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Friendship Is Survival


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/42270-friendship-is-survival/

 "Friendship Is Survival"

Posted on the behalf of Cross Sparkle


Story takes place in the year 2523 and it is a pony RP so no Humans. The area is the City Exudose.

An infection has spread all over Exudose the exit routes out of the city have been blocked by military personel, All contact with the outside world are down and the infection grow rapidly with each day.



You spawn a day before the infection outbreak so act like it is a normal day. The real fun begins at night fall.




Pedastrian- you may use what ever is in your home to fight the infected but it cant be to extreme like an entire arsenal. a perk as a Pedastrian is more food


Military Personel- you start out by being dropped off, or already be in the infected city.you may be armed with a higher based arsenal such as a primary weapon, secondary weapon, armour, ect..

perk as a soldier is more ammo and combat experience. but less food


Zombie- you begin when the outbreak occurs. Perks as an infected is you may respawn but not were you died.



1. no godmode

2. no overpowered OC

3. you cannot choose the fate of an OC(example: like making an OC kill itself when it is not yours)

4. have fun

5. You cannot control another player's OC unless told so by the player.


Character List:

Cross Sparkle. Military personel


Obla Di.Pedastrian

Lilymalady123. Pedastrian

Rolle. Military personel

Silver Sun. N/A

Villan97. Pedestrian

DalekEmperor. Military personnel

Zara. Pedestrian

Chaotic Harmony. Zombie Braaaaaaains

Blindshot Predator. Zombie Braaaaaaains

Sorry forgot about updating the list.


Edited by Hydrogen Bond
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Lily trotted down the road to the market. She loved the way the sun shone on the pavement, warming her hooves. She looked around, ponies laughing and chatting. "Today, i don't feel so insane!" She said quietly. She was usually super happy, but today, she felt normal.

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Sorry i didnt see the character list.. I would like to be Chatterdash if thats okay.. Just PM me and let me know.. This is my first roleplay.. So please forgive me for any messups.. Thank you very much for letting me have the oppourtunity for this.. I hope you will consider me. Thanks!

Chattydash ran wildy down the lane. "Help! Help!" she screamed, "My brother got the infection!" She crashed into Lily knocking her into a mud puddle. "Sorry! Im so sorry, I'm awfully clumsy today. Can I help in anyway?". Lily stood, shook of the mud, and said "No no quite alright, but if you excuse me i have to attend to some errands."and she walked away..

Edited by Silver Sun
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Sorry i didnt see the character list.. I would like to be Chatterdash if thats okay.. Just PM me and let me know.. This is my first roleplay.. So please forgive me for any messups.. Thank you very much for letting me have the oppourtunity for this.. I hope you will consider me. Thanks!


Chattydash ran wildy down the lane. "Help! Help!" she screamed, "My brother got the infection!" She crashed into Lily knocking her into a mud puddle. "Sorry! Im so sorry, I'm awfully clumsy today. Can I help in anyway?". Lily stood, shook of the mud, and said "No no quite alright, but if you excuse me i have to attend to some errands."and she walked away..

(yes u may join but remember the rules, the infection doesnt start till midnight and you cant speak on behalf of another OC without their permission)


Cross was sitting on the balcony on the Library, gazing at the sky with a blank expression. He was thinking about what he heard happen in his home town Exudose.A gray stallion who looked like he had a bit to many charged and attacked a bystander.Only wound on the civil was a bite mark, He is currently in the Hospitle taking extensive treatment. as for the attacker is currently unknown. While he was distracted by this event he didnt hear Hoof steps behind him.before he cold turn around a purple hoof rested on his shoulder reunsureing that it was her. He turned his head and glanced at the purple unicorn and smiled. "You know not to sneak up on me like that"

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Rainbow Dust sighed. It was not fun being alone in this dark alley, but she must stay here if she is to show she is not a coward. As she starts to fall asleep because she didn't get to for the 3 days while she was running away from her foster home, she feels somepony touch her side. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screams, as she spring high into the air only stopping herself with her wings. "oh, its just you." She says flying to the ground.

Edited by Zarathelycan123
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Shade was in her house combing her mane and flapping her wings... She made herself look all pritty. Then green fire surrounded her and changed into her changeling forum... She paused and looked at herself, then started combing her mane again.


She changed back to her pony forum and went for a walk.

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Audrey was loading her desert eagle, her red aura of magic surrounding the bullet as it went into the clip, when she glanced at the clock. Almost midnight. Damn, time does fly when you're distracted. She finished loading the clip and clicked it in. Sighing, she turned while watching the gun go into an open drawer by her bedside. 

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chattydash was walking down the street and he saw lily and he stopped and said hi he then had an long chat with lily and continued to walk with her she was happy and so was chattydash he explained he was discharged from the army for a while but that did not stop him from being happy she was even more happy than normal so was chatty (chattydash) but he also felt weird in a way but he did not know why as if something was going to happen he kept this to him self and walked with lily for a bit   



Sorry i didnt see the character list.. I would like to be Chatterdash if thats okay.. Just PM me and let me know.. This is my first roleplay.. So please forgive me for any messups.. Thank you very much for letting me have the oppourtunity for this.. I hope you will consider me. Thanks!

Chattydash ran wildy down the lane. "Help! Help!" she screamed, "My brother got the infection!" She crashed into Lily knocking her into a mud puddle. "Sorry! Im so sorry, I'm awfully clumsy today. Can I help in anyway?". Lily stood, shook of the mud, and said "No no quite alright, but if you excuse me i have to attend to some errands."and she walked away..



sorry but who is me that is my character so you can not be him (not an her) by the way you can make your own character in the character database you do not choose from the list they are the people signed up sorry but that is my character and it is not called chatterdash it is chattydash make your own then join you can be in my team with (lily and rolle) so go make your own

Edited by chattydash



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Rainbow dust sighed, after what happened earlier she really is embarrassed, I mean why can`t she just get over her scaredy catness? I mean she is alert and all because of it but it drove her crazy. She began her long walk home   sadly and quietly. She was scared. 

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AshedHorns had been assinged to guard the city today doing basic patrols, he didnt see anything strange so he decided he would go back to base so that he could get his weapons if it became something worse during the day or something, while walking he thought 'why do i always end up walking everywhere instead of teleporting...'

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Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Cross Was Loading his Sv9 Rifle and his colt 1911, "Please be careful." Twilight never liked it when he went out on duty, not since he lost his brother during a recon mission near sattle arabia. They were asighned to infiltrate a Ware house and eliminate a drug operation. Al was going well until a hidden sniper spotted them. All he heard was *Boom* and right there next to him his own brother holding his chest with widen eyes, staring at nothing. He was never the same after that. He slung the rifle ove his back and looked up at Twilight. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door.

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Lucky Star was walking down an alleyway quite unlike her usual self. "Urgh" she groaned as she moved in a slow like matter. "Brains." She slurred looking for anypony that might satisfy her craving.


(OOC. Everytime someone kills Lucky Star and she re spawns she gets a little bit quicker,smarter, and better but she wont be uber powerful or anything just harder to kill in general.)

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Acid Bolt was walking in the Everfree Forest, living an average day. He was listening to his favorite remixes of MLP songs, made by 'TheLivingTombstone.' He felt a sudden chill race up his spine, causing him to quickly turn around and scan the area.



"Nothing. Nothing at all." Acid Bolt convinced himself. But he had a feeling something was about to go down. 


"Hmmph. Something doesn't feel right. B-But why? I need to get out of here." He thought out loud.


Only minutes passed as Acid Bolt flew high above the clouds, hovering above Ponyville. He slowly drifted down to the earth below him, looking around. He notices that there are a vast amount of ponies he has never seen before.

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Cross Was flying in the back of a  Viper-63 And thinking about his "Home" on the farm that was near Exudose. Its been 7 years since he left and never visited since then. It was dark, and he checked his mission clock, "12:02" He was getting prepared for landing to meet up with his replacment Squad that protected the east flank of the city. As he opened the slide door he fell backwards. The Helicopter was spinning in a steady motion but he knew that it would get worse. He got up and went to the pilot. "What the hell is you problem". there was no answer instead the pilot leaped from the seat and took Cross by the neck.the pilot was a dark greenish-gray and blood rolling down his mouth. From reaction Cross took the pilots head and flicked it sharply to the left. *SNAP* The body went limp. The Helicopter started swaying back and forth. he ran and jumped out of the failing aircraft.He stopped in midair inches from the ground useing his powerful wings to stop. he let his hoofs touch the ground. "hmm. its funny my wings are strong but yet i barly use them"  He heard the copter spin and crash 10ft away from him as red and orange light blaze from the shell of the aircraft . He looked around and the city was empty. Suddenly he heard moning and hundreds of ponies turned a corner and continued limping toward the crash site. He ran to the nearest biulding and broke down the door.

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Shade was chilling in an ally way waiting for somepony to walk by so she could pick pocket them... She sees a pony limping at the enterance of the ally. She looks closely at it, it had torn hide and was making weard noices. "um... Are you ok?" she asks. The pony then darted towards her, she began to run from the pony. As she exited the ally there were tons more ponies with torn and wrinkle hide, * zomponies!?* she thinks... She starts to fly away from the crowd of undead ponies and makes it to her house. She quickly gets her sattle bag and stuffs it with all the food she could, she then runs out her door and flys away from ponyville. Once she was out of sight she stopes to catch her breath, she caught her breath and changed into her changeling forum to contact her 5 minions. * hello? Is anypony there? * she waited for a response from them, but nothing came to her. She sat down and changed back to her pony self. "what in the name of celestia happened?" she wonders, she starts to make her way onto of a hill too see if she could see any other survivors.



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chattydash was in his hose polishing his winchester when he here a loud bank at the door he looked ot of the window and i saw a filly laying on the ground who seemed hurt i got his gun and whent to investigate he only took two steps to realise that she was eating his pet dog and had her leg torn off he shouted at her to go away but this made her run at him he took his rifle and shot her in the leg she carryed on so he shot her in the head he ran in side locked the doors and got his pisstol and rifle strap and lots of ammo and put it in a bag he got food and set off to find somewhere safe to stay he flew into the sky and saw somepony geting chased he whent to investigate and shot down all the zomponyies and he asked the pony what its name was she replyed shade chattydash then said stay close to me take my gun and shoot when you know it is a zompony he gave her his revolva and ammo he then told her his name i am chattydash they then set off

Edited by chattydash



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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(ChattyDash you need to wait for Shade to respone.)

Cross Looked out on of the windows to only see now thousands of ponies linping around and toppling over each other. He reached for his Radio and Tried to contact HQ. " HQ this is Lieutenant Sparkle, I am taking cover in an abandend biulding, I request Supplies" He waited a few seconds for a response but all he got was static " Dammit" He cursed to himself and threw the radio on the ground.He thought for a moment and Ran to the top of the biulding And looked around " I've lived here 9 years and seen horrable things but this- this doesnt even have words to explain" As he spectated from the roof-top view he saw biuldings that were blazeing and ponies that limped. Before his mind had a chance to process he took flight and scanned the area. " What the hell is going on" As he flew he heard more Screams that echoed from below. He landed silently and peeked around a corner. His eyes widened as two ponies were devouring a young mare. Her screams were so loud so high he could stand no more. He darted at one pony and bashed its head on the hard solid pavment and watched as Dark Crimson Flowed from its head. The second pony Grabbed him from behind and attempted to bite him. Cross flipped over him and threw him against the wall. As he stood there to catch his Breath he remembered the mare. He turned toward her and saw her crying as she bleed out. he ran to her and rolled her on her back. "What happened?"  She coughed and tried to speak but blood kept filling her mouth. " T-T-The Dead........"  Her words Trailed off as her breathing slowed and her head slumped. Cross backed away with eyes filled with confusion. He looked down, He lifted his head with a Stern expression. His eyes Flashed from Grey to a crimson Red. He spread his wings and took off faster then you could see.

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( since your an RPing noob, il let you off the hook... But I'm ignoring the part after you ask her what her name is ontop of the hill)


Shade looks at the other surviver "oh thank Celestia there's another surviver!" Shade turns to the pony " my name is shade, what I managed to get was a sattlbag full of apples. So who are you and what do you have?"

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@@Cross Sparkle,


Lucky was devouring one of the stallions that had tried to kill her along with 2 other zombieponies. "MMmmm" She mumbled as she ate half a heart from the dead  stallion. "Urg" She mumbled again as she heard a scream. She left the half eatin stallion to the other zombieponies and went towards the source there. She saw a pony with another dying mare. Lucky was about to attack the pony but before she could do anything the pony flew away pretty fast. "Hnnnngh" She said going in the direction she thought she went.

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As He flew the mare's words kept echoing in his head. "The Dead" He thought for a moment even when he didnt need too. it is quite clear what is going on, but he just couldnt beleive it. He doesnt want to believe. If this is really happening then only one thought was stuck in his head. Finally after giving in to the need he flew north to an old shrivled up farm and landed near the gate and stood there afraid to go in. musering up as much courage as he could he walked into the property and headed for the barn, He slowly slid the door open and stood there staring at old dusty pictures and picked one up, He blow the dust off to reveal a small filly with a black-red mane standing next to a tree. A tear ran down his cheek and place the photo down. But before turning around he pulled the Pistol from its holster and pointed it at a pony to his right. He couldnt face the pony for it would bring back to many memories. He wispered " Im sorry... Mom" After saying that the pony screeched and ran toward him only to be blown back by a .45 bullet.

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I'd like to join as a zombie please! This thread sounds like fun, and I hope to get some brains out of it. :L

When the pony shot the gun, it alerted the other nearby zombie. The zombie starts to run in the direction of Lucky, and he starts to panic. Instinctively, the pony starts to run away.

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He knew that it was very idiotic of him to use a gun at a time like this, but truth be told he did'nt care. He looked out side to see how many heard the shot, Approximitly 20-30 " Zomponies" were limping slowly with a bit of exitment, probably hopeing for their next meal. He stuck the side arm in its holster and walked to the front of the gate.They finally caught sight of him and sped up.  He stuck his head into his sattle bag and pulled out a small round object with a pin at the tip of it He waited as the Ponies got closer, as they came at the right distance he took of and flew behind the clouds. the ponies screeched with anger and noticed something on the ground beneath them.Cross spit the pin out of his mouth and as he did there was a loud explosion as body parts flew in every direction. He smiled and flew off looking for any survivors.

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( since your an RPing noob, il let you off the hook... But I'm ignoring the part after you ask her what her name is ontop of the hill)


Shade looks at the other surviver "oh thank Celestia there's another surviver!" Shade turns to the pony " my name is shade, what I managed to get was a sattlbag full of apples. So who are you and what do you have?"

i have a wincheter rifle and a pyphon revolver you can have that one look after your self ok i also have a bag full of ammo i took from my house i also have some cholete bars and some apples and carrots oh yay my name is chatty dash we got to keep moveing i have seen what these things can do so lets go no just point and shoot make sure that they are the monsters not other survivers i will fly over head and search the area you be careful i will stay close and keep watch to keep you safe i am ex milatary so you stay with me you will be safe lets go  



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Shade looked at the chattering pony,


"um, guns? Personally, I don't even want to be caught dead with one of thoes things."


Shade didn't like guns for reasons unknown to her, she had her magic that she could survive with. Buy could only use it if her horn was showing.



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As Cross was flying he could see many more ponies limping and coliding into each other. He landed on the rooftop of a Hospital. He went down and checked several hallways and corridors to see if it was safe. There was another hallway that lead to a door. on the other side were the rooms were patient's slept. before he reached for the door he  heard so moaning and slowly turned around and walked to the main lobby, He barracaded the gates outside with some furnisher and once he looked satisfied he pulled a flare gun and waited. He knew that once he did this every pony and zombie would see this and would risk this defense. he nodded and pulled the trigger and out shot a Bright red ball of fire which would remain in the air for 3 minuets which should be enough time for any one to find him.

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