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The pain thread (aka ways you've hurt yourself)

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In elementary school I was dared to jump off the big slide. This was no ordinary slide, mind you. It was probably about 2 stories high and was torn down for being over playground height restriction. Anyways, there I was, at the tippy top, dozens of kids chanting my name. I jumped, and it felt like I was in air for years. It was so surreal, I actually thought I died or something. Then all of that came to an end when I hit the ground on my side, heard a massive pop and crack, and passed out. Later I found out I had a dislocated should, broken arm, fractured wrist, and 3 cracked ribs. Hurt like crazy, I'll tell ya.


And let me just point out that your fingers hurt really badly first time playing guitar, man.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I just gave myself a big mental blow that is causing me anguish and causing me to shake which is causing me a lot of pain... I'm already in pain from bronchitis... (coughing, wheezing...)

I thought that maybe I could warn people anonymously at the college that the guy that assaulted me goes to...  but no, I get backlash saying that "just mad I couldn't get any from him" or flat out that I'm lying.     I used a gaming acct that I have to reply back pointing out in many cases of murder or assault their friends and family say stuff like they didn't seem like that type of person and so forth... also pointing out that the person assaulted probably doesn't want the assailant to know who is trying to get word out...  (There are 2 of us so far that I know of, and I know he has a thick record, but cases never went to court, just like mine.... mine was based on pure fear as to why I didn't go to court.)   I have it 3rd person sounding.... probably will get just as bad of a reaction...

No wonder people don't come out and say this crap happens... they get laughed at, called liars, lose their jobs, & the person follows them after you tell the police and don't press charges because of fear.  All of which happened to me.

I'm shaking so bad my 1/2 breaths are down to 1/4 breaths, and even those are painful


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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When I was 13 and on the runway I was in heels for the 1st time I tripped and broke my arm -_- I also dislocated my knee -_- other than that I got my finger stuck in  my VCR when I was a kid



Azusa Signature By the AMAZING Azura! Other Images by the amazing ~Chaotic Discord~

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Well, when i was three i got my hand stuck in a freaking electrical socket. Luckily, either it was off or my hand wasn't deep enough, because i didn't get a huge amount of volts going down my spine.


More recently has to do with pushing mallet instruments-- getting my hand jammed between a sign and a xylo, pushing a mallet instrument with the wheel locked and faceplanting on mud, trying to stop a bassdrum from flying and bruising the spot where my funnybone is...

your daily dose of unoriginality.

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  • 2 years later...

Well I hurt myself realllllly bad once, but not on purpose. I was sitting my chair and I lifted my leg up and my knee hit the edge of the desk. I was in excruciating pain for a whole 5 minutes, I lay on my bed waiting the pain out and I was sweating all over so much that my sheets were all wet. My heart was trying to break through my ribs. I never had that much pain from a simple strike to the knee.


I guess those arrow-to-the-knee jokes weren't funny after all. :(


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- I had to get an ingrown toenail removed.


- I had to get a 3 inch piece of wood removed from my finger.


- I cut myself with a razor and cut my tendon.

Damn. I've hurt myself in the past. But I hurt myself mentally, and not physically.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Apparently when I was like 3 or 4 years old, My sister banged my head against a hard surface and was hospitalized for that if I remember correctly but I never remember being severely injured like that, maybe that amnesia was a side-effect from that injury because I can't remember a lot things from this period of my life.


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

 Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog)


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I usually bang my toe on shit, or my elbow. (getting into bed I banged my elbow)

I've also punched crap and hurt my hand and wrist a few times, most of those were out of frustration with school or my own Fuck-ups.

Hurt myself a few times biking, but I think that's about it.






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Let's see. I hurt myself so many times on accident, that I can only think of some, not accounting the chronic back pain I have:


I got my toenail caught in a door that fell off nearby the kitchen at my second house years ago.

I slid on a small patch of ice and had minor lacerations.

I broke my collarbone before.

I banged my toe multiple times.

I hyperextended my knee, resulting in minor pain.

I sprained my neck and shoulder on multiple occasions.


Miraculously, I slid down an entire flight of steps before, again in the second house, and only had minor bruises from it.

(coming soon)

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So my grandma was really sick and in the hospital. I was visiting her with my family, and they turned on some zen relaxation music. My family knows me as the goofball, and so my mom told me to do an "interpretive dance" to the music.


So I did. Let's just say I fell and pulled a neck muscle...





may your day be filled with...

sparkles, sequins, glitter, and shiny stuff

-fabrarity   :pout: 

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Two particularly stupid things I've done in my life:


I was sledding and I'd stupidly chosen a path that would ram me straight into a tree. The left brake, which I thought I could use to steer, had broken in my previous run and I knew that so why I made this choice mystifies me. I jumped out of the sled, landed on my back and started to get up, only to be smashed in the face by the sled that was coming after me. It hurt, but no serious injuries, fortunately.


The second one would be after the match Netherlands-Brazil in the 2010 World Cup. After winning I jumped up off the couch and threw my fist in the air...and smashed into our ceiling, which isn't that high. Left three nice and bloody marks on the ceiling, and had some very painful knuckles for a few days.

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When I was about 6 or 7, my brother and I were watching a documentary about Buddhist monks. They showed them walking on hot coals, so me and my brother got the greatest idea of putting a bed of Legos on the floor, and ran over top of them barefoot. Lets just say that I had to go to the hospital for the removal of foreign objects. 

  • Brohoof 1

Does the Onion grace my presence?

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  • 4 months later...

Well five years ago my dogs started to fight over a bone and since I was home alone being the stupid ten year old that I was I got on the floor to try to separate them from each other but that did not end well since they both went on their back legs when they were coming to land back on all fours the one on my rights claw got stuck in my shoulder and it hurt like hell I started to bleed a little once I got the claw out but luckily for me my dad arrived shortly after and separated the dogs and bandaged up more shoulder.

My shoulder still hurts and that event left a scar on my shoulder but I don't care


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As a little kid I got my hand slammed in the doorway of a minivan. That was probably the most painful thing that ever happened to me.


Also I remember as a kid jumping off a swing and landing on my arm. I'm pretty sure I broke my arm. I never went to the doctor even though it was excruciatingly painful.


Once I crashed a go kart into a tree and banged my head against the steering wheel. It wasn't anything bad but it hurt.


I was a very clumsy child :P


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I cut my finger with a knife by accident ._. lets just say,I never seen so many ketchup came out of my finger ._.

Edited by Princess_Moonlight




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This story is actually the earliest conscious memory I can recall.  I was three years old and it was Christmas time, my dad was deployed at the time and my uncle was in town visiting us, anyway I was just being your average three year old, playing with my Noo Noo teletubies toy, except I was playing with it about midway up the flight of stairs that connected our first and second floors.  inevitably I took a tumble down the stairs ultimately resulting in me getting a bloody nose.  


Back when I was five years old me and my family went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant in town, after we got back everyone was getting out of the car and making their way back into the house, and at that moment I spotted the exhaust pipe on our family car and for some reason which I cannot understand even today I grabbed it full force with my right hand, a few minutes later I had a blister on each finger that covered the entirety of each fingertip.   


For a more recent story a few weeks ago me and my mom are going through boxes of old stuff.  Upon opening one box I saw a couple of books and thought "oh these look cool!" and I immediately scooped my hand in to grab them failing to notice the broken picture frame with several lose shards of glass beneath them. Needless to say I received a pretty bad cut on my finger, but strangely it did not hurt that bad initially, I kind of just stared at it for a good long while whilst making sounds like this.  





moral of the story, don't grab exhaust pipes and don't blindly reach into boxes of old stuff, and don't play with toys on stairs.  

Edited by Ac3xAssasin
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Okay, this story takes place about three years ago when I was in Senior High-school. I was working the Nightshift as a cashier at a 7-11 in the middle of the highway.


Keep in mind that this store was a forty-five minute drive away from civilization, with the only other place nearby being a Camp-sight/Rest Area. It was around 1:30 am, and it was a friday, so i was pretty tired.


To keep myself from falling asleep, I was playing Tetris or Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral-Town or something on my GBAsp. While playing away, a large semi-truck pulled in without me noticing. The guy managed to get into the store, walk around, and pick up some snacks/coffee ect without me hearing him. They guy eventually makes his way to the desk to pay for his goods and to buy some diesel for his truck.


It was at this time that I looked up, to see this 6' 7" beard sporting trucker standing right infront of me. I then proceeded to scream, however, while doing so, I suddenly sneezed violently, sending my forehead into the hard metallic cash register, causing the Cash Draw to fly open. 


For what felt like hours, the trucker and I just had an awkward silent stare. Eventually, he pulled out his wallet, and I began scanning his items, he then said "I'll get 150 bucks of regular diesel at number 3," proceeded to pay, and left without another word...


Anyway, thats my story...


Does the Onion grace my presence?

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While playing Socks at my friend's youth group, I ran into a wall and broke my nose. Well, I'm guessing I broke my nose. I inherited an insanely high pain tolerance from my dad. When I get sick, I don't tell my mom until my fever is up above 103 degrees.


Other than that, I've never really hurt myself. No dislocations, no broken bones or fractures, no concussions, no nothin'. I'm a very careful person.



HEY GUYS remember when I said this? Yeah, that didn't last long.


At running camp I fell off a cliff, tore upon my thigh, and had to get bussed to the closest major town (an hour down the mountain) for stitches. Doc said that if the injury was a couple centimeters this-or-that way, or much deeper, I probably would've torn an artery and bled out on the mountain.


That was cool. I have a neat picture of the wound fresh and dirty, but I doubt I could post it here without breaking some decency rules. Just know that you can see a lot of blood and internal body-stuff.  :lol:

Edited by Kolth

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Running around me home, which has rocks all around like it's their job to be there.


Bad idea..


Fall and break my damn knee. Gaping hole and lots of blood.


I just decide to go home, lay down and watch TV.. cured in a few days.


This was a few years ago btw.

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