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Hypnotize yourself to be a pony, links included

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Well here is my experience on it ok here's how it goes for me i will go step by step so if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated.

1. Get comfy i usually do this while i'm laying down

2. Turn on PSP and play the pony track (i choose Twilight Sparkle)

3. i relax my body and focus on the voice and the instructions

4. after about 5 mins into the track my body starts to feel numb and tingly

5. after the track ends i say the special word (I'm a Smart Pony)

6. after about a few minutes i feel nothing. 

I have tried this for a week what am i doing wrong?

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I just tried this with Rarity. I can definitely feel relaxed, and things did fall numb. I have tried bi-naural beats before, and they work wonders. I used over-ear headphones and was laying on my bed. I didn't quite transform though. It was kinda funny when I started feeling things tingle exactly where they were supposed to, and my body resisted laughing (for some reason, I had the urge to giggle, it was funny, but I didn't laugh). No true changes in my absolute concious mind took place though. I think the hardest part is keeping my eyes still and closed and not strained (it hurt to keep them closed for a while :\ ). I will definitely be doing this again.

"With the chord as my shepherd, I walk through the valley of the shadow of djent, I fear no fr0ts, for You are with me;

Your truss rod and Your saddle heights, they comfort me." - Psalm Mute 0:00

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My fourth attempt, this time with Rainbow Dash, was met with no more success than my first.  I got constantly distracted by my own mind.  I'll have to try again, this time without the background music.  I noticed myself being drawn to the little things in the music, which made it harder for me to concentrate on the voice.  Perhaps I should also be doing two of these, one after another, but I don't believe that I have time for that.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Attempt #1 with the Twilight recording...


I was lying down in bed, underneath several blankets (to keep warm), with the room in absolute darkness. By the time the speaker finished his initial counting (is this called an induction?), my eyes were twitching for a short length of time; I'm not sure if this happens when one relaxes deeply enough.


It was quite an interesting experience! I could feel my hands changing into hooves, sort of like a mental structure forming around my hands and feet to the point where I believed that they were hooves. I felt my mouth and face changing too as well as my mane touching my shoulders, and while I did have to yawn at some point during the hypnosis, it felt like I was yawning with a pony mouth. And the horn on my head! At first I was trying to imagine how it would look from a third-person view, but I quickly changed to imagining how it would feel and look from my point of view. As the hypnosis was drawing to its end, I was able to imagine my pony body lying there in its entirety. The moment I opened my eyes, however, my body returned to its original state. Repeating the phrase doesn't have any drastic effect on me, but I believe its effect will grow stronger as I repeat the hypnosis.


There were a few factors that I believe interfered with the hypnosis. First, my stomach and back were sore throughout, and I wasn't able to lay on my side due to my earphone plugs, so I had to deal with the pain. Second, the contact between the blankets and my body (especially with my fingers and toes) hindered the hypnosis/illusion because it made me conscious of my physical body; feeling the sensation of touch on one or a few of my fingers is distracting when my entire hand is supposed to be a single hoof!


The most difficult part of the hypnosis was imagining having a mane and tail, but this is likely because I was thinking too much about how it would press against the bed I was lying on.


I'm going to try again tonight, if I can have my house quiet and dark enough for a short time. I definitely look forward to a second attempt. :)

Edited by StingeMuffin
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For some reason I just can't seem to get trance right. I'm trying but just can not seem to enter it.


Also, Do you have to imagine it or just listen land it should do it itself?


I just can't seem to get it.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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For some reason I just can't seem to get trance right. I'm trying but just can not seem to enter it.


Also, Do you have to imagine it or just listen land it should do it itself?


I just can't seem to get it.


Which character were you trying to do?


I don't know how accurately I can describe it, but, for myself at least, it seems to be a combination of listening and imagination/ disconnecting yourself from your body. I allow myself to "sink down" or "let go" to the point where my entire body is completely relaxed, and where I feel like I couldn't care any less to move my body, yet at the same time remaining awake and aware of it. If I stay this way long enough my limbs will begin to grow numb feeling. You ARE completely, utterly, 100% relaxed; you know that your body is still there, but you just can't be bothered to care about it or your surrounding environment. Don't think too much, but don't let yourself fall asleep.


I think you have to imagine what the voice is telling you to some degree. I feel like if all I did was listen, then nothing would happen. What the voice is telling you IS happening. You are seeing and feeling what it's saying you are, and the voice is all that matters, because you couldn't care less about anything else.


I definitely understand how it could seem confusing if it doesn't come naturally to you, and trying to interpret my inadequate description probably doesn't bring you any closer to your goal (and I sound like a looney in the process :P). All the same, I hope this helps you a little. If not, you could try a different character like Twilight. A different script and speaker could make a difference.

  • Brohoof 2
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10/10 will try this right now (time to go to bed where I live :lol: )


I was afraid I wouldn't understand the english in the audio file, but it's slow and clear so I should be fine...

I'm glad I took the english lessons seriously  :P

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i did this with the fluttershy file and it felt amazing, the feeling of relaxation and transformation, to the hooves to the flutter of the wings i felt every second of it. the numbness and tingling, it's something i have never felt before, i didn't want it to end. I hope to do this another time, just so i can have that same sensation agian.


In another words, it works.

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to do this soooo bad but I'm kinda afraid to do it. What if my parents walk in on me! What if I'm not able to come outta this thing! What if it gives me a heart attack (although I'm not sure you can get a heart attack from being relaxed)!

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I want to do this soooo bad but I'm kinda afraid to do it. What if my parents walk in on me! What if I'm not able to come outta this thing! What if it gives me a heart attack (although I'm not sure you can get a heart attack from being relaxed)!

Don't worry about not coming out of it. the thing tells you how to get out of it. I have done these a few times. It is harmless, I would like to see better results than the ones I am getting though. But ya don't worry about not coming out of it, I guarantee if you do it you feel really relaxed, Hope you decide to do it.


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I've tried this so many times. I feel most of the transformation but when I wake up, I feel nothing. What's going on? I've tried this like 10 times now and it still has not worked for me. 

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Just listened to the pony eares track twice tonight my ears don't feel too different after. On the last time I was REALLY concentrating better than any of the previous times with other tracks. My whole body was so relaxed I just didn't want to move sadly my ears didn't feel the transformation much I think tomorrow I'll try the ears again if I can get them to work then I will try a pony.

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So I made my fifth and sixth attempts last night, first with Applejack and then with Twilight.  I'm definitely glad that I decided to do them in that order, because I really don't like the guide's voice for Applejack.  The way he speaks just sounds very unnatural.  Even so, I feel like I got a little transformation in my legs, but nothing more than that.  That will probably be the last time that I do the Applejack track.  But then there was the Twilight one...


This was the first time that I actually felt some feeling of success.  For one, the guide's voice is amazing, like some sort of slightly higher pitched and British Morgan Freeman (off-topic: we should pay Morgan Freeman to voice one of these).  I had also just done the Applejack track, so I was already rather relaxed.  Finally, I was trying a new mental technique of repeating certain phrases that the guide said.  For example, the guide says, "You are just so relaxed," and I mentally repeat, "I am just so relaxed."  With this, I definitely felt the changes in my back legs, and I believe that I also felt the horn.  I may have felt hooves, but they went away as soon as I woke up.  I did actually have a very hard time standing on two legs.  They were very shaky when I tried, and I had to lean up against things to remain upright.  There was nothing significant with my personality, though that's likely because Twilight is very similar to me.  All in all, it was the most successful hypnosis yet.

  • Brohoof 4

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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It didn't work on me. ;(

I felt shivering as she told me all that stuff that's growing on me but that's all. I don't think I even reached the trance.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I still can't get a full-transformation yet. I've listened to the Rarity session about 3 times now, and while I can get my ears, hair, and rear to transform, I still can't get the legs, face, tail, or horn to. The phrase does nothing, but I do find myself acting more like Rarity subconciously, even outside of the trance state.


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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The first few times you do this you may not feel transformation, but you get so dang relaxed that if you do this before bed, it's really easy to fall asleep. :P

"With the chord as my shepherd, I walk through the valley of the shadow of djent, I fear no fr0ts, for You are with me;

Your truss rod and Your saddle heights, they comfort me." - Psalm Mute 0:00

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I don't think I even reached the trance.

I think the problem is right here. If you didn't reach the trance part, which is exactly what I think most people aren't reaching, you're not really going to be hypnotized.

I'd try it again, and if it doesn't work the second time I'd try relaxing yourself your own way. I don't know you too terribly well yet, but you seem like the kind of person who'd be fine meditating; if that doesn't work I've heard people tell me that this video works really well (although it's visuals only); if that doesn't work for a trance you could hit me up on skype later at night and I could see if my induction techniques would work.

Also, maybe just some random suggestion but people are more likely to naturally fall into a trance on their own at different times of the day. I think one of those big moments are when you wake up, so I don't have any evidence pointing towards this but it might work better if you do it in the morning. Edited by Lord Bababa
  • Brohoof 2

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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when you wake up, so I don't have any evidence pointing towards this but it might work better if you do it in the morning.


Same here, I tried two times, the second time with the "aid" file included in the doc (20 minutes of "your mind is blank, you're in trance, listen to da voice")


Well, I feel relaxed and all, but still too aware and conscious of what happens and surrounds me, but I think it's also because i often think "Am I doing it right ?"...


Gotta practice moar, because right now I didn't feel anything

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"Am I doing it right ?"...

Yup here's the issue alright. I'm not you, so I'm not sure how hard it is to not think this, but the solution really is to just forget about yourself and just listen to the voice. Maybe try laying down, taking deeper and longer breaths; meditate a bit before hand, listen to some zen music while you're at it, yadda yadda yadda


By the way by Zen I don't mean those super crazy Touhou songs I mean crap like this


Edited by Lord Bababa

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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By the way by Zen I don't mean those super crazy Touhou songs I mean crap like this


I lol'd


Thanks for the advice.

Usually I don't have too much trouble to concentrate on something, but I think the fact that I'm not a native english speaker doesn't help. Sometimes when I don't get a word, I can lose some focus.

I'll try this again tonight.


Oh, I have some questions though.


When, at the end of the file, you're supposed to "wake up", are you supposed still be in pony form ?


Is it really possible to switch between forms at will with enough practice ?


Does looping a file while sleeping can help ?

Edited by Akihiro
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I lol'd


Thanks for the advice.

Usually I don't have too much trouble to concentrate on something, but I think the fact that I'm not a native english speaker doesn't help. Sometimes when I don't get a word, I can lose some focus.

I'll try this again tonight.


Oh, I have some questions though.


When, at the end of the file, you're supposed to "wake up", are you supposed still be in pony form ?


Is it really possible to switch between forms at will with enough practice ?


Does looping a file while sleeping can help ?

1. For most of these they slowly transition you back to being a human, but if you want to continue being a pony you can

2. Yes, and if you can nail one you can nail them all and switch at will

3. Not while sleeping. Your mind isn't going to be paying enough attention to the audio files while you are sleeping.

  • Brohoof 1

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Hmm...All of the downloads for the main 6 seem to follow the same pattern at the beginning. Are there any with a different into? hearing the same person or different people speak the same things over and over, is actually rather distracting, and has been breaking my ability to relax as much. I haven't been able to achieve the same level of relaxation since my first attempt thanks to them all being the same....it's just...jarring in a way. I guess.

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It was an amazing experience that I had with these. I tried the Twilight Sparkle one and it was extremely interesting. I have probably never felt as relaxed in my life before as I did when I was listening to these. 


Thank you for sharing them with everyone! 

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Well after a few sessions of listening to the Twilight Sparkle track the only thing i have felt is being rly relaxed i still have yet to feel anyting relating to feeling like i'm a pony ive done everything but still nothing i don't know what i'm doing wrong i know i'm not immune to hypnosis casue I've been hypnotized before so i don't get what i'm doing wrong can anyone tell me?

Edited by Luna'sChosen
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