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Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?


Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?  

69 users have voted

  1. 1. Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Applejack
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie

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Sorry, there might be a little misunderstanding, by "on purpose" I mean provoking on purpose by making somewhat disingenuous exaggerations and using a little bit of harsh language, not disliking or hating on purpose.

Now when that's out of the way - I didn't say you are not entitled to choose or have opinions. It's just about how you present them. And I sure hope "everyone on the forums knows that" is an exaggeration too, otherwise it could mean you might have some deep running issues with certain character archetype.

Now that I bitchslapped you back, let's get serious.


I take it you like Rarity then (based on your profile). Out of curiosity, did you always like her or did you start at some particular point in the series? Don't worry, it's not a trap. As I've said, I like all 6 of them, with slight positive bias towards RD. And I prolly like her for the same reasons you "hate" her. Interesting.

but it is what I trully think of her, I'm not exaggerating, also I am not exagerating when I say that the forums should know because I always post against Rainbow Dash, or what thinks I don't like about her when I have the opportunity. Of course I don't act like an ignorant hater without bases of why I hate her, but like I said before I would like how she evolves from this season to the next one, because she was pretty cool in Wonderbolts Academy.


Actually, the first episode I watched was the second half of Sonic Rainboom, I thought that Rarity was the typical antagonist bitch (like a Trixie or a Diamond Tiara). After that I decided to watch the show in order, in season 1 I didn't mind much the show, yes it was cool but I wasn't attached to the characters that deeply, yet. Though I had picked my favorite wich was Fluttershy because she is so beautiful and too adorable to handle. But I did noticed Rarity being intersting because I could see myself reflected on her, not to mention that she was beautiful.

When I watched season 2 I joined the forums and still watched the episodes, each time I became more and more attached to Rarity and her personality, not to mention that I enjoy seeing her on scene and her presence, and that she's incredibly beautiful as well.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Good topic. I think that depending on how you wright is how you wright a charactor, and what your wrighting about deffines it as well.

For instance if your wrighting say an action story you'll have to toon the reaction a little to fit the seen. So what your wrighting is how you'll make the charactur.So you'll probubly spend more time thinking about the story then actouly wrighting it.

I have apsalotly no idea if this helps or if I just wanted to get my two bits in. So good luke with your story.  

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but it is what I trully think of her, I'm not exaggerating, also I am not exagerating when I say that the forums should know because I always post against Rainbow Dash, or what thinks I don't like about her when I have the opportunity. Of course I don't act like an ignorant hater without bases of why I hate her, but like I said before I would like how she evolves from this season to the next one, because she was pretty cool in Wonderbolts Academy.


Actually, the first episode I watched was the second half of Sonic Rainboom, I thought that Rarity was the typical antagonist bitch (like a Trixie or a Diamond Tiara). After that I decided to watch the show in order, in season 1 I didn't mind much the show, yes it was cool but I wasn't attached to the characters that deeply, yet. Though I had picked my favorite wich was Fluttershy because she is so beautiful and too adorable to handle. But I did noticed Rarity being intersting because I could see myself reflected on her, not to mention that she was beautiful.

When I watched season 2 I joined the forums and still watched the episodes, each time I became more and more attached to Rarity and her personality, not to mention that I enjoy seeing her on scene and her presence, and that she's incredibly beautiful as well.

Well, I can now see that the main problem in our communication was use of  certain words. When I say I hate someone, I do truly mean hatred and when I invoke the bitch in all seriousness, then I'm probably trying to be really offensive there.

You seem to mean "don't like at all" and  "unlikeable female". Yes, I am overthinking very simple stuff very often.


When I first watched - and I have no idea what ep that actually was, as it was somewhere around 4AM in mildly drunk state on a con, I know I just fell in (almost literally) love with RD at the spot, mostly thanks to the color combination, tomboy-ishness and voice acting, then immediately went "Why the heck would they put a barbie pony thing in the show?" (Rarity) and more or less felt this way up till the Diamond Dogs episode. After that I liked her and I have no line of reasoning as to why. And I think she actually was the antagonist of the Sonic Rainboom, I mean, really, if you'd call Dash somewhat dubious when it comes to her loyalty and behaviour to friends, how do you call what Rarity did there?

Edited by Jessper


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Perdonally for me whenever im RP'ing I find it kind of hard to portray Pinkie Pie. Its not that I don't like her its just that I can't perfect her personality.Ive tried Twilight Applejack and Fluttershy as well but it seems I can do them well enough.

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It's difficult for me to write any of them, mostly 'coz I want to portray them accurately.


Also I hate the idea of trying to write Applejack's accent, partly for the above reason, and also because when I write it, it sounds stupid

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Who are the most difficult ponies to write in my opinion? Well...


To be completely honest, I would take out Twilight and Fluttershy out from this battle. Now, I'm NOT saying they aren't complex and I'm NOT saying they aren't hard to write, but I'm thinking that their personalities are slightly more predictable than the rest, and therefore, slightly easier to write. But I could be completely wrong, this are just my opinions. Now, let's get to the rest.


Rainbow Dash. Now, why would she be hard to write? Well, how do you write a jock, with not-so-obvious-in-the-start flaws, who is a tomboy, and has to follow a certain personality that fits a show like Friendship is Magic, AND doesn't look out of character? When I see all of those things together, it seems like a character very difficult to write about. Rainbow Dash is brash, loud, reckless, tactless, confident, loyal, caring, determined. I think those are the main traits of personality about RD. Putting them on a show like FIM must probably be hard as hell without OOCing her AND without straying away from the point of the show's moral. However, I believe the writers have done a marvelous job at executing her personality so far.


Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony, shorted to PPP. :lol: She's bubbly, happy, party-y, random etc. The common things we are used to see of her. But why would she be hard to write? Well, we have seen that every character in FiM has a fault. Or various, actually. What would a pony like Pinkie have that would be considered a fault? She is sometimes obnoxious, annoying, paranoid with her friends, and overworried. But the thing is, you have to write all these things with Pinkie. Being annoying isn't that hard, being how she normally is. The rest however...that's not so easy. Especially the paranoid part. WHO expected Party of One? WHO? every single brony was probably shocked when we saw her dark side. But Meghan McCarthy ahd to be clever enough to mask it under something Pinkie would do. Pinkie. Go crazy, but in a bad sense. Yeah right and that's supposed to be easy.


Rarity. The fashionista. What would be complicated about her? Simple. Making her appealing to the viewers. That, simplifies her complexity. She's the feminine one. The one obssessed with dresses, gems and stuff. The one willing to do a lot of thigns to be with the aristocrats of Canterlot. Inmediately, she would seem obnoxious right from the start to most of the viewers. The writers in FIM Made it, so that she had traits that others could actually appreciate or be interested in. Her push-and-pull relationship with Sweetie Belle, her generosity, her commitment to work, and her overprotectiveness that shows from time to time. Her flaws that show greed, jealousy among other things is also making her more well-rounded. But of course, accomplishing it and thining the character of the style of Rarity to be appealing, is still a difficult job.


And then, Applejack. Now...what exactly could make her difficult to write about? She's the most level-headed of the ponies, the, usually, most mature, etc, etc. Once more, I believe the difficulty lies in making her appealing to the audience. For most, a pony like Applejack might as well seem, well, boring. Who likes the pony who is mature, level-headed, etc? And that doesn't seem to do crazy stuff as others have? That's the problem. The lack of will of Applejack to do something out of the ordinary. So far, this extremes have been done in two episodes. The Last Roundup, and the recent Apple Family Reunion. One was due to pride and disappointment. The other due to family. And THOSE are three key words in Applejack's mind. Pride, disappointment, family. Might as well call it PDF :P . And they are things that the writers exploit as best as they can. But it's one heck of a job.


All in all, I think all the characters have been developed wonderfully, and I admire the writers for this. May they keep on doing a marvelous job. :)

Edited by Arcanel
  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I can now see that the main problem in our communication was use of  certain words. When I say I hate someone, I do truly mean hatred and when I invoke the bitch in all seriousness, then I'm probably trying to be really offensive there.

You seem to mean "don't like at all" and  "unlikeable female". Yes, I am overthinking very simple stuff very often.


When I first watched - and I have no idea what ep that actually was, as it was somewhere around 4AM in mildly drunk state on a con, I know I just fell in (almost literally) love with RD at the spot, mostly thanks to the color combination, tomboy-ishness and voice acting, then immediately went "Why the heck would they put a barbie pony thing in the show?" (Rarity) and more or less felt this way up till the Diamond Dogs episode. After that I liked her and I have no line of reasoning as to why. And I think she actually was the antagonist of the Sonic Rainboom, I mean, really, if you'd call Dash somewhat dubious when it comes to her loyalty and behaviour to friends, how do you call what Rarity did there?

I put in bold what I think, yes, you overthink too much, there's not a problem with it, I do it as well ;) but it is strange to be on the other side of the table and be the subject of the over analysis.


I guess you are right, she was the antagonist of that episode, but something that I see in Rarity that barely see in Rainbow Dash (I never said that I don't see...) is that Rarity learns her lesson and it's visible that she's trully sorry for her actions. in "Sweet and Elite" her behaviour to her friends was not acceptable at all but in the end she picked her friends and admitted to be a Ponyville pony and proud in front of the high society of Canterlot (mind you, that's her biggest dream.) she was willing to lose her high reputation for her friends.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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In that small part, is not exactly what she said, but how she said it, she was continuously laughing and making fun of Twilight, Applejack was laughing as well, Twilight put a face of frutration, but since these ponies are forced to be friends no matter what, everything was cool.

If you traslate that to a real escenario, Twilight would have said "fuck you" or something else, or she would just keep her cool like she did in the show, that's why I was mentioning the title of the show so many times.

I don't know about you, but a person that laughs at you for something about yourself, without you being part of fun itself, that's called bullying no matter what you say, if you don't like it or you feel unconfortable with it, that's bullying, and these are small things about Rainbow Dash that made me dislike her a lot, I cannot stand these kind of people.


No. That's called trash talking. It doesn't mean much and if you're susceptible to it, then you've already lost. Such words often spew intentionally to throw someone off track in hopes of messing with their head. It's not bullying - what power struggle between Twilight and Rainbow was there? None, unless if you count a physical advantage, but Dash and Twilight wouldn't ever engage each other in a hoof fight. The laughter was simply there to give Dash a competitive edge. Since you brought up real world scenarios, I'll give you my own. Professional football players, or athletes of any sort cannot go through their daily lives without engaging in some sort of cheap talk or ridicule the opposition for whatever reason. If the opponent is deemed to weaker, then they will undoubtedly be ridiculed and maybe even laughed at for believing that they could defeat someone favoured to win the match.


When the Patriots won their first superbowl in 2002, lots of people laughed at them for thinking they could make it all the way and win. As did the Giants last year, or in 2008. But both teams rose to the occasion and stunned everybody, to put it simply. They never succumbed to the pressure and as the old saying goes, talk is cheap. Twilight ended up winning the race because she never let Dash's words get to her because she knew they were just trash. Nothing more. A feat which Rainbow ended up respecting highly and it was evident even after that episode. So no, I don't get where you got this idea of her being a poor sport from. Either way, it doesn't seem to me you know a lot about the nature of competition and I guess that's fine all things considered. But no, that's not bullying and never will be.



Rainbow Dash was probably one of the most helpful ponies in the Crystal Empire but at what cost? to be an agressive and intimidating bitch to the Crystal Ponies, because she couldn't keep her cool because the fate of the world was in a jeopardy? oh! also when she kicked Fluttershy's flank without any compassion, and also the pressuring and manipulative techniques she used on her for the entertainment of the crystal ponies.

Even though she she wanted to get the job done, her ways to do it was too much for me to handle.


You're reading into it wrong. The fact that Rainbow pushed Fluttershy to play along for the sake of saving the world was extremely critical. Fluttershy's reluctance to keep the others occupied would have cost them dearly had it not been for Rainbow's hard-nosed attempt of winning her over, a technique commonly used by professional coaches around the world. You just can't mope around and expect things to get better. Rainbow only gave her the necessary push to keep her going. As frustrating as the situation was, that was the right move to make even though it did not look pretty. That was an ugly episode all the way. It was necessary for one of them to take up the mantle of a hard coach and see to it that everything goes according to plan. Dash is a motivator - she managed to motivate Fluttershy enough for her to get back on her feet and perform the jousts to please the Crystal Ponies. In the end, it was very successful. That's never a bad thing.


You don't see drill instructors go easy on their students, right? Rainbow wanted the best for each and every one of them, but she knew that playing nice this one time would not get her much. I also don't know where you're getting this lack of compassion on Rainbow's part, either. If that didn't hold true, she would have been screaming and yelling for the sake of screaming rather than screaming at everyone to push themselves in order to complete the mission... which isn't even true. Sometimes you need to be tough with your friends, letting them know that everything will be all right. Playing nice is great and all, but when the stakes are that high, getting your message across strongly and effectively is often the best case-scenario. Especially if people are reluctant to go through with it.

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No. That's called trash talking. It doesn't mean much and if you're susceptible to it, then you've already lost. Such words often spew intentionally to throw someone off track in hopes of messing with their head. It's not bullying - what power struggle between Twilight and Rainbow was there? None, unless if you count a physical advantage, but Dash and Twilight wouldn't ever engage each other in a hoof fight. The laughter was simply there to give Dash a competitive edge. Since you brought up real world scenarios, I'll give you my own. Professional football players, or athletes of any sort cannot go through their daily lives without engaging in some sort of cheap talk or ridicule the opposition for whatever reason. If the opponent is deemed to weaker, then they will undoubtedly be ridiculed and maybe even laughed at for believing that they could defeat someone favoured to win the match.

A hoof fight? have you even put a little bit of thought into my first comment? these 6 ponies are forced to be friends, that's the premise of the show, so no matter what analysis we put into the show we would never see what trully happens if these characters would act on their own, they are the writers' puppets. That's a HUGE limitation. 

Why you can accept the simplest definition of bullying, someone laughs at you and you don't like it...that's bullying, why don't you accept it?


When the Patriots won their first superbowl in 2002, lots of people laughed at them for thinking they could make it all the way and win. As did the Giants last year, or in 2008. But both teams rose to the occasion and stunned everybody, to put it simply. They never succumbed to the pressure and as the old saying goes, talk is cheap. Twilight ended up winning the race because she never let Dash's words get to her because she knew they were just trash. Nothing more. A feat which Rainbow ended up respecting highly and it was evident even after that episode. So no, I don't get where you got this idea of her being a poor sport from. Either way, it doesn't seem to me you know a lot about the nature of competition and I guess that's fine all things considered. But no, that's not bullying and never will be.  

I'm going to respond to that by saying if you ever saw what happened in the changing rooms? do you know if they were frustrated? what was inside their minds? I mean, they won't show disliking for the laughing right there on the field.


You're reading into it wrong. The fact that Rainbow pushed Fluttershy to play along for the sake of saving the world was extremely critical. Fluttershy's reluctance to keep the others occupied would have cost them dearly had it not been for Rainbow's hard-nosed attempt of winning her over, a technique commonly used by professional coaches around the world. You just can't mope around and expect things to get better. Rainbow only gave her the necessary push to keep her going. As frustrating as the situation was, that was the right move to make even though it did not look pretty. That was an ugly episode all the way. It was necessary for one of them to take up the mantle of a hard coach and see to it that everything goes according to plan. Dash is a motivator - she managed to motivate Fluttershy enough for her to get back on her feet and perform the jousts to please the Crystal Ponies. In the end, it was very successful. That's never a bad thing.   You don't see drill instructors go easy on their students, right? Rainbow wanted the best for each and every one of them, but she knew that playing nice this one time would not get her much. I also don't know where you're getting this lack of compassion on Rainbow's part, either. If that didn't hold true, she would have been screaming and yelling for the sake of screaming rather than screaming at everyone to push themselves in order to complete the mission... which isn't even true. Sometimes you need to be tough with your friends, letting them know that everything will be all right. Playing nice is great and all, but when the stakes are that high, getting your message across strongly and effectively is often the best case-scenario. Especially if people are reluctant to go through with it.

we will never going to agree about Rainbow Dash ever, if I know how fragile Fluttershy is, why would I be a jerk to her in the first place? I can get her to cooperate without being so tough on her. She was on the verge of crying, and seeying Fluttershy crying is really hard for me to watch, especially now that I've grown attached to this characters.

I don't care if she got the job done, I didn't like her being rude to everyone, you can be tough without being a jerk.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I put in bold what I think, yes, you overthink too much, there's not a problem with it, I do it as well ;) but it is strange to be on the other side of the table and be the subject of the over analysis.


I guess you are right, she was the antagonist of that episode, but something that I see in Rarity that barely see in Rainbow Dash (I never said that I don't see...) is that Rarity learns her lesson and it's visible that she's trully sorry for her actions. in "Sweet and Elite" her behaviour to her friends was not acceptable at all but in the end she picked her friends and admitted to be a Ponyville pony and proud in front of the high society of Canterlot (mind you, that's her biggest dream.) she was willing to lose her high reputation for her friends.

I really disliked Rarity for that episode. She was absolutely ok with completely trampling over friend's life-long dreams without giving it a second thought, because  "I have pretty wings now, screw you", but she still got saved by yours truly in the end. And yeah, while she was part of the Canterlot top class, she picked her friends at the end. Hey, wait a minute. Being "bad" just to pursue her dreams, but choosing her friends over her dreams at the end.... That reminds me of somepony...


Where am I going with this? I actually think Rarity and Dash are rather similar, except for where Rarity goes for beautiful, Dash goes for cool, where Rarity is a drama queen, Dash is cocky and both are where they should be when it counts. Fair?

  • Brohoof 1


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Why you can accept the simplest definition of bullying, someone laughs at you and you don't like it...that's bullying, why don't you accept it?


Because it WASN'T bullying. It was TRASH TALK. I've been playing varsity football long enough to know the difference between the two, thank you very much. Tempers flare long enough to invoke words upon words between two sides, but never any mean gospel nor any physical confrontations. When you slam someone to the turf and proclaim your superiority over them, and continue to do that for your own pleasure, THAT is bullying. When you say something to dispel the opposition in some way, and they respond back, that is trash talking. As such, Twilight just shrugged Rainbow Dash's words off like it was nothing and proceeded to get 5th place in the race.


You're sensitive, dude. Get over it. Twilight herself wasn't worried about it and neither should you.


I'm going to respond to that by saying if you ever saw what happened in the changing rooms? do you know if they were frustrated? what was inside their minds? I mean, they won't show disliking for the laughing right there on the field.



As a matter of fact, I did. Frustration comes with cheap talk and doubters. It's been documented on television since they've won it all and has actually been continued to be documented since then. When you're playing for something as big as a world championship, it's easy to lose track of things and let the blood get to your head easily, but fortunately they stuck together and overcame all odds.


we will never going to agree about Rainbow Dash ever, if I know how fragile Fluttershy is, why would I be a jerk to her in the first place? I can get her to cooperate without being so tough on her. She was on the verge of crying, and seeying Fluttershy crying is really hard for me to watch, especially now that I've grown attached to this characters.



You tell me; if the world was in danger, and you required the assistance of a meek, shy pony to perform despite her reluctance, would you push her in order to do so? If you succeed, thousands of lives could be saved and everyone could live happily ever after. If you don't... those same lives will be in danger all because someone refused to go through with your plan just because they weren't brave enough to tackle the situation head on.


Dash was acting in the best interests of everyone. She knew Fluttershy well enough that she needed to be pushed to go through with the plan or otherwise, an entire nation would be enslaved. Is that worth it in order to spare the feelings of one of your friends whom you can support and comfort all the way? No, it isn't.


No one said their mission would be easy. They needed everyone's assistance in order to rescue the Crystal Ponies. If Fluttershy didn't play her part, things would not bode well for the Empire.


I don't care if she got the job done, I didn't like her being rude to everyone, you can be tough without being a jerk.


Too bad. The Mane Six needed a sense of urgency to boost their spirits. They were fortunate that Rainbow's attitude got the job done. You can't be soft and diplomatic all the time and you have to understand this.

Oh, and to people who said AJ made fun of Twilight as well, read the transcript of Fall Weather Friends again. She didn't. She tried to stifle her laughing and never taunted Twi. 


Try watching the actual scene. Twilight could see the stifled laughter nonetheless and it counts just as much as laughing outrageously. Just because you try hiding it, doesn't mean it isn't visible. 

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Try watching the actual scene. Twilight could see the stifled laughter nonetheless and it counts just as much as laughing outrageously. Just because you try hiding it, doesn't mean it isn't visible. 

Never said it wasn't visible. If you also hadn't noticed, she tried to congratulate Twilight and didn't do what Rainbow Dash did; Taunt. So she laughed. It means she also didn't think Twi had a chance of winning, like RD thought. But unlike Rainbow, AJ didn't taunt Twilight, did she?


Aww, big deal, anyway. Hate to be a backseat mod but we gotta get back OT.


Also, I agree with the notion that Pinkie may also be one of the hardest to write. It's just me, though, because I'm not a funny or comedic person in general. 


But why not AJ? Don't get me wrong people, I don't want her to be hard to write. Or we'd already have more episodes of her. But all the times people tell me that the reason she doesn't get love is because she's done. All done. Finished. And yet..."Rarity and RD are complex and stuff, hard to write them." So where'd all their episodes come from, hmm? I just have a feeling some people are voting for their favorite pony every single time...

  • Brohoof 3
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I personally think it's rarity. I think the main reason is that I find it hard to project her as my personality is nothing like hers. Normally the characters I write about have at least one of the personality traits I do.


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Never said it wasn't visible. If you also hadn't noticed, she tried to congratulate Twilight and didn't do what Rainbow Dash did; Taunt. So she laughed. It means she also didn't think Twi had a chance of winning, like RD thought. But unlike Rainbow, AJ didn't taunt Twilight, did she?


I really don't mean to be... well, mean. But here's where you're wrong. Taunting doesn't have to be vocal; if it's implied that someone's making fun of you, it is considered taunting therefore a part of trash talking during a competition. True, somepony as modest and reserved as AJ wouldn't directly say it, but her imposition can be felt nonetheless. I've done it many times myself to rattle someone's head and in turn, have experienced it myself, so I can honestly say I know that feel.


But why not AJ? Don't get me wrong people, I don't want her to be hard to write. Or we'd already have more episodes of her. But all the times people tell me that the reason she doesn't get love is because she's done. All done. Finished. And yet..."Rarity and RD are complex and stuff, hard to write them." So where'd all their episodes come from, hmm? I just have a feeling some people are voting for their favorite pony every single time...


Don't get me wrong, AJ is also pretty tricky to write. Modest, mature, and overall motherly figures aren't exactly a walk in the park to portray, but when done right, AJ episodes are very heartwarming like the last one we all watched. Though, you'd have to blend in traits like stubbornness holding down your sense of direction, for example - that usually ends up disaster in my experience. It usually hinders their ability to reason if their ego's getting in the way and so coming up with a proper ending is hard. I guess that is why her character is so underrated.

  • Brohoof 3
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Rarity has got to be the hardest. She's easily the least one-note of the characters and has an affected accent to boot. She's catty, ladylike, self-absorbed, self-conscious, and melodramatic. She also has this whiff of being ever-so-slightly self-aware that really makes her character shine but is very tough to do justice to. Even the real writers have trouble with her.

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But why not AJ? Don't get me wrong people, I don't want her to be hard to write. Or we'd already have more episodes of her. But all the times people tell me that the reason she doesn't get love is because she's done. All done. Finished. And yet..."Rarity and RD are complex and stuff, hard to write them." So where'd all their episodes come from, hmm? I just have a feeling some people are voting for their favorite pony every single time...

Not that you've ever been found guilty of voting for your favorite pony every single time right ;)?


Anyhow, bias is inevitable and in this case it may not be entirely inappropriate. If you think about it we will inevitably give our favorite characters more thought and analysis than other people with different preferences. You certainly seem to understand Applejack better than I do and I'm certain that I've given more thought to Rainbow Dash's depth than you have, so inevitably we will be more critical of moments that don't sit right with us and we will be especially concerned with whether we could capture our vision of the best pony in writing.


In any case though I certainly see your point and understand why you voted for Applejack, however I understand just as well why people are voting for Rarity and Rainbow, as they are commonly characterized by (and judged for) their flaws, yet if anything they are defined by how they overcome their flaws. It can be very easy to fall into the trap of just portraying them as self-centered, prideful, etc. without going further into them. So I completely understand why you voted for Applejack, and you do raise an excellent point with regards to episodes for her, but I wouldn't be so quick to disparage people who voted for other characters since they (usually) have their reasons.

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Rarity has got to be the hardest. She's easily the least one-note of the characters and has an affected accent to boot. She's catty, ladylike, self-absorbed, self-conscious, and melodramatic. She also has this whiff of being ever-so-slightly self-aware that really makes her character shine but is very tough to do justice to. Even the real writers have trouble with her.


I like to think that they do that intentionally to fool around and add humour to episodes. It's pretty funny when done right but the versatility of her character can make you think she's really something else in contrast to what other people think is excellent.

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I find Pinkie hardest to write. In all of my fics, she's the real challenge. (Other than The Doctor. I only write Doctor Whooves fics. Sue me.)

The problem is, in my opinion, her character. I see her in a rather dark way: She needs to be happy, all the time, or she'll become super depressed. She's keeping herself happy to distract her from her rough past, and she needs friends to support that, as shown in Party of One. So when you're writing her, you need to keep her happy without repeating yourself.


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Rarity is the hardest for me: I'm the complete opposite of her. I'm sporty and brash, she's all girly. That's why she's my least favorite of the mane 6: I also don't know when i'm supposed to say yes or not. She may be the Element of Generosity but she isn't that generous...

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I think all of the characters are hard to write. They each have completely different personalities and traits. But the thing about it when it comes to writing them is that everyone sees each character in a different way. So it’s hard to define “which one is the hardest to write.” Each character has depths to them that makes them…well them.


For example: One person may look at Rarity as a complete snob who has a very high class personality. But another person can look at her a completely different way and see that she’s a generous and caring friend who’s willing to be there for her friends.


That’s just my take on it because I believe each character have a great depth to them (which can make them difficult to write at times because you to expand upon each of their characters and traits) and we're starting to see it more in the characters. Rainbow Dash is a great example as this because her character is becoming more depth in season 3 then the first two.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Rarity is by far the hardest to write and they did a damn good job with her personality. It's pretty difficult to understand Rarity behaviour in some sort of scnearios and that's why people see her as a shallow and overly dramatic bitch. I can understand these people positions, but at the same time I cannot accept that they attack Rarity so bluntly if they didn't put a little bit of thought on her character first. Her personality is pretty complex, but underneath those many layers of make up and fashion, there's a very kind and noble pony who is willing to do her best to please her friends, no matter the price.   Now Rainbow Dash seems to be very hard to write, but until I watched Wonderbolts Academy in which I saw Rainbow Dash for the first time ever being a good pony, I realized that she's not that hard, I mean the episode flowed as smooth as water running down the river, there was nothing else to analyze about Rainbow Dash. I just wish more Rainbow Dash's episodes were like this, before that, I saw in Rainbow Dash the same complexity as Rarity but I never saw saw these traits that made her a good friend, everything pretty much was negative.



i agree with MotionSpark.  i have a friend who absolutely detests Rarity, but hes in love with Rainbow.  I can relate to Rarity in that i myself am a double-standard kind of person.  they make sense to me, but others often dont get it.  quick personal example: breading can go on fish, but ill never eat fish on bread.  i think theres a lot more to rarity-- i mean /why/ does she care so much about being part of THE IN crowd?  is it personal flaws she sees in herself? in that way she would parallel fluttershy, but she handles herself very differently.


anyhoo, fluttershy is killing me.  its hard for me to write depth into her, or get her to stay in character while still /doing/ something to move the plot along.  i love her, but shes stalled out my story. xD  i have to bring in other characters to work in the background and work things around her.




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Rarity and Pinkie Pie seem like the easiest  to me. I can just imagine what they're going to say in a situation, Pinkie especially. The only trick with Rarity is deciding how she reacts to something. But this is usually determined by the company she's in. Rarity is a very guarded pony. When she's in more dignified company, she's more smooth and composed. When she's with her friends, that more vulnerable "drama queen" side of her comes out, and I don't think even that is her true self.  We see that in glimpses--breaking the glass slipper, her admissions in Sweet and Elite, the 'Art of the Dress' songs.


The toughest character for me to write is Fluttershy. Her words don't come as naturally to me. I'll have to watch some more of her before I make a serious attempt to write her in fanfiction. All I can think of is the "um, if that's okay" stuff and that can easily be overdone.


And why anyone would use this thread to argue about best pony after they've been fans for years is beyond me. :mellow: So is the idea of detesting one of the ponies. I like them all in different ways.

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 3

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel Rarity would be the easiest to write!  I understand her mind perfectly, I even talk like her sometimes!


I think the hardest for me would be Applejack.  I just don't know how I'd make her interesting, outside of some cool lasso tricks.

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