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Manehattens University For The Rich Or Talented (SOL: RP)


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Azure blushed a little bit at Lily's statement. "Sounds great. It'll give both our new friend here and Lawrence a slight... taste of what we do during our free time." 


"Awesome," Lawrence said "Two newbies, two mares and a colt walk into a pub... that sorta sounds like the setup to a bad joke."

Edited by Azurepony4269

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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Hunter giggled at Lawrence's statement

"alrighty, leeeeeeeeets gooooooooooo~"

Hunter was being all cheery as she has finally found a group of ponies to properly call friends and Lily who she loved with every inch of her heart. she accompanied the group in heading to town

                           Add me on Steam | Youtube Channel

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Acid walked back to his dorm, where he usually went to be alone, and listened to Love Me Cherilee (Toutube: "Love Me Cherilee, Song by WoodenToaster, if you can find it, video by BronyDanceParty) He sang along to it "Hey Cherilee, hey Cherileeee, I'm afraid to raise my ha-aa-and, I have something to ask you, because I want to understaa--and..."

Night Song was on her way to her dorm to get her bag(blue with cyan and white spiral patterns), when she heard a familiar voice from behind one of the doors to the dorms. She identified the voice as Acid and remembered his dorm number. She then knocked on the door.

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(Sorry for lack of posting, been pretty busy... Okay, no, I just haven't been posting :P)


Acid Dash barely heard the knocking from the music playing. He turned off his PonyPod, and walked to the door. "Oh. Uh. Hi Night Song. What are you up to?"


He wasn't showing it, but he was excited Night Song was there, as he was very bored, and wanted something to do.

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"I plan on going out this evening to buy some stuff. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me and do some stuff you'd like to do!" Night Song replied. "I just hope I'm not bothering you or anything" she said, taking note of the PonyPod and the emotionless face that seemed to be masking something.

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"Uh... Sure I'd like to come. Let me just get something..." He walked into his dorm and put his PonyPod away, then grabbed his saddlebag and some bits. "Okay, I think I'm ready." He walked out of his dorm and outside. He kept hiding his emotion. He just walked with Night Song into town.

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"So while we're out and about what would you like to do?" Night Song asked. She wanted to continue on with what she would like to do, but then all a sudden an older mare who looked like a copy of her ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. "Oh hey Night! I haven't seen you in a while! You've gotten so big!" she said, tightly embracing Night Song. "Y-yeah...h-hi M-Mom...w-what's up?" Night Song said in short breaths, trying to wrestle out of her mother's arms. 

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"Uh... Hello."


He felt kind of awkward with Night Song's mom in front of his dorm, hugging Night Song.




He didn't really know what to say or do when her mom was there.


"Uh... H-Hello..."


He thought in his head


I already said that, i'm such an idiot...


He noticed that Night Song wasn't exactly 'Excited' to see her mom.

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"Um, mom... h-how did you get in here? They'll throw you out of the building for trespassing, you know..." Night Song said, finally free from her embrace. This isn't going to end well... she thought with dread. As kind of a pony as Night Song was, she didn't want her mom to come here. "Oh come on! They won't throw me out because you're my daughter!" her mom said. She then noticed Acid Dash. "Oh, who is this? Is he your coltfriend or something?" she asked. "What?! No!" Night Song angrily shouted, something very uncharacteristic that only her mother could get out of her.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Acid kind of waited and watched as Might Song and her mother argued for a while. Finally he got up and went into his dorm. He came back when both voices stopped arguing.


He thought:

I was going to stay in here until they stop arguing, but i guess it's best if I leave Night Song alone with her mom...

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Night Song sighed when the guards took her mother away for trespassing. All of the topics they argued about were completely stupid and pointless. She then realized that Acid had gone into his dorm, so she knocked on the door. " Hello? You can come out now," she said, speaking with her normal tone, which was usually kind. " Yeah sorry about all of that. Sadly, it's pretty common..." she added with the regret she always felt after an argument like this. Arguments were all but foreign to her.

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Acid came out of his dorm. "But, why do you argue a lot? It kind of doesn't make sense to me." He walked out of the doorway of his dorm.


He thought

That didn't seem much like something Night Song would do... I guess it's her mother that brings out the worst of her. Still, I could have never pictured Night Song doing that.

Edited by Jacob2Cl0wn
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"Simply put, we're total opposites. It's kind of hard to believe since we're so similar to each other in appearance, but we share very different beliefs and though I try to tolerate her, she somehow always drains it out for a moment. She doesn't respect the rules or admit her flaws for one thing," Night Song replied. She went on to say more cheerfully,"I don't want to dwell on it much, so let's just head out and have a good time, 'k?"

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((OOC: sorry for lack of posting, again))


Acid looked back at Night Song once more, and then said


"Alright, lets go before it gets too dark to see"

He walked with Night Song into Manehatten, since he didn't really know his way around, he asked

"So, what are we gonna do first?"

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((OOC: sorry for lack of posting, again)) Acid looked back at Night Song once more, and then said "Alright, lets go before it gets too dark to see" He walked with Night Song into Manehatten, since he didn't really know his way around, he asked "So, what are we gonna do first?"

"I figured we could go out to eat or something. University dinners get old after a while, don't you think?" Night Song suggested. "Keep in mind, I may have used to live here, but I haven't been here for years ever since I moved. Regardless, tell me what you would like to do!" she said, happy to be with her friend instead of her mother.

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"Any things fine with me"

Acid really didn't know anything about Manehatten


"How about we eat first?"


He was pretty hungry


"Do you know anywhere that has good food? I didn't get breakfast this morning because I woke up late, and was almost late for class."


His stomach growled.



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"Any things fine with me" Acid really didn't know anything about Manehatten "How about we eat first?" He was pretty hungry "Do you know anywhere that has good food? I didn't get breakfast this morning because I woke up late, and was almost late for class." His stomach growled.

"Hmmm," Night Song said while looking around. She then recognized a barbeque place she used to go to when she was a filly living in the city. "Hey, let's go there!" she finally said after some observation. She pointed to a small building with brown walls and a red roof.


(OOC: Are we the only ones RPing now?)

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"Okay, sure" Acid followed Night Song into the restraunt, where he could smell barbecue and other scents he couldn't recognize. He decided to let Night Song take him around Manehatten, as he had only been there twice.


((OOC:I think. And, BARBEQUE!?!? IN EQUESTRIA!?))

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"Okay, sure" Acid followed Night Song into the restraunt, where he could smell barbecue and other scents he couldn't recognize. He decided to let Night Song take him around Manehatten, as he had only been there twice. ((OOC:I think. And, BARBEQUE!?!? IN EQUESTRIA!?))

(OOC: No there isn't any meat! I meant barbequed fruits and veggies!)


Night Song walked in and waited until a waitress came in and greeted them. When she asked,"How many?" Night Song replied,"Two." They were seated in a booth and were told that their server would be there soon.

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((OOC: oh. Lol.))


Acid waited for the server, and really didn't know if he should say something to Night Song or not, so he quietly waited for their server.


This is what he thought his problem was: he never knew what to say, if he should say anything at all, and when he should say it.

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