eyes showing for the first time, he remembered the real reason his name was Acid. His eyes were completely green. He decided to go on a small walk around the school's garden. He walked along the carefully shoveled out dirt path, walking very slowly.

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