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The pain thread (aka ways you've hurt yourself)

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So yeah, we've all done something relatively stupid more than once in our lives that has either left us with cold hands, a thumb that got caught in the door, stepping on a tack, breaking glass, hitting our heads, blah blah blah.


Sooo, what kind of things have you guys done? This isn't a thread to encourage any masochists to take action, rather it's just a stupid thread that maybe we could all learn something from in the sense that we won't do the same things.


You see, the last thing I did that really hurt is that I thought it would be a cool idea to learn how to do those jump off a high place and do a roll when you land to break the impact kind of things that they do in movies. For who knows why I jumped off of a tree right on some sidewalk, and while I landed correctly I screwed up the roll and slammed my back right against the concrete, giving me some pretty extreme back pains that lasted for a few months. That was not a fun thing to do.


Anyhoo, what about you guys?

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Just last week I was showing my daughter the art of planking.


I demonstrated planking on top of our balcony, which I fell off of due to my lack of balance. 


Dislocated my shoulder.



And all my other injuries due to pure stupidity was my buddies and I imitating the 'Jackass' movies.

I don't really have to explain this one.



And all through my life, I had a habit a biting the inside of my mouth. I still have this habit.

This results in terrible ulcers all over my mouth, which made talking, eating, even breathing difficult.

In fact, I have an ulcer right now; right below my tongue. 

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Weeeeell... I think it was back around when i was 8 years old or so when i thought "Hey, lets stack all the heaviest things i can think of into a pile!", as you can see, i was a very stupid child. Anyway, during the process of stacking on a WOODEN ROCKING HORSE, i ended up dropping it and smashing my toe (right foot, big toe) and it shattered (okay... a bit over exaggerated ) my toe nail, and fell off, leaving me crying like... well, an 8 year old. My parents were there to help me and clean it off in the sink. I had to have it wrapped in cloth for about a month (if i remember) before it grew all the way back. Its now bigger and a bit strangely shaped compared to my left big toe.

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
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Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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While playing Socks at my friend's youth group, I ran into a wall and broke my nose. Well, I'm guessing I broke my nose. I inherited an insanely high pain tolerance from my dad. When I get sick, I don't tell my mom until my fever is up above 103 degrees.


Other than that, I've never really hurt myself. No dislocations, no broken bones or fractures, no concussions, no nothin'. I'm a very careful person.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Well one experience with pain was around Christmas time last year. I was helping set lights around the house, so while im doing that my brothers goes inside to do something leaving me to finish

So soon enough im done so I head to the ladder to climb down but as i'm climbing down the ladder tips over and I land on my back. Spent the rest of the day laying on the couch. Luckily I didn't have to go to hospital.

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When I was in Elementary School (primary for you non-americans), I would hurt myself so much that I earned the nickname "Crash (last name here)" from the school nurse.


More recently, Skater's Wrist.


That is all.

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When I was in my teens I was trying to plug in the new stove we got. Try as I might, the plug just wouldn't go in (I now know that those outlets are a real PITA and suck in general. Twist-lock receptacles FTW!) I guess as I was struggling with it, one of my fingers must've curled around the plug and touched a prong while it was half in (and energized!)


The sound that came out of me wasn't a scream so much as my diaphragm violently constricting due to 50 amps at 220 volts.


Oddly, I don't remember it hurting much. Actually, I don't remember much about it at all, just that I had to sit down for a while...


The next worst one which was more recent was burning the tip of my finger after trying to drill a hole with a crappy self-tapping screw. I went at a strut with the drill for a few minutes and wasn't getting anywhere, so I stopped and absent mindedly popped the screw out of the socket and held it while I pondered where I might find a less crappy screw.


A second or so later and I have a perfect hexagonal burn mark on the tip of my finger from the head of the screw which, after several minutes of being ground against steel, was extremely hot. The scar took months to disappear. I'm actually kind of disappointed it wasn't permanent because it looked cool! And damn it hurt, I should at least have a cool looking scar as a consolation!

Edited by decoherence
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All of my major injuries go as follows:


1. Broke my left wrist dirt biking.

2. broke my left wrist again. This time skateboarding.

3. Broken rib. Fighting.

4. Broken right arm Near the shoulder. Stupidity.

5  My left forearm snapped  it half. I stall have the plate in there. This time it was dirtbiking

6 Ran into a tree snowboarding and broke my leg.


Lol so yeah. Certain sports are high consequence if you fuck up. 

I'm pretty good at all of those thing so i guess its for the better.


Edited by yourmomsponies
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"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Sometime in elementary school, I was sitting on my bed reading with my knees tucked under a huge t-shirt. I went to get up, but I stood on the bottom of the shirt with the first step, lost my balance, and kneed myself in the nose with the other leg. 


Rolled down a hill lined with rocks, lost track of which direction I was going in, and rolled right into 'em. ...This was much more recently.


I am the epitome of grace.  -_- 

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Okay, so I was at my small engine repair class, and I was trying to start of them dang weed whackers. I started pulling the recoil start with my right hand, but it soon got tired. So I switch to my left (this is where the pain comes in). Not knowing there was a worktable behind me, I pull hard and bang my wrist right on the table. I hit it so hard, it sounded like a gunshot. All one could hear was a giant bang followed by a piercing scream of pain.


I also sprained/rolled my ankle several times in my life. Mainly because I was going down the stairs too fast. 


Also, one time when I was playing basketball, I had just caught a loose ball and was dashing straight for a layup. However, as I was running, my rear leg got caught in my lead lead leg and I ended up tripping myself hard on the wood and almost suffering a huge faceplant. 

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When I was a kid, did a powerslide. It seemed like the perfect way to end my air-guitar solo but the floor was carpeted. The carpet burn skinned both my knees off which then turned into huge scabs. Of course, when I sat down the scabs ended up splitting. I had the grossest looking knees for weeks.

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This is such a sad thread. :P

I've never actually broken any bones in my life. I'm cool like that. What I have done, though, is fall down the stairs at age 4. :c Had to be taken to hospital to patch up my forehead. Other than that, nothing extreme, just little things like paper cuts and stubbed toes.

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I rode my bike into a brick wall trying to race my dad around my middle school.


I somehow flipped over a chair and got a huge gash in my chin on Christmas morning and had to get several stitches.


And while playing soccer someone tried to steal the ball from me and I tried to lift up the ball and jump over their leg. I ended up not jumping high enough and went flying off and broke my arm.


Middle school was a great time :)

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I dislocated my thumb when I was a kid...It was backwards...my thumb nail was facing towards the palm of my hand...It wasn't fun.


I also broke my arm standing up on a sled (I know it was a stupid idea) It hurt but not as much as I would have thought...


I burned myself really badly on a pie plate, That kinda hurt.


And that's all I can think of at the mo.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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as a toddler, I was so cross-eyed I had to have surgery to make my pupils look (almost) in line with each other, so that makes hurt 1

as a kid, I went down a slide head first (yeah I know it was a bad idea) I hit the base so hard I lost half a tooth, hurt 2


My left Partelly got dislocated so bad I needed surgery, and that resulted in me needing 1 year to be able to walk normal again, hurt 3

My right Partella also dislocated once, but could be put back in place wihout surgery, should that happen again, right side is due for surgery as well, hurt 4


I once has about 3 weeks of tootache until it was finally found there was a cyst in my upper jaw. one more surgery and hurt 5

MLsig_zps69doiy9n.jpg<-plz click

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When I was in Kindergarten, during our break, there was this steep concrete slope that led to the playgrounds, and all the boys (Including me) would bolt down the slope in order to be in the playground first. One day, after a lot of running around, we tried racing down really really fast, and this asshat pulled ahead of me while I was trying to regain my balance, so I pulled on his shirt, yanked him back, which caused me to fly in the air, do a barrel roll, and crash and tumble down the hill. Had a deep cuts on my knee, elbow, head and leg. The school gave me band-aids and made me play in the sandpit until my mum got home -_-

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Cut my fingers multiple times on knives

Cut forearm with scissors (while cutting duct-tape)

Stepped on two nails (one in each foot) in Mexico within twenty minutes of each other

Hurt (broke?) my nose (twice) while grappling my older brother (his fault)

Slammed my ear into a metal bar while grappling a friend (permanent [minor] change of shape to my ear) (again not my fault)

Permanent(?) growth in right pinkie knuckle from punching bag

Broken(?) toes

Bleeding toe nails (from dance)

Sliced open toe (from cursed merry-go-round)

Many burns on feet (also courtesy of dance)

Broken wrist from doing backflips off of a trapeze (in preschool) (also my brother's fault)

Split open shin to the bone (same cursed merry-go-round)

Stabbed in back of thigh by part of a log while sledding (log's fault)

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I'm not overly prone to most physical injuries. I've never broken a bone, never dislocated a joint, never had any serious lacerations, never been badly burned.


However, I've almost blinded my self a disproportionate number of times, some of which where quite painful.

Here is a breakdown:

# of near misses - cause

2 - acid (HCL)

1 - NaOH

1 - NH3

6 - broken glass

2 - glass nanoparticles

3 - metal shavings (2 Al, 1 steel)

1 - compressed gas (N2 combined with glass shards)

1 - soldering

2 - Laser (1 IR, 1 visible)

Most painful I would have to say is metal shavings in the eye. Luckily, I only ever got 1st degree chemical burns.


I always carry safety glasses with me everywhere. It's probably the only reason I'm not blind by this point.


Edited by Cowl
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And to all things comes an end. We are no more than pages in a book.

Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. 
Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world.

It is a time for acts of despair and of bravery as well.

Another turn of the page and countless refugees flee. Is this the end of the story? No.

There are countless pages to turn. And to all things comes a beginning!

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Most painful I would have to say is metal shavings in you eye.

God, metal shavings in the eye is horrible. Happened to me a few weeks ago when I was drilling some holes in a piece of aluminum :(


Anyway, I generally try to avoid stupid things that result in injury, but back in elementary and middle school, I was much less cautious. And of course, shit happens.


Sprained my ankle in elementary, which wouldn't have been a big deal if I hadn't sprained the other one a week later while the first was still weak and messed up :(


Numerous cuts and bruises from when my friends and I would fight with wooden swords, PVC spears and shields made of fencing wire and duct tape.


A few construction related injuries, mostly cuts and stuff. But there was one time when I was jumping down off a ledge and smacked my forehead into a large wooden beam I didn't see, and then fell on concrete. That really sucked.


I've cut myself a ton of times while chopping vegetables at work.


These days, most of my pain is self inflicted. I'm not emo and cut myself or anything, just masochistic.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I've hard certain injuries... Not as many as some people here ofcourse, but my biggest one was probably a fully broken collarbone... I even heard the bone snap... Oh god, it was horrible... *Shivers*


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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There was this one time where I was riding my bike around, and I think I pulled on the brakes too quickly while turning. I proceeded to skid and faceplant, knocking out half of my front two teeth.


That's the worst I've ever done I think, although I'll be damned if it's the stupidest. There was this one time where I tried to jump over a shin-high wall and caught my foot on it, doing a 360 flip and landing on my arse. Which hurt. :lol: I actually think I dented the tarmac.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Let's see...

I once dislocated my arm (acidentally) while I was playing.

Was riding my bicycle down the road extremely fast when I hit a pothole and went flying. Practically the only reason my back wasn't torn apart was the leather jacket, which unfortunately didn't fare so well. Good leather jackets are hard to find these days.

Sliced my finger with a carrot peeler once when I was peeling vegetables.

Fell off a stone wall at my uncle's wedding, only for my friend to lose his balance too and fall on top of me. I couldn't breath for a few seconds and gosh, my ribs hurt.

Sliced my finger again, this time with a serrated knife. Cutting bread.

And many, many cuts, bruises, and nosebleeds.

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Let's see. I was hit by a car, but other than a mild concussion, I suffered no other injuries. Probably the worst injury(ies) I've had was breaking my left pinky twice.


I used to be pretty uncoordinated (And still am a little bit.) Anyway, the first time it happened, I was in 4th grade. I was throwing a football back and forth to my friend. I've never been the best at sports, and I didn't know how to catch a football at the time, so I apparently wasn't holding my hands the right way. So my friend throws the football pretty hard, and it hits me right in my finger, which broke it.


The second time it happened, I was in 5th grade, around a year later. This was still when my hand-eye coordination sucked. I was outside (Yes, we had recess in 5th grade) on the concrete Basketball courts, throwing--I think it was a hacky sack--back and forth between some kids. So someone throws it, and I unexpectedly catch it. I guess I was in a daze from having caught it (It hadn't happened to me very often), so I stumbled back, lost my balance, and somehow fell on my pinky, effectively breaking it.


I haven't broken anything since.

Edited by Betez



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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